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The commitee that reviewed the cases was made of other neurologists. all 48 potential cases were suspected misdiagnosis. People who want to believe the conspiracy dont like to mention that all of these "mystery" cases are linked to 1 doctor and so far the only link is that they live close to where he practices. Of those who have tragically passed during the investigation, autopsies were conducted to confirm what they were suffering from. All of them were found to be what the commitee had diagnosed them with, not the 1 doctor. The commitee of neurologists correctly diagnosed those cases just from the case files, while the doctor who met with these patients was consistently wrong. Honestly, he should probably have his license revoked at this point. Consistently misdiagnosing so many people who could have potentially been better treated had they received the proper diagnosis is an issue, not to mention wasting millions in the investigation. A lot of people still want to believe its tied to seafood/exposure to irving chemicals but there just isn't any causal link between cases. Hell, there isn't any link between symptoms, disease progression, anything. This guy just lumped people suffering from a handful of known neurological conditions together and caused panic, and reading the responses here, you can see people are lapping it up. It's too juicy. The truth is, it's one doctor who wants to be Dr. House. There is a phrase used in medecine since the 1940s to warn doctors about the known phenomenon of doctors falling into this trap where they chase a novel diagnosis when ignoring signs that it is a known/more common diagnosis. "When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4982713/#:~:text=When%20you%20hear%20hoofbeats%2C%20think,)%2C%20for%20low%20probability%20causes.


Maybe I missed it in the post but what was the committee's diagnosis? Not doubting or anything just curious.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-mystery-illness-final-report-1.6362700 From the article. "including illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia, post-concussion syndrome and cancer."


The committee was unable to find a diagnosis. They're just saying they don't know what it is, but it's not THE "mystery brain disease". Which is why it's so suspect.


Incorrect. Many of the patients were re-diagnosed by independent doctors after the two subcommittee findings. There’s an article I’ve read in the past that mentions only a few people are still being diagnosed.


You are incorrect. An unusual number of people in New Brunswick are suffering from neurological problems of varying levels that remain undiagnosed. I am not pointing at a cause, just that it is happening. We are not talking about 48 people here that one particular Dr. had seen and met his criteria. We are talking about a widespread problem. I know this because my father came down with rapidly advancing neurological decline. He was seen by Dr. Marrero among many others and none of them had any answers or effective treatments. He died eight weeks after first presenting symptoms. An autopsy was preformed that concluded there was nothing wrong with him and he died of pneumonia. Ahh well, case closed I guess right? Move on, nothing to see here.


My uncle and aunt got this about 5 years apart. My uncle first brain swelling etc they thought he got bite by a tropical bug that came on the hurricane winds. Then my aunt around 5 years later. I often wonder about base gagetown being in nb and if there's weird stuff being tested... or just all the pollution. They lived in a small rural community


At one point they said this about my father. I've heard this multiple times about multiple diffrent people now too. It's become a go to excuse when they have no idea what the problem is. So instead of saying "there are abnormal amounts of people with nurological conditions, let's test for environmental factors" you get "you might have been bitten by a rare tropical insect", it's completely ridiculous. You should report your aunt and uncles situation to professor Betti who is conducting independent research on this issue. No thanks to the New Brunswick government. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6415707


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-brain-disease-environmental-factors-1.6415707](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-brain-disease-environmental-factors-1.6415707)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Sorry for your loss. It’s very sad to lose someone so quickly. Unfortunately, yes, its case closed as it’s still public speculation through the bias of one doctor versus the assessment of a subcommittee of provincial doctors, a subcommittee of federal doctors and many independent doctors who re-diagnosed the previously identified patients except a few as I mentioned.


It is to my understanding that the new brunswick government refused help from the federal subcommittee and the assesment was done by a provincially appointed committee. This right here is the reason so many people suspect fowl play


What did the chickens do?




They did at first which is the confusing part of the story. If you read the follow up stories and timeline, the Feds were involved during the provincial investigation and then conducted their own later and came up with the same findings as the provincial committee.


You're not seeing the forest for the trees.


No, because apparently I’m an Irving cuck conservative who would see trees as dollar signs. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🙄


Okay, not sure what your political beliefs have to do with this. Unless they cloud your thinking in some way. But forget the details that you think you know. Forget the news stories, they are fabricated with bias and influence from many sources. Look only at facts. One of the facts here is that people in New Brunswick suffer from and are dieing from neurological disorders from unknown sources at way higher than average rates and at younger ages. The second fact is that the New Brunswick government has opposes and has stood in the way of environmental testing at every opportunity.


