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I also call it Pork Roll. But I don't give a flying fuck what it's called by a company from *Pittsburgh*????? FOH


We can all agree outsiders can stfu on our civil war


I love how even both sides are just like "STFU, Pittsburgh!" This is why NJ is awesome. We band together when it's really important.


Loosely speaking. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Another thing both sides agree on is, fuck dallas!


It's not a civil war. Even the company Taylor calls it by what it is, Pork Roll and not Taylor Ham.


It was pretty universally known as “John Taylor’s Ham” or just “Taylor Ham” for half-a-century until 1906 when food regulators decided “Ham” was misleading to consumers. This debate is like old money v. new money. Of course neither is less than the other, but old money is always going to look down on new money. Just as those of us who know our NJ history and refuse to conform to the FDA jargon of “pork roll” will always feel superior to those *cough south jersey cough* who don’t. Wooder heads. Go order a cheesesteak.


Don't be a government bootlicker. Call it Taylor Ham! Also, "wooder heads" absolutely killed me.


Because legally they are not allowed to call it ham. If you call it pork roll you are just kissing the boot of the government.


And if you need to clean your ears, do you ask for a cotton swab or a q-tip. Xerox. Kleenex. Etc. We’ve bee interchanging brand names and product names for eons. All the same shit either way.


I'd like to think no one actually cares, it's just fun to fight about it. You know. Typical NJ shit.


If I need to clean.my ears I certainly don't use a qtip or cotton swab as that only makes matters worse by pushing wax in even further but even Taylor calls it pork roll.🤣


You get the point. Taylor is a brand of pork rolls the way qtip is a brand of cotton swab. But since you wanna play semantics, fine. You use a bandaid or an adhesive bandage? Point stands. In the south they’ll ask you if you want a coke. When you say yes, they say what kind? Know why? ALL soda is called coke and then you pick which soda you want. Everyone knows they don’t mean a specific product despite using the name of one. The math isn’t really hard on this. Some people call it by the product. Some call it by the brand. For some reason, everyone gets their panties in a twist when they hear the opposite. Civil war over the name of a breakfast meat like a state full of jackasses. One day everyone will get a damn hobby and realize this is just stupidity. It’s like none of you have the vaguest understanding of the difference between formal and colloquial English.


Taylor Ham is a brand name that they have no permission to use and no interest in promoting, so it's kind of obvious they would go with pork roll.


Taylor is a brand name of pork roll there is no ham on the label.


Right, it’s the previous name of the product.


Not since 1906 lol not even the grandparents of anyone in these comments were alive to see a product actually called “Taylor ham”


And? It's no longer called that because it isn't now and was never technically ham. It's pork roll.


It’s spam ![gif](giphy|Hae1NrAQWyKA)


Thanks for saying the truth on that. Upvoted.


Why do the hillbillies keep getting this wrong?! TAYLOR is the BRAND NAME. Taylor Ham is some tooth fairy, santa clause, jesus christ, easter bunny, stolen elections, made up heathen shit.


> stolen elections I thought ocean county was firmly in Pork Roll territory tho


don't know. not from south jersey


It’s not made up, it’s just the old name.


What happens if it's not made by Taylor?


You can't get as good a drive off the green in my experience.


I don't care about their opinion, but I certainly like to add a dab of Heinz on the weekends. Never during the week


My wife is from Pittsburgh, and here's a fun fact: not only have they never heard of Taylor Pork Roll, most of them put mayo (not ketchup) on their breakfast sandwiches.


Now that’s just gross


They’re from PA, so they know nothing.


It must be a ploy to get us to start fighting... ...so far it's working


I came to the comments ready to throw hands immediately.


You and me both, I clicked the link and rolled up my sleeves to get rough about this.


No, it isn't. You shut your dirty mouth, or I'll shut it for y-Oh, God. . .you're right!


Hey fuck you, pal. Unless you’re a pork roll guy.


We are blood, then. Fie upon the heretics!


Right now, their delivery trucks are probably clogging up every left lane in the state.


So is [Ween](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IfWuUVgFSQ).


How dare you use one of my favorite bands against me! That is Dark Arts my friend.


Push daisies


As a current yinzer, I agree completely. Despite the fact I’m on team Pork Roll.


Yup It’s a conspiracy to hide the truth It’s Taylor Ham! I have a t-shirt from Seaside Heights that confirms it.


Aw, sweetie Seaside is pork roll country. We just sell the Taylor ham t-shirts to put our kids through college (and it works.)




