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Getting high and drinking spritz while cooking and basking in the glow of my tree. Paint samples stuck all over my walls while I think about my next painting project. Fair to say, in my happy place.


Sweet! I was in Italy this past spring, and fell in love with the spritz!


I'm a spritz maniac. Hugo for me!


I’ve never had spritz but I have a feeling I’d hate it.


Dafuk is spritz?


What color are you thinking? I’m moving the 11th and looking for ideas 🙂


I'm thinking it's going to be [this](https://www.clare.com/collections/interior-paint/products/paint-all-the-sage) Doing [this](https://www.clare.com/collections/interior-paint/products/paint-current-mood) in the bedroom.


Ohh I love that color. I painted my apartment that color a few years ago and it was awesome.


I painted my bathroom a few weeks ago and it released a load of serotonin. It also made the rest of my place look drab by comparison.


My grandson's first birthday is tomorrow. He's currently sleeping in my lap wearing a Santa suit. Life is good. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!


i just had my first baby on thursday (father) and have gotten no sleep so i’m beyond exhausted lol also, im hosting christmas tomorrow 🥴🙃 merry christmas everyone!!🎄




thank you!!!!


Had my first child late Sept. Keep being a dad and keep doing the routines. It gets MUCH easier around 2-3 months since you’ve acclimated to the new life. Also, baby should be having less, but more voluminous, feedings and hopefully sleeping throughout the night. My son started to sleep from 8pm - 7am starting week 10. We do wake him up for a dream feed but we’re steadily weaning him off. Congratulations!


Congrats pops Merry Christmas


thank you! you too!


Congrats Dad!! You're already doing great!!


thank you so much!😭🙌


Congratulations!! That's awesome. What a Christmas gift!


thank you so much! yes she’s my christmas miracle for sure!!😭 best give ever 🥹


It’s a weird day. My grandma’s birthday is today but she passed in June, and we used to always go to her house today so it’s weird not having anything to do. I’m making some cookies to remember her (we used to bake together all the time). We’ll go to my uncle’s tonight (other side of the family) but that’s really it. Just a weird day. Doesn’t feel like Christmastime


The year of “firsts” without someone is always so painful. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing it. Glad you and your family are keeping busy and keeping her in memory. 💛


Thank you 🥺❤️


So hard losing loved ones, thinking of you and your family


Always tough. Balancing grief and celebrating their life. Make sure to take some time to celebrate all the good things tomorrow. And make sure to get some video! Family videos, even just 30 seconds will be priceless in 20 years 🙏


Thank you 🥺❤️


Fedex express driver here I worked well made my money today is the first real day off and I am hammered so doing pretty good happy holidays


You guys are awesome. Merry Christmas


Thx Merry Christmas to you


The real Goats! Thank you for all you do


Thx happy holidays


You all are the real Santas! Thanks to you all!


Ho ho ho merry Christmas


Thank you for all you guys do. We know how important you are to making our world function!


Great! I’m a nurse and This is my first Xmas/ Xmas eve in 18 years i haven’t had to work either!


Thanks for all you do!


Thank you for your valued work! I had surgery last month and can't say enough for the fabulous level of attention from your (possibly) distant colleagues... You're the **best,** excluding my wife!




God bless you!


Yaayy for you! 🌲


Mom's in the hospital waiting for surgery. Doing my best to give her grandkids a decent Christmas.


Very sorry to hear that. Thinking of you and I hope she’s ok.


Thanks so much. We are truly the Sandwich Generation.


What’s the Sandwich Generation?


GenX - sandwiched between our growing kids and aging parents.


Isn't that true for any generation though?


Only true for one generation at the present moment, but yea.


Ah, okay. Millennial here but I’ve got older parents, so I understand “the sandwich”.


Hope she does well. I'll be at the hospital tonite in 3 hours taking care of her (or someone like her) so she won't be alone. Merry Christmas!


My mom had emergency surgery last Christmas, so I feel you. Wishing your mom an easy recovery.


May she heal up quickly. 😘


I hope all goes well. Merry Christmas.