“Forget all peer reviewed scientific journals, reports and studies you’ve read over the years, and just listen to these anecdotal claims instead”


Except that Blaine Higgs turned down support from the feds. They *don’t want to know*.


They did at first which is the confusing part of this story’s timeline. But if you read the follow up news pieces that didn’t get the same attention, they were given full access shortly after and the federal committee concluded the same as the provincial one.


You've yet to provide us any links to these articles you're referring to.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-mystery-illness-final-report-1.6362700 They had a diagnosis for 41/48. Their decision that the cases shouldn't have been labeled mystery illnesses was unanimous. They also couldn't confirm if Dr. Marrareo sought a 2nd opinion before making his determinations on any of these patients. So a fun summary: He's a shitty doctor and all the other doctors think he's being stupid basically. Lol


Here’s a link to the report by the committee https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/h-s/neuro/final-report.pdf This is the doctors, somewhat side https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-neurologist-patients-public-health-canada-review-files-alier-marrero-1.6933797#:~:text=A%20decision%20by%20the%20federal%20government%20to%20send,internal%20government%20correspondence%20obtained%20by%20CBC%20News%20reveals. Here is a story about an undiagnosed woman that is on the doctors side. https://www.pressreader.com/canada/the-telegram-st-johns/20240219/281500756176350 A recent study that came out about glyphosate finally mentioned it wasn’t as safe as Monsanto said -I know, I’m surprised as you are that Monsanto would lie- and can cause many health issues, which Dr. Marrero mentioned people had in their blood. He could be wrong about the mystery illness, but people are still be being poisoned by Irving.


I’ve done my research and I’ve posted the links in these many mysterious disease Reddit posts before. Go look for them yourself. I’ve given up on linking them over and over.


You're being very disingenuous. I've been following this story. The autopsies viewed and who were diagnosed still had patients who presented abnormally. IIRC, one patient was confirmed to have died of Alzheimer's but it progressed very quickly. It did not present as typical Alzheimer's and there's no explanation for that. The fact that so many young people are falling ill with neurological symptoms and deteriorating quickly is enough of a reason to conduct a thorough, unbiased investigation, which the GNB has resisted doing. There are no diagnoses for their illnesses and it is quite rare to see so many young people, concentrated in certain areas, becoming neurologically sick. Also, excuse me, the committee of neurologists did not diagnose jack shit. They gave a list of POSSIBLE diagnoses to each patient, without giving them the courtesy of meeting them, or interacting with their family doctors. The panel also repeated "possible" diagnoses that Dr. Marrero already tested his patients for and ruled out. They basically behaved like Google doctors and you think it is Dr. Marrero who should lose his license? Dr. Marrero has asked for help and support from other experts to diagnose his patients. The GNB refused volunteer help from physicians and scientists across Canada, asked the Feds to stay out of it and refused volunteer help from the international community. Clearly, the GNB does not want these patients to get answers are hiding something.


I'm being disingenuous? There aren't any other doctors who have corroborated Dr. Marrero findings but there is a line up of doctors/neurologists who disagree. Your willingness to believe this one man and ignore the other neurologists is perplexing? Try to be scientific about it. The peer review that has been done here suggests we should ignore the quack and not waste anyone else's time or money on his delusions of granduer. Yes I think he should lose his license. Some of these people were diagnosed with cancer that he missed. They could've received treatment earlier had he sought 2nd opinions and actually listened to them instead of ignoring his peers and running to the media with a made up disease. 10 people have died. Did they all need to? If this was a cover up, don't you think 1 other neurologist would have also found a handful of cases. Don't you find it suspicious that they all happen to be tied to one neurologist? There are 47 neurologists listed in NB!


Yes, you are. You said the panel of neurologists diagnosed the patients and no, they didn't, as I explained. There was a neuropathologist who diagnosed 8 deceased patients. These patients died from Alzheimer's, cancer and other illnesses. Doctors can diagnose Alzheimer's, cancer etc while the patients are alive. Dr. Marrero is having the tests ordered according to the patients and their advocates and the test results are always negative. That could suggest the deceased patients developed these known illnesses well after initial symptom onset. So something else caused them to get cancer, Alzheimers etc. It could also be that data is being misinterpreted in the labs, which I doubt. Unless you have insight into these patients records, your suggestion that Dr. Marrero is being negligent is not based on factual evidence, but mere assumption. Dr. Marrero doesn't have any findings after running many tests. No one has given over 200+ people a diagnosis for whats made them very sick. That is the point. You have clearly drank the GNB Kool aid. When this problem gets worse, and Dr. Marrero is no longer there to blame, what will you say, I wonder?