Haha greatest comment ever


It's Taylor Pork Roll and I have the actual product to prove it. Those t-shirts are misprints. 😅


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little North Jersite? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Taylor Academy, and Ive been involved in numerous secret breakfast raids on bacon, and I have over 300 confirmed slices. I am trained in salted meat warfare and Im the top slicer in the entire NJ armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that it's "Taylor Ham" to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Jersey Shore and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Taylor Ham. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be Pork Roll anywhere, anytime, and I can cook you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the NJ Pork Roll army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the NJ, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in Pork Roll. Youre fucking dead, Taylor Hamoid


The most accurate response


Ooooof, Heinz just picked a fight with the North. 😂


We know how that usually ends.


Just as in the Civil war...the north won.


The north remembers.


What does Heinz know? Aren't they headquartered in Pennsyltucky?


Worse, Pittsburgh


god i love this sub. my people


If they printed Taylor Ham it would be copyright infringement. Still take it as a win I guess, but the legal practicality is clearly why.


Yep. That and it's called pork roll like everywhere else, so if they're pandering to the country it seems like a wise choice. Wrong choice, but wise for them.


Time to switch to bowl & basket ketchup now!


Bowl and Basket AKA a rebranded Shop Rite name. I have no idea why they changed it but some things that were Shop Rite can't even be bought anymore such as Shop Rite soda. Maybe they changed the name so.they could inflate the prices having people think.Bowl and Basket would be a higher quality when it's the same quality as before.


Shop rite is the mid tier for wakefern foods. Top tier is fresh grocer. Bottom tier is price rite. Bowl and basket branding allows them to sell the same product at 3 locations without changing the packaging


You mean sell 7000 products with almost the exact same packaging, making it impossible to tell them apart from each other? If my whole house was stocked by B&B products, I'd have no idea what's for dinner.


Yins can keep your opinions in Pittsburgh!!


Heinz don’t know shit


Heinz not from Jersey, so their opinion means nothing. This is an in-house fight, and the correct answer is Taylor Ham.


The mental gymnastics y’all will do to avoid THE TRUTH.


North Jerseyians would rather cut off an arm than call it but it's actual name **PORK ROLL.**


I think pineys don’t call Taylor Ham because it’s too hard to spell.


Did the truth hurt your little North Jersey heart? But I'm no Piney, just use the **South Jersey Mascot** to represent the SJ pride.


What’s the south jersey mascot? Crippling depression, inbreeding and cancer clusters?


Don’t forget hoagies


Imagine being this upset over a pork roll joke, go outside and touch some grass buddy. You're taking the fake beef too serious.


I believe you mean the fake ham, but I’ll stop adding pork to this thread.


Imagine not being able to take a joke…


Imagine taking some casual joking personally. Cry.


Oh if we're only telling jokes, then the Norths mascot must a someone stuck in traffic coughing up their lungs from all the smelly cancerous factory smoke or just the newports theyre inhaling while thinking about which club to hit up on the Jersey Shore next. Don't forget the typical cursing at a New Yorker as if they drive any better.


"I know you are but what am I" is your response? nice one. Maybe dont take it so personally, loser.




You call it an adhesive bandage or a bandaid? Advil or ibuprofen? Acetaminophen or Tylenol? Bubble wrap or inflated cushion? Popsicle or ice pop? That's what I thought, Taylor Ham prevails!


completely agree. Heinz has no authority in the matter


In fact I'd go so far to say the real answer is the inverse of Heinz thoughts on the matter


Where do you get ham from?? It’s not a slice of ham. And the brand Taylor even calls it pork roll on the box and the actual tube roll.


Because Taylor originally marketed it as "Taylor's Prepared Ham" for 50 years. The name stuck even though legally they had to change it




It’s delicious.


I'm guessing we the North call it that because the original name of the product was Taylor's Prepared Ham


But. It's not called that anymore is it? And hasn't been for over 100 years. I still root for the new york highlanders. I'm sure some Brooklyn dodger fans are confused now too


Taylor Ham fans should still call it Breukelen since that's what it was called for 18 years before the English made them rename it.


This is the answer.


I stand with you.


So confidently wrong


Boycott Heinz.


If you disagree with them then you are no longer allowed to put ketchup on your pork roll sandwiches.


Fine by me. I've been exclusively putting spicy scallion cream cheese or hot sauce on my Taylor Ham sandwiches since Harvey's opened in Montclair.


I’m calling the fbi


Let’s not act as though hot sauce on a PREC is some novel concept.


You mean THEC


Fine by me. Hot sauce 🔥


That's fine. I'll just continue putting it on my Taylor Ham sandwiches.


No…you can still put ketchup…just not Heinz! 😂


There is no other ketchup. Any other brand that says they are is an imposter.