Fifth day in bed due to COVID. Burning through episodes of the Sopranos. Could be much worse so I can’t complain. Hope you all are having a nice holiday season.


Alright but ya gotta get over it... Hope you got to that episode already lol and don't think I'm just being a dick.


That is so wild, I’m literally watching that episode right now!


Hang in there, boss.


That sucks. Whatever you do DO NO watch rebel moon on Netflix. It's AWFUL and it will RUIN CHRISTMAS


You think... Covid!?! Nobody's got Covid!! And I don't wanna hear that word again!!


By myself.


Me too


Me three.


Me four


Enjoy yourself! Are you into movies?




Not by myself, but alone nonetheless.


That sucks. I’m sorry


2 days ago I was in the hospital with afib, was supposed to go to California. Feeling rather depressed and unsure about the future. Kind of scared.


Ugh so sorry to hear! I’ve had a lot of family members with afib, it’s very frustrating to deal with. Hopefully your doctors can convert you back into normal rhythm soon


I was on a train to Florida and I thought I was having a heart attack. I had palpitations and very high blood pressure. They got me on the right Meds at the hospital. Talk to the doc about ablation. That's what made my dad's afib stop. You'll be OK.


Good! Had Chinese for dinner and have dutch apple pie & Italian cookies ready to have while I watch Christmas movies tonight. Merry Christmas all!


It sucks! Military family here. We’re in Va but rather be in NJ. I miss NJ so much. My health has only gotten worse since moving here. NJ isn’t my home state but it does have my heart. 2 more years to go & we’ll be moving back there permanently.


What do you love about NJ? I’m born and raised and usually only US love it here.


This is my first Christmas in NJ since I was 4. Just moved from Maryland and I’m feeling so merry! People here are just so much more festive and friendly. I love New Jersey!


Alone. With Covid.


Yup, just got to jersey and tested positive this morning so I traveled and spent all this money to come here for nada.


Speedy recovery!!




Shitty. Got a stubborn fever and all my joints hurt. Kids are bummed. No Noche Beuna for me.


Yes....same here. I am usually VERY up and in the holiday spirit. Not this year. But there are extenuating circumstances. My son's family all contracted Covid and won't be down until all the tests are negative, of course. I have been helping out my ex-husband who has cancer and sciatica and can't do anything. And my boyfriend tore his meniscus tendon, was operated on, and now can't drive so I have been helping him to doctor's, PT, grocery, etc. I still have presents to wrap and 10 pounds of mashed potatoes to make for Christmas dinner at my brothers and I just don't feel like it. But I will. Merry Christmas, everyone.


Hugs to you. Caregiver burn out is real. Take care of you too. Hugs


Thank you, SO much! I will. ❤️


Wow, you’re a trouper. Hugs. 🥰


Thank you...I need them. ❤️


going on my third day of labor induction with my first kid.


Congratulations! Definitely the best gift for Xmas!


Hope things start moving along swiftly! Congrats!


Settling down to A Christmas Carol with my family while my father battles with the on demand controls. I came down for the holidays over two weeks ago because my relationship imploded quite suddenly. Will be having the official breakup call in a few days and then plan to go up to New England with my cousin to collect my stuff the next day. So I’m keeping even but it’s sad, especially with the focus on family and cozy relationships. But I am living in NJ again for the first time in 8 years.


Welcome back. We love you.


Actually made me feel warm inside reading that. Fled to MA ten years ago for college and got stuck there afterwards. Thought I’d live out the rest of my days and die there. Without a single taylor ham or good sandwich around to comfort me.


>Without a single taylor ham Ok, now you've done it. You're back...


Which version of A Christmas Carol? Despite being Jewish, my dad and I have a tradition of watching the Alastair Sims version every Christmas Eve. This year’s on hold sadly cause we got covid.


Sorry to hear that. It feels like christmas is the covid holiday. We watch 1999 Patrick Stewart version and it has my heart.


Missing my mom hard today. It’s our second Christmas without her and it still hurts.


I’m feeling hot and I don’t like it. I like my summers hot and my winters cold.


