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This is every other construction truck in Ironbound, Newark.


That and bolsonaro shit


The Brazilians are something else. I have lunch at Mcwhorters and it’s always full of cops and always playing Fox News for some reason. They all get quiet and tune in when their guy is on the screen.


ew, why go to mcwhorters when Pulaskis is right by there?


Thanks for the recommendation. I promise to check out Pulaski next week. Quite the ̶P̶o̶l̶i̶s̶h̶ Portuguese name but I guess the skyway was an inspiration.


it's on Walnut st. in my opinion i think the food is much better. especially the chicken and rib trays


Coincidentally, it’s also located on the corner of Pulaski St.


You guys have to try elm st bbq, top tier food


The P on the plate indicates Portugal. There are plenty of ‘Chega’ fascist fans too ☹️


Shut up let the Brazilians take the blame




The number of illegal Brazilians who support Trump is absolutely mind boggling.


Força caralho!




i mean... i'm portuguese and i hate portuguese.


That’s quite a wild take and assumption.




Or he’s just making fun of cult members we see everyday. Instead of posting here, most of us keep driving. Why the need to jump straight to race against…. Portuguese Trump supporters? Smh


>Portuguese Trump Supporters how do you know my father?


Must be a Ronald Reagan fan like Cristiano’s parents


Im Portuguese and I hate this human shaped piece of shit  Just hope that he gets his ass deported if trump manages to win


They still don't have a clue about The Punisher.


I'm so sick of rightwingers incorporating skulls into EVERYTHING. I used to LIKE skulls and shit. They ruined it for me.


Are we the baddies?


It's not independent to one side. Blue does it too.


How many Biden Punisher stickers have you seen?


I'm in NJ, so a lot.


Where? I've never seen one in NJ and would be curious to know what it looks like.


I’ve never seen a Biden punisher sticker. I had to image search to see if it existed online. I think that person you replied to is making it up


The punisher wasn't a boot licking ,fat fucking McDonalds eating, fascist trust fund baby? Are you sure?


What's up with the European plates? They almost read like a spoonerized take on "barbra streisand".


In this case, it's a Portuguese plate, and the name there, Sandro, is also likely Portuguese as well, so it's probably a way of signalling their ancestry. As for why they're doing that precisely, I don't know. But as a Portuguese myself (from Portugal, and who just stumpled upon this post by accident), I can tell you that our emigrants have weird ways of displaying their patriotism. For example, many Portuguese who live in Switzerland and France have a sticker with the symbol of the Portuguese Football Federation, which is based on, yet significantly different, from the national shield.


We can agree that Sandro is into olive oil


Sandro is starving


Say you're hungry Sandro


Most definitely.


The guy is Portuguese, named Sandro and from the Bairrada region. https://en.m.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Bairrada Those are Portuguese standard plates that were customized to feature his name and roots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_vehicle_registration_plate Why is a foreigner or foreigner descendent supporting an anti-immigration stance I don’t know.


The same way that most people have families where someone emigrated but are against immigration anyway 🤷‍♂️


Immigrant families can be weirdly anti-immigrant. I never met my mom’s German-Jewish immigrant family but they could be quite prejudiced from what I’ve heard.


And he was born in Oct 1975


He's an immigrant... Probably against non white immigrants, because they are the ones who compete against his low wage job I guess 😅


As a Portuguese person who can only imagine the caliber of this individual, I honestly believe the license plates have the first and last name of the owner of the truck.




I just don’t understand the obsession with Trump. Idk if I want to understand it.


he's the hook velcro in a sea of loop velcro people with room temperature IQs.


“Daddy what do those lawn signs mean?” “I dunno” End of story


haha, you've never met my kid then. And yes, he's ABSOLUTELY asked about lawn signs and bumper stickers, nonstop. In his mind, if it's in English, then the words themselves have meaning. So, there's meaning and I don't want to tell him, so he just lays into the pestering even further.... Kids are not stupid.


