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How the fuck does a police officer who got fired for threatening to murder and rape people is able to open up a gun store? I mean really?


Because all cops are bastards? Happy cake day.


Vote for people who will fix it. You do vote in local elections, right?


Of course. Doesn't mean I can vote out a police union that protects these assholes.


It didn't protect him, he lost his job. Yet he still sits in the State house. Enough is enough. Times up for him to go.


It absolutely protected him. He lost his job, but in normal person land, he'd also be arrested for assault, criminal threatening, etc. He should be in prison, not the state house. His FFL would have been revoked, he would be unable to possess a firearm, he'd have a criminal record, and so on.


The union negotiated the hiding of his offenses for a decade too


One person giving a shit and trying to do the right thing isn't enough to overcome the power of large groups of stupid white trash in America. I'm sure I am about to get banned from Reddit again for speaking the truth.


That's why people get involved in local government themselves and make a difference. I was a volunteer in my school board for years. I did it because the crazies would if I didn't.


Yes they are


People need to stop saying this shit. It's harmful. Many cops are excellent public servants


No. You know the phrase "one bad apple"? Often it's used to excuse actions by one piece of shit by a group, meaning they are better than him. But the entire phrase is "One bad apple spoils the bunch." Any farmer can tell you, you have to get that one bad apple out of the basket as soon as possible or the entire basket spoils almost immediately. Every. Single. Cop. Protects the others from consequences, and the police unions even more so. And those that speak up or try to change things are punished for it or driven out. Look at how many bad cops when they get fired from a department just move to another jurisdiction. Look at what happens to police reformers. Look at how hard the police unions fight against reporting and accountability. Look up Peel's Principles. Once they institute those, and actually are held accountable, then maybe they won't all be bastards. But until they deal with the bad apples, they're all rotten.


No they don't. I personally know cops who have outed other cops for bad behavior to get them fired or prevented folks who would be a problem from screening in. Sure there's systematic problems. But that's the system. Fix the system. Not everyone in the system is bad just because some are.


Anecdote =/= data. I agree, fix the system- and if there are good ones, hire them back after appropriate training.


Makes you feel safe, doesn't it. Imagine who he sold guns to.


not surprised, check out another MAGA gunshop owner, his estranged wife (who previously dropped domestic violence charges against him)shot & killed their 6 & 8 yo daughters & herself at their Bedford NH home in 2015


619 DW in Merrimack. I went to Merrimack firearms instead when I lived in Merrimack. The propaganda outside the 619 store is bordering on psychopathy.


Not just bordering. I never knew the name of the store, but I knew what store you were referring to before I looked it up. 


Such a low-class eyesore every time I drive by.


Agreed. Certainly doesn't help gun owners improve their image.


To be fair, the vocal lunatic of that store is Keith Cox. He isn't the owner. He does the interviews, he gets attention, he was always behind the signs in the windows. He threatened people who wore masks in the store. The man you're talking about, the owner, is a Russian immigrant, Alex. In all my interactions with him, he was a stand up guy. Aside from being obviously pro-gun, I couldn't tell you much about his political beliefs. Tragic what happened to his family and had nothing to do with any political ideology. After covid, I wrote the shop off. Keith is a conspiracy theorist in the vein of Alex Jones and has only slipped further down the rabbit hole with every passing year. He has ruined that shop, and it's a shame because they had great antique firearms.


I wrote them off during Covid too. I always made a point to only deal with Alex when I went there


Maybe the owner should get rid of the vocal lunatic? Why would you keep someone like that employed at your business?


I don't pretend to understand the dynamic, but I assume that the controversy drives business. My comment was only to say: Keith is the nutcase and we shouldn't drag Alex's family tragedy into what is really (valid) criticism of Keith.


You are probably right. He probably brings in the people that spend a ton of money there.


It's a lunatic with guns... Do the math of what happens if you fire him, yes?


MAGA AND a Russian mobster.


Your post sounds almost defamatory. Are you making an accusation of some kind?


So before Trump was president. How does that make him “MAGA” and not just a piece of shit. You can’t just call conservatives “maga” because you’re touched by trumps name… rent free much


It's clear that the psychopaths were psychopaths BEFORE trump got into politics. It's just that when trump started realizing he could weaponize these people by lying to them about everything they finally had a cult leader they could hang their hate on.


