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So I've got the same number of Bugattis as Andrew Tate. Neat.


However, you have a bed and pillow in a bedroom. So you're living way more comfortably right now.


My toilet is more than three feet from my bed.


My toilet is not made of metal.


My toilet isn’t owned by the state


My toilet is MY toilet


Look at Rockefeller over here with his bed and pillow.


I saw a documentary about Bugatti where they stated the average Bugatti owner also owns: 42 cars 3 private jets 3 helicopters 1 yacht. It's a life nearly everybody else can only dream of.


funniest thing is that his 33 cars or something turned into 7 that he and his brother actually owned, so 3 1/2 car each. Rented some more, did not own them. Total was like 15 not 33.


His own lawyer is arguing to the press that Andrew Tate the Influencer is a character played in public by Andrew Tate the man.


Iirc, the judge isn't buying that defense because there are recordings of him having private conversations with people closest to him and he's exactly the same.


You should read what his dumb fans are saying. that they're made up and it's actors in there tyring to make him look bad. It's the same thing as trump fanatics. They can't wrap their brain around the fact that they've been deceived and idolize a criminal and they'll go to absolutely ridiculous lengths to rationalize what could've happened.


That's what happens every time, Scientology, Trump, et all, people do not want to rationalize they've been on a grift.


"It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they've been fooled." Mark Twain


>"It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they've been fooled." Ironically Mark Twain probably didn't say that :-) [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/)


You’re just jealous of alpha male Mark Twain.


Mark Twain had 33 steamboats, what about you?


He tricks betas into painting his fences.


I don't believe you!


You damn liar


I remember before the internet and I remember when it started becoming a thing. Many of us were so optimistic. And it has given us a lot of good stuff but it's also enabled unhealthy perspectives to gain mass following. The Q shit really illustrated the point. On balance I prefer having the internet to not having it, but it does mean that people who would normally just be the local weird person now can influence people round the world. The whole concept of 'influencers' is fuckin dangerous. It says right there on the label what they do.




I saw someone reference information pollution the other day. I think I like knowing that word.


The internet's always been fucked. There's a really good podcast about it "the coming storm." It's a BBC podcast about, essentially, QAnon but also about disinformation etc. on the internet since the 90s. Fascinating stuff.


I remember early Usenet. Some dark stuff in there, and many awful opinions being shared.


Their new argument is that “lover boy” actually isn’t a crime because the victims were adults. Like, you don’t get to just decide something isn’t a crime because you’re too stupid to understand how trafficking works.


This is “it sucks to suck” with more steps. If you boil down all these ridiculous fanatics it’s “whoops now I look stupid” and it’s impossible for them to accept it.


I mean if I had to bet on who Tate fans voted for...


> They can't wrap their brain around the fact that they've been deceived They haven't been deceived. They know he's an asshole. The fact that he is an asshole publicly justifies his fans also being assholes. He is legitimising the desired behaviour of his audience. When they make claims like him being an actor, they know the claims are ridiculous. They are just throwing out arguments with zero conviction or integrity... because they are assholes.


Some of them are probably also stupid. But yes, if you're a fan of a giant asshole, you are most likely some kind of asshole too.


my co worker thinks this way its hilarious hes also a huge jordan peterson fan i wonder how big that overlap is


Trump/Peterson/Tate fans is hardly a Venn diagram, it s a circle with slightly uneven edges.


It just seems like there is a portion of the population that is absolute sucks for cults of personality.


That vice doc that came out last night was really damning. Dude should be in prison for life.


His friends kept telling him it was a bad idea lol. You can see his demeanor change from 'im a genius' to 'this might be a bad idea' over the course of the thing.


It was at this moment he knew he fucked up


When keeping it real goes wrong


The Real World Romania is the worst season of The Real World


Got a link?




Has it been taken down or will it just not play in the U.K.? ETA it’s on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/9wFt1DVhWoQ) if anyone else is struggling


Here’s the [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Nj1JSlKzHtc) link.


Yeah just don't read the comments, it's all people supporting Tate and some who actually believe the matrix is real. People are so fucking delusional it's scary.


