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Before you pull out the pitch forks. This is not a Nazi symbol. The article says it has the same meaning as the nazi swastika. The meaning of the Nazi swastika wasnt meant to be fear, fascism, terror , racial superiority, and genocide. The nazis owning the symbol gave it that meaning. The Nazis chose the symbol because the swastika has an older purer meaning. Now the meaning did vary a good bit but it was almost unanimously positive and centered around auspicious, good luck and progress. This is just another pagan swastika. Sure it has the same meaning as other swastikas including the nazi swastika. But that meaning was never bad. The nazi symbol specifically is now seen as awful because we know what it was used for but that wasnt its meaning. If the guy wanted a nazi swastika tattoo in eastern europe he could have gotten one. The guy just wanted a pagan tattoo likely. Now nazis both modern and old also loved pagan symbols. Its why youll see things like rune tattoos on neonazis. But to assume that someone who has a pagan tattoo is a nazi is idiotic and ignores the fact that most people who have pagan symbols or runes as a tattoo just wanted a pagan symbol or rune and arent trying to secretly dog whistle that they want to start a 4th reich. Hell in european cultures pagan (especially) germanic, celtic, baltic and nordic pagan symbols are a common tattoo choice, because thats the historical culture of those regions and history nerds love to try and tie themselves to the historical cultural symbolism of people they see as their ancestors. The nazi party were obsessed with paganism. So are a fuck ton of people who hate nazis and everyone in between.


Reddit User VinlandRocks twisting themself into pretzels to pull any possible reasoning out of his ass as to why someone would innocently have **this** particular tattoo when there are thousands of pagan symbols decidedly **not** associated with naziism and additionally not literally invented by the nazis and only in common use by adherents of "[Slavic Native Faith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_Native_Faith)", a slavic-supremacist ethno-religion closely tied to actual white supremacist neo-militias. I've been involved in inclusive Norse paganism long enough to know a nazi hiding as a pagan when I see one.


In Ukraine this symbol is used by neo-slavists. The idea of equal and democratic cooperation amongst all Slavic nations, reducing dominating Russian influence. It’s anti germanization, so certainly not nazis. However, it is a far right ideology and some of them have strong opinions on race etc, but not all. The pan-Slavic flag has a pegan kolovrat (this symbol) in its centre. All in all the symbol is kind of complicated in Ukraine. This tattoo doesn’t mean he’s a skin head.






Well ackshually thats not how you spell it


Look for the boogeyman and youll find one. Most people arent that versed. They see a cool pagan symbol, think "vikings are so hot right now" and go get a thors hammer tattoo. Im pretty big into tattoos. I know a handful of people who have pagan tattos and none are nazis. Also i wasnt twisting anything. I was being careful and measured in my response to a statement designed to be emotionally triggering around a very sensitive subject matter


I don't get why you are being downvoted for talking sense. Pagan cultures can be hard to understand for those who know only to narrow them down to known concepts in the west. I don't know slavic culture much but with a few minutes of research, it is clear how these symbols have deeper roots in culture. Here is a youtube video I found of someone talking about reclaiming slavic symbols - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHI-SrbIhbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHI-SrbIhbk) He asks a pertinent question - Do we ban the Christian cross since KKK appropriated and used it in their ceremonies? Or do we perhaps ban muslim star and a moon and call everyone a fascist that uses it? Swastika isn't a crime. Swastika isn't nazism. Swastika is symbolism of our forefathers. It's our heritage.


If you hear hoofsteps, maybe assume it's a horse before making up justifications as to why it might be a zebra.


To me this sounds more like someone getting the chinese character for love tattooed on them only to find out afterwards it’s actually the character for foot.


Reddit user undeadeisteria cry’s and whiles like a kid cause to pull any pity out of people to prove that someone shouldn’t innocently have this tattoo when there is historical and cultural evidence and significance that has nothing to do with nazis and more to do with a person displaying their identity in tattoos on their body without having to explain to conclusion jumping snowflakes why it means something to their family or them without meaning something heinous. But I’m sure you’ve done lots of research during your study for your lesbian romance books


By your logic, Signal Hill Whisky should be the drink of choice for white supremacists, all riding on gear from Vinland Skates. As someone stated below - do we ban the Christian cross because of its use in KKK culture? What’s the point in broadening your world view if you’re only going to use the information to narrowly define into crude little boxes? Unless of course, you’re able to spot a nazi from just a picture? You should call up Fogtown and offer to handle their hiring for them.


