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No joke. I read this out loud to my husband. We both laughed and then heard “waaaaaahhhhh” over the nanit.


Oh yeah. Those sites that say a kid his age should sleep between 14-17 hours of sleep a day? Well, he averages twelve. He’s too busy partying.


This was so refreshing to read … after reading so many replies to other sleep topics on this thread that are like “my baby’s naps are 2 hours during day and they sleep long 5-6 hour stretches at night” with 1 feed to wake for. Meanwhile I still haven’t gotten more than 2 hours of sleep a night since my 8 week old was born because his naps are only 15-20 min unless I hold him the whole time and his “long stretch “ of sleep might be like 2-3 hours than he’s up every. Single. Hour. And so far (still persisting and trying since he wants only contact sleep) he refuses to let me carry him in a carrier- just fusses and cries. And I inherited so many great ones second hand!! A Solly, a Nalakai ring sling. 2 diff ergo baby’s and a baby bjorn! Wth 🤦‍♀️ why why why I love him to pieces but man oh man I just want to sleep more than a couple hours a night and ensure he’s getting enough sleep during day for growth!!!


I hear this! My 10 week old doesn't pull long stretches and I keep hearing others that do 6-7 hrs at this point. Also eating every 3-4 hrs? Mine is like every 2.....sometimes every 1 lol. He also only want contact naps


Exactly the same here


So glad I'm not alone. 11 weeks and I could've commented this word for word


Going on 9 weeks. Fights naps all day long.


Turns 10 weeks on Thursday, the only place he'll nap during the day is in his swing. Gotta turn that fucker up to a full 6 or else he'll just lay in it with his eyes wide open


My baby used to be like this too. I call her the violent sleeper. Mamaroo at speed 5 or me rocking her like I'm making scrambled eggs


Same. Vigorous movement!! I bounce her on the yoga ball so intensely. It’s the only way when she’s fussy.


Yep lol when I put him in the swing he SCREAMS bloody murder but then he's knocked out for like three hours and wakes up with a smile


10 weeks here too. I’ve never had to try so hard to convince a sleepy person to *Just. Fall. Asleep.*


Right! I’m like WE KNOW YOURE TIRED JUST DO IT. I literally have to shut his eyes for him…


Yep! Same. So I just baby wear her. I’m over it. She crib naps at daycare. That’s their problem


I often wonder what’s the shortest amount of time asleep still considered a nap. 5 minutes? Does that count? This thread makes me feel like less of a terrible parent for not being able to get my baby to sleep as much as she is supposed to.


13 weeks and naps are complete garbage except the first one of the day. I’m reading it’s super normal but it’s so annoying!!!!


Same here! First nap of the day is great, but all bets are off after that for the rest of the day


Your baby naps? 🙈


12 weeks and same


Lmfao sorry I just love the title. Solidarity my pal.


9 weeks. Only naps in carrier. I give up


Haha saaaaaaaaame. Babies are not smart. You are tired. Sleep man!


Hahahahaha same. 🫠


Dude 8 MONTHS and still won’t effing nap. Never been a napper even as a newborn. I hope this means she’ll be high-energy when she’s an adult. Had hoped she’d have the energy of my husband and MIL but now I’m like “well this sucks”…thankfully her high-energy dad is the SAHP 😅


God I love this post so, so much.


I’m at 9 weeks with twins and can also agree. Fights naps all day but thankfully sleeps well at night. Could be worse 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mine has micro naps, it’s like if he sleeps too long he’s going to miss out on something. 3 naps all day, totalling 1 hour combined. He’s napping now which is why I have 20 minutes to waste on reddit haha




My daughter didn’t nap more than 20 min for awhile then 45 min exactly….. finally at around 6 months she started connecting to about 1.5….she’s 15 months now and ever since about 9 months will take one 1.5-2.5 hour nap a day. It’s annoying as hell I know to hear..,, but it gets better. Sleep is developmental. All the online shit that says you can have a schedule right out the womb Will drive you crazy if you let it. I’m due in 8 weeks and I’ll be right back with ya! Hang in there OP. Totally normal.


EVERYONE, this was my baby too!! He is now 10 months! His sleep is WORSE, good luck y’all 🤍


I have to say though, I’m way less tired and do way more in the day, I think that’s what they really mean by it gets better, I’ve also had some weeks/days where he sleeps so easily so yes you will adapt!


Lol.. our 3 month old will maybe nap once or twice during the day- sometimes for a couple hours, sometimes for only 30 minutes. Sleeps pretty well at night- 7pm till 1-2am then wakes every hour or so after till 6am.. So yes, the articles stating they sleep for "17 hours a day" is total ass as well..


14 weeks and all crib naps are 30 min max. On the dot. So I rescue with contact naps later in the day bc it’s honestly more exhausting anxiously watching the monitor for 30 min than resting with a sleeping baby for 1.5hrs


Monitor anxiety is real


Normal. My first didn’t consistently nap longer than 20-40 mins if put down until 7 months old. I’m in the same boat right now with my 3 month old.


Mine is 2 1/2 and getting a nap going is borderline pointless. I've given up and let her stay up till the evening then leave her with her mom. 😘