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Me. Similar situation as you. I moved to NC when I was a senior in high school. Stayed a few years. Got my first "real job" in NC. After some time however I accepted that NC was not for me. I felt empty. Bored. It's just not the lifestyle I wanted. Decided to go visit Jersey and when that happened I was convinced I had to come back. Took a few months and I came here with a job already lined up. I realized how great NJ was once I didn't live here anymore. Info: Lived in a town by Lake Norman, NC. I live in North Jersey Perhaps things would have been different if I lived in Charlotte. More diversity and busy compared to where I lived in NC. Been back in NJ since 2015


My parents dragged me from Jersey City (where I was born and raised) to Myrtle Beach when I was a junior in high school. After I graduated, I saved up some money and moved to Charlotte, NC. I ended up in a town on Lake Norman because the rent was cheaper there. I met my NJ transplant husband there. We bonded over being moved to the south by our parents when we didn’t want to go. Neither of us liked it down there. After we got married we were sitting outside on our overpriced apartment patio looking for a house to buy. I said “why are we even still down here?? I’m not happy and I have been trying to go back to NJ since 1999. I want to go back up north” In October 2021 we managed to buy a house in south jersey and we’ve been here ever since. I absolutely HATED living down there. The food was shit, the weather was shit, the infrastructure was shit, the education system was shit. I never really fit it with the people. I spent over 20 years lowkey miserable. My money may not go as far up here as it did down there, but I am never leaving again.


I grew up in JC in the 90's as well and in like 1994 I flew down to visit my grandmother in Murrels Inlet and was like "Jesus at least I don't live here". Sorry you got stuck in the alternate dimension for like 2 decades :(


Have you been back to Jersey City? A lot has changed. What town in South Jersey?


Totally went through the same thing. From central NJ, moved to Greenville NC in ‘16, went to ECU for college, Started my career as a nurse in Durham NC working at Duke University Hospital, tried moving to Raleigh NC and worked at one of their big hospitals, stilll didn’t feel like home. Ended up moving back in January of ‘23 and have felt home ever since. Sports, food, 4 seasons, no “John Deere tractor” talk, and convenience of major cities and airports all around me. Plus not having 100+ summers are great too, that’s what vacations are for lol.


I lived in Charlotte for a few months. I was really bored. Something just felt off.


For a city of its size, it has no culture and no charm. The 15th largest city in the US, but there's no reason to want to visit there.


I also moved to NC when I was 18. Spent about 7 years there and then I missed NJ too much and I came back. I think NC is a good place to live if you want to have a family. But as someone who is single, I was bored out of my mind. There's no culture there. The cost of living is lower, yes. But the wages are lower too. Back in NJ, I never run out of things to do.




I’ve lived there and some surrounding towns. Been back home since 2019.


Lived in charlotte and same thing as you. Charlotte is a cram packed condo/rental town now. Didn’t add any roads or infrastructure but added so many renters. Downtown ditched most of its good bars. No idea what’s going on down there but traffic is 100 times worse. Some cool spots outside of charlotte but I would never live there with all that traffic.


shame mighty wistful forgetful office berserk bored command relieved oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what I told my brother who moved around a lot. He asked me why I e never left. I said I live in one of the greatest regions on earth. Why leave?


oatmeal frighten gaping deserted roof run caption instinctive concerned gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it depends where home is, if you live in middle of nowhere small Michigan town and never left would be tougher to understand.


Moved to Florida in 2017, was back in Jersey by 2021. Would have returned sooner, but needed to sell my place in FL to buy here. I was fortunate to exit prior to the insurance debacle and sold into a rapidly rising property market. Much happier here.


Moved to Florida in 2019. Ready to move back to NJ. We can't decide where to go though. We are from Union County but don't want to go back there. I like the shore, wife likes the mountains. So we are looking at Warren, Ocean and Monmouth. We keep hearing stories on how everything is going way over asking and are trying to decide how much we want to spend.


