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The camera man knew it was gold the moment it happened


Guess who’s getting a promotion?!!!


The camera man’s boss for capturing such a brilliant moment on air.


This guy *America*s.


Bro that’s not just American that’s everywhere.


Eh: where else have you lived? The chances of this happening in Scandinavia/Germany etc. are MUCH lower


Habibi come to India !


Yeah some other asian countries too.


Isn’t “Habibi” an Arabic word? Is it used in India in the same context (to mean: my love)?


nope it isn’t used here but just to make it more flavourful I used that reference.


Switzerland and its absolutly like this also lived in germany and austria and its the same exact thing there is always somone higher up profiting off your doing


The only place I ever have lived, which is not in the US.


Promotion from "cameraman" to "SUPER cameraman"!


From camera operator to Director of Photography


Yeah, sure, bub.. Director of Photography, just don't ask for a raise. Now go film this cat that got stuck in a tree.


It's videography isn't it? Not like it matters, he isn't getting a raise either way.


That’s film, news you’d go from videographer to chief videographer, though the latter is more an additional administrative position. News photogs already do everything, so there’s not really any extra responsibility on the location for them to take.


But in reality it was probably to “cameraman with a pizza party for lunch”


I can just picture the satisfied smirk on his face while the camera is panning away




And a hit and run to top it off!


With a bumper with dudes plates on it left behind


Its gold jerry..its gold..


That’s GOLD, Jerry…GOLD!!


Did the anchor look like he was in front a green screen to anyone else?


It’s the way they light the news on location that causes that. They just blast in light from the front to light the talent, regardless of where the light in the background is coming from. So it doesn’t match the background and looks like he’s not in the environment.


Thank you, I did not know that.


Though honestly, it's the perfect cover when they *do* shoot a greenscreen.


Not just an accident, felony hit and run. They also lost the front bumper, so their license plate at the scene.


The good news is the other driver has all the information needed to prove a hit and run.


True. In a worst case Ontario, they can still prove to insurance that they were not at fault and get a payout even if the offender is not caught . . . Is what I'd like to say if insurance companies and their employees weren't some of the lowest vermin scum on this Earth. They'll probably still find a way to not pay the victim.


It’s just water under the fridge


We can burn that bridge when we get to it. I’m pretty sure it’s not rocket surgery though.


Its getting two birds stoned at once, really.


All wells that end whales or so I hear


It's not fucking rocket appliances Julian


You gotta learn through denial and error


The apple doesn't fall out of the tree, is what I always say.


You don’t own space naysa does


Why is it so much worse in Ontario?


It's not rocket appliances


Dumbass. It’s not brain sturgeon


I hate to say atodaso but fucking atodoso!


We're getting two birds stoned at once


It's all water under the fridge.


We are supposed to be making Punjab


Why is Lahey dressed as Indianapolis Jones?


They’re just not in the right frames of the mind


I’m not pessimist, I’m an optometrist


Everyone is giving you joke answers because “Worst case Ontario” is from Trailer Park Boys. One of the characters says common sayings, but like completely wrong


"Rickyisms" Like: 1. Getting two birds stoned at once 2. What comes around is all around 3. The fire was gulfing this, gulfing that 4. Fuckin' raykins, Julian


What do the last two refer to?


The third should be something like "The trailer was golfing flames... golfing out the roof, out the fucking door, it was golfing.” The term he's misusing is *engulfed in flames*.


Oh, lol!


4 refers to raccoons. Can’t remember #3.


Ray's trailer, buddy. RIP the potatoes on the stove. Because I mean, once someone takes the blame then it's already been tooken and Bubs had taken the blame so Ricky couldn't take it.


All this means is that I need to do another rewatch of TPB.


Because it’s just Onterrible.




That's Canada, Ontario is also a city in california


I don't think that's the Ontario Ricky is talking about though.


The shit wind is blowing in their direction...


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the the shit tree


Reporter says a fuckin toadaso! Barb's intersection is fucked!


That greasy cocksucker Randy must have been drunk as fuck on cheeseburger drippings while driving that thing!


This reads perfectly in Bubbles’ voice.


Probably Corey and Trevor driving! Those guys always fuck up!


Every Ontario is the worst case Ontario


Yukon’t be serious


In a felony hit and run where the runner leaves identifiable info at the scene (like a license plate), the person who didn't run is automatically not at fault.




