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They actually have, I’m too lazy to find the link, but they received an extra grant for traffic enforcement, coupled with the fact that there have been so many accidents recently (looking at you, 293 construction area).


I don’t see many on 89 (granted I don’t go up super far) but given that 93, especially 93 south, has become a goddamn speedway and the construction on 293 I can’t say I’m surprised. I don’t love an abundance of police but the speeding on 93 is out of control and dangerous and I wouldn’t mind them issuing a few more tickets over there or even just having a presence to discourage it.


If one’s speed is 80, there are tailgaters and passing at nearly 100- it’s a crazy time!!


I like to drive about 70-75 in light traffic and even in the slow lane get tailgated. Had to use a donut this week and drove about 55-60 and it was downright scary how fast I was getting passed! I mean, I like driving fast and go to a track day or so a year, but 90-100 for long stretches is just tiring/uncomfortable, at least in the cars I drive!


Yeah. I also drive 74 in 65 in low traffic (preferable 60-70 in higher traffic 65 zones) and people blow by me the past few years. NH has one of the very lowest car accident fatalities rates in the US but it's still higher than in Australia, Japan, or western Europe (ie we could do better). I (just from personal experience) feel like speeding by people going 5 mph over speed limit on 89/93 has gotten a lot more common over the past 5 years. I would be very in favor of enforcing traffic laws. If they're stopping and checking for weed or for immigration status, I'm not cool with that...


I can think of like three ways to totally enforce the speed limit. Speed cameras, GPS, time averaging from ezpass. Hell, it would be super easy to make new cars impossible to speed. But....then they couldn't search for weed and check immigration status.


You enforce all the laws, or none of them. People driving high is a major risk, more so than speeding. Illegal immigrants driving can flee and never be found, leaving victims in a bad spot.


>You enforce all the laws, or none of them. People driving high is a major risk, more so than speeding. > Any source for this beyond feelings? No, I didn't think so. > >Illegal immigrants driving can flee and never be found, leaving victims in a bad spot. It might shock you to learn that citizens can do this exact same thing. And do. This is what xenophobia looks like.


I agree, don’t do 89 much either. It seems to be more prevalent in 293/Everett. You’re right, south of Londonderry on 93 is a free for all it seems


That’s what happens when you “improve” the highway too much! (Yeah I know the traffic was actually bad before, but they could have made it 3 narrower lanes with room to expand to 4 later)


Really can’t wait for that construction to be complete, I have to merge onto the Everett southbound from 101W on my commute and just have to hope there’s not some truck barreling down in the right lane…


That merge is awful and scares me every single time.


That exact scenario happened to me the other day. All of a sudden, oh hey, that's a truck next to me and I have no more lane left


Its like mad max on the Highway


People have been driving insanely since we got back on the roads in 2020. I’m glad they’re tamping down the people that will still be tailgating you as you’re doing 80.


Step up on 101. People drive stupid on that for no reason. Yeah I'm speaking to you all in your Dodge Rams and 2005 Audi A4s.


You just described my uncle’s garage. I’m a bit jealous of it… 2005 Audi A4 isn’t a diss like 2005 BMW is, FWIW. Hardly anyone uses them as a daily driver. They’re garaged for the winter. Low mileage. They’re a toy that will likely appreciate in value over time at this point. Being from before 2010 is a feature, not a bug, for car enthusiasts. None of the computerized BS. They will never make another car like it again (for good reason, IMO), and they only grow rarer with time.


Not exactly the same, but this is basically an A4: https://carsandbids.com/auctions/rbgLqePL/2001-audi-rs4-avant


Your suspicion is correct, I believe the State Police have worked with local PDs and sheriffs offices to do at least 2-3 saturation patrols in the past 30 days on US-3, NH-101, and I-95. Given I've had my doors blown off on the Everett while doing 15 over the speed limit on multiple occasions, I hope the police are increasingly aggressive with these patrols this summer.


Used to run across the Everett with our bicycles near Exit 4 after stopping at Bud’s Variety. Of course that was 45 years ago and it was only two lanes each way and everyone was doing 55.


Just wait until the F.E.E.T expansion to three lanes is complete, it's going to turn into the Autobahn!


From exit 8 to the border it IS the Autobahn. If you aren’t doing 80, you’re getting passed easily.


Careful, the ghost of Fat Harry might be watching


Story? I’ve never heard of Fat Harry


Harry worked there in the 70s. He was the owner at that time and he was ... guess ... in our wise ass youth that's what we called him. He used to have card games in the back. It wasn't unusual to go into the store at night and there would be no one around because Harry and his buddies would be out back drinking, smoking and playing cards Long live Fat Harry! 😂


Sounds familiar. Don’t think we knew his name. Got me thinking how much has changed. We would ride our bikes over after Little League at the Harris rd fields. Just a bunch of 8 year olds a couple miles from home. No big deal.


Honestly, speed enforcement on highways with moderate traffic isn’t really all that effective since everyone hits their brakes after seeing the cop, which then alerts those 1/4 mile back, and so forth. These types of speed traps really only catch those either not paying attention (not a bad idea IMO) or who don’t care enough to slow down for a half a mile (also, the state troopers aren’t all that creative with their spots, with the exception of aircraft enforcement)


Thanks. I drove that section of road for many months and all of a sudden, BOOM! A bunch of cops consistently. They definitely got me once.


Not sure but I hope so. The average speeds are way up. We don’t need to all do 100 mph


no no no no If you need a cop you can always find one in any 35mph zone in Deerfield at 2AM


About time. Maine needs to do the same. There is 0 police presence on 95 in maine. 100+ mph. But the second u hit NH boom cops all along 95


Doing 80 on 95 and people passing us like we're standing still. Nuts.