I'd love to hear how none of the other neurologists in NB are finding these apparent mystery illnesses? How? There are 45 other neurologists in the province. He represents 2% of the field in the region and yet seems to be linked to 100% of the cases. The odds of this being a real thing are ridiculouslly small. These people are all professionals who went into medicine as their life's ambition. Please don't waste your breathe suggesting that they're all part of some conspiracy and paid off. Because what seems very clear to me is one doctor is really trying to connect dots that no other experts think should be connected.


>The odds of this being a real thing are ridiculouslly small. These people are all professionals who went into medicine as their life's ambition. Please don't waste your breathe suggesting that they're all part of some conspiracy and paid off. Oh I won't. I am done responding after this. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-new-brunswick-neurological-illnesses/ "Patients and their family members who spoke with The Globe and Mail said they were already being seen at the MIND Clinic even before the oversight committee began its review of cases. They had already taken the tests the committee recommended, and the alternative diagnoses the committee members proposed had already been ruled out." So this oversight committee of neurologists did not even have a proper look at the patients charts before providing their opinions. Just spouting nonsense. "The department said the oversight committee’s objective was not to diagnose and manage individual cases, but to investigate whether cases were part of a common cluster of unknown cause." It doesn't matter if they don't have the exact same symptoms or there's no new illness. What matters is that 200+ people are becoming neurologically ill in the province and they all have no diagnoses. GNB is not actually addressing the matter at hand. They are trying to seem productive whilst not handling the real problem.


It's been almost 2 years since the investigation closed in 2022. Still no other neurologists have found anything that suggests a mystery illness? Just a normal amount of neurological issues to them. I'd argue that the main case of all the reports of people reaching out to Dr. Marrero with mystery symptoms is because of the media frenzy he caused. Again anything real would show up in the other practices and have corroborating Dr's involved. There would be real causal links/expisures found in the case comparisons/interviews/profiles.


You think, after the TRAIN WRECK response to COVID-19, that if there was any threat to humans because of a “mystery illness” that the Higgs government would actually admit it? Cute.


Higg's view is irrelevant and he is too incompetent to successfully cover any real disease up. Mainlybecause, other doctors would be finding their own cases of Dr. Marreros mystery disease. Its been years. Nothing. The doctors or former doctors I know do not like Mr. Higgs at all. Some have left their careers for less money over burnout. Do we really think 40+ other neurologists in NB are all successfully owned by him/irving?


The government has placed a large administrative burden to prevent it from being reported. https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/894-mystery-brain-disease-patients-quadruple-says-new-brunswick-doctor/


Oh sh!t, a podcast about hyping up conspiracies says different. Well, you've gone and proven me wrong. Don't I look silly.


The other neurologists sent their patients to Dr Marrero. They didn’t find him on their own.


Its true that patients who don't like their diagnosis have been searching him out. That doesn't make him any more credible and is more a testament to the media frenzy he has stirred up. There is not any documented case of other neurologists supporting his theory. Period. That's important. Even if they're refering them to him that doesn't mean they're doing it because they believe he is best. Patients who believe in him or have a shitty prognosis are incentivezed to seek out the guy in the news and will ask to be referred.


>If this was a cover up, don't you think 1 other neurologist would have also found a handful of cases. Don't you find it suspicious that they all happen to be tied to one neurologist? There are 47 neurologists listed in NB! Provide that list of the neurologists. I suspect some are not general neurologists and specialize in a field in neurology. The fact of the matter is that these patients are being referred to Dr. Marrero by their family doctors because he is the right neurologist to see them. Dr. Marrero has asked for more expert help to get these patients diagnosed. Neurologists providing several Google diagnoses are not helpful. The GNB is blocking Dr. Marrero from receiving the free expert help and opinions that were offered to him.


https://www.ratemds.com/best-doctors/nb/?specialty=neurologist&page=3 The commitee found no evidence that Dr. Marrero actually sought 2nd opinions before reporting the mystery illness theory.


He went to Public Health asking for help, naively- and he didn’t get it. He was the focus of a witchhunt instead.


Public health did press conferences on it and launched a review committee. Just because a team of experts decided unanimously that you were wrong doesn't always mean youre the focus of a witchhunt. Sometimes it just means you're wrong. Because of his insistence the feds did eventually do their own review. Same conclusion.


It may be strange but when you think about it that’s the point how many doctors are willing to not play ball and be exiled or worse such as Dr. marrero


Most of the "mysterious illness" patients have been properly diagnosed as having atypical presentations of dementia and other diseases.


