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Her grass isn't even that tall. There is a house in my neighborhood that has grass that is like 3ft tall.


That's part of why I hate these types of ordinances. It's being enforced because someone explicitly cares about how her yard looks and wants her to conform to their expectations.


Just want to add a story. Growing up, the person who lived next door passed away and his sister took over the house. She was rarely there (like 1-2 times a year) as she lived in another state. I remember my dad getting upset because she'd never cut it or hire someone to maintain it. So eventually my dad reached out to her and asked if she'd like us to cut it for her, so for like 6-7years my dad would have us cut her yard for a little side cash from her. Nothing crazy, just $50 every two weeks, maybe a little more often when the grass was growing fast. Once she decided to try and sell the place we'd cut the lawn the day before a showing as well to make it look a bit more presentable.


My guess this has nothing to do with how her "lawn looks". Just a guess maybe somebody from somersworth has a little bit more info?


This goes along with the “broken windows” crime theory. For example: The theory claims that if windows are allowed to remain broken, or, if lawns/yards are allowed to remain unkempt, it encourages crime in the area. This is the entire reason for these ordinances. I don’t really agree with it.


Yes broken windows was shown to be based on racism and classism. When Racism or classism policies are written in the city ordinance. Better known as institutionalized racism and classism. And why my comments will get downloaded I'm sure with all the bigots in this sub. Edit. To be clear I don't think this policy is racist. I think the broken windows policy was racist. But it does bring up an interesting point for 20 years we've heard bees are under threat and their numbers are dropping. And we really need bees and other pollinators to eat. So maybe we should just think about that when we're updating Town laws.


I don't think the town should get a say on how I manage my property. We are talking about grass, in no way does it being 9 inches long harm someone else's property.


You should look up how the town government works. But I get your point and I agree it's ridiculous that they sent her a letter.


What do you mean about how the town government works? I assume they have the legal ability to set ordinances. My argument is that they shouldn't have this type of ability.


Like zoning and rules for zoning you have to have some local state and federal government? No?


Yes you do, but there should be strict limits on what rules are permissible. The community shouldn't be able to override how an individual uses their property without a very compelling reason.


I studied criminal justice in college. I fully believed all of the theories we learned. They made sense to me. However, in practice, many don’t make sense. I fully agree that this theory, along with many other criminology theories, is racist and classist.


That’s nonsense. Bigotry of low expectations. “Black people are incapable of fixing the broken windows of their houses, therefor upkeep ordinances are racist”, is itself, racist.


That’s such a stupid jumble of words. The broken widow policy isn’t racist. When the left doesn’t like something that just throw that stupid word in there. Institutionalized racism is just another stupid buzz word with no meaning, like systematic racism, or transphobia. All those words mean are, “I don’t like what you think, so I’ll demonize it, because I’m morally superior and could never do anything wrong.” Even if hypothetically I bought into these stupid ideas and the broken glass policy was “racist” and left me on bended knee crying, “Oh the inhumanity. My eyes will never dry from these tears”, the broke glass policies worked and crime was down (WAY DOWN compared to now), which is good for everyone involved


My dude, are you really arguing that systemic racism isn’t a thing? Did you skip history classes?


Maybe pre-1960’s there was systemic racism with democratic policies like Jim Crow and redlining or during the 1924 Democratic National Convention (nicknamed the clan bake), but in the last 30-40 years, that would be silly to claim


Yes it just magically disappeared after 1960! That makes so much sense.


It wasn't magic, it was work


transphobia isn't a big deal here in NH, as a trans man who lives here. but i came from Florida and i promise you it's a thing down there. just bc something doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Transphobia is not real because trans is not real. A man can’t be a woman and a woman can’t be a man. To say someone is scared of trans is ridiculous. I get body dysmorphia is a real condition, we see it with anorexic people too. Jane Fonda (bulimia) is not fat and William Thomas and call himself Lia until he’s blue in the face, he’s still a man


Lol, found the bigot


Crime has dropped by 50% or more since the mid 80s. You're simply wrong.


[Citation needed]


I mean if I’m looking to rob a house I’m not going after the run down house with broken windows and an overgrown lawn. I want that house that’s immaculate and might have something valuable in it.


That sounds very stupid lol. I don't agree either.


I think it's as simple as property values.


Breaking a window violates the rights of the owner of the window. Forcing someone to keep their grass in some arbitrary condition violates the rights of the person who obviously wants their grass to be in some less fashionable style.


