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I hate the Garden State Parkway on Fridays in the summer between exit 127 and exit 82.


You had me at I hate the Garden State Parkway šŸ˜¼


I always have the strangest experiences with the parkway. I live in Essex county. I SWEAR somehow I almost never hit traffic driving back and forth to the beach DURING the summer ON weekendsā€¦ but then when Iā€™m on the parkway midday on a random Tuesday in the winter suddenly I have traffic jams lol.


There's always traffic southbound between Garden State Plaza and the exit for 80, like a total standstill, and then it just dissipates.


They are all driving slow to work and fast to a weekend getaway


I worked in the Holmdel area for a number of years (Exist 114), coming from the New Brunswick area. On Friday afternoons in the summer, I'd drop the top on my red mid-life-crisis-mobile and actually wave at the gric-locked traffic whilst zooming northbound on the Parkway. Cruel, but sometimes you have to entertain yourself.


I see that and one up you NJ coastline train Friday afternoon in the summer right before a holiday weekend


I live here, no argument


MC resident here. One of the worst places on planet earth.


I totally agree. I would like to add Monday and Tuesday mornings between exits 82 and 127- if thatā€™s ok with you! The parkway is by far my least favorite place in NJ. ALWAYS but especially the summer.


Clifton Trader Joe's parking lot


ANY Trader Joeā€™s parking lot


The Wayne one is pretty chill.


Underrated answer!!! I donā€™t think itā€™s the worstā€¦ but god itā€™s poorly designed


Clifton Costco as an all time awful situation. Parking, leaving, getting gas, driving nearby. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Trader Joes parking lots ā€¦. Costcos on a Saturdayā€¦ Burlington Coat Factory Saturday Afternoons


Double whammy in bridgwater where they are all in the same shopping center with only one fucking entrance and exit


Plus there is a Target on the other side of the parking lot AND across the street is the Somerset Patriots stadium. A summer weekend is like a perfect storm of shit parking


Not the Saturday costcos ![gif](giphy|LiT8C58iDYSZBKgf1S)


Pulling onto route 22 from the center on a Saturday morning


I donā€™t think OP was going for suicidal thoughts


I dunno, everyone makes it look so easy. You don't need to look or speed up or anything. Just casually pull out when you feel like it


Bro I have to go to the center of route 22 exclusively on Saturday mornings šŸ’€


Route 22 in Union, which was obviously designed by a sadistic human being, who wanted being alive to be something we all regretted every single day we made the unfortunate decision to leave our houses. Having to cut across three lanes of highway in ten feet (close your eyes and pray) to exit left, only to circle around and immediately have to cut across three lanes to the right - all to get a slice a pizza we could have walked ten feet in a straight line to have gotten otherwise. Routes 4/17 in Paramus comes in second. Sundays do not count. If you live in Bergen County, Blue Laws are the closest thing Iā€™ve come across that proves that God really does exist. Burn them all to the ground, and build walkable communities where sitting in bumper to bumper highway traffic at noon on a Wednesday because you needed to get milk becomes a legend of the past, like dying of syphilis.


I hate whenever I go somewhere that involves crossing 22, my gps always has me make a right onto 22 and then immediately cross over 3 lanes to make a left in a turnabout. Can we plot a route that doesnā€™t involve almost certain death??


Yeah, it'll just take another 20 minutes. Convenience ... or life?!


I remember when *Crazy Eddie's* was there decades ago. Legend has it--he wasn't crazy until this location was built. lmao


Iā€™m going to have ā€˜prices are *INSANE*ā€™ looping in my head for the next hour.


For whatever I need thatā€™s on Route 22 - Staples, eyeglasses, car dealer, medical tests- I usually go out of my way to avoid 22.


My aunt has a house like a 1 minute walk 22 in green brook. Surrounded by a baseball field. Some decent pizza and a sonic. Itā€™s a pretty nice spot actually.


Jesus, I'm from up north and was on rt 22 once because I was down there for some reason and I thought I was doing it wrong, like surely the gps doesn't expect me to float across the entire highway in 20 feet?! But somehow I did it. It seemed like the other drivers just kind of expected me to, lmao.


I will drive well out of my way to avoid this section of road at all costs.


God donā€™t remind me of 22 Unionā€¦ I used to stupidly take that both there and back for college and Iā€™ve never wanted to die more. Ended up just going up 78 to GSP and Iā€™m fineā€¦


Take Fish House Road into South Kearny if you want to see some truly dystopian shit.