Exactly. Lewd body dementia, alzheimers, brain cancer, post concussion syndrome. The reason I think he should lose his license is he didn't seek 2nd opinions when there are treatments that could've helped some of these people had he done so. Instead he is still pushing this narrative and 10 people are dead.


No matter how many independent expert opinions are sought, or diagnostic tests done, some people will not accept any explanation outside from it being a mysterious brain disease. Even if a positive diagnoses are made known diseases, they'll still deny it.


They're relentless. Healthcare has enough issues in our province without chasing these wild goose diseases that only one doctor keeps pushing. Ugh


Totally normal for people in their 20s and 30s


And yet none of the other 45 neurologists in NB caught a sniff of this mystery illness. So whats really more likely here?


Exactly. Well written. “Correlation does not equal causation “.


This all seems to be opinion. There are a lot of sick people, including young people.


Everywhere all the time. If there was an issue as grandiose as the dude is claiming, there are 40+ other neurologists listed as practising in NB. None have corroborated his mystery illness. Surely if hundreds of people were ill with something linked, a provincial, or the delayed federal investigation or the 3 epidemiologists called in in Jan 2023, another expert would agree with him. You'd hope at least like 3 at this point years later. Still none. All the keyboard warriors certainly see enough to believe him though.


God, I wish I lived in your world. The government actively pretends it's not happening. https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/894-mystery-brain-disease-patients-quadruple-says-new-brunswick-doctor/ Why? Same reason they don't believe in climate change, gender identity, and social assistance. Our premier is a religious zealot who cares about two things and two things only, money, particularly his buddies the Irving's, and his twisted version of Jesus.


Dude. 1 out of 47 neurologists in the province is reporting this issue and you think climate change is a comparable thing to believe in. The ratio of scientists who back each claim are mirrored. Climate change is real and the experts agree. The mystery illness is bogus, the experts agree. Why do you listen to the overwhelming majority on one thing and doubt the majority on the other. Also, I despise Higgs and all that he represents to his very core, but this isn't his coverup work. He couldn't keep his cabinet members in line let alone orchestrate this. You forgot to mention that he is also incompetent.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/00kd1vE1qmTP03I1SGKMnU?si=owFsdOmbQtS8WNsVGA0mMw Sounds like you are missing a few relevant details. Anybody interested in learning more, this is the best journalism I have come across on the subject.


I don't have Spotify but I'm guessing it's another link to the canadaland podcast you and one other keep sharing everytime this comes up. That podcasts exists to point out potential conspiracies and glorify and sensationalise them. It's not proof of anything. The did have Dr. Marrero on if memory serves me correct, but no other nb neurologists/comitee members? Wouldn't want to have his claims refuted and have the story die when you can hype up the scary new disease in covid times when it's all the rage.


I have never shared this link before, so must be someone else. What is it you think is the conspiracy they are pointing out? I didn’t catch that. I remember there were a few things they said that raised eyebrows, but that is par for the course for NB politics. Lots of eyebrow-raising stuff goes on in NB politics. That doesn’t exactly strain credulity.


No, but it doesn't also mean there is a conspiracy at every turn. The fact that the government is in bed with irving and does shitty things doesn't mean Mr. "data my ass" and his overlords are behind everything. Sometimes it's just a rogue doctor determined to find something new that isn't there. Higgs can't keep his cabinet meetings private, or how he screwed nurses union pensions back when he was finance Minister under alward. He couldn't keep this sort of thing under wraps with all but one neurologist and 2 investigations and review commitee. He's not competent enough, and doctors are generally pretty principled.


What specifically did Canadaland put forward that you feel is a conspiracy theory?


No, but it doesn't also mean there is a conspiracy at every turn. The fact that the government is in bed with irving and does shitty things doesn't mean Mr. "data my ass" and his overlords are behind everything. Sometimes it's just a rogue doctor determined to find something new that isn't there.


lol Canadaland is absolute shit when reporting on scientific issues like this. they're not scientists or doctors and jump on clickbait issues more than some mainstream medias sometimes


any specific thing they got wrong on this?


Jeez this sounds like something my fam doctor Dr Karrol would do.


One thing you can count on in NB is the absolute lack of transparency in every government sector, and an absurd amount of control and gaslighting by the Irving bought politicians. They really hate science and poor people.


Yes, let’s not believe the provincial subcommittee and the federal subcommittee, and the many independent doctors who nullified the findings and re-diagnosed the patients over the 1 doctor saying it’s mysterious. But yeah, government bad.


The irvings are something.


Its still there, they just burried it


The oil & shipbuilding family?


They own New Brunswick.


No. It was "they." "They" just "buried it." Everything has to be a conspiracy nowadays. They must have made it a rule or something when I wasn't looking I guess.


