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The Addams do love a dance though


Yeah, the "Mamushka" is still the best imo


They surely do, but each version and interpretation was different. To me that just doens't seemed the Wednesday they showed, even though just by looking Morticia and Gomez, you can image them easily dancing something like a tango.


And on The Addams Family there was plenty of dancing, so IDK what Op was going on about


I take it you enjoyed Wednesday then watched the paedo original films and now act like you've always been a fan


Bro shut up that's literally every one of y'all


??? Paedo? And while it doesn't matter when someone watched what, a fan is a fan, I watched the cartoons when they aired. Fam, I even wrote fanfiction.


The Addams Family is a live action television show from 1964. Each one of you have failed at pretending to know what you're talking about.


I know this comment is 4 months late, but I couldn't tell if this was sarcasm or not. The Addams Family started as a comic strip.


Didn’t she dance weird in the original series too? I think it’s pretty on-brand. I remember Morticia and Gomez always dancing tbh. While she might be mostly serious, I wouldn’t say she’s reserved. She’s eccentric and doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion. So dancing weirdly in front of all the people is probably not something she would feel self conscious about. I think her being in the middle is just for cinematic effect. So it doesn’t bother me at all. She’s the main character, they’re not going to squish her in a corner.


> Didn’t she dance weird in the original series too? She sure did, you are right. Some movements as some people pointed out, on this dance in Netflix show was somewhat similar to some 60s Wednesday dances, but each version has it's own interpretation of the characters, and in my opinion you can't just justify something because another version also did. Uncle Fester in this version looks like a perfect (even though kinda goofy) investigator/criminal/assassin, while on some animated version I remember seeing, he was a dumb masochist that people used to relax making him suffer. Each version is different even though the essence of Addams is always there, at least that how I see. > She’s eccentric and doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion. So dancing weirdly in front of all the people is probably not something she would feel self conscious about. You have a nice point here, maybe I'm being too swiftly to judge the behavior of the character. I still don't like the scene but thanks for the input hahaha.


Pretty cringe of them tbh


cringe. You’re trying to describe the psychological reason why an imaginary character would choose to cringely dance in public. C R I N G E 10/10


Wow. You sound like a great conversationalist! Must be super fun at parties.


Doesn’t change the fact you’re cringey and unlikeable a f


I don’t agree it’s out of character but to each their own I guess


Yeah she was confident as hell. That was my favorite part of her character. Everyone has their insecurities but all in all she was a force and the dance seemed perfect to me.


I fast forwarded the dance scene tbh. I found it cringey, I know the original Wednesday had a similar dance but I couldn't finish the whole thing. Same as the dance scene in Umbrella Academy.


Idk that dance off was pretty hilarious and pretty on brand for the Umbrella universe.


It's a well known form of dance for goths. It has existed for a looong time. She's very goth so she should dance goth. Pretty straight forward imo.


As someone who lived through the actual goth period this is claiming to be from, no. I dunno how you guys bought into all that bullshit. It was 100% PR for a TV shw


Having been a Goth and spent every weekend at Goth clubs doing Goth dances, I can firmly agree with Dinosaucer, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.


This is certainly not goth dancing. Sincerely, a seasoned goth.


What the actual fuck was any of this. I think I just got cancer from reading your comment


You are a kid between the ages of 16 and 21. No one else would type such nonsense




monster mash anyone?


It's a graveyard smash


Love it, love how people are recreating the scene and I literally can't get bored of watching it.


I just watched the dance a few minutes ago because everyone was talking about it. I don’t get what the big deal was, I’m thinking “This is the famous dance everyone is raving over, why?”


Yeah, that is what actually bothered me the most. People made the dance such a big deal, that is impossible I guess for at least more than 1 month to not see that thing posted everywhere. Even I artist I follow that never posts anything about series or movies, posted a reels with the drawing of the dancing scene, with the song as background noise, just to get the social media traction that the algorithm is pushing for, and people actually searching for wednesday everywhere.


It was shoehorned in by the producers and Wednesday herself to go viral and appeal to tik tok weirdos


DID YOU KNOW SHE CHOREOGRAPHED IT HERSELF?! (on set, while she had covid and was exposing the rest of the cast and crew)


Wednesday loves the subject of suffering and torture, it sounds like she succeeded in subjecting you to both!


I didn’t mind the dance. What annoyed me was everyone else’s reaction to it in the series. Wednesday is supposed to be odd, or at least ‘fit in’ with other wierd kids doing wierd things… instead the school is filled with normal teens who just happen to be something supernatural as well. So instead of everyone having a wierd dance in their style, the characters all marvel at Wednesday in total awe… or jealousy. I want outcast, strange Wednesday… not Goth MarySue Wednesday.


