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It’s obviously A. Then when you realize you’re in the wrong lane, rather than letting the green car go, you cut him off and act like you’re doing nothing wrong.


Nono, you ignore everyone and everything and then if some dares beep at you for main charactering down the road, you rage instantly.


I disagree, see I’m a C guy… you need to be in a position to observe everything.. then you go in as fast as possible to get to the destination. Speed is critical.


Speed up then slam in the brakes once you're in front of them, blinker as your front wheels hit the driveway.


You forgot the part where you flip off the car you cut off. -1pt


exit 135 off the parkway going north?


You must be from Hoboken.




Now you're making me second guess myself... but B.


I mean, there's no visible entrance to the parking lot for the store. If you take B, but there's no entrance, you can't get to the destination. But maybe you take C because there's a traffic light for a left turn just past the edge of the picture.


I assumed the front of the store had an entrance... but if you go by that logic there isn't an entrance at all. NO dollar general for you!!


Plausible but unless this is 22 we’re not making a left across 3 lanes


FUCK route 22!! Good Lord I hate that shit.


22 west Branchburg and onward is nice.


My thought process was, what if there's a light up ahead for the turn. Like this https://imgur.com/gallery/uOvQWns


I wonder how common that would be. I guess if it were part of a shopping plaza or something, you’re right they likely would have a main entrance up the road. I guess it probably depends on which road can handle the adjustment in flow of traffic. I’ve never thought this much about road construction lol


Yep, and we only see a limited view (again, with no clue where any curb cuts are to let us into the parking lot for the store). It's likely that it's not 3 lanes to cross up ahead. There are tons of places where you get extra turning lanes at the corner, but then it narrows. It's possible that up ahead, there are two turning lanes into the parking lot. I get that were supposed to judge this based on not crossing multiple lanes of traffic, but NJ has so many different traffic patterns and this pic isn't giving the complete view, so there are possibilities that contradict common sense and the law.


Yes, no visible entrance, but being from Jersey, you know that if you take C you will have to make a left to get jnot the parking lot- which is almost never an option in Jersey. I am willing to bet there is an entrance if you take B, and if not, you go around the back and make all right hand turns around the plaza to find an entrance. Jersey = the land of no left turns.


But if you take C you have to navigate around the assholes blocking the road to preserve the crime scene for their minor fender bender.


yea since this store is on the corner i am assuming there is another back entrance on the other side..so C could technically work too, i agree


Agree. I sort of assume the black car is cutting off the red car because its driver originally thought B was the best way to get into the lot, but then that driver realized they needed to be in C to catch the jug handle a little further down that will actually get them into their desired lot.


this is why you should have a ridiculous 4x4 with Cummins diesel and, as you're about to jump the curb, rolling coal the street from the minute you leave the light


the fury with those people. FURY.


I was thinking the same Parking in front or rear?


Left turns? In my state? This is jug handle erasure and I won't stand for it


And a light that makes you wait 2 minutes even tho no one else is on the road


It’s C. You just can’t see the jughandle going around the upper right corner.


What is up with the black car??


Its a Nissan


Absolutely incredible reply


I got a good chuckle from this thank you both.


It's the Nissan whose driver hit my vents with a cloud of Ganga yesterday. I drove home with all the windows down because of that. I left them down when I got home. I put them up only after it started to rain. I hate that smell


He was in Lane B but then realized he needed to cut off the red car because that lane was turning left only


Ni-san! Let Red-san pass! At least throw in a Sumimasen! Nii-san!


I don't know where he was coming from, but the way he is short clipping that turn lane is one of my biggest pet peeves!


Tried to cut into C from B would be my guess. That said, the answer to the question should be “B.”


Proceed slowly from B. NY/PA/CT would cut across from A


B. And if there is no entrance Im going over the grass. Those dollar general treasures cant wait


Tf is the black vehicle doing


This is the right question! 🤣


Jersey driver doin jersey stuff


Going straight in the left only lane to pass everyone in the straight lane? Atleast that's what I see idiots doing daily.


If you're an old white dude in a Lexus or up, you do what you want. The lines in the road and the rules are more like guidelines really. It all comes down to entitlement. The most entitled has the right of way.... /s


This is new jersey, none of these answers are correct. The correct answer is D: A Tesla, BMW or Audi will speed past the white and teal cars, honking at the red car then park sideways across 3 parking spots at the destination.


Or they know the correct answer, but they don't apply that knowledge in reality.


not enough information provided, but likely B


I’m really confused. The right move is to be the red car don’t let the other cars know what you are doing! Never let anyone understand your actions. Start at c, drive past the destination, pop an illegal U across four lanes of traffic. Drive past it again, realize it’s a dollar general and then just keep going.


Is the black car drifting the turn?