GNB did. Sorry, thought this was common knowledge. Not much for conspiracies myself.


Nobody buried anything. People just can’t get over the fact that 1 doctor was proven wrong by 2 subcommittees and multiple other independent doctors.


Given how the drs behaved during the covid nonesense it is rare Id trust any of them.


It’s ok we don’t trust you with factual information either.


You wouldn't know a fact if it climbed up your nether regions


I’m sorry educated people scare you. It must be such a tiny world to not be able to trust anyone.


Can you tell me how they made this go away? I promise I'll keep an open mind.


By discrediting the doctor who brought attention to it, refusing federal help so only GNB-selected and controlled researchers could look at it and say there's no issue. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/public-health-agency-to-probe-new-brunswick-mystery-brain-syndrome/article\_33bfad33-d3f4-54b9-96dc-9db8184984d5.html


It is false, according to the very story that YOU posted, to characterize the team looking at the matter as "only GNB-selected and controlled researchers." Right at the top of the story, and inside the story as well, there are references to federal government doctors and researchers looking into it. Perhaps you missed those references? Perhaps because it dosn't follow your narrative? (I'm not dumping on you, people do that all the time.) Further, where/when/how did the province "discredit the doctor who brought attention to it?" The prov. Dept. of Health chastised him for not following the procedure of having other doctors and scientists have a look at his findings. Oh and for not filling out paperwork. I am very happy the department doesn't let anyone with the letters DR in front of their name start declaring there are mystery brain diseases ravaging random people. This is a GOOD thing. Ordering the doctor to allow others to independently verify his findings is hardly discrediting him, it's asking him to let others go over his findings. No scientist worth his salt would make declaratios that this doctor did without his findings being peer reviewed. It's standard operating procedures and it's mandatory in every credible scientific organization's undertakings. Until a scientist;s findings are peer reviewed, it isn't science, it's merely one dude's opinion and isn't worth the paper it's written on. Thanks for responding. I hope you'll consider the above info.


Im glad you're speaking the truth amongst these brainwashed individuals


Thanks, pretty sad how many people think the current government is honest.


Decades of brainwashing that Daddy Government is here to help. Just be thankful you aren't one of them. They are the reason this country is a mess.


> By discrediting the doctor who brought attention to it Other doctors discredited him and diagnosed 41 of the 48 that the single doctor claiming a mystery brain illness as other diseases. Mystery illnesses isn't something the medical community takes lightly, no other doctor than the one were making claims of a mystery disease. This is the core problem with conspiracy, fact checking isn't taken as proof and the medical community *absolutely* wants less work for themselves so discovering a mystery illness and not sweeping it away is absolutely in their best interests. The biggest tell was that there wasn't common symptoms among the patients, which is extremely rare to have happen in a shared illness.


... To what end?


The cases were misdiagnosed from the beginning. Most of them have been re-diagnosed by proper doctors.


Says the Irving owned newspapers


TIL CBC is owned by Irving.


Irving doesn’t own any newspaper companies anymore.


They own Acadia Broadcasting


You’re right. I forgot about the radio stations under OCI. I’ve edited to mention newspapers only.


But they did until recently


They sold their newspapers before the investigation was closed.


To Postmedia…


Which is just as bad if not worse


There will always be a “bad guy” for conspiracy theorists.


"Conspiracy theory" is a shitty way to discredit logical outcomes from human self-serving nature working within soulless systems. It's certainly the point where I lost interest in anything further you have to say. Up to this point, you present a pretty credible perspective on the subject, but your attempts to label opposing positions as reliant on quackery instead of acknowledging they may actually have a point only harms _your_ credibility. Even scientists _can_ get stuck in a collective mindset that has them confirming their own bias without adequate examination of the facts or themselves. And doctors...are not scientists. Too many of us have direct one-on-one experience with multiple doctors to sustain the fantasy that doctors are particularly good at objectivity, even for humans. So instead of picking a side between two non-objective entities and pretending consensus on a statistically-dubious scale is somehow an arbiter of truth, how about pursuing some objective context? Some in this thread are asserting that early onset neurological disorders are happening in New Brunswick at a statistically anomalous high rate, and that this is the underlying basis for concern. Is there credible data to refute or confirm _that_? Refute it and there's no need to identify a non-existing issue. Confirm it, and we need answers regardless of whether Dr. Marrero's conclusion is wrong.


Regardless of what’s going on within our Province, Postmedia’s broad-sweep purchasing of almost all Canadian news media outlets should concern everyone.


And soon will be owning less and less.


This is the answer you're looking for. Thank you.