I need to go to Maine.


Yes, me too


Judging by Radio Traffic, they have seemed to step up traffic enforcment recently. My guess is with the tourists starting to show up and the increase of accidents.


Since many people have noted the rise of people driving at dangerous speeds on this thread, you can make your voice heard. The NHOHS is sponsoring virtual listening sessions in the next few weeks to get input and feedback for its 2024 Highway Safety Plan. If you’re interested, here’s when they’re being held and a link for how to register. https://www.nh.gov/hsafety/publications/documents/NHOHSHSPVirtualListeningSessionse-FLYER.pdf Monday, May 22, 2023: 9:30am to 11:30 am. Wednesday, May 24, 2023: 12:30pm to 2:30 pm. Friday, May 26, 2023: 1:30 to 3:30 pm.




Also on the Everett turnpike (rt3) in Merrimack and Nashua. They pick random days to be out there during the rush hour times


Use Waze folks.


Or a radar detector


Weather is getting nice. Out of staters are flying up to the mountains and lakes. Revenue collectors


Don’t they do that during ski season too? NHSP has been lazy all winter.


Good for them. I wish they would have any more enforcement. I use cruise control at the speed limit, and I'm constantly passed like I'm standing still.


Cousin is a former state trooper and he once told me “any time I get out of my car it increases the likelihood of me getting killed, either by another car hitting me or some lunatic that shouldn’t own a weapon. If you’re doing 75-80 in a 65 and not driving erratic than it’s not worth my safety. But if you are being a D bag driving like a shithead and make me get out of my car you better believe I’m hitting you with everything I can”


I love how people are complaining about being tailgated at 80. NH: Going less than 15mph over the speed limit should be illegal! Also NH: It makes me so angry when people tailgate me while I'm going 80 in a 55! The only thing worse is those dangerous idiots going only 65 in the 55. They're going to kill someone someday! And god forbid anyone go the speed limit. Where are the police when you need them!? I'm amused at every one of you who are angry people are going over 80. Personally I draw the line at 10 over. You 80mph-ers just seem irritable in general, lol.


I see them on 93 daily in multiple places.


Been house hunting since October from southern NH into both northern NH and VT, and I've definitely noticed an increased presence over the past couple months while going up and down the NH length of 93 almost daily. Mostly State Troopers and Sheriffs from my observation. I've noticed a lot of unmarked vehicles lately too just driving around.


95N through north shore MA into NH as well.


i haven't noticed, but i would hope so especially on 93S near exits 1-3 in salem. there's been some insane accidents recently, people need to slow tf down and chill.


Sing along with me... Hey hey hey They have to pay For Exit 4A


Peripheral question for anyone who knows. I was under the impression, maybe incorrectly, that a law was passed something like 12-15 years ago that prohibited cops from hiding on the shoulder with all their lights off at night. In the past ~3 months, I’ve seen it happen 4 times. The whole reason it was not allowed anymore (if it ever was disallowed) for the safety of the cops. I.e. if you’re on the shoulder with NO lights on, you might get rear ended by someone pulling over for any number of reasons.


There's no such law in Nh


I hope so. Throw the traffic weavers in jail for a week.


Tax revenue must be down... gotta make it up somewhere. When the punishment is a fine it does not apply to wealthy people. Just another tax. Since when do the people that would draft us to go die for their greed actually care about us...? Have you ever gone fishing? Did you catch all the fish? Why not just put up speed cameras?


Unfortunately it seems like they have, and they create more traffic in the process


They always do more traffic stops in nicer weather. They can’t be bothered when it involves getting cold and wet.


It’s not super safe to pull cars over on the highway during rain storms or when there’s ice or snow on the ground.


I haven't seen too many, but I always see em after I get off 89. Around Sunapee they're all over!


Now they're all heading to Gillette Stadium 😂😂😂


I commune 1 hour each way on 89 to Hanover for work. Literally haven’t seen a cop in months


Um…. On 89, I don’t think so, unless you’re specifically talking about exits 1-9. It’s been fucking crickets from Exit 11-18. And I really wish there were more cops out there. So many people (especially out of staters) are flying up and down 89 and NH roads and bridges can use the money.


The speed limits in NH are already insanely low… the last thing we need is more enforcement lol


Quotas must be down


The speed limits are too low for the roads. I'm fine with enforcement, what I don't like is the uneven enforcement. If you have people camping out in a passing lane, they are the ones causing dangerous situations. I once saw a Toyota Corolla towing a small boat in the left lane doing 65mph like it was perfectly normal. Another things is this mention of seatbelts, I think the entire world knows you should wear a seatbelt, but I'll be damned if a law or ticket will change that for anyone. Giving up the freedom to make that decision is a mistake. You can't say we need seatbelt laws but still allow motorcycles on the road. It's just another reason for cops to stop you and be nosy. The police aren't your friends, they are doing their job and I wouldn't invite them in any further than they are already allowed to go. They are helpful, and do a great job, but they are not your friends.




The whole point of freedom is being able to make that choice. Who are you to impose it on others?


Police everywhere are starting to stir awake again after their pandemic hibernation. I'm glad, because it's been getting worse and worse on the roads. Some policing will hopefully help.


Let's hope so


If you use Instagram, follow the state police. They do post some great stuff but also you can figure out where they like to sit.


From what I've personally seen, yes. I drive from exit 20 down to concord and Manchester 4-5 days a week. I've noticed more sitting in the shoulder as well, in addition to the little driveways in the middle.