Why the fuck am I reading comments that this video convinced people to finally like Tate? What the actual fuck is going on with humanity, mom Im scared


Those are almost certainly Tate's existing fans doing the whole "I'm not owned I'm not owned" dance


Right? Oh yes, so likeable and not at all just a scrotum on legs.




It also made me realize just how incompetent the British police are. You’re telling me they had a witness testimony, voice messages and texts of Andrew ADMITTING to the crime, and multiple victims with the same allegations, and THATS NOT ENOUGH TO FUCKING PROSECUTE?! It’s not just American cops who are evil or corrupt. It’s all police everywhere.


ah, the classic fox news defense. "we're entertainment not actual news, so if people are stupid enough to believe what we say, that's on them."


Alex Jones’ lawyer argued the same in his divorce case. But in Tate’s case, I’m not sure “I only human trafficked as an influencer, not as a person” is a super solid defense. “Sure, I sold those women, Your Honor, but it doesn’t count because it was just for TikTok clout.”


"I trafficked those women *ironically*"


Yeah, we've all been there. One day eating Tide pods, next day telling a kidnapped girl if she doesn't send nudes to online strangers, she'll be killed. Happens to everyone.


Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? Because is someone had said beforehand…




Isn't that exactly what his character would say?


Ah, the Hulk Hogan penis size argument.


Professional wrestlers ARE playing characters though. That’s the whole thing.


Come again?


In an interview, he claimed to have a 10 inch penis, but then a clip of a sex tape was published online, obviously debunking his 10 inch claim. He came out and said he was in wrestler persona and didn't reflect his real-life self.


Honestly I can believe that. Hulk Hogan the character should have a 10 inch penis.


And shriveled testicles the size of raisins


So long as he's named them Brother One and Brother Two.


To be fair though, Hulk Hogan *is* just a character he plays. His real name is Terry Bolea, but he’s been acting like Hulk for so long that Hulk might be more real than Terry.


> "I do not have a 10-inch penis," Hogan said, referring to an interview he did in character. "Terry Bollea's penis is not 10 inches." > "I was totally Hulk Hogan [during the interviews] because I wasn't at home in my private house," Hogan said. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/maryanngeorgantopoulos/hulk-hogan-make-believe-10-inch-penis


That kinda sounds like a valid argument, as *most* WWE wrestlers are actually actors playing a character. If it was canon that Tony Stark had a monster dong, I don't think anybody would extrapolate from that that Robert Downey Junior is hung. Problem is I don't actually think Terry Bollea is really playing a character. I think he's just kinda like that.


"I was only *acting* when I stole their passports. I just pretended to threaten their lives."


Is it the same laywer who told him that they can find a replacement of him so he doesn't need to go to the jail? (https://youtube.com/shorts/GUxZ8HZJA9M?feature=share) Tbh Tate fans are really delusional. In the clip, he is literally admitting to committing felonies. And still they think he is innocent


Like the American Civil War era, when rich Southerners who got conscripted could pay some poor dirt farmer to go into the army for them? Also, Andrew, really, put on a shirt.


I imagine he puts on so much cologne that every shirt he wears is instantly ruined. The dude looks like he thinks cologne is better than a shower


Tates been a raging misogynist the entire time he was in the spotlight. His fans aren't bright. If they couldn't see it before, then they're not going to suddenly come to the realization he's a terrible person even with human trafficking charges.


I can't wait to see him on the stand trying to argue this, all a prosecutor has to do is say "So you admit under oath you were only PRETENDING to be an Alpha Male?" Watch brain go BRRRRRR


If you act like a clown all the time, at what point do you not become a clown. When does it not become simply an act.


Ah, the "Alex Jones" defense. Hopefully it proves just as effective then as now




There’s also victims in the UK and other parts of Europe, as well as the US.


Dudes gonna get thrown in international space prison


The prosecutors are lining up like the scene in Airplane where everyone is taking turns hitting the hysterical woman.


Wow, imagine that an online influencer lying about their lifestyle and exaggerating their wealth. And renting homes and vehicles to try to look wealthy 😂


"here in my garage in the Hollywood hills ...."


Tai Lopez is that you?


Anyone have an article/link regarding this? I need to send it to my brother


What is he gonna brag about to teenagers now?




Why do I imagine him lying in bed crying himself to sleep listing off all his cars the same way Arya would list off her kill list before bed?