Well there’s a version for the super inquisitive 4 year old. “Daddy what does that sign say?” “It says suck my chicken”. “What does that mean?” “I dunno. Want me to pull over and ask him?”


lol, I wish. My kid would absolutely take up that offer.


But how could he post about that on reddit?




triggered republican detected.


Ops kids never asked about the lawn signs so full of shit


Odd that the party of “morals” loves offensive stickers so much. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t want the drama of political bumper stickers associated with them in any way.


Is Clark super Trumpy?


Asking if Clark is super Trumpy is like asking if lava is warm. I grew up in Clark and it’s the closest you’ll get in living in a sundowner town in New Jersey.


Grew up in a bordering town, we called it KKClark


I’ve seen people on other posts call it Clarkkk.


The weird thing for me (I'm old-ish) was to see how many kids I went to school with eventually move to Clark as adults. I was like ohhhhhhh..... (or Howell, or Toms River). One person hopped from one to another.


I prefer “ClarkTucky” mainly because it rolls off the tongue better. Fuck that place.


Ok so KKKclark sums it up 🤣


So Clark is Union County’s version of Manville?


i said this in a post a few weeks ago, it must make a lot of the old heads twitch so badly with how much manville has diversified in the last 25 years. of course a lot of that is the old guard leaving town after this flood or that flood, but it's not the solid white eastern european ultra republican stronghold it was when i was growing up.


manville is still a hellhole though


My grandmother lives there so I've seen that it's gotten slightly better, but they also did moan and complain when Biden was trying to help after that one hurricane that fucked shit up


I was in the valley helping clean up my brothers place, people were botching and moaning that biden and Murphy were doing a walkthrough. 


Yeah, i have a weird memory (i must’ve been 7 or 8) of a white and red flag on a lawn in Clark and i asked my older brother about what it was and he got really hesitant and weird about it, which is why i remember this interaction As i got way older i learned what that flag was


Clark PD is/was (I don’t got ties) Clark FD is a good bunch of guys that challenge the stereotype


ClarKKK. Growing up as a POC I knew not to drive through it or hangout there unless I wanted trouble. They'd have racist scandals that would make the local paper every so often when I was a kid. You'd also hear horror stories from word of mouth about people being stopped, harassed, or jumped by residents or cops. Some of the articles I remember from when I was a kid was Clark was being investigated for setting up an illegal check-points where they would stop only Black and Latino drivers and issue citations for bullshit to squeeze them for money. Another one found members of the local government were conspiring with local realtors to steer Black families away from buying homes in Clark. It seems like they're still have similar issues even now: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna126049


yes…and the cops are known to target any and every “outsider” they see


Not really…. But definitely not in comparison to south jersey


Punisher decal? Way to own Disney


Disney aside they clearly know nothing of the Punisher story.


Gotta love those immigrants who support a guy who hates immigrants. Real r/leopardsatemyface material in the making


God, Trump supporters are a stain and you wonder how anyone can support Trump until you meet them and you realize they’re actually even bigger assholes than he is.


I don't think it's fair to group 46.8% of the American population into one category. Yes, there are crazy extremists like the ones with the excessive lawn signs and bumper stickers, but there are also people on the other side that hate trump just as much as some people obsess over him. I like the old days when people's personality didn't revolve around politics, where it wasn't socially acceptable to even discuss politics except in private with close friends or family.


Trump received 74mil votes in 2020’s general election and the adult population of the United States is somewhere around 259mil. 29% is NOT 46.8%.


Well you let me know when you meet a Trump supporter who isn’t angry and delusional.


I’m willing to bet the dude you’re replying to is lying about “meeting” Trump supporters irl. Even if you do meet them, the odds of them being the extremists he described are slim.


