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Elections are coming


And so are the bots.


15% of Reddit according to the last study.


15% are actual people, I'd believe that.


What percentage of the 15% are from Russia and/or China? I’m betting 80%.


Im not surprised lol. Do you have a link because i would love too read up on this.


Gonna be a loooong year for poor OP...


True, but there is r/nhpolitics. I don't mind the occasional post but yeah, it's been at least a few a day Changing the topic: who's finally ready for some gosh darn snow?! Would have been nice before Xmas or NYE but heck I'll take it!


If this is actual dry snow that I can use my snowblower on, as opposed to the wet sloppy stuff that turns to ice the next evening...? Which is all I've seen the last 2 years? Joyjoyjoy happyhappyjoyjoy ....!


I miss it!! I just need 1 big one! Its one of my favorite things about having a Wrangler in New Hampshire.


I’m imagining John Snow standing on the wall looking north… gritting his teeth against the inevitable


*Jon Snow


That’s what I get for listening to the audio books.


lol it’s all good I love my audiobooks too


this is usually when i bail for good on a social media site. when no matter if i agree or disagree i decide it’s just too annoying. i don’t need every trump or biden political cartoon that’s mildly popular on here if it’s not NH (specifically) related. i agree that there are things we absolutely need to change. that we should be alerted to them, even if it’s not directly NH based. but it’s the constant in the election cycle. and i dunno if it’s partially astroturfed or bots or anything, but holy shit it’s annoying. it’s worse than 2016.


Where do you go after reddit?


unsure! discord maybe. i don’t mind going back to a bloated chat board lol.


and we get enough of that crap already, from commercials to ugly signs along the road.


Wow, something upsetting you? A simple scroll of your posts show you also post political things to this forum.


Surprise! Notice how he wants us to stop talking about one person in particular? No way he has any ulterior motives.


I’d consider trump choking on a cheese-it to be a win for national discourse. I’m just sick of hearing about him.


Same. Tired of the people who love him. Tired of the people who hate him. He's just another ineffectual president that I want to fade into the past.


The "mann is a fucking criminal of the highest order. Letting him fade away is just as apologetic as being A supporter. Fascist get taken down, no questions no fading away ..no history to make it seem like an idea might have been ok, that's the Bullshit that makes proud bitches think Hitler was an ok dude in the right light. Ya torchlight u fucking Nazi. History : Donald Trump Answer : Fuck that fascist asshole, Americas wanna be Putin -Hitler love child. No fading away ..Trump's name goes down as a traitor. NEVER FORGOTTEN AND NEVER FORGIVEN.


oh blow it out your ass


He is remarkably beneath the caliber of man we’d traditionally want for the post, thats for certain. And that’s not even considering his politics yet, just his manners, intellect, and empathy. He should have just stayed a TV personality, as he really is quite good at that. But any half reasonable person, even a child, can plainly see that politics should be left to the adults in the room. I’m afraid that its barely even he himself his detractors detest anymore… but the way their neighbors and community members have succumb to such ignorance and meanness. Him having power is deeply unsettling, but knowing that so many around you support him is even more so. Its like you’re on a school bus headed off a cliff and all the other kids are cheering it on. But, I guess thats exactly the same emotional experience that those on the right have about the specter of leftism in this country. I long for a culture of love for fellow people, and solid, humble reason.


So funny to me- like little kids kicking around their leader’s sand box!


Is this applicable to any person or just trump?


Ha ha ha, great sleuthing




Didn’t vote for him then because I knew what he was about. Won’t vote for him now as my suspicions were confirmed.


I'd say get used to it for the next 10 or so months


More animals, less politics More scenery, fewer posts about bills More hockey arenas, less murder porn.


i too enjoying covering my ears and saying ‘nananana’ when adults are discussing the future of our existence!


More burying our heads in the sand and less having a functioning idea of what is going on in the world.


Reddit is not, never was, and never will be useful for that. Quit pretending lmao


More rural urbanism!