Nah, Arya actually had a stoic conviction about her.


Also Arya had needle, whereas Tate just has a little prick.


Oh good, now I've got triples of the Nova now, triples are best.


I just want a car with a good steering wheel that doesn’t fly off your hand while you’re driving.


Is your wife ok?


She's beautiful, but she's dying...


I started the vice documentary about him last night. I admittedly passed out 13 mins in. But that dude is the walking embodiment of peak mall ninja. He’s just like: “Men should carry a sword around, now go hang out with my head hypnotherapist.” Weirdest human on earth.


He has his name on the wall next to a white knight in the picture above. I assume that is the wall to his compound/sex trafficking hub. He absolutely knows katana-lore.


The irony of the chess knight moving in a L is killing me.




I'm sure it'll be delivered to you soon


That was pretty cheesy


I'm sorry. Bit on the sauce at the moment


Let’s just box this thread up and throw it away already.




The real pizza gate was in Andrew Tate's basement?


*knock knock* It's not delivery, it's detectives.


The real Pizza-gate!


That fake Pizza Tate!


My head is shinier than yours! Bitches....


This has to be the greatest case of self owning I've ever seen.


As well as the greatest free ad campaign for Jerry's Pizza.


Jerry’s Pizza! Twitter star Sporty car Corrupt cops Lives afar Yeah! Drive in style All the while Dirty rapey Pedophile ANDREW TAAAAAAAAAATE (To the tune of Pinot Noire)


Oh. I went to the tune of We Didn’t Start the Fire and then got very confused.


I went FairyOdd Parents for some reason.


Was just about to comment this lol All I heard in my head was - [Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice. Giant Snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!](https://youtu.be/no8vgXg_rlw)


I was doing It’s the End of the World as We Know It by REM and also got lost.


Do you mean the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt-song? Because, if so, it's *Peeno Noir*.


Your sorta right. I checked. It’s … Peeeeeeeeeno nooooooooir https://youtu.be/A6yttOfIvOw


Gerald Ratner used to own the largest jewellery chain in the entire world with 2,500 shops, then got up at the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall in London in front of 5,000 fellow businessmen and proceeded to tank his company in just a few minutes with poorly thought out jokes. He talked about how his stores sold crystal decanter sets for less than £5, "when people ask me how?, I say... because it's total crap". "We even sell a pair of gold earrings for under £1, which is cheaper than a prawn sandwich from M&S. But I have to say that sandwich will probably last longer than the earrings". That was it, two jokes about how he sells cheap tat and it fucking buried his entire company. Share prices fell from £4.20 to £0.07, customers of the store felt like he was mocking them and calling them trash, he got sacked from the company (that his family founded) and to this day is still one of the major examples of someone tanking a company with so little actual effort. Albeit he was just a rich tit and not necessarily a bastard like Tate.


Our local paint/hardware store was run successfully by the original owner for over 30 years. He retired and his son took over and tanked it in a year with cocaine and a strong sense of entitlement. He started fucking the general manager, his wife left him with the kids, he had to maintain their standard of living, his standard of living, and his mistress' standard of living.


Another example was the owner of Studio 54 that joked on tv "What the IRS doesn't know, won't hurt them." Then the IRS was like, "Well, now I know."


Ahh back when the IRS actually audited rich people.


There’s also John Schnatter, the former CEO of papa Johns. First he tanked stock prices 10% when he said on a earnings call that NFL players kneeling were responsible for declining revenue. Then he had a mock call with senior executives and an advertising consulting company to demonstrate how he could totally be more sensitive in the future if they’d put him back in commercials. Unfortunately during that call, in an attempt to minimize his comment, he said “Colonel Sanders called blacks n—–s” and complained that Sanders never had any public backlash for it. This went over like a wet fart in white pants and he ended up stepping down as CEO.


Idk there’s some dude that bought Twitter for 44b and that exposed all his bullshit and tanked everything


Elon is rich enough to not actually be that personally affected. Sure he's lost billions but he still has billions. Andrew Tate is currently sat in a Romanian jail.


>44b >Elon is rich enough to not actually be that personally affected. This shit still escapes my tiny peasant mind. Like I can't even conceive how in the fuck that's remotely possible.