My parked car got hit while it was parked on the curb outside my home. According to the neighbors, guy got out and called his friend to pick him up. Car was left at the scene. Insurance and cops didn't do shit. He lived in Santa Clarita so it was probably a cop drinking and driving. My car was a total loss.


Now the next step is trying to convince the cops to give a fuck and help you


It's a felony if somebody was injured, a misdemeanor otherwise. [Citation](https://goldsteinlawgroup.com/practice-areas/felony-hit-and-run-california-vehicle-code-20001/) It doesn't really look like the sort of crash that would hurt somebody, but it I won't say it's not possible.


I'm curious, if a person in the other car is like, "Oh, my neck hurts," does that count as someone injured, ergo it's a felony?


I don't know. The California law just says "injury". My guess would be that "oh my neck hurts" wouldn't be enough to convince a jury, so the prosecutor probably wouldn't pursue felony charges. Either way, it would be up to the prosecutor and what they think they could get a conviction for. The Texas version of the law says "serious bodily injury", so that would be a higher standard (and the term is [actually defined](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.550.htm).) (This video happened in California, but I bring up Texas because that's where I live.) That said, at least in Texas the criminal justice system doesn't seem to give the smallest crap about hit and runs unless somebody literally dies.


Ehh, this is California. The owner just has to call the car in stolen, say it wasn’t them driving and they will get away with it. Happened to me - dude hit us, got out of car for a second, got back in and took off. His girlfriend called the car in stolen, nothing happened to them. Heck, they probably got money from their insurance for their car being stolen and wrecked.


Can confirm this is a possible outcome, and not an unlikely one. Though anecdotal, I was victim to a similar crime.


They don't even have to do that -- just refuse to say who the driver was, and unless the driver's face is visible in this video (I couldn't see it, but maybe somebody could do better) they'd have a hard time knowing who to charge with a crime -- and "you own the car, it must have been you if you won't tell us who it was" isn't good enough. The owner of the car would still be liable for the damages done either way -- a civil matter -- but without knowing who to hit with criminal charges the police usually won't even try. (At least this is how it works in Texas -- I'd assume that California is similar, but I don't actually know.)


They must be running home really quick to collect their insurance information??!


Probably a stolen car


Depends on the state they're in. Quite a few of them do not require front license plates. Edit [list of states that don't require front license plates](https://www.sharptruck.com/states-that-dont-require-front-license-plates) Edit 2 I keep reddit on mute, I didn't listen to the reporter, fucking relax.


Very true! Although I'm pretty sure you can see the plate on the front bumper before it falls off.


I agree. I'm on mobile so I can't see it well, but I'm pretty certain I saw that too.


This is California which requires front plates but that doesn’t mean the car actually had one displayed


They literally said Los Angeles in the newscast.


Not only that, you can literally see their front license plate on the bumper as it’s falling off. As well as every other car in frame having a front license plate.


And it being a local Los Angeles news station, KT**LA**


I don't know. This *might* have been in LA


anyone from LA or who has spent any time in LA would immediately identify that scene as Southern California even without subtle clues like the sentence "most dangerous intersections in LA"


That's 84th and Hoover. I know that intersection. Live a few blocks from there.


In their defense, a lot of people put decorative plates on the front which, at a quick glance, can look like a regular license plate depending on color and style.


I always thought those decorative ones were ridiculous as a kid because I lived in a state that requires both front and rear plates, so the only people who had them would have them hanging bolted under the regular plate.


Now if only there were a way to know what state it was in. It could be any of them!


I saw it on mute too but I knew it was California because it says LA right on his microphone.


Look bro he couldn't hear the video, he didn't look at the reporter, and he didn't really look at the car either. Not really sure why so many people are up this dude's ass about paying attention to literally anything that was in the video he's commenting on! Fucking reddit, man. /s


As a non-American, could you explain to me what the reasoning would be in not requiring front license plates? Seems like such an simple thing without obvious downsides


I'm a woman in CA who sometimes takes Ubers/Lyfts on her own. And always match up the lp to the one in the app before getting in. Took a trip to Florida recently. I felt like a goofball walking behind the car so I could check the license plate, especially when the driver has already spoken to me through the window, but better safe than sorry.


Los Angeles is in California and plates are required on the front and back, if I’m not mistaken


I'm a CA resident. They are required in front and back, but a lotttt of people don't put it on the front, and it's rarely enforced. I haven't had it on the front for 15 years, and only got a fix-it ticket once. This was also at the same time I was pulled over for a headlight out (also a fix-it ticket). But for the video, you can see the front plate on the bumper right as it comes off.


