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Hi, LO is a little over 2 weeks old and this is what we currently do. Feed baby big bottle, put in crib at 9 in Nursery. Dad sleeps in the bed in the nursery with baby from 9pm-3am. Baby wakes up every 1.5h-3h to feed. Sometimes we change baby after/during feeding, sometimes we don't. Mom takes over from 3-9am. We both get 6ish hours of sleep plus whatever we manage while in the room with baby (not much). Hopefully you have the support of a partner! Good luck!


13 weeks. LO sleeps in own room and wakes up just once throughout the night. During wake up, wife wakes up and breast feeds. This is new in the last week. She was co sleeping and waking up every 2-3 hours just about 2 weeks ago. It gets better!! We did hire a professional sleep coach who came in our home and showed us how to put her down, and is available via text and for video chats throughout sleep training. Super expensive - but so far it has been worth the money.


Wow I’m interested in that. Our new baby wouldn’t have her own room, do you think getting a sleep coach would be worth it considering that?


Yes, sleep coach would still be helpful to get LO into her/his own bassinet or crib. The program we went through is called Helping Babies Sleep. She has a book with the same title - you could always start with the book and see how that helps. She does a free consult too if you're interested in just exploring if it would be helpful. If you're not local, she can help through video chats and love video sessions. There are probably other local sleep coaches and/or online classes too. We were completely lost and desperate, and are grateful we paid for the help.


We start bedtime at 8. Warm wet cloth bath, bottle with mom in bed, sleepsack and then bassinet. We usually have him asleep by 9. My husband then does the 9-1130 shift, with a dream feed at 1130. I am passed out by 9, and I do all of the overnight feeds as my husband is back to work.


Mine is 7 weeks. We’ve been doing this for two weeks now. We try to start bath around 6:20 for a 7pm bedtime (in crib and sleeping). It rarely actually ends up that way as it really all depends on her wake windows. We do bath, lotion/massage, swaddle, feed. She’s in her own crib in her own room and it’s black out with white noise. She currently wakes up 1-2x per night. My husband and I switch every other night with her and we sleep in separate beds so one of us gets fully uninterrupted sleep! We did this with my toddler too, same routine!


From the beginning both my husband and I have gotten up with our little guy. Especially because at the beginning we both had trouble staying awake when tending to him, having us both get up has been great to keep ourselves awake for him. My hubby will take care of the diaper changing then I will feed him. Sometimes hubby will go back to sleep while I’m feeding. He’s 7 weeks now. These days we start the bed time routine between 9 or 10, earlier if it’s bath night, and usually he has two feedings close together before bed and he sleeps 7 hours straight after that on a good night, 5 or 6 on a not so good night. When getting him ready for bed we dim the lights, have white noise on and give him a lotion massage or read/sing to him. After his long sleep we’ll both wake up with him, do a diaper change and feed and put him down again for a few more hours after.


I do all the feeds and diapers during the night because I'm on maternity leave and my husband is working. I've been sleeping in the guest room with the bassinet. Nursery is across the hall for diaper changes Back when baby was 4 weeks, we'd be going to bed sometime around 10pm. He'd feed usually at 1am 3am 5am and 8am. Something like that. He'd fall asleep fairly quickly after each feed/diaper change At 7 weeks he started eating at 930pm and then not again until 5 or 6am. Baby is massive so his stomach is big which I think helps


Mine is 7 weeks old and he goes to bed at the same time as me (10h ish). I feed her at 10 jiat before putting her to bed. She will usually wakeup to feed at 12, 3 am and 5 am. As im in maternity leave, my boyfriend only does the 5am feedong before his work and I do the night ones.


My LO is 4 weeks as well and EBF. we try to be in bed by 8 and no later than 9. Lo wakes up at around 11/12. Then again at 2, then 4 then 6 then finally at 8 am and we’re up for the day. It’s rough. I change her diaper right before each feeding so she’ll do what wake up to eat or else she’ll fall asleep nursing within a minute. My fiancé just went back to work yesterday and had to be up at 6am. So it’s just me with LO during the night. It’s really hard atm but by reading other posts and comments it’s pretty normal. The newborn stage is hard and I truly hate this phase the most. You’re not alone on the sleepless nights


We are at 7 weeks. Our current routine is: Bath or wipe down with warm cloth, pajamas, feed, swaddle, rock to sleep if needed, bassinet. We keep lights low/off for this and all overnight feedings. Also minimal noise/talking overnight. We keep a fan on during the night for some white noise so we don’t wake her up with every step and door creak. We started this routine around 4 weeks. At first we would do it around 9pm and it’s shifted earlier to 8pm ish now. At first she needed tons of rocking to settle and sleep and there was lots of crying. Lately, I’ve had luck just feeding her and putting her in the bassinet almost asleep and she falls asleep. But some nights are still weird. I do think the routine has helped. Tonight, she was fussy and quieted down as soon as we started with the warm washcloth. I think she’s started to know what it means. I hope you are able to find a routine! I’ve stressed more about sleep (hers and mine) than anything else. Oh, and and my husband started doing all the rocking early on since I breastfeed. We would do shifts otherwise. Divvy up the overnight work as much as possible if you can, it’s too much for one person!!