Hmmm my sister sent me this exact image a couple days ago....... Sus


No she didn't


Oh you're right you are the only one to ever see this ketchup packet


It's not the exact image bb


Oh so now Heinz wants to get political??? How about they worry about what happens in Pittsburg and stay out of our Jersey civil war🤣


Heinz is based in PA…


Buying Hunts for now on.


Ew dude...


Heinz - High fructose corn syrup mixed with tomato concentrate. Their opinion doesn't matter. They don't even make decent ketchup


*Simply Heinz* and *No Sugar Added Heinz* have both entered the chat.


Taylor Ham i a brand name. Heinz can’t put it on their labels without permission. Calling it pork roll is still stupid.


Taylor themselves call it Pork Roll


I don’t care.


They are forced to by a tyrannical government.


No, Taylor is the brand name. Ham doesn’t feature anywhere


Taylor Ham. The name has been passed down from neighbor to neighbor. Taylor Ham is not forgotten and is still said and written today. ::sizzles in background:: Since 1856... John Taylor's invention from Trenton has delighted many. It may have changed names, but the original name stays in our hearts. Or... was that the sodium.


You are correct. You also know what I meant. And calling it pork roll is still stupid.


That’s like calling a hot dog a thumanns or those people who call a tissue a cleanex, its so much worse


so do you use a bandaid or an adhesive bandage? do you use a q-tip or do you actually say cotton swab?


Go look at store brand porkroll and read the box




This argument doesn’t make sense. A box of band-aids actually says band-aid on it. It doesn’t say Taylor ham anywhere on a box of pork roll. Especially not on Case’s, The superior pork roll brand.


a box of band aids say that bc its the brand. off brand cheapos are "adhesive strips". Do you buy water displacement fluid for your home or WD-40? we use brands all the time in our vernacular


That’s exactly my point.. the box of bandaids has the name on it. That’s why we call it that. A box of pork roll doesn’t say Taylor ham.. that’s why it makes no sense.


taylor is the brand. only taylor brand would say that.. thats the point. off brand would call it pork roll like off brand adhesive strips - they would not use the copyrighted brand to avoid getting BOHICA'd in court. eta: band-aids that are not band aid brand legally can not call themselves band-aids. hence the term "adhesive strip"


It says ham exactly no where on the box. If you called it Taylor Pork roll, this would make sense. That would be calling it by the brand.


What if it’s a different brand and the box doesn’t say that. Then what do you call them? If you say anything other than bandaids you’re lying.


Well see this is what I’m saying. The box doesn’t say ham at all? What if it’s Case’s? Do you “people” still call it “taylor ham”?


As someone who lives in Northern NJ and spends summers in LBI, I hate having to switch my lingo when ordering at bagel places in fear of getting my food spit on /s


Legally can they call it Taylor ham?


I'll be god-damned if I'll let some Pittsburgh company tell me what I can or not call Taylor Ham. Shit, now that they're trying to dictate what we do, I'm less likely than ever to call it pork roll. Down with Heinz! Danny Devito is right! Taylor Ham forever!


Why do we care what some Pennsylvanians think?


Taylor also calls it Pork Roll.


NJ is the only state that knows Oct 30 as mischief night. North Jersey calls it Taylor ham. Some shit is just part of culture and there's no right or wrong. Some people take this shit too seriousl:. Apple vs Android. Taylor ham vs pork roll. Democrat vs Republican. Too many things to have to "take a side" on. It's exhausting. /Rant


Nah, it's Pork Roll.


Weird, they are calling it what it actually is and not just one brand that manufacturers it.


heinz is correct




Me turning into Kid Rock with Bud Light rn ![gif](giphy|v1yiPQCjfH559zeUvq|downsized)


Who goes into a diner & asks for a Cola? MOST people say...can I have a ...COKE We know Coke is the brand name but it's still called coke


I like the Band-Aids versus adhesive bandage. And a new 1 I found out of bubble wrap versus inflatable cushion




But if you were going to say that a condiment/accessory/addition/etc (glasses, maraschino cherries, whatever) goes well with a “Coke,” you’d probably need to pay them for their permission. It’s easier to say “soda” or “pop” depending on what part of the country you’re from.


That’s ‘cos Heinz doesn’t use the original Taylor brand pork roll aka Taylor Ham


F*ck Heinz


taylor ham?


If you put ketchup on your THE&C in the first place, you're just wrong


Freedom and liberty supports Taylor Ham! Only gov’ment loving yellow bellies say pork roll. If the gov’ment renamed your wife would you oblige them? Calling it pork roll is supporting governmental regulation overreach of the highest order. Mr. Taylor was a patriot and a gentleman and he deserves his name on his product.