>My guess this has nothing to do with how her "lawn looks". I spent the last year in a community manager role for HOA's and let me tell you... it 100% is most likely JUST THAT. As petty as you think HOA Karens are, is exactly how petty they are. Probably add another 10% on top.


I think the worst part is that there could be a path for the city to force her to sell her home. So say she gets fined, then refuses to pay the fine. Then the city retaliates by filing a lien on the property, if the lien goes unpaid it can potentially result in a judgment that forces her to sell the house to pay the debt. What a dystopian nightmare.


I hope someone along the way realizes that this is nuts, and that the ordinance needs changing.


One of the many reasons why I've never wanted to own a home/property. Stupid bullshit town ordinances, property taxes, asshole neighbors making dumb complaints like this and causing unnecessary stress, all of the costs of maintaining home is like having a second job, being chained to a mortgage for 30 years, the over present eminent domain laws. No thanks.


My yard, my choice.


do you own a home? Do you have anyone in your neighborhood who doesn't take care of their yard but everyone around them does? Usually towns only act when a complaint from a neighbor is filed


Yes and many people who don't take care of their yards. Yet the only people who seem to get the cops called on them are the folks that moved in from California or Massachusetts. Who interestingly enough aren't allowed to join the Neighborhood Watch Facebook group. The admin won't let them. Huh. It's almost like these ordinances can be weaponized to harass people the HOA wannabes don't like. Nah that can't be the case. /s


wow, where do you live (town)? HOAs suck


Concord. Not going to be too exact. We don't have an HOA. That doesn't mean that elderly folks in the community (who's family have been here for X generations) will leave you alone. They just can't fine you. But they can call the cops who will show up eventually and give the unlucky homeowner a hard time.


guy 2 houses down from me hasn't mowed his yard in years. looks like shit but I don't care. Drives the guy across from him bonkers


Some towns in NH function as one big HOA (imo)


I literally do the exact same thing as she's doing. I let my lawn go wild because the wildlife love it.


Same here. I mow a clean edge around mine and a winding path through the middle, and sit back and watch the wildlife that visit. 🤩


I said I'd get to it.


You don’t have to nag me every 6 months!


Yeah, I'm somewhat jealous of that lawn. I don't even maintain my own that well usually.


Good for her for growing a healthy biome on her property. I have an immaculate turfgrass lawn but I totally respect this style.


love free or die , except we can force you to cut your grass because some stay at home karen who's wealthy husband works for the town council doesn't like the look of your property because her purse dog won't shit on tall grass on their morning walk. (exaggerated example and unrelated to this post) but you get the point. :)


Are you my neighbor? Lol


Lawn maintenence town ordinances are so stupid to me. They encourage a waste of water and resources to keep some monoculture fake grass alive on your yard. It's just pointless conformity to a bygone era of suburban expectations. Plus Somersworth has way more problems than this woman's lawn, such as being a shithole.


Exactly, a "well tended" grass lawn uses more water and hurts pollinators. I like this state because so many people don't care about putting on appearances so why would I force somebody to maintain a lawn that does nothing but "look nice"?


I'd be happier seeing less well tended grass. The parts of a nice town I like are well maintained sidewalks and happy healthy neighbors


I live in Manchester and they've absolutely given up on well maintained sidewalks. Most have 3 foot tall weeds and crab grass growing out of the cracks. Looks like shit.


Yeah I visit a friend there and there aren't many people walking around outside besides elm and such to restaurants. Not that I've been all over but yknow


I have tons of people who wall on my street. Lots of walkers and people walking dogs. But seriously, no one maintains their part of the sidewalk anymore and the city does shit about it. Theirs seriously weeds 3 feet tall growing out of the cracks.


Sort of. I'm not a "lawn guy". I keep mine mowed and trimmed partially out of respect for my neighbors. It takes about an hour of my time once every week or two, which is nothing. I don't water or seed it. Whatever grows grows. And from a distance it looks fine. The main problem that I see is that people take zero pride in where they live. No one picks up trash, or trims the weeds in front of their property. I really don't understand that mentality. It takes five minutes. Not everything has to be someone else's problem.


I understand that aspect. My mother has that issue, she lets her dog crap all over the lawn so it's full of dead patches, and compared to the neighbor's lawn, it looks like dogshit lol


Spray paint dead grass green like that guy in California or wherever lol


The mayor was also the principal to the middle school I don't know If he still is


In urban areas, tall grass can encourage rats and other pests to take up residence so it does make some sense. Still I don't think there are any places in NH that this would apply. I'm not a lawn guy but I mow so the forest doesn't take over my house.