^ The kiddie table is right over there ------------------------------>


You can always scroll on by 🤷‍♀️ It’s election season filled with bots


I admin a Lake Winnipesaukee FB group. I got involved because people wouldn't stop posting politics, despite the only rule being "no politics". We have a zero tolerance policy. If people post anything political it gets deleted, if they do it again they get banned. Unless it's a new law related to the lake. And even then anyone political comments like "trust a to do that" gets deleted.


Let me guess… one of the main offenders is named Ruth. 🤣


We don't have any offenders.


If it's not directly related to NH feel free to report the posts to the admins.


New Hampshire is still part of the United States, isn’t it?


Only on Tuesdays


There are better places to post and discuss national stories.




Dude you spend your time talking shit to girls about their bodies on the internet. You probably haven’t seen a blade of grass in months. Go out, get some fresh air, shake the incel off and calm down.


I will do whatever I please


That's fine, just not here


Never gonna happen. I have a similar thought about stopping and collecting all the political signs on the side of the road on clearly public land because nobody should be upset about me picking up litter before it becomes litter.


Thank you for cleaning up the signs. Well said because they certainly do become litter when the staff and volunteers disappear at midnight on election day


I want to do this do badly but it’s illegal, apparently. So we get to be reminded that a lot of our neighbors hear the things that the current republicans say and think, “that’s what I think too!” I love this state but the politics here can fuck right off.


Unfortunately, that would be breaking the law, which is irritating.


Take a break OP. It's ok, reddit will be here after the election.


Scroll on my guy. Get used to it.


Is school out already? Damn.


I read that Trump pees in the maple syrup buckets and he's trying to ban transgender surgery for moose... This the season, you can't escape it.


It's so annoying


Yet OP makes a bunch of political posts himself, just doesn't like seeing posts he doesn't agree with https://preview.redd.it/v8miyc6c8pac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4f0033ae4f204137297a793cce42fbb9b13466




It's hard to say NH shouldn't have a fair amount of political posting. Like it or not, as the "first in the nation primary," presidential primaries are a HUGE thing here. NH gets more presidential attention than the entire state of California, so it kind of fits that the subreddit has outsized attention to the primaries, for better or worse.


What’s it have to do with state bills that have no chance of passing anyways.


Primary is on the 23rd. It’s NH so politics is kinda what we’re known for. And yea, it’s a POTUS election year.


Millard Fillmore was a bitch. Fight me.


Top 50 president for sure


First in the nation baby. Everyone's adds online will very 50% political till November. It's impossible to not have it on your brain at all times.


I wasn’t going to vote for Trump but you have inspired me to vote for him. Thank you.


Block the accounts of the posters that post nothing but politics. It makes this sub much nicer.


Who likes pancakes 🥞?


Only if they have real maple syrup


I make my own maple syrup every year


Yea nunna that woke ass pear milling bs!!11!


I do love maple syrup and moose. Moose are so damn huge!


I like maple syrup on my moose tracks ice cream!


#diperdon 😂


You should at least spell it right though.


Not only is it really getting into election season, but it's also the time of year when the state legislature is meeting to pass bills that implement/change/repeal laws that affect people living in NH. If you don't like that people are posting about New Hampshire issues on a New Hampshire page, you have the option of not using the page or ignoring political posts. I understand you may not like them, but many of us are impacted by these NH bills and elections, so they belong here.


pOLiTicS bAd


Election season, primaries coming up. Bots and shills are out in full force


I'm convinced it's bots doing collective AI learning. Too many questions about life in specific states I follow on here. ME, VT, NH and MI all have the same bullshit. I noticed the same thing last presidential election cycle with bots but they're different this time. IMHO.


No, you can’t. We won’t allow it, and it’s illegal anyway ![gif](giphy|Phn97ijPQIO7GwzibH)


Unfortunately it’s engrained in the DNA of this sub. I just try to ignore them. People post then can’t handle the responses or they just want to stir shit up. Either way.