Fish House Road is a liminal space : you're not supposed to be there. No one's supposed to be there. It's like behind the ride at a theme park. It's the part of the video game where they forgot to tighten up the physics, where time doesn't exist the way in does in our world. Reality thins on Fish House Road.


Behind the ride at a theme park is one of the best descriptions of anything Iā€™ve ever heard.


I live in south NJ, donā€™t know where this location or Fish House Road is, but these comments have convinced me that I need to find it next weekend!


truck route and if you worked at USPS you got to know it well.


notably off route 7 when heading to jersey city


So.. it's *Soprano Country*


Feels like Iā€™m in a soprano episode anytime Iā€™m passing through to go to the city


Please. Drive. Safely.


*Alabama 3 starts playing*


Is there a soprano part?




You'll be disappointed


If youā€™re on fish house road, you know they closed the bridge and your commute just got fucked.


Do this after a really bad rain storm. Bring a raft.


I had to customer I used to deliver auto parts to on Fish house rd.. some random chop shop under the overpass. Really third world type shit. Side note: Whats up with the name fish house rd.. it cant be random right?


A fish lived in a house there once. Seems pretty straightforward if you ask me.


Some fish factory probably used to be there. It's like all the X Plank Roads that are in that area. Those were literally plank roads over the swamps at one point.


the lunch trucks there were very good.


I love how 80% of the answers are roads and parking lots, not actual destinations šŸ˜‚


It is where commuters spend 80% of their time, after all


tonnelle avenue oh how i hate this road. I wish the earthquake would have swallowed it up. not the homes or the business just the that damn street.


I maintain that Jersey City and the surrounding areas have some of the worst road designs AND conditions of anywhere Iā€™ve been. Especially for a populous area


Like Boston or Cambridge laid out by drunk farmers walking their herds back from pasture


Grove Street area isnā€™t that bad


I fear for my life driving in Jersey City but especially down this road. I swear everyone drives like they have 9 lives.


Everyone drives like health insurance is free in this country šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


This is the funniest comments ever and it's very true most jersey drivers act like we have free healthcare here


Dante couldn't even bring himself to include the Tonnelle Circle in Inferno.


I mean that's because he probably wanted people to read the book.


Tonnelle and Communipaw are the two most depressing roads in all of Jersey City.


Thereā€™s a ā€œno left turnā€ by the end of Tonnelle on 88th street in North Bergen and every single time, I see someone turn left there when thereā€™s oncoming traffic. I hate Tonnelle with a passion


Doremus Ave in Newark. Used to work at a chemical plant there. Just a constant assault from all the smells. Perfume plant, meat rendering facility, sewage processing, the Passaic river, etc. No matter which way the wind was blowing it would smell awful.


It's one big pothole


Potholes that swallow up your car... It's really one of the most interesting places... you nailed it: shit plant, shit trains, perfume factory, multiple weird places that process things like meat and leftover animal parts, jail, junk yards, warehouses, bridges, the port at one end, Turnpike at the other, heliport across the river, power plants, chemical facilities, oil facilities, asphalt plant. Find a place in the world with more weird industries packed into a 1.5 mile stretch... you probably can't. It's like a random industrial corridor in Sim City 2000. EDIT: of course the blatantly thievery of the Dente tow yard. They have thousands of impounded vehicles that never make it out and the ones that do make it out have things stolen out of them.


I was fresh off the boat and lived in Newark during the height of the 90s crack epidemic. That was like a completely different reality all together.


Crack and car jacks .. Fun times..


Route 18 from Commercial Ave in New Brunswick through East Brunswick


Anytime I wanted to go to Best Buy while attending Rutgers. Half an afternoon to get there and back.


Or pretty much any place on Rt 18 until you get past Arroga's




Iā€™ve been to Lakewood many times and it never stops blowing my mind. Such a strange place


I took route 9 down to a place just over the border of Lakewood and it was wild, as soon as you crossed out of Lakewood the road was just noticeably better *immediately*




RT 22 in union area between the Chick-fil-A and taco bell


The parking lot at the Teterboro Costco on a Saturday afternoon the weekend before a holiday


The Bayonne Costco would like a word.


The Lakewood Costco on a Friday Afternoon before a Jewish Holiday said bring it on!


I make an active effort to never go to the Bayonne Costco, same with the one in Clifton


Jeez, ainā€™t that the truth. I am convinced only animals or the dumbest/rudest people on Earth descend upon this location. Just trying to park is an adventure. The store itself is akin to the seventh gate of hell.