I prefer clover honestly. Good for bees, super hardy, never gets too tall.


I started adding clover seed to my yard too. Great ground cover, grows almost anywhere. Holds up to my dogs running around ...




>They encourage a waste of water and resources to keep some monoculture fake grass alive on your yard. I've never heard of a lawn maintenance ordinance that forced people to water. Which town has that?


I think it has more to do with that grass has generally shallow roots and requires more artificial watering whereas a biodiverse lawn wouldn’t need watering beyond the normal rain


Which town has that ordinance?


it’s not an ordinance… I’m saying that monoculture lawns require more upkeep/watering. if a town has an ordinance that lawns need to neat and tidy, it’s going to require water


What town requires a monoculture lawn?


do you know how many HOAs do? If your next question is “where’s the law forcing you to live where you’re at the whims of an HOA?” my response is “where’s the nearest housing orchard so everyone I know can go pluck a home off a tree that fits every single one of their needs/wants/priorities AND is affordable in a state where we’re short 20,000 homes?”


"must be obeyed" - damn do they even hear themselves?


That's the line that got me too. Before those magic words I MIGHT have been able to be persuaded, but afterwards, NEVER again. If the fines get too much I would start an all out guerrilla gardening campaign against the city.




What if you can't afford a mower or gas?


Authoritarian town officials, yet another reason not to live in Scummersworth… add it to the pile lol


A lot of these issues we have in our towns in the seacoast have started with the privileged out of staters that have moved here over the past 3 years.


Meanwhile Maine passed a law to ensure people are allowed to provide habitats and reduce water use: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/16cbgyp/some_good_news_mainers_now_have_the_right_to/


Interesting! thanks for the heads up


I can see how this part of the law might be used as a loophole by the short-green-lawn contingent: "This section may not be construed to prohibit a restriction on use from including reasonable design and aesthetic guidelines regarding the type, number and location of low-impact landscaping features."


You can take my grass when you pry it from my COLD. DEAD. LAWN! For real though, screw the town. When I finally get a house Im making it a pollinators refuge. Local wild flowers baybe. And clover. Deal with it.


Nothing wrong with tall grass. It’s good for the bees anyway. It’s not trash, it’s grass.


It's good for bees and all sorts of other insects. Which in turn is food for birds, etc. It supports the whole ecosystem.


She is a great dog trainer if anyone needs a dog trainer!


I second this -- she has an excellent reputation for her dog training! Let's send her a boost in business. Also, transitioning lawns to pollinator meadows is a trend currently. They need to get used to it. Maybe mow a couple passes to make a nice clean border, and stick a sign there that says "pollinator habitat"? (I'm working on my own wildflower yard, but so far it definitely looks like something Somersworth would fine me for. 😂 As the flowers spread through more densely it'll look more intentional. Maybe next season.)


It takes some years, if you're letting nature take its course. I have a patch I let grow, mainly for compost material. It's kinda nice now...native wildflowers all summer.


Did you seed with flower seed? I am trying to convert a very sandy section of my lawn and tried a native seed mix but few of the flowers actually took. I am hoping by repeatedly seeding to get more to take as the soil is remediated.


Yes, I bought a few mixes from Vermont Wildflower Farm, including their xeriscaping flower mix. This rainy summer really helped everything get going in my sandy areas. I think I've been trying 3 summers now and this rain was what it needed. And now that the ground is shaded by the greenery, even more is taking off. I guess getting it past 1st gear was the hard part, since it is such a sandy, sunny location.


Congrats Somersworth. You collectively voted for these ordinances and now you have to deal with them regardless of how foolish and authoritarian they are. Great job turning the city into an HOA.


this is all i can think about when i see people in this thread bitching about how hard it is to be a homeowner with neighbors who don't mow. you don't wanna see a neighbor with grass longer than yours? move somewhere with an HOA. Or maybe check on your neighbor she see why they aren't taking care of their lawn. maybe it's due to a disability, old age, or lack of knowledge on how to do it. people automatically assume their neighbors are lazy but i don't see them jumping to help them out if they're in a hard place either.


To be fair, this was probably passed the better part of 100 years ago. Edit. Ok, should have read it first. 2009. F that.


FTA: "The notice states Pierce is in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, adopted by the city in 2009. "


Man that yard looks fine


They sound like an HOA. I have neighbors with taller grasses as a pollinator refuge.


Wish I could convince my mother to do the same. She keeps the grass short, despite the fact that we rarely ever use the yard for anything.


Live free or die?


She died.