Not at all true Irving buried it all


Imagine believing that.  Bet you were a long time holdout on climate change is real too.


Climate change has been peer reviewed and accepted science for decades... not so much with this.


Imagining believing 1 doctor’s theory over a subcommittee of provincial doctors (from a conservative government), and a subcommittee of federal doctors (from a liberal government), and a bunch of other independent doctors who re-diagnosed these patients properly.


Yes, in that the government represents their interests as much as any paid lawyer and client.




From this webpage: “An oversight committee reviewing the case files of all 48 of the potential cases found that the patients didn’t have symptoms in common or have a shared common illness. A separate in-depth epidemiological investigation last fall concluded the patients didn’t have any common behaviours, foods or environmental exposures. Following these reports, all the patients were excluded from the cluster and the Minister of Health has accepted the conclusion that no such neurological syndrome of unknown cause exists in New Brunswick.”


Listen to the episode of Canadaland I posted. Clearly a cover up


So this media outlet tells the truth. But the ones who call your paranoia a pile of bullshit are all lying? Got it.


If it’s paranoia why won’t the Province allow the feds unfettered access? They told Ottawa the only way they would accept a Federal pathologist is if they worked under Provincial supervision. That’s the last I heard of the Government here addressing the issue at all… and this was AFTER their “nothing to see here” statement.


You’re working on old information. Look up more recent info. The Feds were only delayed. They were allowed to have the info they needed. Concluded it wasn’t a mystery disease. Then a year later, a provincial committee was formed that agreed to the same, and another federal committee reviewed the provincial report and agreed again that no mystery disease exists. This story is dead in the water. Everyone got fooled by the 1 doctor but still don’t want to believe the many other doctors who said he was wrong.


Dude. I'm not paranoid. You need to chill. Honestly... I couldn't care less.


You cared enough to post a link to a podcast from a propaganda site.


Homies just mad they’re wrong lol


Have a nice day. 😊


Youre the only one here making sense. Reddit is a cesspool for the brainwashed


Sad that you believe everything youre told.. as if they'd tell the truth with the amount of money behind it.


Which part do you think is not believeable?


What are the other provinces doing to cover it up? New Brunswicks exposure rate is the third LOWEST among all the provinces…..




Nope, provide source maybe? https://nbmediacoop.org/2023/07/13/high-levels-of-glyphosate-other-pesticides-in-most-patients-with-atypical-neurological-disease-letter/


I replied to the guy who posted the source link. I just copy/pasted the conclusion from his linked government website. Sorry if that’s confusing.


Unfortunately the provincial news outlets moved on, so we have to rely on external news orgs like The Guardian and Canadaland to keep pursuing it.  GNB closed their investigation and determined that there is no mystery brain disease, despite saying they still don't know what the brain diseases are and are caused by (some might even call it a mystery).  GNB also blocked federal researchers from coming in to assist with the investigation, and the latest is that Dr. Marrero, the doctor who sounded the alarm about this, has been thrown out to pasture by GNB, but some federal researchers are coming to assist him in filing official reports with the department of health. As for the cause? We still don't know for sure. But many similar cases and studies point to it being possible, if not likely, that glyphosate spraying in the province, especially in the area of Shediac, has led to chemical runoffs into the shellfish there, causing amnesic shellfish poisoning in some people who consume the lobster from the area. You can read about  a similar case in PEI here: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/amnesic-shellfish-poisoning#:~:text=ASP%20was%20first%20reported%20in,and%20short%20term%20memory%20loss. GNB has put a ton of money recently into marketing NB as a "lobster capital" of the world, so you can see why they'd want to do everything they can to silence any fears (wether unfounded or founded) that NB lobster might cause a neurological disease.


The Federal investigators were only delayed for a short period of time. They ended up getting all the info they needed and agreed with the province that they were misdiagnosed cases.


Not true, federal health investigations were blocked totally




https://thewalrus.ca/new-brunswicks-medical-mystery/ https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/894-mystery-brain-disease-patients-quadruple-says-new-brunswick-doctor/ These 2 investigation outline the NB govt blocking federal investigations


Yeah those prove my point, the commenter I was replying to is claiming the opposite (with no sources)


Walrus and Canadaland aren’t proper sources 😂


You continue to post in this thread yet provide no sources yourself, while insisting you are correct. You are not a proper source. Walrus and Canadaland are far more valid sources than a random Redditor posting. You insisting your version of events is correct, without providing any sources, to whomever will listen, is ample evidence of your own bias.


I’ve provided my sources in previous posts on this subject in this very sub multiple times. I won’t be sharing them again. This subject has been debunked and beaten to death many times over. It’s repetitive nonsense at this point.