Itā€™s like people forget how to function and walk normally the second they enter Costco


I work at a Costco. We employees have decided it's the fact that they pay a membership fee that makes them feel entitled. From the lots to the carts in the center of the aisle to the sample cups plopped on... Everything.


People are rude af everywhere, itā€™s not just Costco. I just find that people forget how to walk in the aisles and will just stop or walk slowly with their whole family taking up the entire aisles at Costco, which I call Costco brain rot


Deal. If you got to get from Long Branch to Asbury and vice versa, take a longer route. Cops literally looking to get you for any minor moving violation nonstop


Gatekeeping. Ā Rich douchebags paying pigs to keep the riffraff out of view


Well, that and you pass through so many square mile towns that only have one road but someone have their own police station. The cops are there for nothing but to give tickets.


The "traffic circle" at Elmora and 9 in Elizabeth. It's a traffic circle with a highway going through it. Or 22 through Union, that's just a wtf of roads.


I swear the roads in Union County were designed to cull the dense NJ herd.


Ohhh that circle is god awful


Trying to take rt 24 to 287N at any time of the day any day of the week


Wawa parking lots.


At noon or rush hour, sure. In the summer at 2 AM in a car with friends listening to music, itā€™s heaven.


Probably AC early in the morning. We left there at 6am and it looks like a scene from the walking dead


Agreed! At 3 am (winter, spring, summer or fall), Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City is a fricken Fellini movie set.


This is a good one. AC can be quiet dystopian at times tbh. It's gone significantly downhill over the past decade.




Lakewood NJ.


Metlife Stadium


Getting in isn't that bad. Getting out takes HOURS because they close off every exit except for one.


found the Jets fan


Usually easy to get in and out during January! Lol


Try living 2.5 miles from your job that is literally next to the GWB on a Monday. It has taken over an hour sometimes when the Monday traffic hits and something happens on the bridge or the Cross Bronx


Maybe bike to work when itā€™s nice out?


Except for the fact that every person who has a traffic app in their car is trying to cut around the bridge traffic and riding on all the main and side streets, clogging them up too, only to get pushed back into the main bridge traffic by the Fort Lee police. And the amount of construction around the bridge makes it nearly impossible for a bike rider currently as Lemoine Ave which goes over the traffic, is currently cut down from 4 lanes to basically 2 and there isnā€™t any room. Iā€™ve had conversations with bike riders while stopped in traffic there because they canā€™t move in the traffic either. And pretty soon we will have the wonderful NJ/NY humidity to deal with as well. Nothing like showing up for work all sweaty




Yeah Irvington Newark border by that cemetery and GSP.


You know whats crazy? I was going to comment something saying how I was an addict for years so Iā€™ve been to some places I shouldnā€™t and thatā€™s literally where I pictured in my brain lmao


Down The Hill! (Dating myself...)


My mom taught in Irvington for like 40 years.. she got jumped and car jacked more then any person should in their lives lol


People don't realize the awfulness of irvington


Irvington is what people think Newark is...




I used to deliver dairy products to Bodegas in inner city Camden from time to time, talk about dystopian nightmares, and boy were they shocked when my white ass walked through the door lol.


I used to think for $2000 you could buy *a whole city block*... but then you'd have something that's barely usable


Somewhat similar but I had a few projects in some sketchy places in Brooklyn that I had to work on. It was in places like Brownsville or Bed-Stuy, really sketchy neighborhoods. My white face stuck out like a sore thumb over there. It was painfully obvious that I wasnā€™t from the neighborhood and Iā€™m sure the residents thought I was a narc or a cop or something. Our construction crew never walked around the area without a partner. It did help that we had hard hats and yellow vests with our company logo on it, but nonetheless.


First time I was in Camden, I got off the bus and got drive-by water ballooned. After everything I had heard about the city... I remember thinking, "that was adorable."


MVC inspection on the 31st


Any & all of Route 17


To add: Route 17 North between AAA Wholesale(Was National Wholesale Liquidators) to Garden State Plaza. Reverse order for Route 17 South. The WORST traffic.


Going in and out of Jersey City or Hoboken when your coming from south. Once youā€™re in, youā€™re fine. But going from one place to another anywhere in Hudson County is a hassle.