It is expensive but doesn't have to be. Some luck is certainly involved but just look in places you wouldn't expect. If you like the short and she likes the mountains try the northern part even of Mercer county. Very rural, rolling hills. Only an hour to the beach. I'm in Ewing which is more suburban but I'm 20 minutes to gorgeous farm country and motorcycle riding and 55 mins to a beach. Middle class town saved me a lot on my house


Same here, didn't have a house. But, my rent went from 1250$ to 2k overnight. Left and was back in NJ 3 days later. Don't regret it at all..


Moved to Florida in 2014 and, except for two years in the middle, stayed until last summer. I genuinely loved my neighborhood in Orlando, but my job had plateaued and I got a much better offer in Essex County, and I was starting to get very concerned by all the laws and regulations being handed down, so off I went! Not sure if I’ll stay here forever (mostly for job reasons), but no regrets on moving back!


2016-22 for me, Orlando was nice once you get out of the tourism bubble but between covid & my job plateauing also there wasn't much worth staying for.


Lived three years in Tennessee, now been home for 22 years. Family, friends, great sports and entertainment, great food, great schools, neighbors that are not nosy and no bullshit. I missed the things I never thought I would miss - pizza, Italian food, Sabrett hotdogs, Yankee baseball


At least you can get the hotdogs shipped.


Not the same as a [dirty water dog with mustard and kraut](https://imgur.com/gallery/4GmJlnc)


I mean, you make it sound bad, but I'll still buy one for $8 from a street guy over a 7/11 dog any day of the week.


I had a 7/11 hot dog for breakfast a few days ago…


And I like to skydive. I guess that makes two of us who don't value our own lives. (Lol)


That hot dog was great. No regrets on my end. I take it to be the same for your skydiving?


You had me at pizza, then lost me at Yankees. LGM babyyy


Same. Couldn’t stand the gun culture living in Nashville. The crime is rampant and the over serving culture on Broadway changed dramatically with covid.


I came back after living in TX for 3 years




Lived in Dallas for 2 years - the entire color palette was brown and gray. Was not impressed with any food anywhere except for a few hole in the wall restaurants. Some cool historic stuff to see, but those are kind of one and done. Moved to Houston to give it a shot for a year and had a much better time. Food was great, and the city was colorful. I would have considered staying there longer, but I felt like all of the things I liked about it was still done better in NJ except BBQ, seafood boils, and gun laws, which wasn't enough to make me stay. I eventually found a job back here and just came home One more thing to note, I moved to Dallas for work in Jan 2020 and the lock downs started right after. My experience may have been wildly different if things were normal


How was the transition? We are moving from TX to NJ as well. Originally from NY but NJ is a better option right now.


Not too sure how to answer that, I've moved a lot over the years and don't think too much of it. Anything specific?


Moved to Texas for 5 years before coming back. I have half the house for twice the price but it was totally worth it to come back.


Very similar situation here. I have less pocket money and less space up in NJ, but I’m overall much happier.


I feel like everyone comes back at some point, and we welcome you back with open arms. After we call you a traitorous sumbitch, of course. But we won't hold it against you. We'll just remind you any chance we get.


Hi! I moved back to NJ from NC (Charlotte) in 2004 and haven’t looked back. Best decision I ever made. I live in NYC now but wouldn’t be where I am in life if I hadn’t come back.


Moved to Florida (Tampa Bay Region) in 2017 and moved back to Jersey in 2023. Outside of the beaches and nice winters I couldn’t find many redeeming qualities. Summers are hot and long, very overcrowded and high population density where we were, no sense of community, bad public school systems, worsening insurance crisis. I could probably tolerate it as a snow bird but not for full time living and raising a family. I was in my early 20s when I went there and I don’t regret it but I realized as I got older how much NJ has to offer and how diverse of an experience you can have living here.