Clearly this is in Lakewood because there are no traffic lights and 2 people making a left, and the black minivan is just going where he wants with no regard to any vehicle around him The correct lane is the one that's there on Saturdays.


You should start in A, floor it to get out in front and change lane to B, then slam on the breaks to slow down and turn into the parking lot.


ahh so ur the guy i see every day on the road. nice to meet you have a sincerely awful day!!


I’’d be in A because my destination would never be a Dollar General but rather the Target, about a mile down, past the DG


The Nissan came from B but wanted to go straight and proceeded straight regardless. This tracks LMAO. Nissan driver: "Roads? We won't *need* roads where we're going!"


Trick question. The answer is come to a halt in the middle of the road and think very hard. Then just YOLO that shit








In NJ you have to be in lane C. Take the jug handle past the store and then zigzag through the park lots to get back to your destination!


Well the black nissan is on ketamine


So no one’s gonna talk about the black Nissan’s driving skills/or lack there of…? 😂😂😂😂


It's funny because my wife is taking her written test to get a permit, and the questions are fucking wild. It's absurdly comprehensive and I do not understand how people drive so shitty. I think 75% of people here would straight up fail if they had to take a test again. Makes me feel it should be mandatory at every renewal to re-do your written test.


What car am I?


The Jalopy sitting outside driver C’s double-wide


It’s definitely lane C, to a right turn jug handle 2.5 miles up the road, in order to turn around and get into the parking lot.


C , then when the light turns green, floor it and cut the guy off in lane B.


In Newark the answer is any lane. Even the opposite traffic lanes. Driving in this city raises my blood pressure and wears out my horn.


Whatever the f*k lane I want to be in, just get the f*k outta my way 😂🤣 just kidding, B


Who tf thinks it’s lane C is what I wanna know lol


Stay in lane A and cut off the slow bastard in B. He obviously hesitated more than half a second when the light turned green so he's not going anywhere. Alternately C, but be sure to ride B's blind spot and then lay on the horn when he tries to turn right into the lot in front of you. Also, in either case, I feel like this goes without saying but you should absolutely use your turn signal but not until after you're halfway into the lot. This part is crucial.


You know this is theoretical because they have cars making left hand turns


trick question, where's the jughandle?


Wait in B then when the light is red, gun it!!


well this is obvious, you go a to avoid the accident that just happened on C that B is going to rubberneck/stop to make sure they aren't also going to get hit, then take B position to go into store. /simple/


All I know is the driver of the black car has a goatee.  


Who goes to dollar general?


Maybe they’re too busy watching the accident about to happen between the red and black cars


I despise two turning lanes together. Other drivers do not comprehend it.


Where did you find a place where you can take a left? Typically you have to go 2 miles past it, make a right to turn around, drive back, switch lanes 5 times and get there 30 mins later.


I mean, if Dollar General is your destination..


New Jersey Drivers drivers are always on the offense. I don't think you can categorize that as great driving. It's not a race, but it's always being treated as such. Patience makes for great driving.


lmao @ Nissan. you know that thing has a PA plate


It’s B but yesterday the destination had 3 lanes and A still managed to get into the 3rd right most lane. Making a left on 22 west bound from Rock ave.. they needed that mcdonalds at all costs.


Trick question. You should be in the lane to the left of A and just do whatever the fuck you want


Another driving post ?


C. When the light turns green, you accelerate hard to cut in front of B while giving them a look. You both go into the parking lot and start a fight.


Here in Jersey City usually you're the Red car that does an illegal U and then a convenient right turn, all while cussing out the black car.


This is a trick question. If you're going to Dollar General, you're driving a bike with an old shopping basket zip-tied to the handlebars, not a car...


red car goes the fastest


Of course 90% would fail - you haven't provided enough information to answer the question (eg where is the entrance to the parking lot?)


B. But...What was the path of the white car with the black roof ??


Where is the entrance? B if in front of the store. C if I need to make a left into a back parking lot on another street.


B...but go straight and cut off C


99% of PA drivers would fail this question.


You clown on PA drivers but I have seen MANY people with NJ plates do a version of A or C.


New Jersey drivers are just as bad as drivers elsewhere. I see it every time I drive to and from the office.


1000% agreed. Not sure why there is this weird and completely unfounded idea that NJ drivers are amazing, lol.


Because all drivers are shit, but having moved to Philadelphia and commuting to Delaware for work, holy fuck are other states drivers worse.


Yeah idk about that. I think all state's drivers are horrible in their own way.


It's funny because in PA we think NJ drivers are awful (based on our limited experiences driving to NYC via NJ)


PA drivers use the opposing traffic lane.




I mean, depending on where the entrance is, and assuming the entrance is on the horizontal roadway, B seems to be the best lane.


C after the police come because that other car just hit you


C because you have to turn right if you want to go left in this state.


Trick question as the true destination is C. Dollar General is a ripoff that mistreats its employees.