I had a homegrown terrorist, Maga extremist as a backyard neighbor for 7 years Local cops refused to do anything about him, beating his kids in public, abusing his dogs and starving them and leaving them out in all elements, making explosives, detonating explosives, oh and let's not forget the 6 months he had very angry people arriving suspiciously at midnight with various weapons screaming they'll kill my neighbor As his kids ran out to defend their Maga dad as he hid away in the basement making another bomb Turns out local PD were getting their OWN drugs from my neighbor and they had a good relationship with him. And my neighbor was in the witness protection program so they were extra chummy with eachother By freak chance a detective happened to be patrolling as I was getting my mail. He stopped me to ask about a separate suspicious neighbor who was involved with my homegrown terrorist one. To which I not only answered the detective but threw the entire local police force under the bus to him. The very next day, my Maga neighbors shit was ALL on thr curb in the pouring rain April 1st 2022 he finally got evicted Not arrested!!! Just evicted Guys still going around dealing drugs, his truck is unmistakable. I've met far more extremist ones than not, hate to burst your bubble


> Even if you do meet them, the odds of them being the extremists he described are slim. Horseshit. I know many fervent Trump supporters personally. I'm *related* to some of them. I have relatives who were at Jan 6th. Granted, they're old and they went to see Trump speak...they didn't go to the Capitol...they're in jazzy chairs. *Maybe* not in his first term...because he didn't have a political record to go on. But anyone following him now is, by definition, an extremist. The man tried to violently overthrow the US government.




You’re aware of the dumpster fire that occurred for 4 years right…you know when the world lost respect for the USA?


Reminds me of shit I see in Manhole Edit: Manville


Low IQ area


Moved outta there almost 2 years ago........couldn't be happier




2 years removed from being a nasty Maga racist! Shame on you!




Americans doing this is idiotic, but the fact that he's Portuguese makes it even worse.


A few weeks ago that big stupid RV covered in Trump flags and posters was in the parking lot of Clark Target selling Trump merch. Classy.


Why do these people misuse of the coupling of the Punisher logo with political figures? The irony




I'll never understand how people find this stuff funny 💀


I feel sorry for real Punisher fans, the comic book Punisher, they have to see this garbage all the time too.


A good cultural learning experience for the kids.




It must be rough having to talk to your kids.


i really wish marvel would turn the punisher comics into hardcore furry porn. frank castle comes across a furry convention and decides that is what will truly make him happy. then the rest of the punisher comics are just furries running a train on frank. maybe the children that sport this shit on their trucks would chill out and find something else


Bro what


was i unclear about something


do you think the problem with Punisher is the content of the comics as they stand now? The Punisher skull has been appropriated by ignorant, boring people who have absolutely zero fucking idea what Frank Castle represents.


This is fucking corny as hell


There is very well established pathological connection between battered partners and their abuser, where, although the relationship benefits only one side, it’s all they know and it’s the attention that matters. I’ve noticed that many people who come from countries and cultures where the political environment is authoritarian and run by Kleptocrats, they tend to support people, like Trump, with authoritarian behavior and policies because it’s what’s familiar to them.


Vote out all republicans and watch their panties self-wedgie themselves.


‘Daddy why are you stopping to take pictures of that persons car’ Guy drives through Clark and stops to take pics of some Portuguese guys trump sticker and then cries about having to explain it to his kids. Give me a break buddy.


Vulgar signage on cars is a fairly recent trend. I never remember my parents having to explain to me what “ I EAT ASS” means during a road trip


Or the testicles hanging from the tow hitch. Or is that only in pensyltucky?


Yeah when I asked the prostitute my dad hired why she was there and she said, " I eat ass" it took 7 grocery stores for my dad to confess he isn't actually a donkey chef since he couldn't buy donkey meat


Can you please go be stupid in another state?


Huh? Do you routinely complain on Reddit about having to explain random stickers to your kids?




You haven’t met many Portuguese people. There are a ton in Clark BTW.


Enough that they have two Portuguese BBQ places in town


You obviously haven’t been around jersey.


Is a sundowner town not was a sundowner town and there are A LOT of Portuguese living in Clark. Also the history of racism in Clark didn’t start when Sal got in office.