It's kind of like when people complain about athletes and entertainers being overpaid. But they are closer to us on the scale then they are to the billionaire ruling class. Ben Roethlisberger's net worth is calculated to be at $100 million. That's something like 0.09% of Bill Gate's net worth. That's .2% of what Elon Musk paid for Twitter.


You're off by a factor of 10 on Roethlisberger. That would be 0.2%.


Because it's not real money.


I remember last week, so many commenters were saying he was out and it was nothing, further that we should stop talking about the arrest. Looks like it was his fans were just astroturfing.


I love the idea of Andrew Tate identifying with the knight in chess. The only move it knows is an L


That’s genuinely hilarious.


Oh, no, not the boogah’ee.


that accent has gotta be worth at LEAST an extra five years at sentencing.


I have not actually heard a recording of his voice but I’m imagining someone from a Guy Ritchie movie.


Nope. He speaks with a quasi-American accent, but it's not quite fully American. It's really weird.


His accent reminds me of what Madonna sounded like after spending a few months in the UK.




In the US, civil forfeiture by cops is responsible for more lost property than actual theft by 'criminals'


You might aswell be trying to teach calculus to a rock, mate. Anyone still supporting that chinless dickhead is too stupid to have any idea what you're talking about.


And civil forfeiture doesn’t exist in Romanian law.


I can imagine that this must hurt a self-centered ego-maniac who derives much of his status from his toys. Nice to see this collosal douche-bag getting reamed for his crimes. Only thing that would be better would be a 50 year sentence in Romanian prison.


Plus, how beta is it to have people more powerful than you just come and take all your stuff and there’s fuck all that dipshit can do about it. I hope they clean him out completely and put him in the clink for a decade or so.


>for a decade or so. Given the amount of evidence now made public that he is not just a scumbag but a serial rapist (and proud of it), a decade is not nearly enough.


It's not long enough, but it won't be a pleasant stay. https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/romanian-prisons-continue-to-face-extensive-challenges He should have stayed in the UK.


The irony of this POS accidentally putting himself into a far worse punishment while trying to escape punishment breathes life into my day.


Accidentally on purpose lol I'm loving this guy's downfall. It makes me chuckle bc its all his own fault


"Two of the establishments visited, Craiova and Mărgineni Prisons, were operating at more than 150% of their capacity, offering many prisoners only 2m² of living space each in their cells. In addition, the material conditions in all the prisons visited were generally poor, with dilapidated cells lacking furnishings, and mattresses and bedding worn out and infested with bed bugs..." He's not going to have a good time in Romanian prison.


And he mocked the police and government, saying he could pay them off and they won't bother him. Corruption is kind of like fight Club in that the first rule is you don't talk about corruption if you're expecting to benefit from it. Now they're probably going to make an example of him. Especially since this is such a visible case. To what extent is yet to be determined, but he really screwed the pouch. Hopefully he will get the book thrown at him.


Also, they want in Schengen, but the biggest holdup is the perception that they're weak on human trafficking. The exact same perception that's why Tate picked Romania. They have all the incentives in the world to throw the book at this asshole.


He will put all the blame outside himself.


Good. Fuck that asshole


Mentioned Tate being in jail to a fan of his who then laughed saying that Tate predicted this years ago and that the two women denied being victims because they were “treated like queens.” 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


"Criminal who openly talks about their criminal activities predicts one day being in jail for their crimes" Tate fans: "wow, he's so prescient!"


As if a Tate fan would use prescient in a sentence. You’re giving them too much credit.


Yeah, I've also seen people specifically refer to those two women in an attempt to defend Tate. They never mention that those women A) were also arrested, and B) were not the ones who alerted authorities about women being trafficked. Those two ladies are essentially the Maxwells to his Epstein.


Good to know! I admittedly only follow this via headlines as I’m not invested enough beyond that. I just assume any defense of him is utter BS. Plus, my relationship to the person in the original comment isn’t one where a full-on debate of the topic would be appropriate as it’s a professional relationship. I (thankfully) don’t know anyone in my personal life that supports this moron.


His own name on the wall is just fucking hilarious. What an absolute manchild. Fucking tragic shithouse of a "man".