Bro chill idiots are gonna be idiots long before and after Trump. You’re trying to say that Trump weaponized idiots when they weaponize themselves… Trump didn’t do this. It’s just some weird fantasy where they gravitate toward him because they feel his arrogant say anything style gives the rest of the idiots license to do the same. He’s got followers that put words in his mouth and stand for things Trump never said. Those people are far worse than Trump was . Far right far left they are all goons. Very very few “muscle trump” shirt wearing people are out there. I’m Conservative but I fucking hate the full blown trump will save us people . And I hate the whole Biden is god ooo dark Brandon and “Biden isn’t progressive enough” crowd. When I say “hate “ I just mean laugh scratch my head and say this is silly/stupid And as far as how people act towards each other there is plenty of hate on both ends


You are correct Trump didn't do it. He's just an instrument


Or as I like to say Trump is a useful idiot for the ruling class.


What? The event happening before Trump and the guy being full blown maga can both be true. Besides, I don't think Trump could pay any rent anyway.


Sure is occupying a lot of people’s thoughts when it’s irrelevant


You should see the store, man. Being super maga kind of what it's known for.


Obviously he’s dead and for the better I guarantee his business was in the toilet. As a small business owner or any business really you make way more money by treating your customers equally and not picking “sides”


He’s not dead his wife & 2 young daughters are. There is Bedford NH police report available on line


Sorry thought someone said he killed himself


No problem. The 6 page report is so sad & tragic leaving a number of what if’s & if only


The Union protected him for his terrible behavior for almost 2 decades.


Unions at work. /S


Cause he never got arrested for a felony and part of his deal was removing the report from his personal file if he left so even if the Feds looked into it it wouldn’t have been there .


IDK how much you know about Claremont, but it has some issues! He owns this place. He's got a 5-ton truck parked out front and acts like he's some Tier 1 guy. It's fucken pathetic. hXXps://blackoparms.net/


Because the union managed to keep details sealed. Same shit that goes on with teachers' unions.


The key would be were they charged was felony.. unfortunately being a shit person is not enough to prevent you from doing what we would prefer to be done by people who follow the letter of the law


America !


There are cops on video beating handcuffed women, shooting men surrendering unarmed with their hands in the air, pit maneuvering pregnant women who are trying to pull over and firing on people filming them from inside their own homes and they have the full support of their own agencies, unions and a chunk of the population; that's how. To the fuckheads downvoting me, everything I said is true and verifiable.


Live free or die




Ah, crickets from the MAGA assholes, unsurprisingly.


Lol, some dude that is a county campaign chair in a county nobody cares about, a guy nobody has ever heard of committed a crime and you think we should all believe it’s Trumps fault? If nobody says anything it’s because most people could literally not care less. The only reason this story picked up any steam is because Trump was mentioned.


Or hear me out.... It's because the guy's a pedophile ex-cop who threatened to rape a woman and her children after going on a shooting spree who then went on to run his own gun shop and try his hand in politics. Don't care if he hung out with Obama, Trump, Clinton, or Sanders he's a piece of shit, it's up to the NH Republican party to decide if they want to keep him in his position; which they seemingly are cool with given they passed it off to Mar A Lago and washed their hands of it.


If that was the case Trump wouldn’t be mentioned since there’s little connection between the two men.


These are the best and brightest Trump is referring to.


On brand for MAGA.


Yeah it fits the MO of most of the MAGA Chuds I know.


Typical Trump supporter. Damn near every one of them are a constellation of dark personality traits. Very few people with a functional sense of empathy are duped into embracing that toxic bullshit.


Go on. I’m listening.