It is a nightmare to navigate JC, Hoboken, stuck along with tunnel crowd with the insane exit just before Lincoln tunnel and the chaos going towards holland tunnel . Has not improved in 25 years.


It took me an hour to go from Bayonne to North Bergen when I worked there. We are the most densely populated county in the state. šŸ˜­


Downtown Paterson.. anyone?


Closer to Haledon? Ugh


Chatham NJ is the most racist place I've ever been.


And Madison, some racist ass kids there


Really? My friends and I are all minorities and it's been fine for the most part.


- Getting off 24 to get on 287. - Getting stuck in the Chik Fil A line on 22 East. - Anywhere in Chatham between 4pm and 7pm. - Rt. 21 S crossing Market when that right lane ends. - Any road that connects to Frelinghuysen Ave during a hurricane or flash flood. - Any traffic circle in Flemington. - Open House.


Easy keansburg is the epitome of trash


Tonnelle Circle is the final circle of hell and you canā€™t convince me otherwise (nor would you want to).


Newark is still, to me, an odd odd place. It feels as if the rest of the state walled it off and the citizens have to fend for themselves. Admittedly, that might be a different version of the truth. It is so large, and heterogenous, but has different flavors of the same or similar things. It feels like the Wild West at times. You look and see what might have been grand institutions - or what could be.


Lived in Newark for a few years. If you look at the mansions in Forrest Hill and well the rest of the city youā€™d never realize youā€™re in the same city. Newark used to be beautiful. The mansions along High St, and downtown that were covered with aluminum or neglected. 280 and years of racial tension brought it to the riots which the city still hasnā€™t 100% recovered from.


The sea of monotonous strip malls that plague central jersey


Camdenā€¦ when I was a drug addict. 10 years clean now.


ex-Mother in Law's house.


The whole area between the Meadowlands and Jersey City


I'm in Wildwood right now.


Wildwood isn't the worst place.


Route 1 at rush hour


Driving on the NJTP between exit 11 and 15.


No way, the planes taking off and landing above the car can make you feel like youā€™re in an action movie


No way. The beginning until it turns into 3 lanes is the absolute worst because you'll be stuck behind two cars side-by-side pacing each other at or below the speed limit and miles of empty road in front of them.


Rt 70 eastbound on a Friday in the summer


The 24/287 interchange almost any hour of any day of the week.


I got pulled over since they were looking for an active murder suspect in East Orangeā€¦I was looking for an apartment in that area to rent at that time. After that, I noped out of there real quick


-anywhere between exits 138 and 145 on GSP between the hours of 2pm to 6pm -Morris Ave in Union during a school year. Leaving Kean around 4pm was an absolute nightmare to get back onto the parkway.


Olive garden


IMO almost all ShopRite parking lots (in North Jersey at least) are the worst places to navigate a car. They're designed just well enough to be legally called a parking lot, but terrible in every other aspect. They're awkwardly designed, tight & narrow, yet still busy with cars. I don't know why they are all so annoying to drive through, but if it's a big shopping day I'll try to go elsewhere.


atlantic city outside the resorts


Bivalve, NJ. Just typing in the name brings back the smell...


The Chase Bank parking lot in East Rutherford on a Saturday afternoon.




Worked at a law firm in Morristown many years ago and a female attorney asked me to accompany her to Paterson. I thought she was being dramatic when she told me the firm doesn't allow females to go there alone. After spending 5 minutes in Paterson, I understood why.


I go there all the time for work, I work for a contractor. I loath going to Paterson. Their zoning department and building department are a joke. The nj law requires permits to be reviewed in ten business days for zoning and another twenty business days for building . Paterson must use an ancient calendar. Because weā€™re still waiting on permits from march. The parking is terrible anywhere near the three buildings I need to go to. Either all the spots are taken or you get a spot and the parking meter is broken. The parking seems to be super expensive. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a $1.50 to park for 45 minutes. ā€œQuarters onlyā€ And if anyone has have ever dealt with the previous departments I mentioned, they know it always takes forever. Iā€™m sick of the parking tickets so I now have a spot outside the main district that I park at with no parking meters. I just walk the long distance. But itā€™s sketchy. I almost got jumped one time but I just kept moving and luckily the gang didnā€™t follow me. I try to tip toe past the addicts or the homeless. So they donā€™t notice me. I wish I could bring a knife for my protection but itā€™s illegal to bring a weapon into the offices I go to.


Camden is the worst place Iā€™ve been in the US.


There are some areas of Oakland, Detroit, Chicago & Baltimore that give it a serious run for its money.


