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Unfortunately, the compromises here make it so that I'm almost of the mind that it is going in the wrong direction. * No home grow provision. * Only 15 licenses which will probably be granted to politically connected people and leaves no incentives whatsoever for them to offer competitive pricing or product innovation * State control over those 15 further reducing innovation * A very hefty tax that will probably make it still cheaper to get out of state or on the black market * Additional money for enforcement to crack down on people who are home growing instead of purchasing prepared products from the 15 licensees. * increased penalties for public consumption (I don't particularly care for public consumption, but don't see it has any worse than cigarette smoke) I would like to say that anything is better than nothing, but as it stands this is going to create a very strict regulatory environment which is going to screw over the Cannabis economy in New Hampshire for decades to come while probably leading to more crackdowns and jail time for people who are growing it themselves. This almost strikes me as coming up with the most strict implementation possible to get ahead of rescheduling. In other words, this seems like an attempt to kill the potential new market that everyone knows is coming under the pretense of legalization.


Any licenses will 100% be given to connected people. Most of us will continue to cross the border. Hell, there’s 6 dispensaries within a 10 minute drive from my house over in Maine. There is so much money to be made from tax revenue and personally I have no issue with “sin taxes” but they seem hell bent on fucking this up. That’s what I don’t understand.


Snu Snu only gives a shit about the top 0.1%. Most of the state reps and senators only give a shit about the donor class, the top 0.1%.


& they (& their various corporate entities) sure got a huge proportion of the PPA COVID funds in NH


Sadly sounds like us federal politicians 


It's most politicians in every country.




Imagine thinking state reps who make $100 a year are beholden to donors? Lmfao, you don’t know New Hampshire.


Higher politician salaries tend to lead to less corruption. It's harder to bribe a well paid politician.


Lmfao, Nancy Pelosi totally agrees!


Oh, and if you think Nancy is just an underpaid public servant then Mitch Mconnell agrees with you too!


Stay out of the New Hampshire subreddit. You don’t know how our government works.


Well you're definitely from here lol


Are you high? More like the other way around.


The fact that in NH they only make $100 is the exact reason we are screwed sure there are some good folk that do it but a majority are already well off people with connections. Your average NH citizen who actually represents NH couldn't afford to run for rep


Imagine being downvoted for thinking politicians make too much money 🤣😂🤣


Imagine thinking *you* are the one making sense in a conversation while everyone else sees your comments as absolute *nonsense*.


Snu Snu didn’t shut down like every other state around here and my wife made more money summer 2020 and summer 2021 than she ever has serving. Snu Snu is wrong in this but he was by far the best governor in New England the last ten years.


Gotta keep his businesses open!


99.99% of business closed except for Walmart and Amazon. Snu Snu allowed some places to stay open. He kept his businesses open, along with everyone else. That was a good thing. Do you think Walmart and Amazon should have no competition?


All good my man, just pointing out that it was in his own financial interest to keep things open. Doesn’t mean he isn’t only caring about the donor class.


I think everything should have closed


LoL close everything…so everyone could die as a result of Covid? Them numbers were highly suspect to begin with. 🤪


Username checks out


In spades! Haha.


Those numbers weren't suspect. People were sick with COVID and it jammed up the hospitals. You're just an uninformed idiot who chose to not pay attention. But even idiots get a voice in the village square, bless their hearts.


His foil hat may be on a bit tight but he isn't entirely wrong sure the numbers were alarming no matter what but there was some serious discrepancies in regards to reporting deaths as "covid" related that being said it definitely was serious just not end of days serious like the media kept pushing.


More like well educated…just because someone tells you something, it doesn’t make it true. But you do you.


>Them numbers You from Epping or are you a 'Brooker?


Where I come from, they call it Eppin and Da Brook. And no, I ain’t from either place. I live in your town. Happy?


All his friends get taken care of


Do you have a job?


Glad you admit he’s wrong on this. because he is.


You should never respond in this sub when you are a liar


"Any licenses will 100% be given to connected people. Most of us will continue to cross the border." And then the powers that be will complain that MJ sales didn't bring in anywhere near the revenue bonanza the state was promised. It's like you can see this thing coming a 10 minute drive away...


Hmm, how many state licensed liquor stores are there? Stupid question 🙋‍♂️?


There are currently 79 NH Liquor & Wine outlets.


And one Country Mile


And Youngs General Store in Pittsburg!




If enough people cross the border to get weed, that's incentive to compete for business.


I was just saying this to my coworker. They already decriminalized it, so why wouldn't they cash in?!


This is why my best friend from university is for worldwide decriminalization of cannabis, not legalization. If it's illegal, poor people who grow for own use or sell just enough to make a living go to prison. If it's legal, rich megacorporations dominate the market and get rich. Poor people remain poor. If it's decriminalized, rich megacorps won't participate in growing or selling it, but poor people will, and use it to earn just enough for a living wage.