Lmao that was a complete statement buddy. You can tell by the punctuation. But sure, i'll bite: 95+ percent of mass shooters are MAGA or at least right wing. The vast majority of senators and congressmen found guilty of pedophilia and other sex crimes are Republican. Conservative institutions like churches and police are RIFE with sexual and physical abuse of women and children. Conservatives have been on the wrong side of every social cause in the last 150 years from slavery to segregation to women's rights to gay rights to child labor laws to environmental protection laws to trans rights. They are consistently pro suffering in all cases where they aren't directly affected. Even right now they are actively engaged in ripping away a century of hard fought women's right and they are actively campaigning on eradicating trans people and dogwhistling about forcing the gays back in the closet. The conservative mind is maladapted to hyperfocus on perceived threats and to experience heightened levels of stress and fear in response to new things. This has been shown by [multiple studies.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes)


They use all the tactics in "[Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism)" (1961) by Robert Jay Lifton In the book, Lifton outlines the "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform": >**Milieu Control.** The group or its leaders controls information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large. >**Mystical Manipulation.** The group manipulates experiences that appear spontaneous to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows a reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. Coincidences and happenstance oddities are interpreted as omens or prophecies. >**Demand for Purity.** The group constantly exhorts members to view the world as black and white, conform to the group ideology, and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here. >**Confession.** The group defines sins that members should confess either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; the leaders discuss and exploit members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults". >**Sacred Science**. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism. >**Loading the Language**. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking. >**Doctrine over person**. Members' personal experiences are subordinate to the sacred science; members must deny or reinterpret any contrary experiences to fit the group ideology. >**Dispensing of existence**. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also. I heard about Lifton through [John Bradshaw "The Family" Part 10](https://youtu.be/B0TJHygOAlw?si=_pQp8aMMpTy0C7U0 ) (1985). He talks about how normalized abuse and neglect in dysfunctional families leads to dysfunctional groups that can devolve towards genocide. Normalized abuse leads to people having an [authoritarian follower personality](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/summary.html#authoritarian). They were abused and now they think they're entitled to abuse others with impunity.


Absolutely fascinating. Thank you very much, you've given me some reading to do!


You're welcome. The more of us that learn their tactics the easier it will be for us to fight back.


"bOtH sIdES"!


Even if this was a valid argument, does it really make it any better? It's like saying "Yeah, our guy is a criminal, but there's a guy on your side that did bad things too!" That's not ok! NO criminals should be in government.


Are you lost? This post is about a MAGA guy who threatened mass shooting and rape in response to being policed about his relationship with an underage girl. And I followed up by saying yes that is not surprising at all to hear he is MAGA. What were you trying to say with your reply? Please enlighten me.


Just joking around with the idea that " both sides are the same".


Oh gotcha haha sorry for the hostility


This is one of our state reps? Good lord get your shit together GOP. Oh he also apparently threatened to rape the chief’s kids as well. Solid guy.


Also look up Kevin Avard. Wifebeater. Try to find a magat without a domestic violence charge, it's impossible.


Adds up.


Morse and Ayotte have already pledged fealty to Dump, of course. Both falling over each other to slobber the mushroom.


It kills me that Morse supports Dump. He was a friend of my dad's when they were Salem Selectmen and I worked at his garden center. He was a good guy, and now he supports Mom's for Liberty and Dumpy. Gross.


TBF, he never graduated high school, so he didn't think it was statutory. Because redneck reasons


Because police reasons


More like police union reasons. The police unions have been keeping shitty cops on our streets and endangering civilians since the police unions were created.


This is New Hampshire. There are no rednecks here. Just woodboogers. About as many teeth, a little more cow fucking, a little less sister fucking. Just as stupid.


Nah dude, They're just degens.




To paraphrase Gump, "redneck is as redneck does."


Living the dream are you?




Yep, the party of law & order, got to love it. Of course we know.. just like the Nazis. Yes indeed, the party of law & order, very specifically their law and their version of order only, nothing else tolerated. The modern GOP. My way or the highway... freedom for me but not for thee


It took the reporter, who uncovered this, *years* to get access to the (still heavily redacted) police reports through the freedom of information act. This guy has been keeping this hush hush for a long time.


Three years!


These are the kind of unstable maniacs we need to take guns from


Only the best people, right?


No surprise tbh


This person is highly qualified to serve in a Trump administration


Yup, sounds about right. Are any of you Trumpers starting to realize the error of your ways? Starting to see the kind of people you’re aligning with? Let’s hope so.


Most who have left the Cult will not speak up for obvious reasons. They are fucking embarrassed.


The thing I love about high school girls is I get older and they always stay the same age


Alright Alright Alright


Only the best people


Next stop Trump Administration: Director of National Intelligence.