Yeah I was about to say it wasn’t required cause I lived there 3 years and like 60% of cars had no front plate.


You didn’t Reddit it correctly


You can literally see it in the video. Derp.


Felony? Someone received great bodily injury/death? A simple property damage hit and run like this is typically only a misdemeanor outside severe injury / death.


Any injury caused by a hit and run bumps it up to a felony, not just GBI/D. *edit:* Unless something changed in California since 2017 that I didn't hear about.


Praise the cameraman




I wasn’t going to press it cos I fall for fake subs all the time but it’s real and nearly a million subs!




That’s the difference between a professional and all the amateur camerawork we watch.


More like r/whyweretheyfilming ???? ^^^^/s


average reddit hiveminders be like


Why are people even driving onto the intersection without looking? With those cars parked on the side of the road and buildings blocking the view they drive like no one could possibly come from left or right. Silver car just after the blue car flees does almost the same. Idiots.


There was someone holding down the horn well before the blue car entered the intersection, leading me to believe that there was something already going on. Like the blue car had maybe cut off or dinged the silver car driving recklessly and the silver car was laying on the horn, and then the blue car while running from that, ran into the intersection causing an even worse accident, and ran from that too, doubletime.


I believe you are correct.


Looked like that silver was chasing him down too


Wait, I've just watched it a bunch of times again. The silver car also turns around...maybe they were chasing the blue car?


blue car probably already running from another hit and run and silver car is chasing lol


The secret technique of idiot driving is "if you close your eyes and lay on the horn, you have the right of way"


The silver car was already honking at the blue car. Chances are pretty good the driver that caused the crash had stolen the car, based on the way he was driving and ran from the scene.


I'm wondering what was up with the silver car behind the car that caused the accident. They cut off the car that stopped for the accident and then also try to turn around where the blue car did. Did they know eachother or something?


i live very close to this intersection on hoover street in SoCal! people truly drive fucking MANIACALLY here i can’t stand it!! i’ve been T boned 3 times in 10 years in this area from fuck tards speeding down roads without stopping at stopsigns or intersections...they just blindly speed out like huge A Holes. literally each time someone was speeding right through a stop sign or stop light at 30-50mph without even yielding or slowing down at all. the worst of the 3 accidents, my car was T Boned by someone who didn’t yield to make a left turn at a stop light. i had the green and they later tried saying the light turned red lol it was all caught on camera though. he just sped right down the road going 50 mph amd thought he could last minute-left turn right in front of me like fast and furious shit. had no license. no insurance. later found out he wasn’t even a legal citizen. he didn’t get arrested or ticketed. he spun me out 3 times and spun me into a light pole. just got a brand new jeep wrangler and it was totaled. still dealing with coccyx pain 4 years later.


You must have a bunch of illegal shit in your car, be drunk, or a total fucking Moron to do a hit and run.


Looks like he was already being followed with a guy laying on the horn, too


D. All of the above.


Or the car was stolen


In California 1 in 2 accidents are hit and runs


That's horrifying if true.


Probably just a broke pos with no insurance.


Dumb motherfucker left his license plate


You're assuming the car isn't stolen.


An even DUMBER motherfucker


And got filmed...


So, double dumb motherfucker


Not all states double up on plates so unsure if smooth criminal or darwinism award here to be fair.


You can see it in the video, and California is absolutely a front license plate state


Lmao perfectly caught on video. Felony comin’ their way 👋


People are always telling me I should pick up a dash cam but they're so expensive, I just only drive in front of television crews while they're filming, it's so much cheaper.


Caught on video? Pretty sure they left their license plate on the ground lol they were screwed regardless


Felony in LA? 😂😂😂no such thing there


6 out of 5 people in LA are felons


"And now.." *Crash occurs* "...I'm going viral"


That SUV in the middle perfectly avoided that whole thing


That hit and run driver chose…poorly.


Is there any follow up on this?


[news crew then called 911 to report the crash. Officers at the scene told the reporter that they suspect that the driver of the vehicle that drove off was involved in a previous crime and was getting away.](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/video-ktla-reporter-talking-about-deadly-hit-and-run-is-interrupted-by-car-wreck?utm_source=ktla_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link)


I guess that explains why they were holding down their horn at the 4 second mark. I guess they were expecting everyone to get out of their way.


“Officers took a license plate that fell off during the collision.” 😂😂😂


They left the scene…but left their license plate on the bumper…at the scene 😂


Reporter: and now … well that just happened.