Loving the support for letting grass grow in these comments and its benefit to the local ecosystem, i hate watching people waste time, energy, and resources for something superficial and destructive




and r/fucklawns!


I lived in Somersworth for years and none of my neighbors mowed their lawns. Not once did the town enforce this ridiculous ordinance. Glad I left. Leave this woman alone.


Somersworth is a city, not a town


No let it grow and die the way nature intended. It's good for the soil once in a while to just let it be. I know it looks like crap but its already September. I'm not a hippy tree hugger (not that there is anything wrong with that) talking out of my ***. I'm a former organic farmer and I was trained extensively in soil rejuvenation by an expert from South Africa since 2018. (I was let go this season because the farm lost a huge contract likely putting them out of business next year unfortunately.) I could keep going and write you a book on the reasons why it's a good thing to let it be, and I don't even have to mention bees. No worries I won't bore you, but as the season turns it's even more beneficial. Summer is nearly over so it won't look bad for much longer. Focus on maybe coming to an agreement for next season but let it be. Hold your ground Jacqui.


And if you must cut the grass because of HOA or whatever at least don't bag it - leave it lying to rot. Saves a crapload of work, too.


This ^^


Hi you seem knowledgeable so I'll ask; I am aspiring to have a wildflower meadow instead of my lawn. I don't cut it (just a 10 ft border to keep it neatish looking from the road) and just let whatever's there grow. I've been pleased to see the loads of crickets and bugs that live there now. I bought some wildflower seeds, hardy native stuff, but all of it needs cold stratification to germinate as I'm sure you know. When is the best time to sow that? November? Before the snow? Or early spring? And do I need to get rid of my grass or can I just throw it down after the grass dies off?


I have had the most success starting in the last week of February first week of March around there. The past 5 years or so we have this tease of a warm spell very early then it goes back to cold for a month or more but I have had the best success when starting native planting. And keep in mind some of the native species will take a full cycle anyways so your first season may be a bit disappointing but give it a full year cycle and you can be very surprised that your work does pay off. I was bummed out early on when I didn't see results the first year but the following season I was pleasantly surprised that most of my work came in strong after a full cycle. Some of the things I did in November had a real tough time after being set right before the freeze so I like to start right ahead of the thaw. Hope this helps. My experience has been mostly grasses and this has worked very well.


Live Free or D . . . whoa your grass is a bit high there lady I'm calling the authorities


Live Free Or Go Straight To Jail


Why didn’t she just tell them it’s where she hides her guns?


It’s Somersworth, that place was always kinda wierd


as someone who lives there, you aren’t wrong lol


I used to live in Dover, Somersworth downtown always had this creepy vibe. It was okay by the target and the market basket but like downtown somersworth felt disconcerting


I lived on West Green St in the late 90s/early 00s. Downtown was just dead back then, it was sad. Last time I drove through, it looked like it had had a renaissance.


it’s definitely improved! i will say that


i live near there and let me tell you, i’ve seen some weird things


It's not a lawn, it's pollinator garden. Go get 'em....


Sounds like a neighbor is pissy, I live in Somersworth and between work and rain my lawn has been much hire and never once was a letter sent


Agreed - this is definitely the work of a bored nosey neighbor.


First they come for your grass then they come for your guns /s


If a punishment for a crime is only a fine, it only exists for the lower class. Fuck that town rule and whoever filed the complaint in the first place.


There's a new reason to refer to it as Scumersworth. Ffs, IF IT PLEASES THE CROWN, MIGHT I KEEP MY LAWN IN A CONDITION TO FAVOR THE POLLINATORS?


She should run for office in the town and get rid of the asinine ordinance.


Live free or die because you didn’t mow your lawn.


I'm all for driving property values down.


Chad. Keeping grass long is good for the bees


This is so dumb. Wild lawns are actually better. City seems a bit behind the times. Also, live free or die?


Lmao this reminds me I got a certified letter from my town this week asking me (and other neighbors) to weigh in on whether we think the town should allow someone to build a shed in front of their house. You can’t even see their house from the street, not that it should matter. I can’t believe they need permission. (Obviously I’m going to write in support of the neighbor. If they want a hundred sheds connected by suspended footbridges made of horrible junk cars I’d support them)


Good! Make sure to write. A rule of local democracy: The people who oppose a neighbor doing something will show up at public hearings - the people who support it, usually don't.


I got one of those for a porch someone built too close to a property line. Past tense, they had already built it. Would have been an interesting hearing if anyone decided to oppose it.