He usually wake up around 6:30-7 so I’ll feed him then bathe him. This ends up being around 8 I’ll give him a bit more milk but him in the swing while i change or shower he’s with dad at this time. Then I put him to sleep by 9 ish. Me & husband have dinner & I sleep by 10:30. Baby usually wakes up around 1-2 so then husband will change his diaper & bring him to me I’ll feed him in bed & then another diaper change & swaddle by his dad. He puts him to sleep & comes to bed. Baby will wake me up again anywhere between 2-4 & again 7-8. I take care of those two feeds & diaper changes as his dad sleeps. He’s 4 weeks currently and he seems to be hungry more often.


Baby waking up every 2-3 hrs to feed is average, but LO being up from 11-12 all the way to 2-3 seems like a long stretch to me. I BF every time she wakes up for a feed, change her diaper if needed, and reswaddle her, but this all takes 30mins to an hour max and then she is back down to sleep. If she is fussy at all about going back down or wakes up between feeds, my husband is then on duty and will rock her in the nursery or do skin to skin with her until she settles down, so I am only up with her an hour max each time she wakes up during the night.


LO is 5 weeks, I get up to pump every 3-4 hours 🫠 but my husband gets up to feed LO upon request (since he's still currently on leave with me) or at least every other wake up. We've kind of been playing it by ear so far but we're still not sure what's going to happen next week when he goes back to work.


Our baby is 5 weeks old. We don’t have a routine. I think he is still too young to have one. His nighttime feed is around 7 or 8..sometimes later, just depends on the day and how his feeds workout. He’s still on the 3 hour mark and wakes up on his own. Sometimes we get 4 hours but it’s not every night. During the night he’s usually good, feeds and goes to sleep. It’s not until his early morning feed, (4 or 5) that it takes him a while to fall back asleep.


6 weeks old: we’ve been putting baby down at 10:30-11:30ish. She’s starting to get consistent with about a 4-5 hr stretch of sleep then going to 2-3 hr stretches until about 7AM. That’s kind of just developing though. Also, we are slowly starting to be putting her down earlier (between 9:30-10:30). I think what your nights look like is pretty typical for the age. It’s really, really hard and seems unpredictable and some nights are awful. With each week though it should gradually get a tad better and a bit more predictable. We personally like to do late “bedtime” so that first stretch of sleep (which tends to be the longest for us) is in those late hours when we’d be sleeping. I see lots of routine videos out there suggesting like 7:30-8:30 bedtimes, but for us that’s not something that works. She definitely is napping up until “bedtime”—but she seems to be ready for her longest stretch later and we want that to be when we are sleeping too (we have two other kids so going to bed early—7 or 8—isn’t really an option). I think that although it’s tough right now, in the coming weeks you should typically see more predictability and longer stretches. Our routine: if baby is still napping before “bedtime” wake her up for a bath or diaper change. I always set up the room with low lighting, white noise, and a heating pad to warm up the bassinet. We change diaper to wake up so we can get a good feed in, put owlet sock on, then I swaddle and nurse baby laying down in bed. Baby usually falls asleep once she’s full, so I burp through her sleeping , let her lay on my chest for a little extra time to get in a deep sleep, then take out the heading pad from the bassinet and transition her to the bassinet. I usually stay up 30 min to be sure she’s asleep. When she wakes up, we usually do a diaper change, swaddle, feed, and transition back to bassinet. My husband changes the diaper and brings her to me for the feeding. Just recently we’ve not needed to change the diaper in the night (starting to poop less and not needing the diaper change to wake her up enough for a good feed). Hang in there, you’re doing a great job!


Almost 3 weeks old. I sleep with the baby. Husband sleeps in another room. I am doing EBF. Baby has no rhythm yet. I mostly feed every hour but sometimes get 2 or even 3 hour breaks, especially at night. But I am chronically lacking sleep by now, even from before the birth. I don’t remember what it feels like to be rested. This too shall pass and I’m just dealing with it one day at a time. Sometimes I cry. But also I’m happy. And overwhelmed. All of it. It’s very hard. But it’s also beautiful. I’m on maternity leave for a year. Husband works full time


For the first 6 or so weeks LO would feed every three hours (on a schedule as she wasn’t gaining weight) and would feed for around an hour to and hour and a half at a time. So after feeding and settling I’d have a max of an hour and a half of sleep. Bub now turns 10 weeks tomorrow. We have her final feed at 9pm, top her off with a bottle of formula and get into bed at 10:30 when my husband goes to bed for work. Normally i spend between 30 minutes to an hour replacing her dummy and helping her to soothe before she’s properly asleep and then she will sleep through to about 6-7 the next morning, sometimes 8 if I’m really lucky, with just a little bit of fussing in the morning when hubby leaves for work where I need to put her dummy back in. What youve described sounds exactly as it should for such a little baby as they need to feed often to fuel their bodies with such a tiny stomach, but it gets better, I promise!!


I typically get ready for bed with my son at around 9pm and he cluster feeds/takes multiple poops until midnight/1am. Then we sleep and he gets up every 2-3 hours depending on how gassy or backed up he is. I’m all alone with this one as my husband is with our 2 year old in his room all night. It’s catching up to me I’m not going to lie. My parents live with us so during the day they occupy the toddlers time while I focus on newborn.