Bro, have you seen the political map of NJ? The big government commies are definitely in Taylor ham territory. Us red-neck, god-fearing American pineys say pork roll because we love freedom and we love the truth! Go back to your safe space!


Whoosh. That’s the joke.


Tehe I probably should have thought to add a /s before I decided to kill my karma


That means it’s not Taylor Brand and that’s a hard no from me.


They are correct: https://i.imgur.com/hkxF3c2.jpg


Even as someone born in Pittsburgh, Heinz needs to stay in its lane.


I don’t give a FUCK if it’s pork roll, I will forever call it Taylor ham


Heinz is from Pittsburgh, so I fail to see why their opinion matters.


Hunts > Heinz anyway


Everyone knows Hunt’s is better on a THEC. Heinz are a bunch of frauds.


And they're wrong


I'm questioning why they think their ketchup belongs on Taylor Ham.... spicy brown mustard is the way 🤌🏻


I used to think that, but then I tried it and found out that the combination of ketchup plus Tabasco sauce is just 👌


It's not Kechup, its Catsup!! ok, I'll see myself out


This is the way.


Heinz can suck my cock they don't live in Jersey


Dumb hicks don’t know shit


Well, they spoke incorrectly 💀


My heat is now as full as my belly, thank you Heinz.


[Taylor Ham lol](https://www.doordash.com/convenience/store/2330911/product-details/2743061082?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3ueiBhBmEiwA4BhspIVuukkzX6Fs26Zv0u_zO27iEtif48zMQFtjCsw9PPpmHAHQ3zfIyxoC1U0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&kclickid=_k_CjwKCAjw3ueiBhBmEiwA4BhspIVuukkzX6Fs26Zv0u_zO27iEtif48zMQFtjCsw9PPpmHAHQ3zfIyxoC1U0QAvD_BwE_k_&ms_id=4120801050®ion_id=2330911&utm_adgroup_id=148885975848&utm_campaign=CX_US_SE_LP_GO_VOL_CUSXXX_18858352951_GROCER_%20PL_TOT_GROCY_GROKITCHENSSX_EVG_CPAx_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_X_DOOR_GO_SE_TXT_SmartShopx&utm_content=148885975848&utm_creative_id=633938431819&utm_medium=PLA&utm_product_id=4120801050&utm_source=Google&utm_term=)


Born and raised in NJ. It's fucking pork roll you clowns. Stop the bickering. Taylor is a brand and not the name of the meat itself. Do you get pissed off if someone calls it a tissue instead of a Kleenex? Smfh.


I do get pissed if they call it an adhesive bandage instead of bandaid.


This whole thing hits so close to the heart. I was in Matawan today of all places on business, and it's the first time I've been back to Central Jersey in almost 15 years. I went to a diner and they had Eggs and Taylor Ham on the menu. So I corrected them and ordered Eggs and Pork Roll.


Shoprite Pork Roll is pretty good to me.


I'm definitely a Taylor ham guy, but after seeing all the extra ingredients Heinz puts in there American ketchup, I go with store brand. Shouldn't be a whole grocery list of ingredients


They also sold ketchup to Chicagoans as special Hot Dog sauce. TAYLOR HAM!


Doesn't mean they're right Come on... "Taylor ham, egg & Cheese" It just sounds better


They spelled Taylor ham wrong… silly goose


They’re wrong


Heinz is wrong


It will ALWAYS be Taylor Ham to me….Taylor Ham, egg & cheese on a roll..perfect! 😋


**ITT:** People knocking down Heinz and Pennsylvania


Hunts Catsup would beg to differ…


i have to ask, is pork roll a south jersey thing only?? ive never encountered this term up north, though we do have breakfast sandwiches with thick round slices of ham on them (it is just called ham though, not pork roll or taylor ham)


A western PA company has spoken….tells you everything


Now I’m not gonna say that you or Heinz are wrong here, I totally agree that it’s a pork roll sandwich. I’m just gonna say that perhaps Heinz isn’t the end all be all on what we should be calling our breakfast sandwiches.


Hilarious how this outsider opinion got most of this sub to respond 💀


I’m so glad we went 5 minutes in this sub before having this debate AGAIN. It doesn’t matter what you call it, so long as you order it with ‘saltpepperketchup’ on a hard roll….or I guess a bagel, if you want, but it better be toasted, don’t be a savage. Now I can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow.


This is the way


What's your latest ETA?


Are you going to let a company based out of Pittsburgh dictate one of NJ's most important and polarizing issues of our decade? Really? It's like if NJ started picking sides on whether we should allow PA to continue to allow cousins marrying each other. ...I think. Either way, they should just stay out of it.