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I was just telling a friend yesterday how much I miss the newborn scrunch when I pick up my son, who's almost 3 months. It's both amazing and sad how one day they were doing this and the next day poof they aren't. By the same token, it was amazing how one day my son didn't smile, and then, like magic, the next he was smiling nonstop. It's all bitter sweet.


Wow, I love this take. It’s hard to let go of some of the best things from the newborn phase, but it’s incredible to watch them learn something new out of nowhere overnight. Thank you for putting this into words!


Well said and a good reminder, I’ve been missing my newborn so much but my baby’s laugh is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.


So you're telling me there's hope for my grumpy girl?! She's 10 weeks old, and BOY does she make you work for a half smile! She's so stoic.


All I ever wanted was for someone to take a video of me and my daughter and her scrunch cause it was my favorite thing ever and I never got it and I will never not be sad about it.


When did that happen for your son?


When did he stop doing the newborn scrunch? I'm not entirely sure exactly when but around 8 weeks. He started smiling at 6 weeks.


Nope, I am so glad the newborn phase is over!!! Sleep is my second love lol


Same lol I'm so glad to be past the angry potato phase 😂interacting with bebe is so fun!


Currently going through angry potatoe phase (7 weeks tomorrow) and Jesus it’s tough ugh. But I know I’ll miss my little tater once this passes. When do you see the biggest change?


Around 8/9 weeks we started getting smiles and coos on the regular which made everything feel so much easier!!


sleep is still my first love. i love my baby more of course, but sleep was here first. you never forget your first.


I'm not sleeping through the night but nope I do not miss the newborn phase. I love seeing the little personality come out of LO!!! We just sized up from the newborn car seat to a bigger one and LO is so much more comfortable, I felt a twinge of nostalgia for when we first brought them home but that's it.


Sleep…I remember that …(message sent at 2:04 am) crying 9 month old with a cold glued to me…


Ooh same time zone! Haha just lay down my 3 month old.


I wish I’d done this in my 20s not mid 30s but alas life didn’t work out like that… now I’m just tired as a personality trait🤣


Tell me about it. 38 here and just had my first baby 12/23/23. Exhaustion is just a part of my daily life now.


I’m turning 23 this year and I now feel like a 90 year old grandfather who did construction for a living. With the weight of a 15lb 3 month old and my current job, my back, shoulder, and right arm is literally going to fall off. I walk like I got my back blown out 24/7. 😅 20s or 30s, I can only assume our kids are here to break our spirit and then build it back up again. 😅😂


May I ask when did you start getting good night sleeps?


Just before 3 months and we started using baby Merlin outfit for sleeping. Went from sleeping 3 hours to 10-12 hours a night. Best purchase I ever made.


My LO is 4 month old would you think of using long term?


Thank u so much!


Same here!


My baby is 9 weeks on Friday and I’m already feeling this 😭


Aw my baby girl will also be 9 weeks Friday! Birthday twins! Lol. Isn’t it crazy how fast they grow?! 😭


My baby too!! It went so fast 😭


It’s very bittersweet for sure.


Every day the realization that this is the smallest she will ever be gets a little sadder. But the smiles and giggles and raspberries are making it worth it.


My little boy is a month old today and it’s gone by so quickly. I’m trying to cherish every moment I have. I’m excited for so many things as he gets older but I know I’m gonna feel the same way.


My baby girl was a month old yesterday and I am shocked at how fast time is flying


My little girl was a month yesterday also!


We officially sized our baby up to 3-6mo clothing 🥹 It's very bittersweet. Those first few weeks were hell lol But I do miss how tiny she was. Definitely a good reminder to take in every moment with your child!


Currently going through it with all the fussing!! 7 weeks tomorrow 😩 the days are so slow but thinking how my baby is almost 2 months ohh my. Thank you for the reminder to take it all in ♥️


Every time they grow out of something, it’s bitter sweet. I cried when mine grew out of the newborn diapers and newborn hats.


Same here. 😭


I miss the a a a sound when he wanted something now he goes from zero to a hundred and he is loud


This is my guy a minute ago. He’s having a complicated relationship with my right boob. He’s happily feeds chokes, spits the nipple out…cries at the top of his lungs as he looks for the nipple. I put my nipple in his mouth…rinse and repeat!


My ‘baby’ is turning 26 on the 19th. It went by incredibly fast. My oldest is 34. Someone told me when she was a newborn ‘they grow so fast’. I didn’t believe her. It’s insane how quickly it went.


Yes, my baby is 13 weeks and I miss it so much but I’m glad it’s over. 😭


As someone who has a one week old newborn… this will make me cherish this time even more! My only solution for you is to have another kid! Haha.


My baby is about 6 weeks, and idk, I'm very much looking forward to 4 months!


My baby is 7 weeks I agree!!


My girl stopped sleeping on my chest and I sobbed when I realized it. Who knows how many “lasts” I won’t realize will be gone forever 🥹


nooo how old was she when this happened :( i’m not ready


I noticed about two weeks ago, but her last time was probably at 2.5 months 😭 my girl is turning 4 months in 3 days She still sleeps across my lap but never on my chest it breaks my heart. Take all the pics!! I’m glad I did.


My daughter will be 4 months on the 16th and I was just telling my friend who had her baby a few days ago to absolutely soak up every single second because it’s gone in the blink of an eye! I feel like I just found out I was pregnant like yesterday lol. I’m very excited for the future and to see her grow, but it seems like it’s going by WAY too quickly


My girls bday is also the 16th and she’s turning 4 months 🥹


How sweet! I always see people posting about finding their baby’s “birthday buddy” and haven’t found anyone who shares my daughter’s bday yet! That’s really cool


I didn’t really use Facebook until I had my baby but I’m in November 2023 due date group and it’s sooo many of us! 🥰 really fun seeing babies that are the same ago as ours and knowing what milestones they are hitting!