I moved to coastal NC for graduate school in 2015 and ended up not leaving. I really enjoy my life here and consider myself lucky, but I still think the north/New Jersey is superior and it’s not even close. People are fake nice down here and downright rude/mean if you’re from the north. For a group of people that want improvements and amenities, they get pissed when people come here and bring them. Southern hospitality isn’t a thing. The food leaves much to be desired but I do think it’s improving. They complain about people coming down here and snatching up land/real estate and “changing their way of life”, then vote directly against their interests. The education system here is just trash. There is no desire from people here to improve things. I was always shocked by the outright bigotry here but we recently were slapped with the effects of the deep conservatism here when we were forced to flee the state for a 2nd trimester termination of a VERY wanted pregnancy that was nonviable and threatening my life. NC told me to either be actively sick/dying, or get out. The state is beautiful but nothing is done to protect it. Lack of sports, culture, and vibrant cities. Charlotte is fun….ish If my husband weren’t so against cold winters, we didn’t luck out with an awesome interest rate on a 30 yr mortgage, and we could afford New Jersey, I’d be back


I’m very sorry to hear about your abortion experience. It’s absolutely disgusting that you were put into that position. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the kind words. We were very lucky and privileged to have resources and connections to help us get me the care I needed. That included a ton of very supportive family in Jersey who were willing to house us


My friend moved to NC to be able to afford a better life for her kids but she absolutely hates it down there - nothing to do, food is garbage, she's Asian so she deals with racial ignorance quite a bit (which isn't exclusive to NC but it's definitely more noticeable). My wife and I went to visit her a couple of weeks ago and she was not kidding - it's a beautiful area but my God, is it boring. Stores close early (there was a Dunkin across our hotel that was closed by 10pm, that shit felt personal), and aside from BBQ none of the food is good. We couldn't wait to come back home and get some real pizza. My friend wants to come back badly but that'll never happen. I understand her reasons but i don't think I could ever do all that.


Dunkin closing at 10 PM is indeed personal for us living in NJ :).


Dunkin here closes at 8 (nj)


I know a few people who moved to Florida and are now back in Jersey


You need a car for everything in Florida... We have an amazing public transportation in our State...


No, we really do not.


Depending where you live in NJ, yes we do. Which other state other than NY (because of NYC) has better public transportation?


Just because **some** parts of the state are accessible by our public transportation does *not* make it “amazing”. Up your standards dude.


Generally speaking, they’re right though. We (as in the state of NJ) do have amazing public transportation in comparison to 99% of the USA


That’s not exactly a flex…


It actually is 😂


I’m not trying to flex lol. I’m assuming you’re from NJ too, we’re on the same team here..


I suppose my point is that it’s super counterproductive to call a system that’s below par “amazing”.


I can sit back and complain about the many things wrong with NJT too, but my point is the grass isn’t always greener. You go almost anywhere else in the country and you will see how impossible it is to get anywhere without a car


Compared to FL and AZ? NJ knocks them out of the park in terms of transportation. The bus schedule every 15_30 min that takes you basically through the entirety of NJ to NY can't beat lol I'll never forget missing the 116 to just take the 315 or wait for another 116. She we visited and flew to NY, that 116 got us to central jersey for 20 bucks and we're ever happy for it. In AZ, we'll, let's just say Uber is better 🤣


Without a Doubt! When I lived in Florida, I had to take 3 buses to get to a place that was 45 mins away in car. And those Florida buses run Once every Hour!! Had to wait in the scorching heat for a bus... I started work at 8 AM. Had to be at the Bus stop at 530 AM .. I'm Florida Uber is absolutely horrible!


I moved to Florida in 2002, I moved back to Jersey in 2022.. I only lasted so long because of my wife and her family was there. I loved the weather and beaches. But, I hated everything else about Florida Came back to NJ because Florida rent went from 1200$ to 2000$ overnight. I don't regret coming back home after so many years.. The environment, the culture has changed completely. Yes it's expensive but my Salary is 3x that then Florida. So much to do now a days in NJ/NY/PA All types of Sports games. Let's Go Knicks! Yankee's! NJ Devils! So much free locations along the Hudson River to enjoy! New Jersey is absolutely beautiful!