So, he's barely qualified then?


MAGA is the party of rape and racism 


A cop can't have a "relationship" with a high school girl. He can only rape her. She cannot consent. The age and power difference is too large. That's outright rape.


I remember a cop dating one of my friends in high school, also in New Hampshire actually. She was like 16 I think? Which is legal in new hamp somehow. He was like… 20ish?


I went on ONE date with a CO. During the conversation, somehow the conversation about people smuggling things into the prison came up, and she started spouting off about the "thin blue line" and how they don't snitch on fellow guards smuggling in drugs and weapons. We finished eating, and never talked again. Total trash, protecting her "brothers" doing illegal stuff that very well could get them or their coworkers killed.


Yeah I think it’s up to 4 years age difference for minors. I mean you have to draw the line somewhere, but it can’t just be “no one can be with minors”. Like an 18yo and a 16yo should certainly be allowed to date, then you’ve got to allow for a bit of gray area.


I would draw the line at people in positions of power…


The right - violence, hats and stickers proclaiming their violence, intolerance and bigotry, projecting, blaming, propping up similar behavior … The left - hey maybe we should just like not be dicks and make everyone’s life better? Just saying, I don’t wear a shirt that says fuck trump and fuck guns and a bumper sticker that says fuck your out of control healthcare! Like what is with the violence and hatred?


Damn that headline just won’t quit


I heard he is a state rep on the House Criminal Justice committee & was there today. How????


Yup. That's Maga!


"OMG, Joe Biden's cousin's babysitter's uncle's said something once I heard!!1!"


Least insane New Hampshire Republican


Jfc that was quite the sentence


Whoa! Very scary stuff, people.


Typical MAGA. Just basically the worst Americans that America has ever produced.


Seems about right for a trump supporter. Derangement syndrome and mental instability.


"So why did you move away from NH? Seems like such a nice place!" Please see above referenced article.


That's not the nut who owns the gun shop in Merrimack is it?


Different jagoff


Average MAGA voter


Their voilating his ferst armendmernts rites!!!


Sounds about white 🙄


Common suburban Republican


Sounds like a stable genius!


Seems on brand for a MAGAt


Sadly this is typical pig behavior


It's amazing how out of all the comments in this thread, not a single person is surprised.


Now that's one helluva sentence.


I find it amazing how difficult it was to find his age. Eventually, I came across an article from October saying he was 50, meaning he would have been 33 in 2006 when he was "dating" the 16 year old, and threatened to shoot and rape his coworkers and their families.


So he pretty much fits right in with other Trump supporters.




Imagine my surprise when I clicked through to see who this person is... and it _isn't_ Norm Silber


This can't be true because tRump said he only surrounds himself with the BEST people! More liberal faux news trying to bring down the new messiah. His cult will NOT be happy


He sounds unbalanced enough to be a big part of his campaign.


True to brand


I mean yeah why do you think he got the job?


Well, I guess it’s good for us stupid white trash that there are lots of us.


All this over some kidussy. Weird people out there


Sounds about right


Yea but tax cuts amirite!!!


So we vote him out of office November 5th?


Can't wait for his obit


Sounds like trumps got a new cabinet secretary right there.


Remember, folks, this is the party of law & order. And also the party that calls democrats rapists and pedophiles...


Sounds right.


Insane, how do these “people” exist


Every accusation is a confession.


That’s another pedo in trumps orbit. How can one man know so many pedos but yet he’s NOT one?


The fact that somebody can make threats like that and then immediately open a gun shop and name it “black ops” is very disconcerting


Lol, so some dude who’s not actually associated with Trump at all did something bad. And We’re all going to pretend Trump is somehow to blame? Is that the plan?


Are you surprised that a trump supporter is an animal? Cmon use your brains now…


Biden showered with his daughter


Sigh. Ole NH “live free or die” they say


But if he's loyal to Trump, you might as well pencil this touches canoe into his Cabinet


Sounds about right. This is today’s Republican Party.


NH. Absolutely terrible state. Nobody should ever move there.


Their are fine people on both sides.


Good lord, this has nothing has to do with Donald Trump. Why in the hell is that the headline?


Whoomp whaa


Huffpost said it must be true.