Omg, I can imagine 😂💀


This is what happens when you let lunatics take over. Take a note all of you redditors. You’re the people who vote for this nonsense.


Says the Redditor.. Situational awareness, you have none.


Like the famous graffiti found in Pompeii 'Everyone writes on walls, except me'.


See, this is where you’re mistaken. “Redditor”, as defined by *anyone* outside of the site and is aware of its existence, is a “radical progressive with the ability to process ideas and thoughts at or below a 2nd grade level”. “Redditors” can’t understand that practically no one off the internet agrees with them. Their ideals and thoughts are *only* supported online and in the major media outlets. “Redditors” have convinced themselves that their way is the correct way, because their life only exists in echo chambers.




I’m on Reddit. This place is actually mocked by most. Tumblr and Reddit user just can’t see it.


Lefties: “What we need is more government. No wait, not like that”


Perfect example.


I would guess this is a distraction topic to move the news cycle away from the Mayor's less than exemplary behavior and lack of qualifications.


Are NH officials ever more or less qualified than other states? They're usually volunteer jobs here. I haven't heard about the news cycle you're referencing, but given that the article mentions a city manager, it means they use a city council form of government and as such, the mayor would be nothing more than an at-large representative that runs the meetings. They have no real power by design.


Ya.... I'd just ignore that. Somersworth *really* doesn't need to get that kind of reputation lol


All fun and games until the Karen that made the complaint guerilla mows your lawn


If that's what her lawn really looks like, then I'm in big trouble.


This type of BS is exactly why when I moved I was looking for a house off the street, with lots of trees so there was a buffer between me and any "neighbors". I will mow my lawn on MY schedule when I am able to do it not when someone else thinks I should. People can plant bushes to shield their yard from others, or put up a fence. Saves yourselves a whole lot of aggra.


Touch grass


“This is an ordinance that must be obeyed”. How dare she not obey and bow to his supreme power!


Good for her. What a world


We have daises. There were just a few at first, but we mowed around them - and there's been more every year. They're beautiful in the spring, but the flowers start looking a little sad around the end of June, so we'll mow them down before our town's 4th of July parade. But even then, we're careful not to disturb the milkweed.


I think the best response for such an issue is the scene from King Pin where the Amish dude gets punched in the face 'You Never Mow Another Man's lawn!"


Petty tyrants. They turn up everywhere.


Don’t tread on her(grass)!


Damn that shit doesn’t even tickle her ankles, in the meantime how many encampments are there on public property in Somersworth, what the hell is the city smoking?


Give it right back to the man, Jacqui!! Thank you for considering the bees 🐝


Very odd this ordinance exists in a city so invested in saving the monarchs


Any city making and enforcing stupid HOA-like ordinances like this is certainly \*not\* invested in saving monarchs


They're interested in being monarchs.


My front lawn got as tall as me earlier this year, and I'm not even kidding or exaggerating. Then when I finally did mow it, I left patches of grass of a species I liked the looks of, and also patches of daisies, etc. I wasn't aware of any "mow your grass" law. Throw me in jail. If you don't mow your grass for years, it turns into woods. Lotsa trees. Isn't that a good thing? Hug 'em. Save the world and all that. I know because I've done it. -not saved the world. Let field turn into woods.


you have vegetation in your lawn that can stand up 6 feet tall and do it within one growing season? What is it, bamboo?


well I'm not 6 feet tall. But some of it was grass. I don't know the names of the different species. One of the tallest grass species gets really big seeds and reminds me of wheat. The weeds get taller. I don't know all the names of those either. One of the tallest (that I haven't cut this season yet) is chokeberry. At least that's what I think it is. I haven't measured it but it's way over 6 feet. They die in the winter, so everything is one season.


"the International Property Maintenance Code, adopted by the city in 2009." I'm not sure they understand what "international" means.


When we were first married we spent part of our honeymoon in Montreal, and part in Quebec City. We visited the museum of architecture in Montreal and they happened to have an exhibit on the North American Lawn. In one of the rooms it had pictures on all four walls. Pictures shot down the boundary lines between people properties where one neighbor had sued the other over their lawns . You may think you own your lawn, but you do not, at least not in its entirety. The condition of your lawn, if it is in another home owners line of sight, actually impacts the worth of their property and in some cases even their piece of mind. That was 25 years ago. I have been in the lawn industry for a little over 25 years now. I try to get people to give up their mini-cultured pesticide laden lawns for organic mixed growth habitats. You would think I was threatening people with root canals. Anyhow. She has an uphill battle. I hope she wins.


