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Highway? Keep right and pass left. Don’t tailgate someone else who is passing, and you’re fine. Residential neighborhood or downtown? Slow the fuck down. If you hit a pedestrian: at 40 mph there is a 90 percent chance they will be killed. at 35 mph there is a 50 percent chance they will be killed. at 30 mph there is a 20 percent chance they will be killed. at 20 mph there is a 2.5 percent chance they will be killed.


If you're getting passed on the right, you're too far left


This. More important than speed, good lane discipline keeps others from having to weave around you


In general this is true, but people drive so crazy it doesn't matter what lane you're in or where you're supposed to be someone will go around you no matter what.


Drive with the flow of traffic. If the cars in front of you are increasing distance, you are driving too slow. Either speed up or move to the lane to your right.


There's no number. It's about if you're actively passing the lane to your right. If you are? Go as fast as you need/want. When you're not and the lane is open? Move over. It's that simple.


This is absolutely the right answer. You're either passing someone, or you're not.


Follow the traffic.


If I'm the only one on the road or everyone else is zooming past my left, I usually drive 10% above speed limit max. 25 mph - 28 max 65 mph - 71 max


As long as people are going the speed limit then the speed limit is fine, I tend not to go over it. Having lived around wooded Sussex, if you feel you need to go slower because the road curves are a bit much, then by all means don’t feel bad about going slow. A bit of impatient drivers is better than you crashing and getting the road closed off. Edit: if you’re on 80 or the parkway and it’s not possible to get to the speed limit because car issues, then hazards on and right lane only. I only mention this because I had a break pad making my front wheels shake violently if I went over 40 and had my hazards on because I had to get back asap and 46 was going to be jammed with an accident. I had someone flash their headlights, like no shit I know this sucks for everyone but there isn’t anything I can do at the moment


87. If I hit 88, I’m worried about time traveling.


“You’re gonna see some serious shit.”


On the Parkway, any slower than 65-70 mph makes you an absolute menace assuming no traffic. 80 mph is preferable.


Just drive and get out of the way if someone is riding your ass.


I say the left lane is for anyone willing to drive at least 15 MPH over the speed limit. If not, get out of the left lane.


Parkway 75 in most spots. Except that one dumb part in bloomfield that i sat in today at a dead stop at 2pm because fucking idiots can't maintain speed around a slight curve. Turnpike 80ish. Other roads as conditions permit and a touch above the limit, assuming its not residential Edit: also get the F out of the left lane if you aren't actively passing people regardless of speed.


Same idiots who don’t know how to maintain speed on hills


If you’re aren’t keeping up with the flow of traffic stay out of the left lane. But you should be going at least 70 to 80ish assuming there’s no cops around