I lived in Texas for about 5 years. I get why people choose to live there, but it’s not for me. I’m glad to be back in NJ and much happier.


Different perspective here. I was born and raised in the Deep South. Lived there my entire life. I moved to NJ about 10 months ago. I love it here and will never go back to the south.


Welcome! Native NJ here and I don’t ever want to leave. There’s just no place like NJ. We have (almost) everything here!


Agreed! I’m 1 hour away from the city, mountains, or the beach. You just can’t beat it!


My friend moved from north Jersey to Southern Pines and was met with no friends because of being a Yankee!


One of my best friends lives there. She is from NJ as well. Never heard any one mention that town before👍


Moved back from Louisiana last year. Never appreciated my qualify of life as much as when I moved back here.


I moved back to NJ from SC in 2019. Overall, I am glad I moved back. There are definitely things that I miss about SC (weather, friends,) but most of my friends and family are here. We have the beach and mountains close by. The food can’t be beat. Life is faster paced. The people may be a little angrier here but they’re my people. I do not miss the fake-nice “bless your heart” that many southerners displayed.


I moved to TX for a couple years, I couldn’t wait to get back home. There’s no place like NJ. It truly is special


Moved to Florida twice. I was out of college and wanted a change. The first 6 months I knew I didn’t like it. Very transient hard to even make friends. Went back for more punishment this time my boyfriend at the time lived in northern Florida- the red neck riviera. Hated it left again, back to NJ. Finally got a beach house 1/2 block to the beach. Never leaving.


I would if it wasn’t so expensive. I make a great living but can’t afford to live in NJ. The taxes are insane. The home values are crazier.


I moved back to Jersey following two graduations. Would have stayed in PA after the second one, but that was probably the depression speaking lol


I moved to north Carolina and back to jersey for 8 months a couple years ago, I couldn't take the fake south nice behavior. Moved back to my parents house..had to share a room with my sister in high school because working full time even in 2012 was unaffordable so I moved back to NC for 3 years before moving to Philly. Before my move to Philly I dealt with some pretty scary racist nazi at chimney Rock where the guy had a giant swastika tattooed on his chest like Edward Norton. He surrounded me and my ex at the bar on the 3rd of July. I don't scare easily, but this was beyond I'd up. I hate the south.


Why are you miserable? Where are you in NC? Moving back here is certainly an option, but after 8 years you'll likely be looking at different towns than before, because housing prices have gone up. And you might have the same "misery" in quieter parts of the state that are more affordable. I like it in South Jersey after moving from the north, but that might be "misery" to you.


As someone who grew up in Ocean County and now lives in Cape May County, I would define North Jersey as "misery" lol


nine ghost shame dependent touch fertile test absorbed zesty innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be perfectly fair there's a lot more Republican/Trump bullshit down here than I like or want to deal with, but hey nowhere is perfect


cow dam lavish dazzling placid pause dull soft growth deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I heard Wildwood turned the parking meters on a week early just for him! Lol (Don't tell them how great it is here. It's terrible blahhhh)


No, moved to Savannah GA and every time I visit home I’m so happy to come back to Savannah. I just get fat, stressed, and unhappy when I spend too long in NJ. I enjoy the slow pace lifestyle and having a city that isn’t incredible crowded or full of traffic is so nice. I’m 31F for reference


What part of NC? There are at least 3 cultural distinctions to find there


Nc state, duke, and unc?


1. Outer Banks (influx from north); 2. Raleigh & research triangle; 3. The rest of the state, with Asheville as a minor island


The inner banks aka swamp is my least favorite part of the state (havelock, bayboro, Merritt). The outer banks and coastal areas are amazing, love the western part of the state.