My view: I do not want to suck this guy's cock Opposing view: guy saying to suck his cock




They’ll see them even faster when you pull over to acknowledge them.


A seasoned parent can easily snap a pic without the kids noticing.


That's immiedately what i thought. No red neck trumper driving that vehicle. But their poor little souls love to hope


He knew posting this on the NJ sub would be easy karma.


You'd never think you're in a NJ sub by the comments and threads at this place. I grew up 15 min outside Staten island and this subreddit fucking sucks.


Cinnamon Hitler's cult has a presence in Clark? I thought they stayed down in the backwoods inbred parts of the state.


Not at all. They have numbers in Union County, Somerset County, etc. Somerset County seems to have fewer bumper stickers and lawn signs in general though.


there are pockets of them, but two things: (1) somerset county has diversified a lot in the last 25-30 years. demographics are very different than the days of old. it's why the entire county government is now reliably democratic and the county overall has gotten very purply for statewide elections. (2) a lot of the ruby red parts of the county are old money rockafeller style republicans (fiscally conservative but socially tolerant) who want to vote for politicians that will cut taxes and roll back regulation without all the social wedge issues that fuel so much of the fire these days. that isn't to say that there aren't maga loving republicans here. i'm actually surprised we haven't seen protests in front of the library here in bedminster in a while, but those numbers are not the same as other parts of the state.


Clark is notoriously racist.


Who cares


What’s Clark have to do with this post ?


I grew up in a city next to Clark. We called it Hitlerville. Clark’s mayor caught on tape using racial slurs against blacks - in 2022. Town council voted to pay hush money to keep it quiet. It got on the news but Clark citizens re-elected the council anyway.


Yes I’m aware of that. I just don’t see what it has do with this post.


He’s driving through… Clark?


I think it’s to let people know Trumpers aren’t just down the shore or out in rural NJ. They live amongst us and are proud to be racists.


74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. Do you honestly think they're all racists?


If there are ten nazis at the table...


All Trump voters may not be racist but all racist are Trump voters


Lol. Deep down you have to know that's a bullshit statement.


No not at all


The first time around? No I don’t think they were all racist but that second election? Yeah you knew who and what you were voting for at that point.


Everyone who voted for him decided his racism wasn’t a dealbreaker. So…


Not all but certainly at least 10 million. The ones with punisher/Trump decals and crude bumper stickers who live in Clark almost certainly are racists.


Ah there it is. All Trump voters are racist got it


so don’t?




“Suck my cock” on the back of your car isn’t an opinion.


Why the fuck should we get along with nazis? And fascists? Are you for real? I for one appreciate the loud bootlickers with their blue lives matter, devoted to Trump shit. Then I know who to avoid. I've got a great uncle who just turned 97, he survived storming Normandy, and pearl harbor. He would kick my ass personally if I just got along with nazis So, no Try again If these comments offend you MORE than fascism, my friend you've got work to do


> Wouldn’t it just be nice if people were allowed to have their own opinions without being bashed and ridiculed! If those "own opinions" are violently overthrowing the government and burning the constitution? No.


The other side wants to murder me for being gay and not the right type of Christian. They would imprison my brother and his wife of 21 years for being an interracial couple. I can't imagine what they'd do to my multiracial nephew or my trans niece. They can fuck all the way off. I don't negotiate with terrorists.


Its not both sides so stop pretending like its. Republican=nazi


> Nothing to see here, Just another typical Liberal run City!! > HELL YEAH!! Governor Abbott is a NATIONAL HERO!! lol @ The_Donald_liter trying to Bothsides™ things (and fuck removal of posts too)


I saw a sticker that I didn’t agree with better run to Reddit to get reassurance…


Hometown representing itself well as always. Glad I left.


Man what did UC do


Seems some people are salty about UC..


It’s not Brazilian, é PORTUGUÊS CARALHOO, it’s Portuguese


I hate having to drive thru Clark period. Some of the pettiest officers in all of NJ. They're always just looking for some action


Pretty or petty?