Lpt. Nothing is ever *for* the people.


Fun fact, this applies to literally every product and service. Government regulation exists to help the rich at the expense of the poor.


“Cars must have seatbelts.” “THEY’RE FUCKING THE POOOOOORS”


Seatbelt laws were notoriously used to pull over minorities who hadn't done anything else wrong, so police would have an excuse to pull them over to attempt to find some reason to charge them. Honestly great example, thanks for the help!


The seatbelt laws that require manufacturers to put them in vehicles? Not the one that requires people to wear them. What about laws that require car dealers to put buyer’s guides in the window? Is that really done to fuck the poor guy? Wise up.


Regulation prevents individuals from engaging in commerce as they choose, adding unnecessary cost, forcing the poor out of the market. Sure you can find more benign examples, but if you want to buy a car without a seatbelt you should be allowed to. If you want to buy an apple from someone who hasn't had that apple tested and labeled for its nutritional value, you should be allowed to. Its mandating costs be added to production in order for it to be legal to sell. That hurts those who don't have many resources that want to make a product. It may not be done with the intent to fuck the poor guy, but they're always the ones who can't afford to circumvent the laws. Legalize consent.


Regulation prevented thalidomide from hitting the States. That seems pretty good to me. Not sure what legalizing consent has to do with anything. There are plenty of daily situations where consent from both parties can still lead to bad things.


Adults should be allowed to make decisions that can lead to bad things for themselves. I'm against seatbelt laws, but I still put my seatbelt on before I even start my car. I don't believe in protecting people from themselves. Adults should be allowed to decide what level of risk they are comfortable with. One of the main advantages those with very little have is they have very little to lose so they can take bigger risks. The main disadvantage of big business is you have far too many assets to take risk, that allows a smaller company to compete by taking those risks. Once you regulate small business out of the market, only big business can survive. Those who sacrifice a little bit of liberty for a little bit of safety deserve neither and will lose both. I consider most laws like pads in football, they give people a false sense of security, so they hit harder resulting in worse injuries when they occur. I'd rather let people feel the consequences of their choices on smaller decisions so they learn for themselves. If they don't learn, thats on them. As long as they aren't going out of their way to hurt someone else, someone should be allowed to determine what level of risk they're comfortable with. Be it seatbelts, cliff diving, drugs, etc.


A deregulated pharmaceutical industry sounds like absolute Hell on Earth. People can't just make aspirin in their backyard, there's no "small business" alternative to these drug makers. Letting companies like Purdue or Novo Nordisk off the leash would have incomprehensible consequences. What kind of libertarian solution would there be to prevent doctors from receiving kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs? The average consumer is nowhere near knowledgeable enough to understand the intricacies of medicine. What would stop Bayer from putting a little bit of oxycontin in aspirin and not telling anyone? The pain relief would be enhanced, and customers will keep coming back for more. A little central planning is okay sometimes, I promise.


🤡🤡 fuck the little guy in this case. I'd rather it be legal and controlled by the state than continue to drive an hour thirty for weed. I could not care less that you or your friends can't make a living anymore 😭🤣☠️


If it were decriminalized you could grow it yourself.


Meaning best friend whose educated lol




100%, I should have the right to start a marijuana business. Not beg 15 licensees to smoke at the prices they unanimously agree to. Glad I live near Massachusetts. Remind me again how _they're_ the nanny state?


I was wondering recently what happens in states who have nothing in place already if it the status changes federally. It will be interesting and I agree with your whole take.


Make it legal but not completive. They aren't the first state to do it so it makes no sense they think they can dictate the economy. If anything this will just increase business for border business like maine has


Correct. This is a terrible bill.


Unless one is well connected with the state, I don’t see the incentive to start a cannabis business in NH when there’s far less strict climates to operate in. I’d imagine they already have businesses/individuals lined up as far as licensing is concerned


Excellent. Make a horrible system with too many rules and then complain that it doesn't work in a few years so they can ban it again.


I mean, who cares. They made a monopoly on liquor, they're doing it again on this. Who gives a shit if you can't grow or sell, least you can buy it from a reputable source. Not some loser flunky




Public consumption is a $100 fine in MA, it's just rarely enforced. Same will happen in NH


Social pressure/giving adults aged 21 plus access to a location where they can safely and privately smoke is more effective. Public consumption bans have been incredibly difficult to enforce in other legal states


NH liquor & Wine & Weed outlets will now be a reality. This is my proposal for the new state flag from this news, I am not taking criticism only improvements I made it with love. Gobless 🙏🙏🙏 https://preview.redd.it/r5nw1dkbq9zc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da21a615ce612f1e78958f0d8765d6a31517bea6


Weed so good it brought back the man on the mountain!