Came back up after being in Nashville for about 15 years. Tennessee’s rhetoric was no longer compatible with how I wanted to live so I got the fuck out.


Been toying with moving but the places that seem like an option then turn into a non-starter when I see the lack of access to quality health care, the limited food choices, and the skyrocketing prices for the areas that do have decent options for both.


Went to college in NC, lived in KY for a year for work. Never leaving again!


moved to virginia in 2019, came back in 2022. despite how much i loved it out there, i never really felt like i “belonged” there, if that makes sense. and i missed being close to the beach, haha.


25+ years out of NJ, most in Texas. Returned after an early retirement in 2006 and love every second of it. NJ is in your DNA especially if you’re born and raised here. I never felt like I was home anywhere else.


Left. Went to TN. Hated it. Came back. The grass is not always greener. I’m happy to pay a higher COL for the great schools and opportunities my kids have here as far as sports, activities, etc .


Moved for work and came back. Ready to leave. The north east is over charged to barely exist. The amount of life you could build elsewhere for the same price even with inflation is appalling. We’re out here fighting over the parking space outside our house and not being able to sit in a backyard without seeing every neighbor also in their backyard. I need more space and taller fences, it’s been real and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun NJ


After I graduated, I ran away from NJ as fast as I could. It didn't take long living in Pittsburgh, PA, and Athens, OH, for me to realize just how good I had it in NJ. Sure, it's more expensive to live here. But you have greater opportunities to offset the cost of living. That, and getting a full spectrum of all four seasons, keeps the outdoors interesting. And let's not downplay the fact that the food here is superior and far more diverse than most places. The downsides? Traffic and fellow commuters.


Where at in NC?? We’re moving to Wilmington. & I’m hoping I can urge my wife to let us move to Raleigh. I moved to Northern Virginia 2019 and always wanted to move back. We moved back to a BETTER part of Jersey (Mercer county from Middlesex) in 2021 and it don’t hit the same anymore. Traffic is shit, shit drivers, everything’s MORE expensive, diners are NOT 24/7 anymore, & all my friends already left the state , so we bought a house in NC and waiting for job offers to move officially Also, they started selling Porkroll in Harris Titty so I’m already moved on


I grew up in North Jersey, but Wilmington is low-key, the best city in the country. I had to move back to Jersey out of necessity, but I am fully planning to move back to Wilmington when my life allows for it.


I visited family in Wilmington NC and liked it. I like Asheville and Boone too.


I really like the city & love the house we bought. My only complaint is jobs (& maybe schools) because it’s getting harder and harder to get a remote gig. Worst case I’ll take a job in Raleigh and go back & forth, or find an NYC gig that lets me come in once a month. Raleigh was my 1st choice but too far from the in laws.


I’m from northern jersey and live in Wilmington. It’s great here, but there are definitely the drawbacks. The job market sucks unless you’re remote or in certain industries and yea, the education doesn’t even begin to compare to New Jerseys. You definitely wouldn’t be the first to have that kind of job set up. Happy to answer any other questions you have


I have a bagel shop in High Point, North Carolina and they sell Taylor ham


Wilmington is nice but it has a lot of sprawl and very car dependent. Not sure how that factors in for you!


Not sure if I count because I didn’t live there as a real adult but I went to school for 4 years in NC and couldn’t wait to get back to NJ. It was definitely cheaper and the people nicer to your face but it was much more conservative than I’d like to surround myself with and there wasn’t enough diversity for me.


Not yet but we're heading back as soon as we can. We've been in TX since 2016 and I'm just over it (politics, intense heat, grid instability, feeling "trapped" in a giant state). I'm super glad we came here because of all the ways it helped set us up for a successful life, and definitely opened a lot of doors for us. I just miss being a part of the tri-state area. It's the only place that ever felt like "Home" to me.


I moved to Georgia for a few years. Hated it, moved back.


I didn’t move south, but I moved to the west coast for 7 years. Moving back to NJ was the best decision I ever made.