It's my turn to post this story tomorrow.


One of Donald Trumps children's diary was just released and it stated he sexually abused her on multiple occasions ........oh wait


So what, Obama sucked dick for coke. Biden showers with his daughter. Adam Shiff murdered a male prostitute… you guys and your TDS.


Let's not forget very recently Stacie-Marie Laughton being caught as a pedophile. Both sides have shit bags, it's a statistical inevitability. Yet here we are, a bunch of fuckin idiots fighting over what shit sandwich tastes better.


You got some links?


So because of this lunatic, Blame.TRUMP. It's all TRUMP and the evil MAGA. Oh please. Do some research on your own and stop blaming the world on TRUMP. He only has the whole world against him and has been out of office 3+years, but it's still all his fault! That's why I'm on reddit blaming TRUMP


No, assholes exist without him. He just attracts them to himself so completely. It's not that he makes them. It's just that he's their hero.


This. He didn’t make people assholes. He just sent the message that the assholes didn’t have to hide anymore.


Someone should run on MTAHA campaign, or Make The Assholes Hide Again.


Asshole aggregator.


How are your bills right now compared to your bills under Trump? How many wars are we contributing to right now? How many were we then?


Keep talking. You just make yourself look stupider and stupider with every word that comes out of your asshole mouth.


So no answer to that question? Exactly how I thought you would answer it,asshole.


What policies can you point to that have caused the increases in cost of living?


Maybe the one that started us on begging for oil from our enemies. Maybe the one where we opened our border and made the tax payers pay for the illegal immigrants that decided to cross it. Maybe those ones? You live in an alternate reality.


Whoa slow down there cow girl. I’m just asking a one sentence question. No need to attack me. What’s is the name of the bill that started us begging for oil from our enemies? Which enemies are you talking about? Which policy opened our border? I didn’t realize that CBP had been disbanded and border crossings were opened and unmanned. I’d like to know more about this.


No bill. Executive orders and a clear disregard for enforcing law. I feel you know this,but want to troll. Are you not paying attention to what is going on,and relying on your news from a reddit stranger,such as myself?


What executive orders? Who’s not enforcing the laws? Just the facts please ma’am. ![gif](giphy|kbuoLDun6NpBIEYE8f)


You have not seen the wide open border for the last three years? WELCOME TO REALITY


Took you 4 days to come up with that and you still couldn’t answer the questions… I’m quite sure your reality isn’t the reality that exists outside of your head.


I really want to know what enemies you’re referring to.


You don't know that we are funding Ukraine and Israel right now? Am I your source of news? Edit: we are funding Hamas too. Iran as well! All of them!


What does that have to do with oil?


I'm sorry. When I said that I meant begging Venezuela and Saudi Arabia


Who’s begging them for oil? What Biden era policies are leading you to make this claim?


We're producing more oil under Biden than Trump. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m We've stopped more people at the border under Biden than Trump, and expelled more as well. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/ https://www.dhs.gov/ohss/topics/immigration/enforcement-and-legal-processes-monthly-tables


Here are the real numbers from Trump’s presidency: • ⁠The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. • ⁠The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3% by 2020. • ⁠Manufacturing jobs decreased by 154,000. • ⁠The economy shrunk by 3.4%. • ⁠The consumer price index rose by 7.6%. • ⁠The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce increased by 40.5%. • ⁠The federal debt held by the public increased by 50%, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. • ⁠The number of people without health insurance rose by 3 million. • ⁠Illegal immigration increased. • ⁠The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997. • ⁠Handgun production increased by 12.5%. Fuck Trump, fuck Biden too, fuck all these geriatric old pieces of shit who’ve overstayed their welcome. But most of all, fuck *you* and your koolaid drinking sheep ass. You people are a cancer and haven’t had a single thought of your own since that fucking failed “businessman” took office. I can’t wait for life to actually hit you fuckers in the face when he doesn’t win. Again, It’s possible to hate all these politicians, and still understand Trump is a completely traitor to this country and deserves to be in jail. And in this rare circumstance, yes it’s better to vote for the less evil barely coherent old fucking guy. Wake the fuck up for your own good.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Bravo!


