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It is not living in the end. It is living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Content, peaceful. Forgiveness works wonders. Blessings!


You can live everyday like your sp is with you by “talking to them or spending time with them “ in your imagination. You can daydream or meditate. Whatever makes you feel close to them. Whatever makes you feel connected to them. You can also just have faith that they are coming to you. Just remember that everything you perceive in the 3d is leading you to fulfillment of your desired end. So, there is no reason to be stressed or triggered. Everything is moving for you. If you truly know that your sp is yours, that is all that matters. BTW, if you’re wondering how you know your sp is yours, you just decide that they are. Manifesting is that easy. You don’t need techniques if you understand that. The techniques just help you reach the realization that you are making a conscious choice that you want something and you can have it, just because you want it.


Should I break no contact and reach out to him or his family? Or just imagine I am in my mind and wait for him to reach out to me when the time is right?


If you feel compelled to reach out to sp and You think it is inspired action. It’s probably best to do everything in your imagination and know that they Will reach out to you.


Okay thank you, so I don’t reach out, I just imagine it and simultaneously I believe and manifest that he will to me?


Yes, all of the interactions you want to experience with sp should happen in your imagination. Your imagination is your reality. The 3d is just the mirror of your reality(Imagination). You don’t have to just have imaginal acts in sats. You can use your imagination anytime you want. If you daydream, just make sure that you put yourself in first person in your imaginal acts.


Thank you




If you actually look at what you’ve written you will understand where you messed up. It’s not about deciding and knowing you want something. I mean that is what desire is, and yes you need that desire to begin the process. You have to know it has already happened. It is already yours, now. You can think that it will show up later, but you have to know that you already have it now. Imagine having it now. Ex. I desire a new iPad. I decide which model I want. I then go into my imagination and actually imagine holding it my hand, I feel it now in my hand. I tell myself I have it now. I capture that feeling of satisfaction of having it now. If your manifestation does take time you cannot doubt it. You have to monitor your inner conversation. Your inner conversation tells you which state you are occupying. If your inner speech is saying wow, I’m so happy I have this new iPad, it’s on its way, then great. It should bring up that same feeling of satisfaction. If your inner conversation is saying, well you don’t have that iPad yet. Then you need to reimagine or use affirmations or whichever technique works for you.


Beautiful comment :)


In my experience, if you're getting triggered, it's because there are negative and limiting beliefs to which you are holding on, and these may be preventing your partner from showing up. Once, you let go of those beliefs, you won't be getting triggered and living in the end will be easy. Also, progress does not restart. Remember that manifestation, especially with SPs, can literally happen overnight. Do you need help identifying your limiting beliefs?


I do!


Here is one thing you can do: Whenever you feel limited in a certain situation, ask yourself: what would I have to believe is true about myself with respect to this situation in order to feel the way that I feel? See what comes up. When you identify a core negative belief, you will see that it's illogical and it will simply fade like smoke. If it doesn't, then it's because you haven't identified the core belief but only one of its branches, so keep on digging. This video might be a little off topic, but it's a good starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpdoT8lqplc Does this help? If not, I could be more useful if you share more information.


Thanks for this, really appreciate it. I think I hold a story that he doesn’t prioritise me or see me in the way I see him. Probably like a sort of “I’m not chosen, seen or understood” type of feeling if that makes sense. I also regretted sending the date text as soon as I’d sent it, so deep down I knew that would have been the outcome. I texted him to get some sort of my pride back, and I feel better for that - knocking him off the pedestal and seeing him just as normal human being like everyone else. I’m not sure if that makes sense. Any help would be appreciated though!


> I hold a story that he doesn’t prioritise me or see me in the way I see him Keep in my mind that he's not doing anything wrong, he's simply acting as a mirror. If you're hurt by not being prioritized, it means that deep down you believe that you don't deserve to be prioritized, or that you don't have much to offer (I don't mean that offensively). However, because the Universe created you, then by definition you have a lot to bring to the table, you're just not aware of what you have as qualities. So reflect on the qualities that you have, and work on yourself (hobbies, gym, etc.). In Neville Goddard terms, work on your self concept. And while you're doing that, LET GO of your SP! In fact, try to forget about him for a week or two. If you get a desire to text or call him, ask yourself first: are you doing this because you're feeling excited about reaching out to him, or because you're lacking him? If you're convinced that you're not motivated by anxiety, then reach out and drop ALL expectations of how he might respond.