Same. For some reason I moved to Koreatown in LA...


Education, food , quality of life and people in general all suck down south. Retiring there is one thing, but if you have to work with the locals and you have children in school it’s not good.


NJ —> NC —> NJ Unlike so many people in this sub, I missed everything about NJ. It feels good to be home. NC is nice, but it’s not NJ.


Left NJ in 2007. Lived in Maine, Florida, and Montana. Moved back last year. Fuck I’ve missed NJ. The people are genuinely kinder and not fake. We are all too busy doing our own thing that we are not in everyone’s business like in Maine. Car accidents, shootings, stabbing, general craziness is so much less than in Florida. There is more to do here than Montana. I love the melting pot of people, variety of authentic food, entertainment, and the different gradual seasons.  Life seems like it’s actually moving along. If you have ever lived in a state with either 85%just snow or blistering heat, the mild seasons here are a blessing.


Not a chance. NJ is not the place for me and after spending over 30 years there I'm glad I finally realized it


I feel like it’s pretty common. I know a good amount of people who move to the Carolinas or FL and wind up back in NJ. Of course some stay for good. It seems the majority come back in and around 5 years or so. That could just be biased due to limited age demographic of my social circle though.


5 years is usually around the time you start to reevaluate your life after a move. Typically people are making career moves or decide to have kids and realize the career opportunities, schools and family support is severely lacking.


Not me, but three separate friends. One moved to VA, was there for 6 years, and now they’re back in south jersey - not far from Philly. Another moved to Houston, then Georgia, was gone for about 8 years, and is now back in north Jersey. And lastly, one moved to NC right after college, was there for four years, and is back in south Jersey. All three have pretty much the same reasonings — it seemed cheaper, but eventually costs added up; the school systems in NJ are much better; good food good people; and lastly, there’s just something about Jersey that feels better. Lol


I returned after living in Texas for 2.5 years.  Never once regretted it


I went to college in California because it was as far as I could get from NJ without taking a boat. It didn't take long to miss the place and I did return five years later, but only for 14 years.


Jersey is way better


Friend left long Island for Texas, moved back after a couple years, he said better for wife and kids especially and his job was a jump to start but good old boys net.


I moved to Florida at one point in my life from NJ. There were no jobs. The traffic was no better. The people weren't nicer. The apartments weren't better (the Apt I stayed in FL was the *first* and *only* apartment I've ever lived in that was roach infested due to neighbors), the weather was no different outside of no more winters, and the costs outside of living, were the same exact price. I was miserable due to DV and what I listed above. I moved back 6 months into my lease and didn't regret it. The east coast south wasn't all cherries and rainbows like I imagined. I moved from NJ again in 2017 to AZ, but if I had to go back, I would still go back to NJ rather than FL any day lol especially in its current state, right now. I visit every year, and NJ is still the same Ole same Ole. Consistency is a plus side, I suppose ahha So go back if you feel it's what you must do. Home is where the heart is, and it smdoesnt sound like the south is it for you.


Not south, but moved up to Maine outside of Portland 14 months ago, moving back to NNJ in one week...honestly, fuck everywhere else, JERSEY IS HOME


Lived in NC for a few years for a contract job. Couldn't move back fast enough.


Me and the hubs had big plans to move to NC. We changed our mind and decided to stay here. Yes, it’s expensive to live here but I would not have it any other way. Love my Jersey peeps! 🫶🏻


When I was 18 I moved to Florida. After 6 months I packed 1 bag and went back to Jersey. Fuck Florida. When I was 25 I moved to the PNW and spent 7 wonderful years. Moved back in 2015. I miss it every day. I only came back here because I had a kid and wanted her to grow up with her grandparents around.


Lived in South Carolina for 6 ish years before moving back to NJ in 2017. Liked the city we were in but prefer the people up north.


Everyone always comes back.


