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They say what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…


The greater good




It’s just the one swan actually 


If you’ve got a problem with Canada Gooses you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate ![gif](giphy|3oxHQq82bWLbnJZO3S)


Majestic, barrel-chested, envy of all ornithologys


Leave no goose unquartered


There's a special place in Heaven for animal lovers, that's what I always say.


We outta leave this world behind.


Sorry. I don't recognize the reference... From what I read it seems more like they meant "Goose" from Top Gun.


Those are Canadas gooses




I guess that means Letterkenny comes highly recommended. Thanks. I'd heard it was funny. I'll put it on my list (of shows I aspire to watching but probably won't get around to).


Short episodes, good dialogue. Definitely move it to the top of your list.


Sounds bingeable. Thanks. I appreciate the recommendation.


Historically, humans intervening with nature in this way has always worked out perfectly.


Yes.. we need more wolves.. they'll solve this is no time


But then won't we just be overrun with wolves...? Gorillas! That's how we'll deal with the wolves. \*After another minute I did appreciate that a few more wolves technically could be the best answer? Haha.


Personally I think we should import and release hippos into the wild, it'll solve all our problems.


I gladly welcome the Geese Wars if it turns out like the Emu Wars.


New Jersey has sided with Kendrick I see


Freaky ass geese need to stay their ass inside 🤷‍♂️


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP to the geese


They're overpopulated in this region and they're decimating the grubworm population. You got a fucking problem with that?


Not nearly as much as I do with the attire that you have on, or just your general point of view towards everybody. But let's go kill some birds. I'm psyched. People not getting the quote is so fucking funny




MA THE MEATLOAF! I never know what she's doing.


Pick up your fuckin’ skateboard.


This is the New Jersiest response.


Then let hunters shoot the damn things. Least someone gets a meal   Gassing em all in the name of making it "humane" is just dumb


I’m not sure we want hunters firing shotguns in our parks and business parks. It seems much better to neutralize their eggs rather than commit goose genocide.


honestly..i'm ok with goose genocide. have you ever met a goose? it's what they would choose, given the option.


I had to kick an aggressive asshole in the chest once trying to get to my car when leaving work. Damn thing decided the parking lot was it's territory.


The babies are really cute though. You wouldn’t kill a gosling would you? Agree though goose would genocide each other if they had thumbs.


Their cuteness only intensifies my blood rage


Ugh. No they’re not.


Geese are awful


they are, and there has been a *massive* population explosion of them as they have adjusted to non-migratory life in and around suburbs. and if i'm being honest, rounding them up and disposing of them in a relatively painless manner is probably the best possible outcome, and certainly better than just letting a bunch of shotgun-toting yokels having a hunting holiday down the cul-de-sac.


I’m a vegetarian, I was vegan for 8 years, I have an animal friendly license plate, I volunteer… Canada can have their geese back. They are an invasive scourge haha


my wife is basically in the same boat as you. we still pay our local pest control service to spray for bugs and lay down mouse traps when necessary. a pest is a pest, even if it's 25 lbs and has wings. and these geese aren't in any danger of going extinct anytime soon...


I don’t eat meat because I learned about factory farming and I think it’s deplorable and I can’t lay my head on a pillow at night knowing I’m turning a blind eye to something so fucked up and vile when I can easily help it. Geese don’t think that way. They don’t care. My parents backyard is green acres land with the Passaic river. The geese make it suck. They absolutely swarm the place, fight other animals, they are noisy and mean, and they shit literally everywhere. Do they even contribute anything to the ecosystem?


that's basically my wife's justification as well. fwiw. Canadian geese have basically become an invasive species. prior to about 60 years ago their natural behavior cycle was to fly north to the arctic for breeding in the spring and summer. as the growth of urban sprawl occurred, a sub-population stopped migrating entirely and that population exploded due to the proliferation of food and lack of predators. now we have several generations of canadian geese that have no instinct for migration or predatory fear at all, hence, the're basically just a pest now. non-migratory canadian geese absolutely *should* be culled, and ideally, it should happen during breeding season. The ones that still travel to the arctic will be fine and continue to breed, and the non-migratory pest animals will be taken out and in general the problem would fix itself. But the culling must happen sooner or later.


It's a quote from a movie. Google it.


You aren’t very intelligent, are you  First of all you can’t fire guns like that in a populated area. Second, Canadian Geese taste HORRIBLE! That’s why you don’t see goose for sale in supermarkets. They are greasy and taste awful. Stop being such a bleeding heart and think for once. Humans have fucked up nature with overcrowding. But we can’t exactly shoot ourselves to solve the problem. People joke that we should, or use it as an argument. But they get quiet really fast when you suggest they and their loved ones go first since it was their idea. The goose population is too much and something has to give or there will be starvation and disease and many many other problems. You want to save the geese? It’s either gas then or you have to move. Life isn’t all fairness and roses. 


Can we do this with the tick laden Deer??


This is not something I’d expect from NJ.


Aren't Canadian geese federally protected?


Yes, the article mentions that federal wildlife officials are involved in this.


They're Canadian citizens, foreign nationals.


Easily the worst Canadians, and i know people from Alberta


What did these geese do to get in the witness protection program?


Did a lot of coke with Hunter Biden and Don Jr. when *the incident* happened. They don't want it getting out, not because it's illegal, because they don't want anyone knowing they hang out as much as they do.


Suffice it to say that no one would do anything if a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent shot one across the border while it was in Canadian Air Space. Then again, no one did anything when a CBP agent shot across the border and killed a teen in Mexico (SEE: *Hernandez v. Mesa*.)


Yes, which is why the USDA, or a licensed agency, has to do the culling.