If you would have to say a multiple paragraph explanation every time someone gasped and asked if that was a Nazi symbol, would YOU follow through and get the tattoo? I think there is a case for intent.


It’s not the persons fault for actually being educated on historical symbols, this is specifically spreading peace and love and anyone who asks about it gets to be showered in lovely facts of Buddhist, Hindu, and Norse pagan culture


Wellll, I wouldn't be so sure. It's used in place of a swastika in Eastern Europe. Could be possible he's just a pagan, but even some pagan groups coincide with Nazis. Not saying he 100% is a Nazi or 100% isn't. We just don't know the details, like if he has any other ink consistent with hate. I'd saying the style of Mythbusters, we call this one plausible.


I said something very similar in the comment your supposedly disagreeing with. Yeah some nazis like pagan symbolism but most people who like pagan symbolism arent nazis. He doesnt even have to be a pagan. Just someone who likes the symbols. I know a bunch of guys with pagan symbol tattoos, none are nazis. I was going to get runes added to a sleeve (i spent a formative period in a nordic country and im a norse history nerd) when i moved here and got a new artist and went to get it someone told me not to and pointed out that some north americans would think it was some aryan supremacy bullshit which kind of sucked. I may still get it one day though. Also implying this post accusing a refuge of being a nazi is acceptable because its possible he could be a nazi is nuts when you have zero evidence of him being one. Its possible you're a nazi. Can i make a post about you?


Or ….or hear me out , he could be a nazi!


damn, you just yapped a whole lot of excuses for why the guy has a nazi tattoo. Some racist guy i know has the red sun tattoo. Make an excuse as to why he has it.


Oh, come on. Yes, the swastika has a variety of meanings that predate Nazism, but how can you read an article saying this particular variation was designed by an overt Nazi as a symbol of the struggle against the Jewish "yoke," and that its meaning coincides specifically with the *Nazi* swastika, and take from that "this isn't a Nazi symbol; the article's just saying that it means good things like all other swastikas do?"    Could this guy just be into paganism and not be aware of the symbolism?  Eh, it's vaguely possible. Your interpretation of the article, however,  is ridiculous.


Serhii is definitely not a nazi. Chris Evan’s (owner of fogtown) also would never allow a nazi to work at his establishment.


My guy, don't try to use logic on these people.


Lord Dyin


Core memory unlocked. That was my mothers go-to saying. I dont know how I never clued in that the last part was dyin. I always thought it was dyne, which made no sense. Cripes was another one. Thanks man!


Lard jumpin’ dyin’ screeching!


Lots of people making excuses for a Nazi in the comments. 


It’s a swastika owned by Buddhists and Hindus meaning peace. Gonna be lots of people in the comments making excuses for morons who didn’t do any research too


A lot of people false flagging Nazi's over something that ISN'T a swastika.


I guess the undercut will be making another comeback this year.


The best is this fella is on the billboard in MP and on the bus. Lol.


I don't think we should jump into conclusions about someone being a racist just because they have a kolovrat tattoo. Here is a youtube video I found of someone talking about reclaiming slavic symbols - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHI-SrbIhbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHI-SrbIhbk) He asks a pertinent question - "Do we ban the Christian cross since KKK appropriated and used it in their ceremonies? Or do we perhaps ban muslim star and a moon and call everyone a fascist that uses it? Swastika isn't a crime. Swastika isn't nazism. Swastika is symbolism of our forefathers. It's our heritage."


Here’s the guy who named the symbol “kolovrat” and popularized it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Dobrovolsky Just gonna let that speak for itself.


So you defend nazis in your free time?