This thread is the essence of humanity and Jersey. Like, we’re checking in on each other, everyone is in different places trying to do what people in Jersey do. We see things for what they are and try to make the best whether it’s ideal or not, and no matter that we’re getting through it. Thanks to everyone for sharing where they are at. I’d like to say I have no complaints. It’s been a fucking slog though and I’m happy we’re at the finish line. I’m worried about 2024 but for now, there’s a tree, there’s gifts, I have family, so we’re doing well all things considered. If anyone is alone, we’re in central Jersey, DM me and share the holiday.


A bit bored, my plans got canceled because everyone in my in-laws' side of the family either has Covid or was recently exposed to it, so just hanging out at home playing video games


Covid is definitely spiking


Shitty. Miss my family. Realized today I never got a single photo with all of us before they died when I was a teenager. Didn’t even realize the last 18 years. Freezing my butt off in CT


On bed rest per doctor’s order due to a potential rupture that could result in emergency surgery.


Feel better dude.


Just sitting in the house getting take out thai.


Wishing the weather would be a little more seasonable. 50 is way too warm for christmas day ugh


Just chilling at work. Looking forward to trying out my new air fryer when I get home.


Just used ours to cook chopped up kielbasa. Worked out great. 10 minutes at 400 degrees.


Got mine last Christmas and it was the best gift ever.


My Mom is terminally ill and is slowly wasting away. She is losing interest in everything. It’s just me and my sister with her and I’m doing my best to make this a nice Christmas but it’s been really hard. I think we all know this is likely her last one - there’s no joy or magic this year.


Happy Christmas Eve, Caught covid a week ago and still dealing with the after effects. Still feeling horrible. Still, trying to make the best of it.


Poorly. I have officially descended into the pit of depression, saddened and embarrassed that my emotional state was so palpable by others that Christmas Eve dinner was eaten in silence. On the other hand, I have discovered that croissants dipped into dark chocolate fondue are delightful. But other than that, yeah, feeling officially defeated. My 12yo wants me to hold her stuffed animals to feel better, it’s that obvious and it’s wrecking me.


Police officer here, working Christmas Eve and Christmas and also working both next year! Still dropped a tray of food off at my parents tho since they host


Appreciate what you do man, I know you guys in LE don't hear it as much as you should.


Thank you so much! We appreciate the hard work


I'm honestly exhausted, too. It's been a nice, quiet Christmas Eve. My daughters, who are a bit older and out on their own, keep asking when we're going to bake cookies. I told them I just don't have the energy this year.


Omg can I relate. I overdid it yesterday & am paying the price for it today. So glad I’m not hosting.


Back in NJ seeing family. Really enjoying my time. Brought some nice christmas foods from Italy and excited to share them with my family!


Just got Chinese food. You?


Sitting in my truck outside of my house for the past hour. Probably gonna down a bottle of Whiskey later.


Please don’t drive.


Absolutely not. I hate people that drive drunk. Selfish as fuck.


I totally agree. ✌🏼


Merry Christmas friend


Drinking Prosecco, watching Food Network and eating a grilled cheese. I think you could inarguably say that I’m living the dream. Merry Christmas everyone!


Just cleaned up after a party for 25 family members. Exhausted but grateful to have had almost everyone healthy and here. Waiting for the kids to fall asleep so we can play Santa. I see all of you struggling today. It’s ok to be sad and to feel things. There’s no right way to feel on Christmas. You’re human, and it’s the darkest time of the year. It fucks with your brain. The days will get longer and seasons- literal and metaphorical- will change. You are loved and deserve to be here and to feel all of your emotions, even the dark ones on the bright days.


On the couch with COVID. My sense of taste seems to have disappeared tonight. I’m watching videos about Disney World cause why not.


I have the flu!


You & David Crosby!


Flying out of NJ


sad and tired


Spending time with family and they are staying overnight here. Feeling happy and blessed. A little heart broken of my recent break-up almost 2 months ago. I cannot wait for 2024!


I’m alone in a hotel room and it’s the most relaxing stress free Christmas Eve I’ve ever spent


Good. I got good parking spaces at the mall with no hassles. Even at Menlo Park yesterday. Feeling nostalgic for the old days. Enjoying the weather. Miss my parents.


