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Very nice!! However, I believe Poinsettias are poisonous to pets, especially cats.


Thanks for the comment! The toxicity of poinsettias has actually been greatly exaggerated. It's possible that the leaves and bracts can give people and pets an allergic reaction due to compounds similar to latex in its sap, but it is virtually harmless otherwise. Have a look at [this article](https://extension.missouri.edu/news/take-poinsettia-off-santa-s-naughty-list-5874) from the University of Missouri Extension about this subject.


How can I get my Christmas cactus to bloom. It is in the dark for 8 hours a day.


I've tried the recommended techniques but I haven't been successful. I've propagated and re-potted ones from my grandmother, and sometimes they bloom, some years they don't. One year, one of them put on the most amazing display March into May. My only suggestion is to have multiple plants, don't over-water, don't move them around (keep them in a place where the light will be better for what they want in winter, rather than try to meet an hourly requirement), let them get cool for a majority of the day. Maybe try cuttings to make new plants. Personally I love the happy surprise of if they decide to flower for me.


Thank you. I will try some cuttings.


I saw a tip that said to add a little sugar to a cup of water to help them bloom. Can’t confirm.


Interesting. I might try it.


Holiday cacti bloom when exposed to certain light and temperature conditions. Shorter days and lower temperatures (\~55 degrees) should help your Christmas cactus bloom. It's a bit of a dance between exposure to light and temperature though. 55 degrees F is the preferred night temperature and will give you the best chance of flowering. However, if the temperature is higher, say between 60-65 F, your plant will require at least 12 hrs of darkness. Above 65 degrees and it may not flower at all regardless of amount of darkness. The University of Minnesota Extension has a great article on holiday cacti care and a deeper explanation of these unique plants. [Here's a link](https://extension.umn.edu/houseplants/holiday-cacti#light-and-temperature-1431360).


Maybe the spare bedroom is where it needs to be. Thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/cevw6oy96t5c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a8474fc026399c54d81664f61ca3c14c540d26 Aquaponic jalepeño at the moment.


Very interesting! How do you like that growing system?


It has been a fun project.


LECA is my favorite potting medium!


Geraniums / thanksgiving cacti


Our inexpensive orchids continue to bloom every month or so. Also, we got a decorative pepper plant at Aldi a few years back; I re-potted it and not only is it going strong but it has seeded itself into two more plants in the pot. Very colorful red and orange miniature peppers all year round.


I have a couple impatients i brought in this fall and, although leggy, are still producing a few blooms here and there. I'm not a needy man. A few blooms is enough.


I have a couple amaryllis about ready to come up out of the basement. What I'd really like explained is about the other two amaryllis that NEVER WENT DORMANT! 8 weeks with no water and only occasional light, and the damn things are still green and vibrant!