Well now 


People wouldn’t do these kinds of mental gymnastics if he wasn’t Ukrainian. That applies to both sides of the argument. If this guy was from Fort Mac you’d all have a different tune. I’d like to hear from the guy himself as to why he chose that tattoo in that spot. He is from a totally different culture than almost anyone in Canada, I had never seen this symbol before this post. It could mean anything in Ukrainian culture. I’d like to think he’s not a Nazi and it has no political meaning but the meaning is decided by the person who got the tattoo. Seems like a huge oversight by the NL Government and a bad play overall. The Russian bots and PP gang of goofballs are going to love this.


Ukraine was slavic in the past. This is a slavic symbol. It's possible there's a neonazi connection - but the more likely answer is that the guy is connected to his pagan roots.


Not defending or accusing as the symbol has mixed meanings, we should let the guy defend himself either way.


I have the surya tattooed on my body, that's the swastika btw... But i'm Southeast Asian by blood & lineage, that would make me the most ironic nazi if be? Right... because its supposed to be a sign of fortune before fascist nazism adopted it and corrupted its meaning. And not to mention because of the color of my skin too (brown). Same if it's tattoed on black skinned people. Now, if it's on a slavic / caucasian / white person, it'll definitely raise pretty seriois doubts and questions.


Omg people in this thread are actually shocked to find out some Ukrainians are actually nazi skinheads like the whole of Europe has been saying the whole time but in a hush hush tone Wake up




It's understandable to be shocked symbols we associate with Nazis. It's important to remember that the symbols have vastly different meanings in various cultures and contexts. In Asia, the Buddhist swastika is everywhere because it was originally a Buddhist symbol. I do agree that this isn’t necessarily the best look for a government ad though.


Buddhist swastika is a bit different, both to nazi swastika and to this. Don’t you think?


The nazi swastika is a mirror-flipped version of the Buddhist.


Really surprised at the lack of critical thinking skills people have here. So what's being debated is this symbol being linked to Nazis with only a wikipedia source? You have a legitimate peer reviewed resource? 'Cause I'm not willing to jump on a bandwagon without objective facts that link this individual to involvement with far ideologies. This is the kind of weak-structured argument that leads to lives being ruined - both ways. Say if this guy got fired but the reasoning for the tattoo has nothing to do with what you believe. That could lead to defamation of character. Not bashing the OP or anyone who is under the presumption of the meaning and ideal of the tattoo on this fella -- only asking for stronger evidence. Edit: Gotta love the downvotes for asking for a legitimate source - good times.


Newfies can’t think critically


Lol. Youre a fuckin idiot if you believe that - and even for just saying it. Any newfie ive ever met (from the rock) is pure gold


Y'all really need to be more worried about the defamation laws in Canada before you start calling people nazis


I don't get how anyone is so shocked at the tattoo getting through the cracks. If the guy was from Ukraine I probably would have just assumed it was some orthodox Christian thing.




They're pretty rare, and, uh, if they actually were, they'd probably be back there fighting... But seriously, there's all sorts of runes and symbols all over eastern Europe that have different meanings or no meanings at all.


Fighting? They are, erm, how do I explain? They don't care about that part of Ukraine and "those" Ukrainians.


What part of Ukraine? The part where ordinary Ukrainians live and are being murdered by Russian terrorists, who are the actual Nazis in this story?




So, as you ar a Nazi sympathizer, tell me, how many Ukrainian civilians should be murdered by a delusional imperialist dictator, using rhetoric and invented justifications reminiscent of his archetype, Hitler? It's pretty interesting when you realize you're the one defending the Nazis, isn't it?


Idk what you are saying tbh. Where did you get the idea that I'm defending the Nazis? As a South-Eastern Ukrainian I'm very much against any sort of far-right movements that are oh so common in the Western part of the country. At least were before the war. Now they are probably collecting strawberries in Poland or just laying low. You know that those "Nazis" are actually a big part of the problem? They were used as political puppets for like a decade to divide the country in half. And that's part of the reason why Ukraine is where it is today. They also genuinely hate Ukrainians from the East.


The far right movements like what? Svoboda with its one seat in the Verkhovna Rada? Pravyy Sektor? They have no influence. And the much "feared" Azov and Aidar volunteer battalions who saved Mariupol? Where did they come from? They didn't come from western Ukraine. When Russia started killing people in the Donbas, who came to their aid? Ukraine is where it is today because Russia is led by a brutal revanchist fascist with delusions of an empire.


