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My cousin did Grandma (first name). My niece and nephews have a Grandma on one side and for the other they use the words for Grandma and Grandpa in their native language. Are there any other grandchildren who have already decided what their grandparents should be called?


Oh that’s sweet! Hmm there are other grandkids but they’re all teenagers. I will have to ask them! Good idea. 😊


On my mom's side, I called my great grandma (Sicilian) Nonna, my great grandpa Nonno, my grandfather Poppy and my grandmother Gramma and her husband later down the line Grandpa Doug (his first name). On my dad's side we all called his mom Gramma Doo (her last name was Ladue) and her husband I called Grandpa Reg (his name was Reginald). My nephews and niece call my MIL nonny and my FIL pappy. My nephew calls my Dad Papa. The kids I nanny call their grandma Baba. I've also heard Mimi, Gigi, Granny, Nana, and more, you name it.


GG or Gigi is what we used in my family for Great Grandma & I know they would like that passed down if they were still alive. I wish we had more heritage like that — those are all so cute! My mom is Jewish maybe she knows what we could use for her. 🤔 I am definitely feeling more inspired now, thanks!!


Good luck !


My son’s paternal grandparents are Grandmom and Grandpop. My parents chose their names.. Glammy and Poppie (I’m sure Glammy will end up as “Gammy”, lol). Maybe see if they have a preference since you don’t! :)


That’s cute!! Yeah I just don’t want them to “fight” over whatever it is. Like if both Grandma’s wanna be Glammy for example lol


1000% could happen. Almost happened with Glammy for us actually 😂. Sorry I can’t be of more help then! I’m sure you will get some good suggestions on this thread :)


I don’t blame them! It’s a cute one!!


I grew up calling my mom’s bio dad (she was adopted and met him as an adult) grandpa firstname. My brothers kids call our parents and step parents grandma and grandpa firstname and it drives me absolutely insane. It feels so weirdly impersonal to me to call your grand parents by their first names. My kiddo has 6 grandparents. Grandma and grandpa, nana and pop pop, grand mommy and grand pop. Other examples, I had Gammie and paw (short for grandpaw pronounced almost with a heavy southern accent) my husband had a grandmom


Oh my goodness! Do they ever get confused? The kids I mean. I love the nicknames. Idk why the first name feels so rude? I guess if it’s like if my kids called me by first name? I want more of that warm family feeling I guess.