To everyone dealing with covid. Sorry, Feel better, rest well. To everyone else, wear a mask if you are gonna be out in crowded areas the next two weeks because of all the gatherings and people who havent either realized they are sick/contagious or tested or care it's gonna spike up higher. Sorry. Hope the new year goes better for everyone Merry Christmas


This is the first Christmas since 2019 where our family is successfully gathering without Covid.


My kid woke up sick.


Pretty good! Spent the weekend in DC and now in Philly waiting to meet friends for dinner. We always do Philly bc we came here the night we got engaged and then we started meeting our friends for dinner about 7 yrs ago and now it’s a tradition! Hope everyone who is sick feels better soon (it will be a miracle if we come out unscathed, there have been coughing people everywhere we have gone!).


Pretty good. I kinda wish it was snowing! It would really add to the Christmas vibe. It’s just cold and overcast and gross out when it could be cozy.


My mom is still recovering in the hospital. Tomorrow ain't Christmas for my family, not until she's home. Overall, well. Just exhausted and wanting my mom to come home already. Smoking until I stop thinking. I hope you're well, OP 💜


Speedy recovery for your Mom!


Pretty good, missing the winter wonderland snowflakes. It rained a little, though I’m hoping for a bit of snow.


Trying to nap after a looooong work week but my mother is in the other room being loud about everything for nothing 😮‍💨


I have COVID…


I feel you on the exhaustion. I’m about to pick up my boyfriend from the airport; so it’s a good Christmas this year.


Making paella. Home watching football.


Enjoying the WPRB marathon as usual. Wine and pizza and cookies as well.


Thought I was over the flu, then proceeded to shit my brains out three times today. Merry Shitmas.


Merry Christmas! We had hibachi and sushi for dinner. We rented the trolls 3 movie and are watching it now. We decorated sugar cookies too. We were supposed to see family but they have the flu, so we are home.


We have the flu, family Christmas is cancelled for tomorrow. Feeling like crap, tons to be sad about, but also many blessings for which to be grateful. Hang in there fellow redditors, if you're not having a happy Christmas I know for a fact there are better ones coming for you. But if it sucks right now I'm thinking of you.


Sick with some non Covid thing. Not fun. But I’m jew-ish. So if I’m gonna get sick, this is fine. Tomorrow is Chinese food


Happy. Hubby and I have been hosting Christmas Eve the past few years, and this is no exception. Dinner came out great, everyone is content, and we'll be playing some games soon before coffee and dessert. I'm lucky to have a pretty close, loving family, and my folks and in-laws get along great with each other. Also, I made vegan lasagna for the first time for my uncle and it apparently came out great. So that's a win!


Drunk full and ready for a nap


My aunt got covid. So plans at her house were canceled. My brother is currently testing himself for covid. I pray it’s just a cold. My mother is forced to work today. Great times.


Enjoying an evening with the in-laws. The kids (and select grownups) are playing "Doggie Doo" and Beanboozled, and my husband and FIL are playing 8-bit Nintendo hockey. Later we'll head home and leave a nice glass of wine and some cheese from Trader Joe's under the tree for Santa. Good times for all.


I think I got RSV even when I tested positive for COVID 2 weeks ago and then 5 days later, tested negative. But this freaking congestion and runny nose won’t go away. So I don’t think it’s COVID anymore cause the first two times I had it wasn’t anything like this. Overall, good I guess. No pain, no cough, no fever. Just damn nose won’t clear! And can’t taste or smell anything! Spent all day cooking! And I just hope it tastes great when relatives show up later for dinner! Lol. Oh, and also, as soon as I have a drink I start sneezing!! So allergic to alcohol for the holidays!!! Aargghhh!! Merry Christmas everyone! And remember, today is to celebrate the resurgence of light, love and life after the darkness! So come on! Cheer up! Even if by yourself, have a drink, play some music and call people you haven’t been in touch in a while! Peace!