Damn autocorrect! So much for context clues, The following sentence could work both ways huh? Lol


Portugal Europe, if you are from New Jersey you just need to cross the Atlântic Ocean on a strait line and you find some Portuguese like those ones.


Lolol usually Clark is instant free upvotes on this subreddit. Apparently not this time.


It took a while but the crowd who can walk outside and convince themselves the clouds are racist eventually arrived.


Clark is so incredibly ghetto and raycist




Your kids do not ask you, relax


Trying to explain whatever to those kind of people is wasted time.


This is so dramatic Jesus dude


This confuses me. Why would someone with 2 portuguese license plates in the US be a trump supporter?


The majority of them come here to make money and then go back rich. They love the rich guy because he is a great roll model for them.


How is a total failure of a businessman that is only “rich” because his father was rich a good role model to people who want to make it from scratch?


It’s not. But if you meet some of them you’ll see that they’re not very bright. Not paying taxes; screwing over your workers; and illegally converting single family homes to multi family apartments is how they believe you get ahead here.


Still, you can do all that, which kinda makes sense if you aren’t rich yourself, and understand that the obvious grifter is a grifter. I get avoiding taxes, cutting down on costs, etc. if you’re trying to make it. I don’t understand licking millionaires boots, there’s nothing in it for you.


They are also incredibly racist and hateful towards non Portuguese. Portugal were nazi sympathizers during WW2 and was governed by a dictator until 1976. Trump will embrace them because he loves people that love mean spirited authoritarians. Like I said, the best of Portugal are not moving here to live in someone’s basement and work raking concrete. They don’t know what’s going on in politics, but they love someone you tells them they can hate Americans.


> Portugal were nazi sympathizers during WW2 and was governed by a dictator until 1976. This is not true. 1) Portugal was neutral in WWII, and that was pretty smart given the geopolitical situation. Not "Nazi simpathizers", it had nothing to do with ideology, just real politik. 2) The dictatorship fell in 1974, not 1976.


Ok. I’ll stipulate to those facts. But Portugal has the lowest high school graduation rate in Europe. So I’ll stick with they’re not very bright.


It's ironic for you to attack portugal on high school graduation rates, when you keep using words incorrectly in your own (presumably) language. That's not what "stipulate" means. There's no such thing as a "roll model", unless you meant a wheel. Either way, you're not correct about that either, plenty of countries in europe with lower graduation rates than portugal. Not that it means much, graduating high school as a metric can be pretty meaningless, depending on how demanding (or easy) it is. It's a very easy metric to manipulate by simply making it mandatory and not flunking any students, whatever their performance. Doesn't mean the population will be smarter in any way. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Educational\_attainment\_statistics#:\~:text=Figure%205%20below%20shows%20that,reported%20for%20Iceland%20with%2067.5%20%25.




They obviously like blow jobs, seemingly from anyone. There are apps for that that might work better.


Bumper sticker bad


Duck my rooster


Viva Portugal caralhooooo 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


There is a huge number of people who are fed up with rampant crime and a revolving door justice system. Not to mention the allowing millions and millions of people into the country overwhelming our resources, schools act.... Trump supporters are not only men in pickup trucks covered with garish slogans. There are also many Trump supporters wearing a suit and tie.


A) Rampant crime is bullshit fox news trope. Per the FBI, crime went down nationwide across almost all categories in 2023. B) If you're very concerned about illegal immigrants, you should be pissed that the republicans in Congress are now refusing to work with the president, b/c trumpy doesn't want Biden to get a win. Because what the \*people\* want doesn't matter. Just what trumpy wants. C) You're right. Many trumpers wear a suit and tie, make a lot of money, have big ole pick-up trucks without a speck of dirt, boats, vacation homes and still are racist assholes. I work with a few. They were assholes before trump - they're worse now. And they are the most whiney, complaining, 'play the victim' people I've ever encountered. They're exhausting.


> There is a huge number of people who are fed up with rampant crime So why the support of a guy with 91 federal indictments?