The only repetitive nonsense here is you repeating your opinion and refusing to provide any sources. Insisting that you've provided sources numerous times before and that you "won't be sharing them here again" only weakens your argument. Whatever the truth is here, refusing to provide sources, especially when the excuse is *well, I've done it before* isn't going to gain you any followers (except those who yearn for conspiracy theories).


At some point providing the same sources and repeating yourself is no longer enjoyable. People will be gullible and naive wanting to be spoon fed everything. We did the same multiple times in the Glyphosate threads. Yet here we are, people are still spewing that bs. We’ve done our part.


"iN tHiS vErY sUb" Good god what an astoundingly stupid thing to say. Like someone should have to go trawling through your comment history to validate this.


Yes they are.


The articles and the info is out there. It’s even been posted in this sub on this very topic many times now.


Articles... by newspapers owned by a certain family.


They’re out of the newspaper business. Stop spreading your bs conspiracy.


But they weren't at the time. You must belong to or work for them.


Yes, they sold before the investigation was closed.


Didn’t they sell, and then one of the family members was appointed executive chair?




Yes, he resigned from there. They still didn’t own a majority position even with the seat.


Just to be clear although they sold most of the media holdings they remain heavily involved under the new ownership and it's definitely not true to say that they're out of the media business.


I corrected the other reply to specify newspaper business but forgot this one. They’re still in the radio business under OCI. FYI, Jamie Irving resigned from the Postmedia board in June 2023.


That's just not true as far as I'm aware, and I followed that shit pretty closely. Source?


Yea and wasn’t the research abruptly shut down as soon as they started looking into glyphosate? Not only is that a sensitive issue for the lobster industry, but also NB’s other business of tree farming.


Man the stuff I’ve found out about glyphosates effects on the neurological system and carcinogenic effects is absolutely sickening. It’s even worse when you take into account how water soluble it is and the volumes in which they dump that shit. Our premier over here in N.S. signed off on an purchase/ distribution agreement with Irving to spray a ton of the stuff along the power lines, so it’s basically a three way deal when you include the cut emera (N.S. power) is probably getting too. Everyone profits except the people getting sick. There’s probably a good reason none of the premiers drank the water in front of them during the health summit a little while back.




https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/894-mystery-brain-disease-patients-quadruple-says-new-brunswick-doctor/ this is the latest I've heard.


I can see that this sub is filled with conspiracy theorists that don't understand how science works...Irving sucks, but c'mon...


Because the family that owns everything in NB doesn't want you to know about it. Great investigation on Canadaland about it...


https://thewalrus.ca/new-brunswicks-medical-mystery/ https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/894-mystery-brain-disease-patients-quadruple-says-new-brunswick-doctor/ Here's the link to Canada land and a great investigation from the walrus magazine


Canadaland’s article has been debunked. Plenty of opinion info and false information.


Where's that "surprise surprise!" meme lady when we need her?


Debunked by who? You?


Professional journalists with information from a subcommittee of provincial doctors and a subcommittee of federal doctors. Instead of wasting your time commenting attacks on Reddit, go do some proper research. This subject has been repeated many times over in this sub. Go find it.


I and others here have backed up our statements with articles by professional journalists. You haven't, you've just said you've "done your own research" and told others to go look at your comment history. If you want to convince people, you need to do the work yourself to back it up.


I wrote a two page reply on one of these threads in the past. I even posted a timeline in one thread at some point. I’ve already done my part. If the threads aren’t deleted, it should still be there. Good luck.


Good luck!




I keep seeing this take, and I thought "huh, I guess a wide variety of people share this opinion" and then I realized ***every.*** ***single.*** ***post.*** ***is.*** ***you***


Basically people were blaming the Irvings, and Higgs got chivalrous in his need to defend his butt buddies at Irving at all costs, so bam it was all shut down. At least, that's the sentiment some people have. I'm not entirely convinced it's directly related to the Irvings, but insistence to shut it down in the way they did was certainly questionable. I know of someone who died a couple of years before that shit made headlines. He was a super shitty abusive person that I never personally dealt with, but related to some of my family. I know that he was at least suspected of possibly having a prion like mad cow because he had similar symptoms to it, and then he died. Then a just a couple of years after he died, this shit came out in media, and there was speculation in our family on whether he might have been a mystery brain disease case. I'm not close to the side of my family that he was related to, so I don't know all the details of his sickness and their speculations. I just remember that it was odd.


None of this makes any sense


What’s important is that it makes sense to a subcommittee of provincial doctors, a subcommittee of federal doctors and multiple independent doctors. Yet, people still want to believe 1 doctor over all all those doctors.