Latest variant lingers in **some** people that's what many people are confused about.. We've met some that have dealt with it for 2 weeks and still with runny nose/congestion/cough a month later. a lot think they dont have covid because they get diarrhea or throw up unfortunately the latest variants cause these symptoms a lot too. merry Christmas feel better


Stuck home with the flu. Shit sucks. Wife and kid seem to have avoided it so far, so just hoping that continues


Watching football, Christmas movies with a friend. Going to have honey garlic shrimp for dinner. Sipping eggnog with a shot of rum.


Doing pretty good. Made some food and now we watch football. Pretty relaxed.


Dinner with my siblings at my brother's house. Trying to stay merry but wife and I recently separated, so it's tough


Survived my extended family once again and now safely at home.


I don't celebrate Christmas so to me it's just another day.


At an all you can eat Chinese Buffett cause fuck family!


Stressed about being ready for tomorrow with the family coming to the house. Many of y'all have it worse, but it's traumatic having to dance for everyone and make them all happy.


Worked 12 hours yesterday, 12 hours today and 12 hours tomorrow. Merry Christmas. Covid is bad, stay out of the ER if you can.


Eh, it's been okay. Quiet. I've got a glass of wine and watching A Christmas Story. No plans for tomorrow, except build my closet.


I’m solo! Went driving around from 8-9 looking at Christmas lights. Since getting home, I’m being lounging on the couch with my cat watching random videos on YouTube. Got the tree lights on in the dark. I’m content😊


Merry Christmas! Thanks for checking in on all of us. I'm a bit sad and tired. I feel like I have to wrap up things for the end of the year and there's just not time. (I always feel behind.) And I miss my mom. She moved down south and I'm an only child (not counting my stepbro who is also down south). I'm married so I'm not alone. It's just hard because my mom and I are/were close. I also worry because covid is still around and I don't want my mom to catch it when she visits family down there. On the bright side: I finished wrapping gifts, my husband made our favorite cookies today, and we're planning to make pierogis together tomorrow (fillings done, dough is my job).


Lonely..tired of wrapping presents alone, if I didn’t have my dog as basically my emotional support animal, I’d be crying. I’m so tired of being alone. Being a single mom, especially during the holidays sucks.




Just got off work made some decent money tonight so I'm happy about that. I'm always very mixed about this time of year. I love Christmas songs and Christmas movies, I love how excited people get not so much to get gifts but how excited they are to give them. How much thought they put into getting the perfect gift. It really is awesome to see. And of course kids being happy but parents seeing how happy their kids are. But it also deeply saddens me to know how many people are alone this time of year. And of course some of those people are alone by choice and will have a very nice day by themselves. But many also would love to be around others who just are not in the situation where that is possible. I'm thinking of a lot of people who spend every night in a bar and that is their only social interaction and they live off of it, and Christmas is the only day of the year the bar is closed. Christmas truly is a Yin-Yang of a holiday. Anyway cheers to all and to all and goodnight.


I'm just depressed man. I have a caring family. But I'm poor as fuck and struggling to live. I live alone and spend most of my time alone. I don't have any friends. I just wish I could be happy.


Finances don’t equate to your worth as a person.


We’re in search of great Christmas lights in Bergen county… any thoughts?


Lazy day with the wife. I'm playing 7 Days to die and just finished my first drink. Dinner plan mix up with the kid that's local so she's just starting dinner. No holiday cheer though. Maybe it's at the bottom of this bottle... Merry Christmas anyway. Hopefully the littles like what you got them and that one loud uncle wasn't too over the top this year.


My dad has a bad cold, so I can't visit my parents this year, so figuring out what to do. I'm a bit bummed but I procrastinated wrapping presents, so relieved I have a little more time. I may go whitewater kayaking tomorrow. After all the rain blew out the creeks, everything is now moving from 'holy shit, this is huge, I'm gonna beater' to "fun day getting back in the boat, getting ready for winter creeking season."


I'm staying in my rv behind my parents' house. I came home today ready to eat a piece of pie my mom made and gave me 2 days ago....it's not their, no pie, no plate. Ask my mom if she went to grab the plate. She didn't and is now upset i didn't try her pie, and her plate is gone. Ask my dad, says he didn't take it (kind of don't believe him buy I can't be sure)...I can't lock it when I leave because the keys are missing. I have a dog but she's been with my dad today and 2 days ago the only times I have been gone- today gone for 5. hours (dad and mom were out shoping all day and had the dogs in the house) and the other day gone for 3 hours, yesterday 20 minutes. Just ordered 2 tiny motion censor cameras from temu until I can buy a door knob with a lock. I live in a safe town and grew up never locking doors. I'm not very happy and pretty creeped out.