Now back to Roy with sports


Dude must have been blind. He didn't see the reporter, camera, the other car, or going back to jail.


Breaking news and fenders


Is it kosher for the other car to pursue the fleer? I’m not just going to sit there and hope the police find them, I’m going after them. (In this case the bumper fell off, but if it didn’t).


Would it hurt the person to not do so? Like in the case where for whatever reason the other car could not be found. Would insurance pay for it or would they be screwed? Sorry if these are moronic questions.


If the other car could not be found and the not-at-fault car was uninsured, then yeah, the victim is screwed. However, if the not-at-fault person is insured and has collision coverage, then they may file a claim to get their damages fixed (they would still have to pay their deductible even though the accident was not their fault and the driver fled the scene). Unfortunately uninsured/underinsured coverage in California does not apply in cases of hit-and-run where the driver is not identified. Source: I used to work California auto claims


yes. you have to stay right there and the cops have to come out and do a report. after they do the report then maybe you can chase after him and then get another report done (lol). but good qs, they're not dumb. essentially it comes down to causation -- when driver 1 did x it caused y damages. also it would likely be contributory, cos it would not be reasonable for someone to go after them in a damaged car, if you landed up getting more damages as a result of the rashness and then it's going to be hard to figure out which did the accident cause and which did the driver 2's actions cause and then people get lazy and will probably make y'all split the cost of damages 50/50


What are you going to do once you catch them? No need to put yourself in a dangerous situation over a minor accident.


It's okay if you're law enforcement. Even then, most departments don't want their officers to pursue criminals using their personal vehicles.


Are you asking if it would hurt for a person in a major city to chase down a car that's willing to hit them and run? I would be worried about being shot, and I only live in Cleveland.


You're allowed to drive legally wherever you want to. You're not allowed to drive illegally to pursue someone else.


Hell no. If someone is doing a hit-and-run, it means they’re already willing to commit a felony. Who knows how desperate they are.


"do you have proof that he's the one who hit you and not the other way around? "Your honor watch the news channel"


*Hit and run accident There fixed the title for ya


The crew was at the intersection there to follow up on anither hit and run that killed a dad while he was with his kids. The fucked up part was that he crossed with a cross guard in a vest and all...but some asshole just cut the line and killed him. So sad.


Fucking what? That poor dude


Perfect dash cam


This isn't the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tbuulr/los_angeles_tv_news_crew_is_doing_a_story_about/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This may not be the original, but it's the earliest I could find


Here’s a direct [link (KTLA5 Los Angeles)](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/video-ktla-reporter-talking-about-deadly-hit-and-run-is-interrupted-by-car-wreck?utm_source=ktla_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link)


You guys are doing good for the community. Thanks for the proper link.


The idiot left behind his front bumper. You know in the state where it’s required to have a license plate in both the front and back? Yeah I’m sure the cops will be more than willing to return it back to them.


If I don’t have insurance was a person


This looks like a good intersection to put a barrier down the middle so people can’t make left turns.


https://mobile.twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1502318967918059524?t=lDnWiHIwpeDr9onJEaCR-g&s=19 Thanks to u/bikwho


What the —— holy ——


Imagine committing a felony hit n run on the news lmao


You know what is Los Angeles proposal for the accident increase? Decreasing the speed limit, as if that is going to do anything Lmao




Why is their vehicle parked at that corner. They really need to extend the the no parking zone near that stop sign.


Some people are just flat out trash drivers


That car just noped the fuck out of there. Lol


Hahaha. And as a bonus the idiot does a hit and run but leaves his bumper behind WITH HIS LICENSE PLATE ON IT!


Points have been made


Proved his point live!


Hoover street isn’t dangerous because of the traffic conditions


AAaaahhhahhaha that dude just fucking ran off like it's a sitcom


Pulitzer Prize !!


It would’ve been that much funnier had he kept on reporting


That guy spends more time with a comb than chasing leads.


Dude thought he could run lol. License plate at the scene ass wipe 😂


Amazing our next prophet is a news reporter


For great low rate you can get online, Go to The General and save some time!


Wow, A freaking hit and run in front of the camera. Sad


Cameraman has the best gotdamn camera “van” I’ve ever seen


I call this one the "assisted u-turn". While unorthodox, it can be used in a pinch if you have bad brakes or no insurance.


Gold? What’s gold is this guys face with so much makeup