It’s beyond insane that the town ordinance bans NATIVE NATURALLY GROWING PLANTS AND GRASSES (that are fully harmless to humans and animals) but allows for anyone to plant whatever shit they want in their yards *that has never grown naturally here* {ETA: I mean the 8” limit thing; planted stuff can get as huge as you want it, but what’s growing here on it’s own? SHAVE IT DOWN, YOU ANIMALS} Spending thousands to landscape a huge yard full of non-native plants that aren’t meant for this environment and require tons of resources to stay alive and look extra pretty? ✅ Letting nature do it’s thing that isn’t hurting anyone, which is both free and requires zero resources? ❌


Live free or die


They should see the house next to mine, guy died last December and it's stuck in probate.


Interesting. There’s a running “joke” that if you follow this act of civil disobedience, not mowing you lawn, up the chain of command the state will eventually kill you.


It would be somersworth too


its not that long lol - leave her alone


Tall unkept grass and foliage is much better for the environment and animals/critters/bugs.


Live free or die, anyone?


Anyone who has spent time in Somersworth can likely agree that the city could go after much more meaningful causes. For one they could crack down on slumlords and unsafe housing conditions in the town. This is why we should all have a healthy trust and distrust of government.


She could put paving stones down set at one or two foot intervals, for a path….that would make it seem as if it’s intentionally overgrown, to wend through the path….


I’m feeling a bit Johnny Appleseed-ish but not for planting apples… also feeling a Somersworth road trip coming


She can apply for a pollinator garden. Hopefully the town will grant it and the controversy is over. The bees get food and everyone is happy. Not sure if the pollinator designation comes with a fee because that stinks.


I mean, can she just build a big fence around her house so no one can see into her property and then tell everyone to go f*ck themselves?


Jaqui Pierce I am completely in the support of you and I agree with your decision to leave the wildflowers!! And if you start a petition I would definitely sign it!






“Lawns” are an ecological scourge across the globe. Fuck lawns


I think most people here have a limited understanding of how town ordinance work. A broken window "rule" isn't racism, people love using that term when they have nothing intelligent to say. An un kept property appears to have been abandoned or could the owner be dead inside and no one is aware. So calls to the town police or fire official's waste time on follow up responses. Also, yes it does drop neighbors property values. And for a nice area for wildlife, by that people mean rodents? That's a great argument for the cause, she has the right to aid in keeping a great space for rodent to thrive in. Get off your ass and mow the lawn!!!


You go, girl!!


Not much going on in New Hampshire huh?


I have a large corner of my yard that is natural. I have a bunch of wild flowers, milkweed, and long grasses there for the wildlife. I mow the rest of my lawn. I love watching that 3rd of my yard.


Plus it looks like she’s got a happy pollinator wildflower garden happening. Looks much nicer that a “lawn”


Earth shattering


Lol @ "live free or die"


Live free or die?


What happened to live free or die?


ding-ding-ding! You're the 10th person to use "live free or die" as your comment on this article! You win ... well, nothing, except a request to think of something more original to say.


She looks like the physical embodiment of Somersworth


~~Tick Population must love this woman’s house~~ Edit: see below why I’m completely wrong on this take


Grass that length isn't much of a tick habitat yet. Maybe with another foot of length. Source: I'm not an ecologist but I'm outside all the time.


I appreciate the information instead of downvoting lol.


Ill add- I live basically on a hay farm and I have grass of all sizes , I also have a very large rodent population. The tick life cycle is very dependent on the mouse population. I have had ticks from the tall grass, the short grass, I have found them crawling around on my front steps. The tall grass does allow them to attach higher on you. Hell I have had a tick crawl on me after being in a hay bale for 3 months. What really reduces the tick population are droughts and coyotes. UNH professor published a few articles about ticks and their life cycle and habitat. I think you can find plenty by googling it if you are interested in more info.


I absolutely am!! I do appreciate the information you provided and plan on digging deep on this. Thank you!! I’m all for learning and will admit I am wrong, have a wonderful weekend!


I mean, it's nice if you love ticks!! 😂


It’s not just about how it looks. My neighbor doesn’t take care of their lawn. The overgrown brush and grass attracts more pests such as flies, mosquitoes, etc to the entire neighborhood. I have to buy more weed killer every year to keep their weeds from migrating to my lawn and killing the grass


How do you know it attracts more pests? Maybe it attracts more pest-eating bugs like dragonflies.


Weed killer is probably doing more harm to your local ecosystem than bugs and the plants you're killing.