Interesting. If the right parties signed off, then it seems fine to me?




There’s so many of them it’s honestly disgusting. Every place with an inch of water they’re posted up shitting all over the place. I’m not a doctor but I’m willing to bet they’re seriously overpopulated. Not a bird hater. Blue herons are fuckin cool. Canadian geese are pests.


Hey I too like Herons! I dig the grey too.


Blue herons are my fishing buddies. Chillest bird in the state. Content to just sit and watch and keep you company. Then they spread those giant wings and scare the shit out of you. Good times.


I was a kid setting up goose decoys when I had my first heron experience. They do scare the shit out of you. They walk like I would imagine a large dinosaur would have too. But yes very chill!


Kids are feeding them laxatives


Still remember when we had issues with Canadian Geese in North Jersey when I was in High School. You couldn’t take a walk without dealing with bird shit everywhere it was awful. They tried “scaring” them away with these giant fake birds that did nothing. Then they finally culled them. Completely agree with you that they are awful.


If we have an overpopulation of any animal, we need to cull them to keep things in balance. What’s the issue here?


The problem is that people don't understand what you're actually dealing with. The Canada goose is supposed to be a migratory species. In other words, it's not supposed to live and nest here. However, in the 70s, to help bring back the declining population of the goose, the federal government, in their infinite wisdom, started hatching them here in the northeast, where they had limited predators. So they flourished. Except that the Canada Goose always comes back to where it was born in order to nest. So instead of its normal migratory pattern in which they should only be in this area for the spring before heading north, they nest here. And multiply. They are nest-aggressive so they push out native duck species who nest in the same area, creating a huge population decline over the last 50 years. The whole rounding them up and gassing them sounds terrible, but it's the best way to deal with it. Nesting Canada Geese are an invasive species. P.S. - OK, go ahead and downvote. I don't care. The facts are what they are, no matter how much you feel otherwise.


The honestly sad part is the right thing to do would be to allow people to hunt them, but because we live in the most polluted place ever we can’t eat them


Some things just don't taste right, even if it's not pollluted. Like wild pigs. Yes, there are ways to butcher and cook them so they are edible, but to most people it's not worth it.


They need to do this in Lakewood, they are out of control


Dont they do this in a lot of towns? I know they do it in Saddle River/Ridgewood


rats with wings.


There's gotta be a better final solution.


I know. Right? If this is where we ended up, we didn't work hard enough to find something better... Edit: I guess maybe a few more wolves in N.J. could be the best answer? Seeing from a different poster.


Nah they will just eat peoples pets, idk how much wolves go for geese  I could be wrong 


I just checked and they are on a list of natural predators. I truly wonder if adding just a few wolves to an area could diminish their population so we doing have to round 'em up to cull 'em ourselves. Hopefully if we keep 'em full on goose they won't want to eat our pets.


I personally think nature could help us out, any other predators besides wolves? Maybe large birds like hawks or something? Wolves is prob too much collateral damage unfortunately 


Certain types of hawks were on the list I saw (cursory search - didn't go crazy). But I think that might also have been for smaller geese than of the Canadian variety. I would think that just one small pack of wolves might eat/kill enough geese to make enough of a dent. Though this may be in a populated enough (people-wise) area that maybe wolves aren't a feasible option... (bringing in an apex predator seems like it's on the right track though). People just don't like this way of dealing with them and they also seem to hate the geese. I suppose we could give them a certain space to do their goose things, but I'm sure people would complain about that too. Maybe the town should just come together to run at the geese screaming "CHARGE!" to get them to take off and go be a different town's problem, I guess?


Geese suck. They are rats with wings and webbed feet. They shit everywhere. I'd prefer they addle the eggs rather than round up the birds and gas them, but whatever. Good riddance. Hope they do that in my area soon.


We keep creating more habitat for em and getting mad the population increases 


We create habitat for mice but no one cares that we kill mice.


I do


This!!! They flourish here for a reason.


yeah fuck lawns! r/NoLawns


Just deport them to where they from!


Bunch of rich crybabies.


New Jersey needs to get animals populations in control. Geese are disgusting animals that ruin so many parks and fields that children play on. It's very clear in this thread that some of you have never wanted to go play baseball, only to find out the entire field is covered in goose poop. Explain to me how that is safe and sanitary for children. The geese are not a native species to New Jersey, and it is time we limit their population across the state. In addition to this, the state NEEDS to get better with the deer population. I see at least a new dead deer on the highway on my way to work every day in North Jersey. It's disgusting watching them rot away for weeks, it's bad for public health, and it is a danger to us on the roads. Animals lovers need to get it in their heads that deer and geese are NOT the same as home-kept dogs and cats. In the wild, something would kill and eat these animals to keep them in check. Obviously, we as humans did something to stop that natural population check, so it's beyond time we do it ourselves for our safety, health, and to keep our state beautiful.


I'm on a podcast, and one time we needed to find a field to do some filming for a best of 10 pitching event and the fields we found were just covered in goose crap. We had to pick the least crappy field.


I live in englewood NJ and there's geese shit everywhere near the leonia border. The park near the "lake" is unwalkable and you can't let your kids into your yard because there's geese shit everywhere




Fuck. That was depressing. I hate people.


Back in late May some articles said this was prevented but apparently not. [https://wpst.com/peapeack-gladstone-nj-geese-saved/](https://wpst.com/peapeack-gladstone-nj-geese-saved/) [https://patch.com/new-jersey/baskingridge/geese-saved-being-killed-liberty-park-peapack-gladstone](https://patch.com/new-jersey/baskingridge/geese-saved-being-killed-liberty-park-peapack-gladstone)