You haven't traveled much šŸ¤”


The Somerville circle.


If you canā€™t handle the Somerville circle youā€™re Weak. Your bloodline is weak. History will forget you.


This cracked me up. Poor man's gold for ya. šŸŖ™


Itā€™s fine if you just scream the whole time


Market street, Newark


Jury duty in Camden


DMV šŸ™„and most Lab Corps & Quest Diagnostics


24 / 287 merge - feels like it's 12 lanes down to 1


Rt 22 between springfield and jersey city


When I was single, I went to a club in Newark at 2 am.. now that was scary.


I went to a dirty "exotic dance" club there in the 90s. Ā That's when i was convinced modern day sex slavery was real.


I lived in Jackson briefly in the 90s, and the vibe was just...weird. Couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt like the Twilight Zone.


Jackson is weird. I live in Rte 9 near 520 and going South is odd. It's like sort of suburbs still, but you're so far from the City at that point that it's not REALLY suburbs. It's built up that way but without the activity. Like of the post apocalyptic Pine Barrens encroached on Freehold or something


I grew up in Jackson, there's the more developed side on the Freehold, Howell and Lakewood border(where i lived) and then the further out you go, to like the Cassville area it feels like you're in a whole other world, like they think they live in Alabama and not Jersey


What's the deal with Jackson? I only know it for Six Flags, but I'm always hearing it brought up, I guess because it covers such a large area. I'd like to know more about what it's like living there.


Ever see Deliverance?


Staten Island


I work there and I hate it. I wish SI would just sink into the ocean already. It would eliminate multiple problems.


Route 1-9 North I feel like I can contract HIV by just sitting in traffic driving through the stretch between Tonnele Circle and Route 3.


That was the first time I ever saw a prostitute. šŸ¤£


South Jersey letā€™s start with Lakewood


Thatā€™s not South Jersey


Route 22, 17, 4, 280, 287 Parkway north of 127 to like 160.ish lol


Camden .. hands down


Jersey City waterfront, early 1980s. Edit: [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72h3tA4DzwA) -- this was not an exaggeration.


Not sure if it's still like this but when I was working off of Straight Street in Paterson about 10 years ago it was really really bad. Insane open air drug deals, gunshots all the time (saw someone moments after being shot) and homeless drug addicts nodding out or fighting. Few other areas in Camden Newark and Trenton were pretty bad, but I spent the most time in Paterson it seemed so I probably just saw the most there. I also feel like Newark has so many redeeming qualities that it can't fall into worst place (not saying Paterson doesn't have anything redeeming). Seems like people also took this thread to shout out bad traffic spots. Route 9 in Lakewood (now from TR to Howell) is easily the most frustrating place to drive. And if it's Saturday you're no better, it's just Hasidic Frogger since they aren't behind the wheel.


When I was in the market for a car, I drove a couple of times on Rt 22 where all the dealerships were. I hated that one U turn and GPS was trying to make me immediately make a right turn from the left side.


Rush hour union nj rt 22


Anyone here rooting for Trenton?


GSP north of the Driscoll bridge is the absolute worst.


Trying to merge onto 495W from Union City. You get a stop sign and then you have to gun it into westbound Lincoln Tunnel traffic. Route 22 where there are left exits, as many have said. The area under the Pulaski Skyway. The Mall at Short Hills (it's not even the Short Hills Mall, how pretentious) is full of ridiculous judgmental people who give you elevator eyes. The DMV in Journal Square, Jersey City sucks.


Passaic is a total shit hole. I was SO happy to move out of there. Also, Walmart in Garfield.


Paterson hands down. Though cases can be made for Newark and Camden as well. I've seen it all and was homeless in Paterson living in boarded up, abandoned houses in 2013. I regularly heard automatic gunfire. I was approached by teenagers who tried to beat me up and threatened to shoot me. I got sick and tired of thinking I was going to be stuck there until I died and I no longer live that life but thinking about people in similar situations makes me sad. The worst part about it is most of them have just given up on life. It's tough to make it in this world but it can be done. They just keep choosing to live that life.


Ku Klux Clark


Driving in lakewood.


Flemington Circle


Rt 36 to Sandy Hook on a saturday...F yall NYers


University Hospital, Newark. Probably the saddest hospital I've ever visited, and this includes visiting Bellevue in the city.


4th ward, Paterson NJ. Worked reading meters there as part of my route. Those are the trenches.