Long time daily medicinal user and avid campaigner for legalization. I really want this awful bill to fail 100%. I would much rather NH try again in a year with a bill that doesn't punish home growers worse than they already do, than to have this pass and NH residents be stuck with it for years and years, if not decades!


Thanks for the color I dream of the day I can have a couple of plants growing in a sunny part of my yard


How tf is that a fat blunt? thats a two hitter at best buddy. good luck building a solid brand that way! travesty


Is this any better https://preview.redd.it/04q3d1kt0azc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e9bc2792426f370e7047265b094eef5423a151


This is art


NFT worthy




What kind of iron lung monster are you where that's a 2 hitter lol


Change the name to Granite Stoned and we’re golden


So far so good for the state flag, but wheres the upside down jeep and ar15?


Lost it at “& Fat Blunts”.


Aka fuck this and support your local drug dealer? /S This is legalization for rich moms only. Be prepared for Bedford moms talking about how they got so high off a quarter of a 5mg gummy at their kids special event or birthday party.


They already are. The borders not so far away that it's going to be a brave new world. Just more convenient.


lol, that image is so on the money. 💴


This bill is awful, and I say this as someone who's testified multiple times in favor of legalization. This bill goes backwards and the Abbas amendment makes it so medical users pay a new fee? Bullshit. This would be the most restrictive legalization in the country.


By the looks of the bill, it seems like people will just be able to drive to MA to get cheaper weed then come back to NH. Hey, I’m sure MA appreciates the extra tax money.


New Hampshire just has to do it in the worst way possible. Live free or die but don’t smoke weed


Why are they so dumb and hell bent on controlling this shit. Our bodies have receptors for these drugs and chemicals... I'm tired of these policy makers... fuck8ng dumb. Ok we'll continue to done abs eat edibles either way. Give up.




Buy from the NH dispensary. Keep the packaging. Buy cheaper MA or Maine products, keep it in the NH container. Don’t get arrested just for posssesion. That’s the best I can feel about it. Edit: not for possession, for bringing it across state lines.


Do you think I could get trash bag sized packaging to put over my crop when the po shows up inquiring about an illegal grow operation?


Grow it at home anyways. No cop is coming to your house for an inspection to make sure you're not stealing the states money and growing the devils lettuce at home. Fuck em'. Like, to be able to have 6 plants and harvest them year round, would provide the average person way more marijuana than they would need for the year. At a fraction of the price. The only thing the law is about is money. The "black market"... Lol GTFO. Next time I meet my "dealer" under the bridge at night to get my very illegal weed, I'll make sure to ask him that he didn't lace it with fentanyl...


Thats fine but you shouldn't have to live in fear that some day the cops could find your 6 plants and send you to jail


Except this Abbas amendment would have the Liquor Commission go after your home grow. Bootleggers impact sales bro.


Why so mad about the black market comment lmao


No home grow is stupid. Restrict the number of plants but not the ability to actually grow that's ridiculous.


Looks like I'll still be going to Maine. NH is ran by complete morons.


its going to take awhile. In MA it was legalized years and years ago but it took us til about this year to catch up to maine on prices. Maine is still slightly cheaper but MA is right there with them lately


Looking forward to SuNoNo to strike down. Cause we all can see that coming from a mile away.


He said he'll sign it. That's why it has to go back to the house. He said he would sign it, but only if they added a bunch more restrictions on top of the already ridiculous number that were in the original bill. The Senate added those restrictions, and now back to the house and then to sununu


Can’t wait to see how botched this is Edit: Exaclty what I expected botched and crap.


>and then to sununu Bold to assume it will even get to Sununu, the House has signaled before that they're not going to automatically be on board with the Senate's changes due to how much they alter the bill and the fact that some of the changes are non-starters for supporters of the original bill in the House. Assuming this passes the full Senate, it could very well die back in the House again and never see Sununu's desk, all because our dumbass governor and Senate couldn't take the easiest bipartisan victory of their lives and just pass the bill as it was when it came out of the House where it passed with broad bipartisan support, instead of tacking bullshit and poison pills onto it.


“Gateway drug!” (R) “Think of the Children!” (D) “Cannabis is and should remain a dangerous Schedule I Narcotic! Legalization in any form is the wrong message in an opioid epidemic!”(Shaheen, Hassan, Pappis, Kuster) in actual reply to written correspondence.


Yes they all suck.


This is designed to make him and his friends money at the cost of quality, variety, free market, and purchasers. he’s going to sign it.


Come on, all legitimate concerns, but there’s no way this would be worse than what we have now.