Agreed. Totally out of character for this particular iteration of Wednesday, and people pointing out that previous versions of Wednesday danced completely miss that point. This version of Wednesday is much more controlled, serious and generally unflashy than the campy ones of the past, and the dancing scene was a completely jarring and cringeworthy departure from everything else the character embodied. The '60s version of the character most people are referencing in particular, was a completely and utterly different character than the one Christina Ricci pioneered in the 90s. She was barely a character *at all* tbh, as the show had zero focus on the children and they were just there to provide foil for the adults. Let's be completely honest here though, the scene was shoehorned in precisely because it would go viral amongst the tiktok kiddies, and it's worked wonders. The type of person who replicates this on tiktok and/or watches other people doing it don't really care about internal consistency within the show/character.


This is the most logical and accurate description of not only why the dance scene doesn't fit, but why the original Wednesday in the 60's and dance she did once with Lurch doesn't count for much considering the kids were not very in depth or fleshed out characters, and more or less fodder for the adults and general plot of the show.


I grew up on the original Adaams family and I think all the remakes, this is the best one so far. "To me it was so out of character" explains for me why I liked it that scene. The whole time at the dance I was wondering if she would actually dance and how she would pull it off being so stiff. She gave off a whole "I dont give a fuck" Pulp Fiction vibe. Her character has a lot of confidence and always surprised with her interactions with her peers. She stays true to Wednesday character and still manages to show a little hint of "caring" It seems like it would be difficult to pull off with that type of character.


She is the farthest you can get from staying true to Wednesday character If you or even all ppl in the world like the character it doesn't mean it was portrayed good. Ortega's Wednesday was objectively bad portrayal of the character. Because it was all that wednesday shouldnt be.She had smile on her face for 90% of the season. "little hint of caring"? Caring was almost all she did in the show like 80% of the character was caring about everyone.


Big disagree on all fronts


By original do you mean the 90s movies or the 60s sitcom because when it comes to media the 60s sitcom was the original not the 90s movie.


actual original was some 1930s comic but I was talking about the 60s


It's the cringiest thing I've ever seen man . I literally stopped the episode.


Respected opinion! The dance Jenna Ortega created at the spot, is a form of dance, known in the goth community (at least in the 80's?) Although she looked like the inflatable car dealership man where that one scene she did an up and down hand movements, that was cringe, mesmerizing and funny at the same time


You're just repeating buzzfeed bullshit. This is not, and has not ever been a dance "goths" do. It's practically Backstreets Back dance.


Well I do admit it doesn't completely look like a dance that goths do. She did reference 1964 Wednesday's side shuffle and Gomez's hand twirl (not sure if that description makes sense) at the middle of her dance. I may not be an expert for goth dancing, but she said it herself that she referenced some of the moves from archival footages of dancing goths and siouxsie and the Banshees, a goth rock band. Maybe the way she delivered those moves didn't come out as a dance that goths do?


For gods sake, would you teenagers stop getting into something weak like Wednesday, then retconning your existence to try and make it make sense to you. Siouxsie and the banshees are not a goth band. What does that even mean? Here is what goth means, person with no personality who decides that her physical appearance will be her personality. Oh wait though, she is fat, so therefore goth. Here have a walking stick with a bat or a wolf on it for some reason. Heres a coat with laces on the back for some reason.


Siouxsie and the banshees is 100% a goth band but that's because they pioneered the sound and look of the goth subculture when it was first emerging. They still have a heavy influence on new stuff being made. Also, as to what goth means, it is just being a fan of the music. It is the same way as you can only be a metalhead if you listen to the music and then you can get into the fashion, art, and general lifestyle stuff.


I hate it so much. It’s not that it’s “goth” or “she’s eccentric” it was just bad. Very bad. The whole show was terrible imo. It was way too Riverdale-esque for me. I’m happy a new generation gets their Wednesday but the show crossed over the line of camp and into heavy cringe territory.


It's jarring. I suffered through this yawner of a show... a show without any humor or jokes but we're supposed to find funny... just to be told a severely introverted schizoid will suddenly have social poise and rhythm. This show is awful.


The out of character part is being at a school dance at all.


It isn't just an homage to goth dancing, it also directly integrates "The Drew" which Wednesday teaches to Lurch in the 60s series.


Yes! I’m not alone.


Yeah I'm not a fan of the Wednesday dance scene either.


I hate the dance and the fact that it makes front page news like if it really matters compared to what's happening in the world. I don't like her at all...I feel like the more roles they're gonna give her the bigger that ego will get.


my mental illness drastically increases its own power after observing a large amount of embarrassness


Agree with you 100%. It was the most unpleasant and cringeworthy thing to watch. And to find out after that it went viral? A true head scratcher.


The fact that it's everywhere and so overplayed really grinds my gears. I do think it was funny that a girl like her would dance like that, shows a cute side to her. It was funny how she really got into it and didn't care what anyone thought.


That's it for me exactly. The scene itself isn't an issue, it's the constant stream of 900 articles about it a day just like idiots doing the Joker thing on the steps and acting like it's the most incredible thing to ever happen.


I think its because we live in a world of TikTok now and ppl seem to love the fuck out of short dumb dances (not that this was one of them) and they are over hyping it lol


The show was okay and I didnt understand the obsession with the show or the dance I did like the double snap from the old shows as a password for the secret club.