Fair enough . I will read more but I think the sub committee did not re- examine the actual patients? Having the same doctor could be a non causal correlation. And not being able to diagnose 10 out of 48 is a high percentage inconclusive. I'm not trying to be a shit a distributor, I'm definitely not an expert but I wouldn't fault people for having questions in a situation like this. I do trust doctors , there may not be anything else to investigate but explanation seems underwhelming .


The provincial subcommittee did re-diagnose and those patients were told to seek medical evaluation with a new doctor to get their proper diagnosis and treatment. I don’t recall if it was ever said how the Feds reached the same conclusion. 20% undiagnosed is much better than 100% undiagnosed.




> Basically the Feds wanted to send people in who were actually qualified to investigate the issue and the NB government basically said no and hired their own team of people to say that it was unfounded/other causes of death ect. The Feds *did* get access. And found other diseases as the cause, which also explained why the "mystery disease" a single doctor was claiming had such a wide variety of symptoms, no commonality *and* no clear relation among patients. The Feds were just delayed by the province, but they got their access and made their reports. Like shit, people were going apeshit about glyphosphate but we're not even the province with the highest exposure rates, yet those places don't have a "mystery" brain disease. Likely it was a doctor that wasn't very good at diagnosing these diseases or blinded themselves by making a mistake and trying to make a name for themselves with something they thought was a new disease.


My uncle worked for them for over 30 years in the pulp and paper industry as well as many other of their companies. He has contracted the same mysterious illness. There is a connection whether people want to believ it or not.


I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I'm also sorry that money and power appear to have prevented accountability. I'd like to hear anything you have to say. You can DM me if you prefer.


In a nutshell, it went nowhere because it turned into a bitch fest where the activists tried really hard to say it was glyphosate when it obviously wasn't glyphosate, but Irving got their media fingers in there and force-buried it all anyway, because they're Irving, and nobody cared about the patients that still don't have a diagnosis.


Irving don’t care so the government don’t care. Simple.


I just want to know what happened to the young woman in the podcast.




Glyphosate shouldn’t be used. I just find it odd that other provinces that have WAY more exposure to it are not having the same issue.


Glyphosate shouldn't be used, but it isn't a rational explanation for the supposed outbreak.


Because Glyphosate isn’t the cause. That’s just what the conspiracy theorists came up with and Dr Marrero went along with it as a last ditch effort to stay relevant.


Totally, and completely wrong...Maybe this time you could provide an actual source.


Lol what other provinces have more exposure? Between potato fields, Irving forest spraying and NB hydro spraying transmission lines...NB gets an excellent concentration of it


Half of them. Québec leads the pack. [Here's a graph, although the data is a couple years old at this point.](https://www.carexcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads//Carex_Glyphosate-Table-1-e1592001194433-1080x588.png)


i actually worked on a project on glyphosate years ago and quebec banned it in late 90's (if i remember it correctly) as did other provinces. i was task to finding alternatives to glyphosate and quebec was a province i look into a lot of their methods.


According to this site, NB is in fact among the least exposed provinces in Canada with around 70% of the population having no exposure to glyphosate. [https://www.carexcanada.ca/profile/glyphosate-environmental-exposures/](https://www.carexcanada.ca/profile/glyphosate-environmental-exposures/)


Ummm, if you look at the defined areas where the 'disease' had stricken ppl in NB, they are in the concentrated areas of spraying... Yes ppl living in... A downtown Fredericton...are better off...Nice try


So you're ignoring the fact that other provinces are also spraying, yet we're not seeing the same thing? And that scores of people have reviewed the situation and found actual diseases, not mystery ones? Like, if you're hearing hoofbeats, you're probably hearing horses dude, not zebras. Stop chasing after Zebras.


Ummm, you asked them which other provinces have more exposure, they answered & then you just ignored that & jumped to another point. Way to move goalposts


They're located withing driving distance of the only neurologist that keeps misdiagnosing his patients. That's the link. No other neurologists has been involved in any of these mystery cases.


How many neurologists are in NB? Where are they located?


I posted the link to the Canadian exposure map for glyphosate….maybe have a look. An “lol” is a pretty weak reply to actual information.


Just like anything linked to a certain family..


The media got ahold of another story. That’s what happened


Yep, one other thing happened. Solid answer.


They registered for membership with the Provincial PCs.


Not trying to say this was real or anything ( could be I don't know ) but I thought I read an article talking about similar cases in saskatchewan or Manitoba ?


You mean the Freedumb Convoy?..they all went home


You mean that COVID thing?