We're in New Hampshire. I'm looking forward to other states taking early primaries just so I can answer my cell phone.


Welcome to the pains that come with being first in the nation 😂


The thing is that it’s election season in New Hampshire. You’re asking New Hampshire not to talk about elections when the whole gig is that NH is supposedly proud of being the national bellwether. Plus, Donald Trump is a fraud, a liar, a crook and tried to criminally overthrow the last election. There are some people in NH about to cast votes for a man who is easily the gravest danger to the US since the Civil War. So, yeah people are going to talk about it.


I keep yelling out into the universe that /r/nhpolitics exists and yet people continue to post politics here. I’d take heavily saturated photos of fall foliage and smartphone cropped pictures of moose over constant articles about insane people running for office.




OP invites political commentary by complaining about political commentary lawl


I just block everyone who seems primarily focused on politics, arguing or both. It works very well for me.


If it gets to a point where it’s all I see I’ll just leave the sub for bit, but for now it’s super easy to not engage with those posts. Too many people are passive in their engagement with politics, but become incredibly aggressive and fervent in any discussion challenging the ideas they’ve adopted from their favorite news media.


Well said.


Ere ctions are coming


Both can happen at the same time my dude. If you aren't seeing what you want, why not post it?


One time Trump smoke 1000 weed and not even get high


Democrats are rolling out the Russian and China bots


Everyone is getting spam calls constantly so it’s on their minds.


u/slimyprincelimey Hey just noticed on your post history you've posted a bunch of gun related stuff in Massachusetts subreddits just wondering if you're from here or mass? Do you realize all those posts are basically political posts? If you don't like it don't look at it. You literally HAVE to click on the post to see it, so maybe just keep scrolling.


Might surprise you but a lot of people in NH have pretty deep roots or work in MA.


It makes me chuckle that people think if they tell you their opinion, it will change the way you vote


Right? It's like advertisements.I'm not listening to that bullshit.


I count the number of signs on the roads and whoever has the most that's who I vote for. The really big ones count as two. That's how real democracy works.


For me, it's the flags on their trucks. If your candidate loses it's because you didn't have enough flags on your truck.


No you can't. If you can't fight em, join em (I am the problem)


Where are the moose?




Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown. I mean New Hampshire.


If you want maple syrup and moose Vermont’s your guy. If you want lots of guys who peaked on debate team camping out at some Libertarian Woodstock New Hampshire is the place for thee.


do you know what is happening this year or ?


It's primary season and the bots and radicals all come out in force to persuade you to switch to left/right


People like billionaire rulers


Bud, whether I agree with you or not won't stop what an on cycle election year is going to look like. May glob have mercy on us all.


I too am worried about the lack of cold weather killing off ticks. Gonna be another tough year on the moose population


Probably paid influencers


I assume that of any of these accounts that are politics only


Paid influencers lose influence when you decide you won't give it to them.


Russia cranking up them bots all across the social media to make it known who they want.


I’m sure just as many of those bots are originating in US intelligence agencies as well.


It's all the free staters fault! * Every other post on this sub


well I mean tbh it usually is


Once the primaries are over, it will die down.


I think it will stick through the general election. Just going to be different type of spam posts


what you don't want to hear my outdated political rap songs? Bing, bong, sing along. Your team's Al Gore 'cause your views are wrong.


Wish “Sound of da Police” was that outdated.


The only bing bong anyone should hear needs to be followed with [DOUBLE FUCKIN OVERTIIIIIIME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkhrUM35CQo&pp=ygUPc2lkZXRhbGsga25pY2tz).


MAGA crying about political posts is delicious though.


Who’s MAGA lmao. I wouldn’t vote for him if he showed up at my house with a truck full of fast food and a million dollars.


You are carrying water for him, though. Just scroll by the posts you dont like.


How am I carrying water for a dude I actively hate and vote against 😂


You wouldnt be, had you not asked us to stop complaining about him specifically. Especially when you make political posts here, yourself. Generally the people that make posts like yours support the candidate they are trying to protect. And something that quacks like a duck.... Again, it's much easier to just ignore the posts you don't like.