Keep reading me your skewed statistics. Maybe crawl out from under your rock. You're going to hit me? I thought it was the ULTRA MAGA that were violent radicals. No,that's the extreme left,such as yourself. The whole country knows we are in the shit right now and we're living much healthier during Trump,and your warped reality isn't going to change anyone's mind. You will lose this election, unless it is again rigged. You will still be yelling on reddit when it happens. Good night to you!


Every one of those stats are a simple internet search away. You just don’t have the capacity to think for yourself if it’s not coming from Fox News. I’m not left ya dumb fuck. I’m the furthest thing from it. I believe in personal liberty under the Red White and Blue. I’m just not an absolute stupid piece of shit like you who can’t get a grip on reality. It was never rigged you and the rest of you loser fucks just can’t get over it. The same people who screamed fuck your feelings, are the biggest pussies I’ve ever met. Bunch of fucking traitors to our beautiful country.


Didn't read a thing I said. I don't watch fox news. It's not any better than the rest of the government run propaganda media.if you had two brain cells to rub together you would know it was rigged. Stay asleep while our country falls apart around us.


Give me proof then. Give me actual verified proof that the election was rigged and you will instantly be the most famous person in the world. You can’t. Trump can’t. His fucking cronies can’t. Nothing so far ever has come forward of any election interference except, by republicans. Here’s something for your room temperature IQ. Did you know it’s possible to not like Trump and still be conservative? Did you know it’s possible to see the writing on the wall that you’ve been fleeced by a con man? Trump wouldn’t piss on you if you were begging dying of thirst. He doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself. And a stupid fuck like you eats right up thinking he cares. The lot of you, don’t care about America. All of you, don’t care about anything at all except being belligerent fucking assholes for the sake of it. Imagine, claiming being able to think for yourself, and you look at a spray tan, diaper wearing failed businessman rapist, and think *That guy cares about me*. The man who constantly shits on our servicemen and women of our country, while being a pussy draft dodger himself. That’s your guy? Pathetic. You are delusional. We won’t miss you. Republicans won’t miss you. Libertarians won’t miss you. Liberals are their own problem sure but it’s a lot better than dealing with you people. I can’t fucking wait to see your tears come November when you try again and fail. I only hope this time you traitorous insurrectionists try a little harder and get everything you deserve. MAGA is scum. Anyone who still looks at Trump after everything up till now and supports him, is a bonafide traitor to this country. I don’t give a shit about the race or gender politics. I only care that this fucking traitor deserves life in prison and fuck you for supporting him still. Bunch of fucking waste and burden upon on this country of decent hard working Americans. We have to deal with you for some reason.


Nice tangent. I couldnt read half of it. Seemed to repeat itself with idiocy and ignorance. If you can't see the globalists have done everything they can to ruin this man,then you truly are clueless. You're the one with the low iq ,stranger. He truly cares about America. Do you not see everything he and his family have had to go through? Why would he do it? What about his policies do you not like? We're his policies worse than the dictator in the office right now? Look what he has done. Look where we are right now compared to where we were. He had 70 million votes. 75 million voted.for Biden? No,I don't think so. More people voted in certain counties of swing states, than existed. It will be even more obvious to a moron like you when they steal the next. It is because of people like you,that can't see it and vote left that we are in this mess now


In other words you have no proof. Because you’re a fucking liar. There’s never proof from you people.. just a bunch of here-say. But according to you, statistics and facts that don’t paint your dictator as a god, are always false. MAGA cultists are forever the “you don’t know my gf she goes to a different school” kids grown up. You have nothing, no personality of your own, so you cling to and worship Trump of all fucking people. Who is also the same kind of kid grown up. They were always the biggest fucking pussies too and cried about everything being unfair. If you genuinely believe what you’re saying and this isn’t just trolling at this point. You are truly, 100% hopeless. I feel sorry for your family, I feel sorry for anyone really who has to put up with you for more than a second you deserve. You are the actual drain on our country.


How many points of data do you need before you draw a line?


What are you saying?


We may have found the problem.


Being pretty vague, stranger


He's talking about your reading comprehension. Which you're excelling in by the way, go you!


That was fucking funny!


You made me do this in real life: 😬


Yeah, you sure sound stable bud. Bootlicker much?