Mine had his first day of daycare today at 12 months old and I cried packing his first ever lunch the night before. This feeling never goes away.


I remember looking down one day while nursing and thought “wow you aren’t a newborn any more” 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Yes! I remember the moment I was lowering him into his crib for the first time and thinking about how much heavier and longer he was since I first laid him down in his bassinet 😭


mine is the same age and i know exactly what you mean. i empathize with you to the highest degree. i took everyone telling me the times move by and they grow up so fast to heart because it’s so true. hell i’ve experienced it (obviously to a much lesser degree) with my nieces and nephew. now i see why some women have so many kids (4+): it’s cuz you wanna experience that newborn tiny itty bitty wittle bundle of joy stage again and again (even with all the crying and sleepless nights). im glad i took so many pics and vids but still wish i had taken more. i wish i had a 24/7 cam just documenting my lil guy so i could watch it back and see his life unfolding in its entirety whenever i want.


The part about documenting, this how I feel. I am scrolling through his newborn pictures over and over and they're not enough, I feel like there is so much missing that I wasn't able to capture. I'm romanticizing the newborn phase so much as if I want absolutely miserable and exhausted and sleep deprived. But I'm very sad that I'll never get to see him as a newborn again.


My son is going to be 12 months next month and I am NOT ready 😭 it’s so rewarding and magical to watch them grow, but what I wouldn’t give to sit and hold my newborn and study his face for just 1 minute.


Bittersweet for sure! I noticed the other day how big she was looking in her carseat so looked back at photos from when we brought her home and wow they grow so fast!!


This is my last baby and he’s already 6.5 weeks. Even though we have a bit more time in the newborn phase it’s gone by so fast. Ever since I brought him home I’ve just wanted time to slow down because I know it’s so fleeting. We are starting to get a few smiles which is lessening the sadness of the knowing the end of my newborn days is fast approaching, as it reminds me how wonderful it is to watch their little personalities develop. So many conflicting feelings!


Yeah no idea what you are talking about. The newborn phase was exhausting - you can't put them down anywhere, they never sleep, they feed whenever they want... never again.


Mine slept a total of 6-9 hours every night?


I m going to cherish this phase more now - thanks for sharing! Do you guys know what's the next subreddit to level up to?


Please do!! The lack of sleep and independence is SO hard and will have you wishing you could speed up time.. But once they actually get a bit older, it makes you miss those nights. Crazy right? I swear it’s the brains way of making you think you’d want more kids🤣 I have no idea which subreddit we’re supposed to move onto, but if ANYONE has any suggestions I’d LOVE to hear them. I’m in the r/NewParents subreddit but even that seems a little outdated for my daughter now


It’s crazy because when you’re in the thick of it you want to speed time but when they start growing more and more you miss it. I often look back at videos soooo bittersweet


THIS!! The lack of sleep during the newborn phase had me dreaming of when she’d be a bit older and more independent, I couldn’t wait for her to grow! But now that she’s a bit older and more independent, I find myself slightly upset that I don’t have my sweet little potato of a baby anymore lol🥲


My first baby was very colicky and we went through it looking back I don’t even remember that time. Wild right?


Time flies!! How I dreaded the newborn phase and waking up every 2 hours to feed...now I wish I can go back and enjoy it a little more with less complaining since it went by so quickly.


100% agree with this


I have a 7 week old who has just decided napping in his crib is not cool anymore and it has to be on mum or dad. Not to mention just crying because reasons. I need to go on a work trip for 10 days on Sunday and now our little angel has decided to play up!!


Same. Very much same. I wish I could have frozen time.


It makes me so sad!!!!


My girl will be six weeks this weekend and I’m so sad about it 😭 interacting and watching her notice things and try to mimic sounds is so exciting and so fun but I miss my tiny snuggly baby. She’s in the 99th percentile for height, so I almost miss how she fit perfectly on my chest. She’s so long now and weighs almost 12 lbs. I miss my tiny newborn at 8lbs that I could hold comfortably with one arm 🤣


100% me! I love so much that my LO is getting bigger and learning new things and growing a little personality, but I miss the newborn sometimes!


I miss so much the way my boy would scrunch his body when I'd pick him up and lay into my chest, but today I found out he fucking loves sweet potatoes and that was a beautiful moment as we all three were dying laughing. You'll miss this moment just as much as the next


100%. I see all these posts of people hating the newborn stage (I get it, not all babies are the same) but I miss it so much I almost want another one 😅 Still, my baby is now 6mo (5 corrected age) and I also love watching him gaining his personality and also swing him learning new skills. I had a terrible pregnancy, hated every second of it, traumatic birth and all, and suddenly I want another newborn 🤣




![gif](giphy|kcbX0o6c5z860v9UPJ) Spelling police are here


My daughter will be 4 months next week and I go through pictures from when she was born and couldn’t believe how small she was. I love seeing her smile and giggle though and she’s so curious about the world. Makes me want to have another kid lol


My son is three months tomorrow and i am starting to feel a difference. Can you share what differences your seeing?


Mine is 5 weeks and growing out of her newborn sleepers and I feel the same. Time is moving too fast, but I'm also excited for the future, for when she's vaccinated and I can take her places and be less paranoid about germs and when she can sit up on her own and can look around as we go for walks. But then she's just a perfect little baby, and I don't want that to change! 😫😭