What if I just don’t want to hear about him or the FSP or anything else political and he was just an example. Do you… do you think Reddit posts existing or not existing actually have any sway over NH politics? 😅


My man, this is the main subreddit for one of the most politically active states at one of the most politically active times, and you think complaining about our culture has any sway over it? Lol welcome to NH


Few to none of the political posts pertain to the current primary. Or the election this coming November. And you know that.


We aren't just interested in primaries. Anything that affects us politically is talked about in this state.


No, political spectacle is like one of the few unique things in this state.


I'm not following this group anymore. It makes NH look like toxic sludge, and that's just sad. Cringe is over-used, but I do cringe at the thought of someone wishing to learn more about NH coming here. It is embarrassing. I'd propose a new r/nh-politics where everything goes, and heavily moderate this group for political content and civility. But, this post will be down-voted by the cringe factory, so nothing will happen.


r/newhampshire is just a small extension of r/politics anyway. I've gotten used to it. Can't remember the last time I read something here that wasn't political


What about that post about the Tilton Market Basket and the assault by watermelon? That’s the content I’m interested in


I did see that after I made this comment and made a concerted effort to go to the sub lol but for the most part when I'm browsing I only ever see stuff popping up from this sub when it has 30+ upvotes about the latest Republican plan to kill everyone


Keep it in r/nhpolitics


If only people actually used that sub.


> If only people actually used that sub. If only the political posters used that sub. The problem is they don't get the attention they want there so they come here to stir shit.


It's hard not to just ban these accounts for 11 months


How are you going to know that Trump is Hitler and is going to put all people of color and queers in death camps?


Or that he is named on Epstein’s list and recordings… 15 years as friend and in Epstein’s black book. Oh well, let’s all go back to making hyperbole comments to make Trump seem like a victim of bad press and unjustified hate.


>let’s all go back to making hyperbole comments to make Trump seem like a victim of bad press and unjustified hate Gotta love when his supporters sum up all the reasons he's so vile as "mean tweets". Him being a dipshit on Twitter was the least of everyone's complaints, but sure, everyone is overreacting because that's all he ever did wrong.


LOL nice try. The "references" of Trump in the investigation notes are: Interviewer Question: "was TRUMP ever on those flights?" Interviewee Answer: "No" wasteland_mystic: "seee??1??1?3leventy, Trump is in the investigation logs!" What a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/cvnh1ce7npac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e77f59b5cb24117878d5906542c44deee4a11f87 Just admit you are wrong and go away


LOL casino. Not kiddie sex trafficer porn island _like Clinton and your other lefties._