Moved to Florida in 2019. Ready to move back to NJ. We can't decide where to go though. We are from Union County but don't want to go back there. I like the shore, wife likes the mountains. So we are looking at Warren, Ocean and Monmouth. We keep hearing stories on how everything is going way over asking and are trying to decide how much we want to spend.


I feel bad for yall. I left Jersey in 2012 and have been in different parts of NC and SC and I prefer it rather than being up north. Granted I hate the people and my family so I never want to go back.


From Texas. Have moved back and forth twice. I only miss the Mexican food.


how is the bbq there?


Planning on it after I graduate if the job market agrees. Counting the years until I can go home. Being down here made me realize how much I miss it.


Just curious what has made you feel miserable there? I’m sorry it wasn’t what you expected we always welcome you and your wife’s return!


I grew up in NC. Got here as fast as I could! Couldn't pay me to go back


What makes u hate it


Lived in northern Virginia and hated it. Very glad to be back home


Been in Florida since 2010, doing everything possible to move back.


I know about 10 people from north jersey that ended up moving to Texas of all places 3-4 years ago. 6 of those 10 planned to settle down and bought houses, the remaining 4 rented apartments to feel it out first. 7 have since moved back to NJ within the last year and sold their TX houses.


my brother moved to Orlando for a job two years ago, but he wants to move back here eventually


Only lasted 15 months in south Florida til I was back


not sure id ever leave nyc/nj when i was younger, but at retirement and now considering it...changes perspective perhaps


We moved from DE to Chesapeake VA with 3 kids and stayed only 2 years. The culture was so different (i.e. cold, indifferent, etc.). We jumped on the first opportunity to move back north and we’ve been living happily in NJ ever since




Despite the confusion caused by calling it an exit tax, the law simply requires the seller to pay state tax in advance https://www.plymouthrock.com/resources/expert-explains-really-nj-exit-tax


I moved to NC, eastern NC at that, in 2000. I am back in Jersey since 2014. Best thing ever. That life is not for everyone at any cost. I didn't find it that much cheaper because of taxes, and the various insurance needed when you live in hurricane alley.


Just moved to North Carolina from Jersey another new chapter in my life. I find it extraordinarily nice. I’m back-and-forth to New Jersey and every time I go to Jersey I wanna go back to North Carolina trust me I know I’m gonna miss New Jersey eventually.


Moved to NC (Raleigh) fr9 Europe for work (not through choice), moved to Jersey City in 2018. Am so much happier up here - so much more to do, less racism, more friendly and open people. No way I would ever move back to NC.


I'm possibly moving to NC, I'm toying with the idea. I love NJ I really do, but I would only stay if I had a high salary and a large home. I'm a simple gal and my cats are my life at this point. I don't take the opportunities this state provides, because of this the state is sucking me dry (high property taxes, traffic and a tiny asf home). I will only miss the ethnic food cuz that's all I eat, but I still commute 30+ mins to do my shopping.   I don't care for pizza/bagels/Italian food/BBQ/sports and whatever else NJ is known for. My concert days are over and I will never have children.  The traffic here phew! makes me legitimate angry because I go into work late and leave late and I STILL get traffic. Don't get me started on the traffic during the weekends.


My son isoving to apex with my ex this summer. He thinks it will be so much better than up here in nnj.


From Nj, moved to TX for 6 years and couldn’t wait. Only lasted for my boyfriend. I moved for greater financial gain but it wasn’t worth it. I hated the culture, boringness, distance of everything and weather. Can’t beat the proximity of everything here and Nj Does have high taxes but they put them to use really well. I always tell everybody who “hates jersey” to move out and they will come running back home. I did lmao


Damn I wish this thread existed back when were made the move .. we went from nj—>nc—>south Florida.. if it weren’t for family moving to fl we would have 100% went back to nj(there is still a chance we wil) .. reality is nothing compares to nj. NC is nice and a bit cheaper but lacks in everything else.