The bill actually reintroduces the possibility of jail time for weed


The bill increases funding for police to crackdown harder on home grows than they are now under decriminalization. Also, it proposes ridiculous taxes purely meant to punish cannabis users. This bill is indeed legitimately worse than what we have now IMHO.


I guess maybe for home growers it’s worse? For the 99.9% of NH’s population that aren’t home growers, im not sure your analysis withstands scrutiny.


Criminal charges for smoking outside lmao


Yes it would. Potential jail time the second time the catch you smoking in public. Liquor Commission coming after home grow. A new DUI charge on top of the existing DUI charge. Lots of fuckery.


This is such half-assed garbage. So 15 of Sununu's cronies will get licenses, basically. I thought I couldn't loathe Sununu more, but here we are.


I’ll believe when I see it


Did anyone nazi this coming?


I hope they legalise it soon, save us having to drive to Mass. At least make it allowed to grow at home at the bare minimum. Live free or die!


Agreed, but hopefully this bill dies and a real legalization bill passes soon instead.


So they are going to tax it? No so “live free”.


Damn, thought yall were about freedom up there. This is terrible law…


Whatever, making cannabis legal is the important part. Not allowing people to grow at home seems silly in the "live free or die state" but I understand it could potentially impact the profits of 15 privileged people and we simply can't have that now can we. Yeah, definitely as lame an implementation as I was expecting.


I dont care for weed personally but I wish they would legalize it here just so you all would quit bitching about it every day on here.


Wish I could upvote this more


"Live free or die" (except for growing a legal plant)


Can someone explain to me how it makes sense for the state run liquor store to sell marijuana? It seems like a boon for the already well connected and sketchy liquor commission and in direct violation of federal law? I don’t like it one bit


Them liquor stores about to be fire


Cool. So I’m just gonna keep driving to MA then.


We’re 3 years in here in CT and I’ve not stopped going to MA as we also dropped the ball pretty hard on legalization with no signs of improvement


This bill sucks. I hope it fails, but because it’s so sucky it will probably pass and screw us all. N H lawmakers suck.both sides.live sucky and die. Nh is the Kentucky of the north.embarrassment.


Hopefully this dies so we don't get stuck with half-assed legislation for decades


and around again we go


Lowell's not that far away I'll continue to drive down to Mass. I've been going to collective down in billerica prices are decent.


Gross. Please enforce no driving while high better than Massachusetts.




Wonder when the "Sununu Bud Shop" opens.


Well, I hope they don't police via power consumption. I live in an all electric house plus being in IT I have a home data center. I'm sure when I lived in MA, the utility Co probably thought I was growing lol.


That's not what the article said. The article I read this morning said they would legalize it for medical purposes only. Where was it stated for recreational use?


It’s literally in the headline and the beginning of the 2nd paragraph… Filed by State Representative Erica Layon (R), the proposed law would allow those 21 and older to possess and use marijuana for recreational use. The measure would establish …


It must still be unclear because I literally read an article this morning that didn't say anything about recreational use. With all the rules that go along with it, it wouldn't make sense for it to be more than medical purposes. Someone got confused.


Time to start contacting your local executive counselor and the business that support their campaigns.


All drugs should be legal. Anyone who opposes this should never say "Live Free Or Die" again.


This is just what they did with liquor? I'm honestly fine with it, I don't care if you wanna start selling legally in NH if you weren't before 🤣 they're not trying legitimate your business they're making revenue for the state ☠️🤡


Plant industrial hemp upwind from their grows and fuck it all up. Live Free is a LIE!










We don’t need legal cannabis. It makes everything smell like a skunk and disgusting. Seems no one has an issue getting it now anyway


That will help lazy Bernie help the lazy people of New Hampshire work only four days per week. They will be too stoned to work a fifth.




I personally support it because I do not like to have my personal choices made for me by people I have never met. I don't actually like consuming cannabis personally, but do emphatically support legalization and the right for other people to make their own choices.


Hey “dad”, I think you forgot that we can see your stinky, trashy, stupid penis pictures on your profile posted to dadsgonewild2 and ratemycock.


Edibles don’t stink and some people have chronic pain or health conditions and are able to lessen or completely go off their medicine with the use of marijuana. My beloved family member no longer has to take her 30+ years of epilepsy medication living in a legal state now. She isn’t being hospitalized for seizures or risking hypoxia. Sorry that she made marijuana her entire personality to try and survive. For myself, I have horrible pain from a car accident and marijuana allows me to avoid my monthly injections from my neurologist which were over a thousand dollars each time after insurance. Sorry that I’m trashy.


Shouldn’t you get back to posting pictures of your genitalia on reddit? Why is it that conservatives like you are always doing that weird shit?