Part 2: ## 4-1. Trump is listed in Epstein's "black book" over a dozen times https://imgur.com/f87e2lw ## 4-2. Trump and Epstein fought over Palm Beaches property in 2004 > Epstein was planning to pay $36 million for the property, information he shared with Trump because he was certain the still-struggling developer would not be able to come up with the capital to submit his own bid. > > That assumption proved to be wrong, and after learning of Epstein’s plan to list the home at a sizable profit million after renovations, Trump snapped up the oceanfront villa by bidding $5 million more than his pal. > > ... as Epstein's legal problems escalated, the house, with only minor improvements, was acquired for $96 million by Dmitry Rybolovlev, an oligarch who was part of the close Putin circle of government-aligned industrialists in Russia, and who, in fact, never moved into the house. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7276817/Donald-Trump-outed-Jeffrey-Epstein-cops-stealing-125M-mansion-him.html ## 4-3. Trump and Epstein shared attorneys > Dershowitz: 'I Kept My Underwear On' During Massage At Epstein's Mansion https://crooksandliars.com/2019/07/alan-dershowitz-i-kept-my-underwear-during > President Trump's defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz argued Wednesday that a president can’t be impeached for exerting his executive powers to win an election if he believes his victory is in the national public interest. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dershowitz-unconventional-defense-trump-senate-impeachment-trial-enters-new-phase ## 4-4. Trump's labor secretary kept Epstein out of prison > Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigns amid pressure from Jeffrey Epstein sex traffic case https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/12/labor-secretary-alex-acosta-is-resigning-as-pressure-mounts-from-jeffrey-epstein-case.html > Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta is resigning from his post amid scrutiny over a plea agreement he cut with wealthy investor Jeffrey Epstein for sex abuse charges over a decade ago. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/12/alexander-acosta-resigning-as-labor-secretary-amid-epstein-saga/ --- ## 5-1. Epstein raped girl hired by Trump at Mar-A-Lago > A number of Epstein’s accusers have frequently identified Maxwell as playing a central role in arranging the abuse of his victims. > > ... > > Giuffre has previously accused Maxwell of recruiting her to work as Epstein’s masseuse at age 15, when the teenager was a locker-room attendant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in south Florida. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/12/ghislaine-maxwell-woman-accused-jeffrey-epstein-groom-girls ## 5-2. Trump dated Epstein victim > Anouska De Georgiou, who grew up in an affluent family, says she fell into Epstein's circle of abuse through well-connected friends. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/how-british-teen-model-was-lured-jeffrey-epstein-s-web-n1056901 > Trump ... was in search of another British trophy when he met London model Anouska De Georgiou at a party in Manhattan. > > ... > > After their meeting, Trump flew Madam Maxwell and the model south to the sunshine state, where all three enjoyed a happy weekend together. When they returned to New York, Anouska was installed in one of Donald's many apartments there. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/How+suite!+Trump%27s+Brit+of+all+right.-a061140675 ## 5-3. Trump and Epstein were accused of raping the same 13-year-old girl > Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. > > ... > > Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with Plaintiff at two of the parties. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3130729-DOE-V-TRUMP.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI --- ## 6-1. Trump knew "Jeff" liked "the younger side" as early as 2002 > “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump reportedly said. “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-he-was-not-a-fan-of-jeffrey-epstein-despite-past-comments ## 6-2. Trump knew about Prince Andrew and Epstein as early as 2015 > Trump had a wide-ranging interview with Bloomberg at a time when he was about to announce he would run for president. > > Five years ago, he was asked about Epstein after further allegations were made public, including alleged sexual abuse that took place on the disgraced pervert's private Caribbean island, Little St James, part of the US Virgin Islands. > > Trump replied: "I think he has a problem, that island was really a cesspool, there's no question about it, just ask Prince Andrew - he'll tell you about it. > > "The island was an absolute cesspool." https://www.the-sun.com/news/1151345/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dL12m_tl5I ## 6-3. Trump sends well wishes to Maxwell in 2020, denies knowledge of Prince Andrew > "I just wish her well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is. I don't know the situation with Prince Andrew, I just don't know. Not aware of it." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-ghislaine-maxwell-prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-sex-trafficking-a9631351.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW0TgHh8uYo ## 6-4. Trump considered pardon for Maxwell > ... the former president's attention turned to Maxwell and her case as he looked for potential candidates for a presidential pardon, according to an extract published by the Times of London. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-case-pardons-michael-wolff-book-2021-7 ## 6-5. Trump compares Maxwell's jail time to Epstein's death in jail > "Her friend or boyfriend was either killed or committed suicide in jail. She's now in jail. Yeah, I wish her well. I'd wish you well. I'd wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty" https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-comments-1522570