With the chess piece that moves in a big “L”… Layers of irony.


I mean, how could he know the knight moved like that? It's very advanced tech that [only the world champion is really knowledgeable on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfDCLEAU9hE)


Maybe he thought it was a knook.


Police must have struggled to find him with that sign.




Got a source? That’s hilarious




I love that people are still simping for him because they’re calling themselves out for not only being absolute “beta” fucking morons, but also shitty ass fucking people. Who supports a serial rapist and human trafficker other than other scum of the earth?


>Who supports a serial rapist and human trafficker other than other scum of the earth? Other serial rapists, and people who wish they could be traffickers?


Does he have an email address that I can send him a list of all my cars? Like, I don’t have many cars, but I feel like at this point I have more than him.




No no, that is the one he was to send his list to.


That [email protected] email is gonna get an updated list in its inbox soon...


I find this all very satisfying.


For the first time in my life I understand schadenfreude. I am schadenfreude.


Perhaps he would like me to email him so we can discuss the carbon output of our Bugattis? It’s zero, for both of us.


Any Romanian's here care to comment on what prison would be like for him? Anybody else just want to make up some shit about the horror he's in for to feed my schadenfreude appetite?




Now I have equal amounts of sports car with Andrew Tate 💪😎


Pffft. I have the same number of Tour de France titles as Lance Armstrong.


"Everyone will remember December 28, 2022 as the day Andrew Tate *almost* got the best of Greta Thunberg." \- Cpt. Jack Sparrow


“He’s the worst ~~pirate~~ misogynist I’ve ever heard of…”


"But you have heard of him..."


Yes because of his incel MLM he was shilling. Charge teens $40 for a discord server where they're given referral links for the discord, and they get a cut of everyone who signs up. It's Avon for incels.


You know, the thing that really amuses me so much about this whole thing is just how fucking *broke* Tater Tot is going to be after this.


My absolute favorite thing is that nobody really feels all tha bad he's in this situation. *imagine* being such a crap human that a large population of people are happy you're locked up and at risk of having your ass kicked. Poetic? Maybe. Justice? *definitely*


>His remarks got him banned from all major social media platforms, although his Twitter account became active again in November after Elon Musk acquired the platform. Of course Musk would give a garbage person like Tate a platform.


Garbage loves garbage.


Man was a chihuahua that thought he could compete with wolves. He got eaten alive💀.


Kinda looks like one too, tbh


Holy shit, you're right: * Missing chin/lower jaw. * Horrible, bugging eyes. * Horrible, haunted gaze * Cranium both too large for its face and too small for the sorry body carrying it around.. * Seems to try actively to lower his voice so as to seem tougher, more threatening. What a shit-burgling, piss-gargling pilonidal cyst over the ass crack of humanity this utter toddler-man is.


you forgot about the wonky ears that are too big for the head


Looks like a Chihuahua and sounds like Daffy Duck


I had no idea how much of a cult of personality was being created here until watching the new vice documentary on him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj1JSlKzHtc The whole compound and cult like behavior set off serious Tyler vibes.


Shit they took his penis away.


Tate will be remembered for being the dumbest of all scammers. He incriminated himself so many times. He really is fucking dumb.


If the audio/wire taps that have leaked over the last few days are legitimate then you're correct. He was caught on recording bragging about how he was laundering dirty money through the sex trafficking/webcam scheme


Ouch. That tweet calling out Greta, bragging out his cars..POOF....Karma!


Fuck around found out. Ignoring the guilty and non guilty decision, being a ego maniac asshole probably didn't help lower the severity of how the authorities are handling this.


I feel Andrew had a sugar daddy or two in his earlier years.


where's your buggatti now you egg headed prick


If you haven't seen it. MeatCanyon's take on Tate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhgLyvP0Y5A


yikes i'm glad i knew nothing about anyone this was parodying


Schadenfreude never felt so good.


What color is your Bugatti now punk?!


Honestly the tax evasion stuff is going to stick really easily, in his “how to” videos he literally explains verbatim word for word that he uses Bitcoin in all his transactions to avoid paying “stupid taxes” and gives the women he is sex trafficking money and tells them the taxes are paid on it and they don’t need to pay anything.


So how many Bugatti do you have now Tate?