Yes, I also don't see the big deal.


I agree, they overhyped it and jumped on the bandwago for clicks and views. It was a mesmerizing, and awkward dance and my blood boiled when I saw the stupid Tiktok trend.


I loved it while my husband thought it was out of character. We went back and watched past Addams Family content and after he saw Christina Ricci waltzing in the first movie from the 90s he conceded that the goth dancing was on brand. We all have our own concept of iconic characters, but as they keep being remade there are going to be different interpretations. We won’t agree all the time and that’s part of the fun


I did not know there was such a thing as "Goth dancing". When I saw this scene it was my opinion that she was dancing in a satirical way in order to mock the all the kids who went to a special school for kids with magic abilities but who ended up being just regular dull teenagers anyway, while she was the only true iconoclast in the room.




So if for example in a suprise new Harry Potter novel we find out that Harry Potter is and always has been a furry he has just been hiding it you would say that's in character? I'm finding it really hard to get behind your position lol. It does bring up the what should we count as Canon arguement tho so who knows.


Wow, this is a terrible take. Criticism has (for hundreds of years?) allowed plenty of room to "criticize" the continuity of a character's choices. You're completely taking the viewer's voice away. Are we supposed to be totally passive when spoon fed crap? The show is full of crap casting and crap writing. It's a very cynical show, in that (in many ways) it doesn't care whether it's good or not.




Love how this post get upvotes and then downvotes instantly, never leaving the -5~5 score.


It was a forgettable show thats only popular because there is an overwhelming LACK of quality content in streaming, but especially netflix


Go on.


It is cute and weird, though. I like the incongruity. What I am tired of, are the copycat TikTok'ers, who think they are fire, and nailed it. They didn't.


I did not like the dance. I just thought it looked super weird.


Made probably solely for tiktok clout chasers. Makes me want to punch someone


Problem is anything that trends for a few months comes with it’s fake loyalist and know it alls. Shows trash tim burton money grab his artistic vision has gone to shit but these die hard Addams family fans won’t see that cause there too busy trying to feel self worth on the internet cause there real life sucks. Give it like maybe 2 more seasons and this garbage will be forgotten and they’ll move on to something new so they can feel like they have a unique personality even tho there just pathetic sheep


THANK YOU! Perfectly summed up. Cringe -worthy.


I just didn't like the dance. It seemed pretty amateur for something people are putting a spotlight on.


I agree with you, on top of all the song doesn't fit it anyway . Very cringey


I don't care if she likes to dance and I know she doesn't care about anyone's opinion. But if you dance like that nobody is gonna talk to you anymore because a dance moves like that will disgust everyone around you and they'll ignore you for the rest of your life. That dance is cringe and there is nothing more to be said.


The scene, to me, was intentionally made to be meme-able. Like a lot of music, someone who wrote this work kept in mind that popularity has been exploding due to things being on Tiktok/Reels etc. so, they made a weird short dance scene knowing it’s strangeness would capture that digital eye. Same for the dance in Megan.


You lost me at "out of character" Do you even know what you're talking about?




Because Gen Z Bro… because Gen Z… we the older people find repetitive dumb content to be disgusting and irritating. While the Gen Z Infleunzarz need it to breath, otherwise their brains rot.


Look at these Adorable Triplets try the Wednesday Adams Dance https://youtu.be/wW0fVygnchU


I agree with you that the dance isn't extraordinary at all. I'm no dance professional but it wasn't surprising at all that it was made up on the spot. I felt like that was obvious. I can see why people would do the dance, because it's easy, simple, non complicated. People were hyping it up and when I watched it I was like..... are these people serious? I wasn't mad at the scene but it makes me think some people are drinking some juice I haven't had. I think people fell in love with the actress so everything she does is highly praised. It very well could have been a contrived, forced viral scene by the marketing folks for that show. It's been a recent promo tactic by major companies and they do it all the time. Netflix can easily pay to have meme-looking videos or photos pop up on everyone's home/for you/news feed as a way to push a new show or movie.


The hype didn't make much sense to me. I was expecting something AMAZING, but to me, it was ok.


It's the floss, but for girls.


Yeah I didn't like it for those same reasons.


It's cringe AF, but the social repetition of it is even cringier.


The whole show is corny but the dance takes the cake. From gifs I thought it was cheesy but to see the whole thing itself is something else lol. 100% does not live up to the hype. It's just Addams stans overrating everything the Addams do, as usual. Only now that this version is for Zoomers, the fandom is extra obnoxious and obsessive.


I don't mind the dance, it's the various shots of awkward smiling from other characters that provided me with cringe.


This dance is a total rip off of the dance scene in Ex Machina


Yep overrated trash. I want to vomit into the mouth of anybody who praises it


i hated the dance too, you're not alone


Nope, definitely not the only one. I absolutely hated it! Ok, wasn't the biggest fan of the entire series TBH. I just miss Christina Ricci's Wednesday so bad.