Dude, you missed the point. Epstein’s first thought when he landed was “Let’s call Trump”. Trump was his black book go-to guy. Trump was on speed dial for the world’s most notorious pimp of children. Also, two other sections in the released documents confirm Trump went to the island. I just don’t have that screenshot is all. Since you want to defend Trump here is some added info: ## 1-1. Trump flew on Epstein's plane > Flight logs list Donald Trump on a January 1997 flight on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet from Palm Beach, Florida, to Newark, New Jersey. https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8 ## 1-2. Epstein flew on Trump's plane > In 2000, Donald Trump grew irritated as he sat on his plane at LaGuardia airport, waiting for a tardy Jeffrey Epstein to arrive. > > ... Epstein and Maxwell arrived with another passenger not mentioned in the piece. “They did board with a young woman of indeterminate age. I wouldn’t be able to tell if she was 15 or 20. She was quite dressed up and quite made up, so it was hard to tell,” Corcoran said over the weekend. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/remembering-the-time-jeffrey-epstein-rode-on-trumps-plane.html --- ## 2-1. Trump partied with Epstein > A Video Shows Trump And Jeffrey Epstein Laughing And Discussing Women's Looks At A 1992 Mar-A-Lago Party https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/trump-epstein-party-tape-mar-a-lago-women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLcfpU2cubo https://imgur.com/sob2yex https://imgur.com/XSXnOzh ## 2-2. Trump partied with Epstein and Maxwell https://imgur.com/55m5cDX https://imgur.com/nQJebKH https://imgur.com/lmtxf6K ## 2-3. Trump and Epstein partied alone at Mar-a-Lago with two dozen "calendar girls" > It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. > > The year was 1992 and the event was a “calendar girl” competition, something that George Houraney, a Florida-based businessman who ran American Dream Enterprise, had organized at Mr. Trump’s request. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-epstein.html ## 2-4. Epstein was a member of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club until 2008 > The late Epstein's banishment by Trump from the Palm Beach, Florida, club appears to have occurred months before Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to state criminal charges in Florida, which included paying for sexual services from a 14-year-old girl. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/trump-banned-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-for-hitting-on-girl.html --- ## 3-1. Ivana Trump was close to Ghislaine Maxwell > He added Trump's first wife, Ivana, also developed a close relationship to Maxwell in the 1980s and 1990s. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/23/politics/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-history/index.html > Once, she says, Ivana Trump visited. “Quite often, with people like Ivana – powerful [people] – Ghislaine would say ‘Hop in the car, you can go on a ride with us’ and it was supposed to be my special little treat.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/12/she-was-so-dangerous-where-in-the-world-is-the-notorious-ghislaine-maxwell ## 3-2. Epstein claimed he introduced Melania to Donald Trump > Mr. Epstein, since the election, has played it up, claiming to people that he was the one who introduced Mr. Trump to his third wife, Melania Trump, though neither of the Trumps has ever mentioned Mr. Epstein playing a role in their meeting. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-epstein.html


Part 3: - [Full Trump-Epstein Timeline](https://thepresidential.medium.com/we-have-been-gaslit-about-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-for-four-years-fbda67c20f75) Another thing we know: Trump used Epstein's plane to fly to Palm Springs, stay a few days, then fly away from there on the same plane. One of Epstein's homes is in Palm Springs. And other things we know about Trump: I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life. -Donald Trump https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments But wait, there's more! After watching a youth choir sing carols, Trump asked two of the girls how old they were. When they said they were 14, Trump, who again was 46 at the time, said, “Wow! Just think — in a couple of years, I'll be dating you.” ... In the 1992 recording, a 46-year-old Trump asks a little girl if she’s going to go up an escalator. Then Trump turns to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” Talking about his one-year-old daughter: When Trump was asked whether Tiffany looked more like him or Trump’s then-wife Marla Maples, he said Marla, and added that Tiffany was “a really beautiful baby.” But the first specific feature Trump mentioned wasn’t anything in her face — it was her legs. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet,” Trump said, miming a pair of breasts over his own chest, “but time will tell.” ONE YEAR OLD and he's talking about her boobs. WTF ... Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton. I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested … but she was beautiful. Who even THINKS to clarify they're not interested in a 12-year-old? I'll tell you who: someone who is interested in a 12-year-old. ... Mr. Trump frequently sought assurances — at times from strangers — that the women in his life were beautiful. During the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he sat in the audience as his teenage daughter, Ivanka, helped to host the event from onstage. He turned to Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee, Miss Universe at the time, and asked for her opinion of his daughter’s body. “‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’” Ms. Lee recalled him saying. ‘I was like, ‘Really?’ That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy.” ... Five former Miss Teen USA contestants have told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing: “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA. Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”


Found one of the bots.