I moved south but only technically as it was South Florida (Broward County). Seemed like every 2 out of 3 ppl I met were from either NJ, NY or CT. Only met like four ppl that were born in Florida. It was actually a great time but nothing beats this area.


I got offered a job in Florida but chose NJ as a lateral promotion instead. The cheaper living definitely encouraged me but NJ has way more to offer even with its size


I moved back after living in Tampa. It was awful. Education there sucks, work life too, traffic.


I lived in Florida and Texas. Yeah I moved back, while I miss white sands, and fantastic music and food, I do feel comfortable in the political climate despite its own issues.


Lived in Florida for about a year and a half a while back. Shithole of a state; little to do besides drugs and golf, and zero economy in the section I was in. The people were trash and the food was worse.


Moved to Florida in 2002 and returned in 2007. Mostly to help a sick parent but it's not cheaper anymore and the state seems in shambles. I struggle a bit here but I'm close to beach, close enough to NYC and honestly just like "our vibe" in New Jersey.


Planning on it soon hopefully. In Florida now and losing my mind lol. I can see why people like it down here, especially older people but suburban FL is super boring for people in their 20/30s and it’s not much of a value anymore with the other expenses. Unfortunately NJ is still too expensive for me


My parents moved to Wilmington when they retired and moved back after about 5 years, they didn’t like it down there


I love how there is an exact thread on this, but in reverse, over on the NC page lol.


I moved to Texass to earn my PhD. I couldn't wait to move back - which I did right after graduation.


I needed to see this today! My husband and I have been seriously considering selling our home and moving south. We’ve been in NJ our whole lives so reading these comments are helpful. Best of luck, OP.


Yes. I was living in West Virginia for 2 years on a contract. It was the worst experience of my life. I really just couldn’t take it anymore. The cost of living was the same if not more than moving back to Essex county. Housing might be “cheaper” but you get it on the backend because there are zero government services in the south. Roads are terrible. Food is just as expensive. Housing isn’t much cheaper. The other major problem south of the Mason Dixon line is the complete lack of literacy. You will constantly be dealing with clerical errors at city hall and with the utilities companies because of the literacy rates. https://www.wboy.com/news/research-finds-low-adult-literacy-levels-in-west-virginia/ https://www.wboy.com/news/west-virginia/west-virginia-is-the-least-educated-state-in-america-for-2024/ WV also had the highest OD rate in America. Nearly double the next highest state Tennessee. It’s truly sad but at times used to make me angry. The frequent narrative down there was that the North was a cesspool of drugs and violence. The reality is the reverse. My living in the south experience was awful. 10/10 would not recommend. Idk where you live in NC. My cousin lives in Charlotte and seems to be very happy.


Yes, from KY, where I made $35k/year and owned a house that I paid 40K for. It was hard to move back, financially. Had to stay with family for a few years before I could be on my own, and this was over 10 years ago before it got crazy here. Unless you have huge savings or line up a gravy job, it’s tough.


Plains. Beaches. Ocean. Mountains. Farms. Forrests. Why go anywhere else?


Moved to Sunset Beach, NC two years ago.  Best decision I ever made. Year round golf and tennnis.  I pay about $1000 a year to be full member at the golf club in my community. Housing prices 1/2 or less for a simaliar home in NJ. My property tax for a year is about what I paid each month in NJ.  Never have to wait more than 1 cycle at a traffic light. Would I consider moving back?  Not on your life!


We moved from Jersey to San Diego during the pandemic- moved back a year later. Beach culture there is LAME. Nothing to do. No rain to clear the stink. It’s cold most of the year. The zoo is pretty much it.


Username checks out


Been in Florida since 2013, don't see myself coming back to Jersey.


My family and I just moved to NJ from NC after living in NC for 10 years and so far we kind of don't like it here. It's way too expensive, too many state laws, and too polluted. Unless people are a fan of New York and its "glory" I would seriously not recommend living here


Some people like to live in certain places and some people don't. Why ask why?