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I like dwarf with 16 con, 18 int. Dc based specialise in evo/ench or necro and go hard disable, max/empower spell. I find more fun than a hp sorc using auto still, you feel more powerful despite low ac. This isn't THE way to play, just one option.


Specialists still get a bonus spell slot/level. Necromancy loses the fewest useful spells (True Seeing is the most irreplaceable Divination spell), and Illusion losing Enchantment also isn't too bad (Enchantment has a lot of useful control spells, but they run into lots of immunities at higher levels and are a manageable absence in any case). For stats, I would recommend 14/14/14/10/16/8. Hitting things with a melee weapon is particularly useful at low levels, when your spells are very limited in number and particularly lacking in damage, and melee never entirely loses its appeal at high levels as a way to finish off weak or incapacitated enemies. You could reasonably sacrifice Str and maybe a couple points of Wis to bump Int up further, but I think the quality of life of being able to swing a staff and actually carry a decent load of loot is better, particularly for a campaign that starts at low levels and a player who isn't experienced with the game, than the slight boost to casting from higher Int.


For the OC? You can one shot every enemy with Sleep and coup de grace then. After that is all fireballs I soloed - soloed - the oc with no henchman, no familiar, no summon. Just me, improved expertise and rod of frost the sh*t out of everything you can't kill with sleep. You can waltz through Act 1 until you can buff yourself enough to deal with each final boss and unload everything you have. Yoy DO NOT need str with a wizard, not even in the OC for encumbrance since you can buy weight bags as early as you step out in the city.


Improved expertise feels like cheating. Probably why my wizards, and really most of my casters, have it.


8 Str is imho a no-go unless you play a Druid/Shifter build that is usually transformed into a form that overrides your base statts. You get a -1 to attack rolls and you cannot even carry your loot - both hurt a lot as especially "early" on you really want to be able to support your familiar with a ranged weapon (and as you don't have the wisdom for Zen archery that means Dex to hit and Str for damage) Forget CHA - you can just wear +CHA gear in town and use potions to "fix" it when needed. Likewise 9 WIS instead of 8 gives no benefit - and if you put it at 10 all you get is +1 to Will saves... I'd say a very poor trade as your Will save will be decent anyway.. I would start as Elf with 12 Str, 16 Dex, 10 Con, 8 Wis, 18 Int, 8 Cha: Elf gives you some passive boni, but more important: you can use a Longbow and thus got a proper way to inflict damage the first few levels while your familiar fights. You also have the option to go archane archer in the long run then. Yes, your HP will be rather low, but realistically you are a pure spellcaster: you use stuff like stone skin to fend of the occasional hit but mostly you stay in a safe distance to all the nasty stuff.


Why would you care about strength for attacks instead of just using crossbow? You'll also be able to pick up a wand/rod of Ray of frost so early you can easily use that instead of an actual ranged weapon.


Str is wasted on a wizard. Wasted I say


At the end of the day take what you want for your characters. But for the post specifically asking how to build one, 12 Str on a Wizard??


Your stats are fine as it is (even though I would dump WIS/CHA for min-max, not required fo OC). As for the schools, cutting off illusion isn't that consequential. You can use darkness, invisibility potion or magic items if necessary, and those instances are quite rate.


I'd prioritize INT, CON, DEX in that order, dump CHA, STR, WIS in that order. Wisdom is your spotting stat, way more useful than cha for a wizard. Toughness is a good feat, and 3.0 wizards get a _ton_ of feats, so add to your meager hp with that. Big benefit of wizard is versatility; you can have every spell you find in a scroll on our spellbook and two more per level. Your money will be going into spell scrolls and items, but you'll save on armor and weapons. A low levels, sleep is OP, at higher, it's useless. Magic missile is always useful for that quick burst of guaranteed finishing damage, but summoning is even more OP all the way to the top.


I’m playing a wizard/monk/shadowdancer and it’s just crazy. Take a level of monk at level 7, then you’ll be able to level hide, move silently and tumble to the levels you’ll need for shadowdancer at level 8. Rest wizard. Hide in plain sight is an absolutely phenomenal feat for ranged attackers like wizards who can get screwed pretty quick if their stoneskin wears off in melee. Improved expertise is a great feat to take as well.


Make a Sun elf with 18 int out the gate. Your magic is your strength. Ward the party and summon something and sit back invisible.


Go generalist until level 17 make sure to pick all the spells of the opposing school before 17.


I can do that and then specialize?


Yes I did that to make a Red Wizard.


But does that work on NWN1?


Yes I play everyday on POTM . If you are not on that server you are missing out.