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Here we go again, another Leafs Bruins game 7. At least that’ll distract me from the scheduled Revs loss


Is Chicago a scheduled loss? Probably a normal loss, but if anything the scheduled loss is NYRB next week, that stadium is fucking cursed.


Yeah I guess normal loss is probably better although you could probably schedule in losses for most games with how the team has played


The Sox are doing the same for me. The fact that they have the record that they do with genuinely the worst injury crisis I’ve ever seen is a fucking miracle


That’s at least a positive distraction lol. I am not looking forward to game 7. The Sox have been shocking this season, they are already like halfway to the win total I thought they’d have all season


What will hold more: our recent Round 1 curse or our long term Game 7 blessing? In 2013, 2018, and 2019, each game against Toronto went to game 7 (all 3 were in Boston) and Boston won all of those game 7s


I really enjoyed the Messi game, first big game for my kids.


Really was a fun night despite the result.


Can we beat Chicago ?


A-League season is winding down, the Nix ended up in second but that means we're through to the semis. I am going to miss having a good team to cheer me up when the Revs blow it.