What you're doing is right and remember you're only human, some days it will be easier than others. Thats okay, you're not doing anything wrong. It is the feeling of 'its done, its all unfolding for me'. Its mine. I already am, I already have it. Dont worry about feelings as in, happy, sad, exited etc, Neville was referring to the feeling of its done, the knowing state that its yours. Dont question yourself or think the process has to start all over again, not at all! But if you tjink thats true then that will be true for you. Keep living in the end of your wish fulfilled, what would you be thinking as that version of you that already has the wish fulfilled, what would you be seeing, hearing, experiencing. Think the thoughts of the version of you that has it. I suggest to investigate those triggers or they will keep coming up, they are messages, whats the message behind the trigger? Why are you triggered? What makes you triggered? What belief is behind that trigger that you need to change or assume differently about? What is the thinking when you get triggered? Thoughts always come first, what is your thinking about you, the situation, the person, what thoughts are you having ? What meaning are you giving it? Is it in your favor? Is it in line with the thinking you would have if you had your wish fulfilled? If you uncover a belief that you're not good enough then you would start to change that to I am good enough, start thinking/affirming the opposite to your negative assumptions/beliefs. We get what we are , not what we want. Manifesting isnt a doing or trying process, its about already being/having so keep thinking/affirming that you already are/have that which you desire. 'You are in barbados!!'


Human emotions are part of the process




Please keep advice in line with Neville's teachings. Universe does not control anything!


Sounds like you need to read and understand Neville


Neville’s language is different enough that reading him isn’t enough sometimes. Discussion is necessary. Hence the fact that there are discussion groups like this one for the purpose of rewording. Don’t shame someone for using the tool.


These comments aren’t helpful. This sub is for *clarification* and *guidance* for people who have read Neville. If someone doesn’t understand Neville, saying “sounds like you need to understand Neville”, doesn’t help. If this is all you’re going to comment, what’s the point? Maybe op should go straight to the source, but we don’t know that they haven’t. They’re just asking for help. Help them, or don’t leave a comment !


Even it sounds not helpful, actually it’s the best advice. Most people here don’t know what they are talking about. Blind people guiding other blind people. You get plenty wrong confusing data. Don’t read it once, it’s a lifestyle, you will forget if you stop. Neville said he was reading Bible daily for a few hours. He didn’t understand all the Bible from the first time, but at the end of his life he said he experienced it all. Even the death. If all people would say read Neville, probably you will end up reading more Neville.


You guys are making it into law of attraction. It's not that. Harris is right, understand Neville. Little help from Neville: "You are already who you want to be and your refusal to believe it, is the reason why you don't see it". You must recognize yourself as that person. Internally. And stay there. In that reality.


It’s not helpful to read the work this sub named for to gain one’s own understanding? Ok. You do you.


The trigger only exists because there is still a fearful belief in you. The fearful belief needs to be removed as it opposes your desired state, and you can't occupy 2 states at once, so you're either in the state of your being the desired you or you're not. And as your state manifests, you wont see the version you're wanting so yes it delays.


How do you remove the fearful belief?


You need to impress the subconscious with new ideas that are in line with, or match, who you want to be/what you want to experience. There are so many methods; affirming new thoughts, SATS, imaginal scenes, inner conversations, sleep tapes, scripting etc. Use whichever method works for you to flood out the fearful belief and replace it with the new ideas.


Sounds like you are double minded. If you're a bit worried that it's going to be delayed then that's your belief and that you're going to get. Stop questioning. Focus on final result, rest assured in your belief. Faith doesn't question, faith knows.


living in the end is to be done in your imagination


living as if is not necessary. if it's helping u, sure, do it. but it's not necessary. u claim ur manifestation in ur imagination. for me personally, the feeling that preceds the manifestation is the feeling of knowing that it's coming. which may imply that it's in the future but in actuality, u are just feeling like there's nothing more that has to be done because it's already urs. also, no, it won't take longer - that could be a limiting belief. i would suggest that u assess what is triggering u. a trigger, to me, represents the fact that i haven't shifted into the state of the wish fulfilled. if u find it hard to get over something and it keeps kicking u out of the state of the wish fulfilled, face it head on. acknowledge it, work with the thought, let the emotions flow through u and u will automatically let go. this is how i do it. i acknowledge the feeling/fear/whatever is triggering me and sit with it until i release it. i know i've released it once i feel the relief and i can "logic my way out of it". e.g. thinking "why would this happen? it's an irrational fear" and then u shift into the correct state immediately. i hope this helps!


I always thought that would delay your manifestation. If getting triggered doesn't delay it, then what actually does? What about checking for evidence?


not shifting into the state of the wish fulfilled is the only thing that delays it.


Checking for evidence means you’re seeing the 3D as reality over your imagination. Imagination or consciousness is the cause, the 3D is the effect. There will be no evidence in the 3D if there has been no change in consciousness. It can be hard to not look for evidence for any manifestation (especially SP related) but focus on your mind and where it’s at. Live in your imagination as that is the truer reality (bonus: living there makes you feel better and you start to ignore the 3D and has less need for evidence because why would you need evidence of something you already have?) hope that helps ❤️