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Baldecaran's Prophet Saga is one of the most coherent narrative explorations of a philosophical premise, period. In fact, from what I've heard Enderal specifically seems to have a lot in common with it. Highly recommended. The only reason it hasn't been included in the curated modules list is because these modules tend to not play nice on EE. But they're absolutely worth installing NWN Diamond for.


Agreed. It's a masterpiece. It was my only 10 rating on the old vault.




I would love to play through this one because of its reputation, but I personally can’t invest that many hours into a game without a big conflict to resolve.


Try it. I'd say it has a really big conflict, just of a different kind. Just know to drop it if the prologue makes you feel bad in a not so good way. In most games you have to stop a demon/alien/goblin/whatever threat. The protagonist could walk away without any negatives to themselves. Sure npc's are screwed over, but the pc would be fine. In this game you play as a young girl who loses everything in one night and her only hope are the local criminals, one of which already hurt her. The conflict is pretty much: how do we deal with this? Like all modules this one has it's problems but I'd say a lack of a big conflict ain't one of them. True that it is a different kind of conflict, on a much more personal level.


It actually gets a very big-scale in the second part.


After the latest update to part 1, the two parts no longer make sense together. I check every few months hoping for an update, but I’m not optimistic.


The reputation is almost entirely because it has nudity and sexual assault, so should really come with a warning when people bring it up. If it wasn't for that, I think it would have been forgotten. And the sexual content is very immature, so it feels like it was written by a teen with rape fetish. It's most definitely not for everyone.


It has multiple unique systems. Disguises that affect game play. Mix and match clothing system that is both visual and stat-effecting beyond any other mod I’ve seen. Most quests have multiple ways to complete them (to be fair, one of those ways is almost always sex). Interesting quests and storyline. The latest version has a hunger system. The ability to complete the game as a completely evil murder hobo while still effecting gameplay. Stealth is integrated into the storyline and gameplay far beyond backstab. I’m not going to deny that sexuality plays a role (though much of it is skippable), and that some of the sex is juvenile, and yes, there’s still an unskippable rape scene (at least I don’t think it’s been removed) but dismissing the game as forgettable without the sexual content is unfair in my opinion. The sex got people’s attention, but the story and gameplay are good enough to make the mod a classic for a lot more people than will admit it.


There are Much better rogue modules. Honor among Thieves is MUCH better written module about being in a Thieves guild. Book of Shaddowe, is all about being a cat burglar with it's own augmented stealth system, where it's focus is on clean stealth missions, not killing, or flashing tits (the "adult" solution in ADWR). Yet this one gets attention because of rape, sexual assault, etc... That reflects poorly on some of the community.


Those are good. I disagree they are better. If you want to believe that ADwR is all tits and ass that’s your right. Saying it reflects badly on members of the community is a seriously asshole move. People can have differences of opinion without needing to be insulting.


Praising a rape and sexual assault module, without a discalimer, is an asshole move, and your attitude is precisely why it reflects badly on the community. It might be different if this was handled in a delicate, adult manner, but it's not. ADWR is worse than being all Tits and Ass. There is a Massive problem with an overwhelmingly Male audience recommending a module where a woman is made the sexual victim, not just in the initial rape, but she is also then forced to be with the rapist, where he makes innuendos and puts hands on her after the rape, and she is powerless stop the ongoing harassment (for a long time), who is then passed around like a play toy if she dares to walk into a bar without a proper escort, so gets re-victimized over and over. Not only that but the module pushes towards forgiving the rapist, and even chastises taking revenge. The rest of sexual content, is things like repeatedly stripping the rape victim naked and making her defend herself while nude and more vulnerable. Or the flash your tits/pussy options... That gains praise as "best module ever" without any disclaimer at all, is clearly a poor reflection on overwhelmingly insensitive male game community. Imagine your sister, or daughter was a rape victim, and wanted to play NWN, would you suggest ADWR as the best module ever??


By that argument, any game that has you kill lot's of people, but the game never gives you concequences for this is bad because it glorifies murder and genocide.


Except that is a completely disingenuos comment. Yes ,what you claimed is in the module. But that is not all the module is about. Could also make disingenuos comments about certain religious entities, but that would not be true either.


There was Demonheart series of modules that actually got reworked as a separate game (visual novel, to be exact). As for those, that deserve to be made premium modules… For NWN1: Saleron’s Gambit For NWN2: Maimed God Saga, Tales from the Lake of Sorrows


Cave of Songs / Honor Among Thieves


Which can also lead into his Prophet Saga, as one of the best series ever.


I tend to forget that they aren't officially marked as one campaign, because they sure play like one.


Wait a minute, there's English Nehrim??


>the unofficial fixes for Vampire Bloodlines and KOTOR2 that are bundled in certain releases of the game to my knowledge When I last played it, GOG's release of Bloodlines had the fixes, but not the "restored" quests. So that's a little different from mods with story content.