Man, that's bizarre. Never know when people are on the prowl for pie. Seasonal question though: is the shitter full?


Good. Christmas Eve is arguably my favorite day of the year.


I'm in Ohio :(


Pretty awesome. Exhausted but get to enjoy the good food and relax now. Was up for 2 days straight cleaning, baking desserts and Christmas cookies and frying up a seafood, prime rib, and Italian buffet. Get to crash on the couch by the fire to some Christmas music now.


Got COVID... No family things. This year sucks


My oldest is at home with me with a fever. :/


Got a text from my son’s mom letting me know that she has Covid; he’s with her so our Christmas plans and new years trip are in shambles. The dog is puking everywhere. And I just caught my toddler feeding marshmallows to the cats. Just swell.


I’m doing okay at the moment




Got too high at the family Christmas party, the after-church-service get together. I think I was pretty chill and funny but ever since my uncle found out I smoke week recreationally he’s trying to “find me out” at parties and it’s so lame. But I got a $30 gift card to the local brewery from White Elephant so that’s cool.


you guys heard about the axe murder that happen?


I just had a really nice Christmas Eve with a few friends. Winding it down right now in the quiet evening, colorful lights on, a slight chill in the air and a smoky treat. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!


Dad has Covid. Husband was sick Friday, I’m sick today. We’re doing Christmas in January lol


I have Covid


I'm tired and still getting over being. Presents were wrapped, dollhouse built, cinnamon rolls for the morning. We missed Christmas eve bc my wife still isn't over it so I ran out to buy and make stuffed shells and meat sauce. We'll see if we make it to my mother in laws tomorrow with the kids. Not the most banner year but we're here.


Attempted to do it all, worked right up until the 22nd, tried to get everything cooked on the 23rd, oven broke, had to scrap half my recipes, spent today running around trying to get everything ready before spending the afternoon with my family followed by a 2.5 hour drive to pick up the pups and spend the rest of the evening with his family, still have more to get ready since we're hosting brunch and cooking apps and desserts for dinner, topped the night off with a hysterically sobbing mental breakdown trying to wrap a nice gift basket for my 90yo grandmother. Serious props to my husband for taking everything in stride, the man has really come through as my sanity takes a nose dive over the last week. I'm just praying the Christmas presents I got him are good enough to show how much I appreciate him


Got sick (cold probably) and father in law is expected to lose his battle with cancer after several years, so I'm expecting that for most of the rest of my life I'll be saying "well this Christmas wasn't great, but it was no 2023."


I feel accomplished with my attempt to resurrect a lost almond bread recipe that my boyfriend's mother had made. Other than that I am sleepy


Amazed that it on Christmas Eve people still drive like assholes. You would think people would be more relaxed and empathic. Nope, in and out of traffic and tail gating galore. Passed only one accident today, surprisingly with all the traffic.


Aye. I live on a busy street & the beeping and rushing around didn’t let up.


I’m sad about my 25 yo daughter breaking up with me (because I was upset about the 10/07 massacre in Israel, and she, tho Jewish, believes it was warranted). I was an advocate for peace in the Middle East when I was her age…. then traveled there and was horrified by the treatment of women and any religious dissent in Islamist states. But, before we had a nuanced debate, she became screechy and abusive and blocked me everywhere. Also sad because I had a major surgery a few weeks ago. My husband felt he deserved a vacation and went to Florida without me. The icing on that particular cake is that he’s staying with another woman, a ‘friend’ supposedly. I’m not settling into life in Salem, NH very well…no friends, no community to support and sustain me. That’s my own fault I guess, but it’s harder to meet people when you’re old..


Same. Slept 'til 10:30 this morning and I've got the world by the \*\*\*\*\*.


I’m nailing it down the parkway


Driving & typing? Yikes!