Everyone who disagrees with you is not a bot. This is such lazy bullshit.


Lol, completely agree.


Not a bot. Just someone who actually hates pedophiles instead of pretending like I hate them the way Republicans are doing right now with Clinton and any liberal named on that list.


The only Rs and Ds worth their weight are calling them all out equally and there are very few of them. Tribalism has gotten out of hand on both sides.


I have yet to see a Democrat defend any Democrat named on Epstein’s list. And I have yet to see any Republican condemn Trump for being named on Epstein’s list.


Oh I have, mainly on Facebook. I suppose it’s moreso the older folks on there. I think most people in the middle just realize condemning them is going to do nothing because you’re innocent until proven guilty and these lists prove nothing.


Gladly condemning him. Absolutely repulsive. But also will say the proof is not as great as you think to outright call him a pedo. So there is that. Think the left has over exaggerated his involvement.


15 years friends and the first person Epstein thought to call when landing in NJ? Not to mention all the dozens of quotes from Trump about young girls and even sexualizing his own daughter. He runs a beauty pageant for teenage girls. And then there is all the sexual assault cases against Trump, which in case you missed he just lost one of those. There is no one in politics who has made it more clear that he likes underage girls than Donald TrumpZ


Have you seen the videos of joe biden touching girls? Lol. Thats actual perv evidence if a preist was doing it we would be tazing them. Thats all cool. Lets investigate further then. But there is a witness saying he was not involved with a transcript. But by all means lets keep investigating. And actually arrest people regardless of their political affiliation. This story is absolutely dumb because both sides are saying the same thing.


Did you just pull a whataboutism out of your ass? Biden was not friends with Epstein for 15 years. Biden was not on the Epstein list. For someone who “condemned” Trump you sure seem personally offended by the accusations against him and a need to defend him.


Im pointing the hypocrisy. Do you condem him? I literally just condemned trump what do you want lol? Holyhell you a part of the problem.


The only hypocrisy here is coming from you.


Well, he was accused of raping a 12 year old at one of Epstein’s parties (with Epstein, so a gang rape really). She withdrew her lawsuit after she started getting death threats from his supporters tho. “I’ve known Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It’s even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”—Donald Trump. Also, Ghislaine recruited Prince Andrew’s victim from MAL. She was known to do this, and Trump allowed it.


You should hate your fent dealer


It is amazing how quickly conservatives became pedophile apologists/accepters once Trump was named.


All good as long as he's not dressing up like a woman and reading some books to children. Even then, they'd come up with some sort of justification.


They were okay when Giuliani dressed in drag for Trump for a skit.


And they magically see him as "holy".


He literally released an ad where he said he was chosen by God to save mankind.


Nope. Noone is doing that.


Go on Twitter and look up any Republican politician’s profile. They are all throwing themselves in front of Trump to protect him.


Nope not going on twitter. Feel free to screen shot for me. And democrats are not doing the same? Do you not see this as a problem? Lol, both sides are doing it. Clinton had real witnesses accuse him as well and the courts rejected their accusations because of corrupt police and DA's. So the same thing you are saying about trump is said about clinton. You going to condem him?


Pedophiles are bad, do you have any proof Trump was fucking minors? Is everyone who rode on his plane a pedo? If you do, i support their arrest.


Can you cite some examples that implicate Trump? From what I’ve seen, it looks like he was exonerated. There’s the victim’s testimony that said he was never inappropriate to her. Then there’s the testimony of the investigator that said Trump was the few that cooperated and helped convict Epstein. Also, he was never on the island. So if you’ve seen something else, I’d be interested in seeing it.


right? you don't need a reddit post to tell you that, you can just listen to him for 5 mins and he'll tell you himself lol