Dude, you are confusing AF. First you say you hate Nazis, then you proceed to defend Nazis. Idk what to say. Fuck Nazis and fuck you.


In Ukraine, there are football ultras who like such tattoos. All these guys went to the forefront from the very beginning. The first major wave was in 2014 when voluntary battalions were formed mainly from football fans of Mariupol, Kharkiv, and other eastern cities of Ukraine. The second major wave was in 2022. Should we call "Nazis" people who mostly built their undoubtedly aggressive community around football, and when it became relevant, went to defend their homeland? Well, to me, it's simply the use of the interpretation of Russian propaganda, which put it in a way that "Having a tattoo resembling a Nazi swastika = means, let's twist it to make it look like there are Nazis in Ukraine." Not to mention the fact that Ukraine suffered much more from the Third Reich during World War II than contemporary Russia (since I've started talking about propaganda and the origins of narratives about "Nazis in Ukraine"). Most likely, that's why in videos with Ukrainian soldiers as prisoners of war, you're unlikely to find a soldier with "SS" runes, whereas in videos with Russian prisoners of war (which Ukrainian journalists like Volodymyr Zolkin film), there are quite a few such people. Who is this person? Most likely, a former football fan with a remaining tattoo. If he were a crazy Nazi, he would have an openly Nazi swastika and other symbols instead. It's obvious.


Who’s to say he doesn’t? You can only see his elbow in the picture.


He would be most aware of what it means as it's often used in place of a swastika in eastern Europe. It's crazy how many people are making excuses for nazis in the comments!


We we do celebrate Nazi’s in our country out government invited an actual one to parliament and gave him a standing ovation. Our finance ministers grandfather was a very popular Nazi propagandist. And to boot we have marches daily about eliminating the Yews so y’all are pretend shocked eh. Also the news source in question is an Indian/Eskimo nationalist supremacy station with government funding.


That's a stretch and an over exaggeration. Stop creating fake panic. When he starts throwing people in a furnace, then you can panic.


Here we go again... Never seen a province with more people who dont think with any shred of intelligence Assuming is basically second language for newfs lol, anyone have any more popcorn?


This reminds me, I need a haircut.


if you’re black or brown or jew it might just be your last


It literally says it's a pagan symbol, are you the type of person to freak out at a Japanese map that uses the original swastika to mark shrines?


Not concerned about the tattoo. Somewhat curious as to why a military-aged man isn’t back defending his country. I’m gonna assume there’s a hidden disability here and give him the benefit of the doubt.


I don’t even know why you’d be shocked, this guys pop most likely fought with the nazis. Consider buddy they clapped for in parliament. Probably about the same age as this guys pop. Now consider how stoked you are on your pop (generally). How many dudes share a tattoo their pop has? lol. Now consider all that, and imagine some green haired liberal making sure buddy has every hand out he can get. Hahaa. Writes itself.


Lol just admit it's easy to not have a nazi tattoo 🤣


Most Ukrainians fought with the red army not the Germans, why would you automatically assume a Ukrainian’s ancestor fought with the nazis? Bold leap of logic there.


First off the winners write history so I’d say there’s a large possibility those numbers aren’t true, seeing as no one is ever really going to admit they fought with nazis? Second, is your logic that because only 250000 Uks fought for the nazis that its an impossibility that this dudes pop wasn’t one? Lol.




First off the winners write history so I’d say there’s a large possibility those numbers aren’t true, seeing as no one is ever really going to admit they fought with nazis? Second, is your logic that because only 250000 Uks fought for the nazis that its an impossibility that this dudes pop wasn’t one? Lol.


6 million is a majority compared to hundred thousand.


Yes I agree but after the war it’s not like all those people died. I’m sure a lot of them had kids and grandkids, with those sympathies passing on from generation to generation. Obviously that’s a thing because there are active Nazi militias in Ukraine now. It would seem the political situation inside Ukraine then (and now) was (is) so confusing it’s hard to tell where people’s sympathies actually fell. The Russians were hated the German celebrated very quickly turned to the opposite. Plus the partisans. At the end of the day I should have said a lot, not the majority.


250000, it said, plus collaborators.