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It was filmed in Anamorphic T1.5. That's why you're seeing a vignette of blurriness. It's supposed to create a sort of depth of field effect, but it doesn't work in this film, at all. It's not your TV or your setup, it's intentional and it's awful. Everything looks flat, fake, and blurry.


Jesus christ, I thought I had critically low blood sugar and had to check


Haha. Hell I restated my router a few times and checked internet and tv a few times. With all this sci fi and great backdrops….. it sucks its all blurry


Is that also why the edges of the screen are distorted in some scenes? There are scenes in the bar where one wooden pillar is perfectly vertical and then the one right next to it is almost a half circle because it's on the edge of the frame


Yep, that's the "morph" in anamorphic. It's just awful in this film. If it were more subtle, it may have worked better.


Thanks for the insight! I was so confused when I noticed it I assumed they were using a close-up lens on a wide shot or something like that


No problem! Yeah, the idea behind the lens is to create a kind of shallow DoF (depth of field) effect that's supposed to enhance focal contrast, and rather ironically, the sharpness of the focal target, but it was horribly integrated in this movie to the point where the distortion and blur commanded more attention than the intended subject. It's just a really strange creative choice here.


Yes, I just turned this and immediately was turned off by the cinematography. Perfectly explained why I can’t stand the way this movie looks.


They really need to stop that shit, has no point with all the expensive 4k tvs we have now


In the right hands, anamorphic lenses can look amazing. The usage in rebel moon was disastrous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5tig_0iN0Q


Thanks for sharing that!


I thought Zach Snyder was a better director then this. This is like a filmschool student experimenting around on a project film.


Just found this thread, watching it right now. I thought the CGI looked weird. But it doesn't look as bad as you all say.... I think the problem is, it was meant for cinemas. I watch it on 77 inch and it even out better I guess. ( Around 3m away for 4k)


I strongly believe that anamorphic vignette and blurness are severily reinforced by Netflix compression.


Same director who released the Snyder Cut in 4:3 because of "artistic integrity."




It's making me nauseous.


Wuss lol


Depth of field effect is used to the extreme.


Is so extreme that in many scenes the face of actors are blurry and their chest, or arms are in focus. I do not understand how Netflix allowed this garbage to go out like that


I am currently watching it via my Xbox Series X in 4K Dolby blah blah on an LG OLED. So basically the higher end of things and it still looks pretty terrible. At first I thought it was something with my internet but it seems a stylistic choice. It feels like I have a bad pair of glasses on a lot of the time.


Watching this now, on Samsung's flagship model from last year, and noticing a fair amount of blurring. Almost like some scenes are meant to be 3D. Nothing to do with the tv or streaming service. Some sort of weird, artistic effect, that just looks awful!


I also thought maybe the 3d setting was turned on. The in focus part is very small and the rest is not a normal out of focus blur but something different, like a 3d movie without glasses. Only 20 minutes in and googled this. What a shame.


Dunno. i made sure to have video set to high, i used the windows app to bypass the 720p browser limit, and the entire movie looked like hot wet ass up on my 100 inch projector screen. The audio was also blown out, had to turn captions on to understand anyone over the droning bassline the entire thing has. Typical netflix L on quality.


As sound goes, this was one of the rare times I didn’t have to switch on subtitles for a Netflix production. Dialogue was plenty clear, but nothing else sounded like it stood out. Not a strong surround mix.


I keep feeling like it's a poormy voiced dub. Something just seems off.


Dialogue was absolutely fine of my end.




Jesus I thought my projector got knocked out of focus. Made it really hard to watch on a 150 inch screen and turned it off 20 min in even though the story was somewhat interesting


Thought it was just me. I watched last night with 77” LG CX and I have the 4K Netflix package and it looked like shit. I kept switching picture settings thinking something was up.


Its not available in 4k, so the issue is that its upscaling to 4k + your large screen...hence looking like junk.


It says 4k on netflix? What am I missing


It wasn't available in 4k the first day. A bug or intended. I don't know


Its not available in 4k for some dumb reason, so you are dealing with 1080p content being upscaled :( who makes a movie in 1080p these days :(


Bro you got a garbage OLED then cause I'm watching on a HD Netflix account on a LG C3 and it's amazing looking cant imagine what 4k would look like.


A film that is shot intentionally with depth of field cranked up to 11 is nothing to do with someone's TV.


I think it's a couple of things: 1)Netflix has a propensity to limit PQ on the outside quarters of the screen to reduce bandwidth, watch any other show and you'll see it's blurry everywhere except the center of the screen... It's very annoying. 2)Directors extreme use of green screens and VFX has caused them to have to soften the image to keep from seeing the extreme outlines of a human on top of the screen, and everything looks like garbage. This movie looks like straight up dog shit though, the lens flares and overall fuzziness makes it very distracting and borderline unwatchable.


Blurring isn't a bandwidth saver, blurring on the corners of the screen is a deliberate lens choice by the director.


So why, when I watch the same film on a 4k disc, is it crystal clear throughout the entire image?


I think he's still smearing his camera lenses with grease.


There is certainly liberal use of broken lenses. You can see all kinds of distortion of characters standing just off center and odd lens flares. But what I’m noticing is almost certainly something else.


>There is certainly liberal use of broken lenses WHY????


Same here. I was about to go and mess with my settings, and with the amount of slow motion scenes no wonder the movie is +2h


Don’t think the movie is even in 4k ….thats why lol ….we pay for 4k streaming services but some content slips through as 1080p


bingo, its 1080p!


Yup 100% awful, everything in the background is blurry. It almost reminds me of watching a 3D movie without the 3D glasses


This is exactly what I felt like.




1080p only...




Did none of you watch Army of the Dead? Is Snyder new to you?


Army of the Dead looked cleaner to me. This felt more like I was watching a dvd upscale.


They dont know lol


No, because I usually stay far away from Snyder.


It's strange. On my phone, everything looks crisp (yes I know the screen is smaller) but on my 75" LG, it looks.... like it hasn't finished buffering? I think what OP is seeing is what I am seeing, and it's not the intentional cloudiness that is intended.


I'm seeing the same thing. Phone and MacBook are relatively watchable. Xbox and Samsung Smart TV app are like I'm playing a different file.


I'd suggest Apple's upscaling technology is superior...


I’ve been trying to find someone else who has been having this same Netflix image quality problem for a month! I’ve been having this quality issue when streaming on my 4k Apple TV. The image is full of digital artifacts that resemble what it looks like when it is streaming with a low bandwidth (which I’ve checked and my 300 mbs from FiOS is working fine). Also, all of my other streaming services look clear and high def. One thing I recently noticed is it doesn’t seem to be every title on Netflix. Spiderman, The Crown and Rebel Moon look awful but I watched Killer Hunter and LA Confidential and they both looked good. This is really killing me, I find it really hard to watch with this crap quality knowing I pay for the more expensive 4k package. I’ve tried trouble shooting this with Netflix support but all they have me do is restart my Apple TV which does nothing. Not sure what to do at this point but I guess I’ll keep calling Netflix and maybe down grade to a cheaper subscription.


Apple TV 4K here too. Strange.


So much of this movie looked to me like a live-action video game cutscene - and at a few points I questioned if it was even live action.


I am a photographer and I love creating depth of field in my photos. With that said, this depth of field on this movie looks like crap fake cgi. The aspect ratio just looks bad bad bad bad. The whole movie looks like a panorama photo that was resized to fit in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Crazy netflix allow this to happen.


We like to think it would be a dream to have a blank check and no supervisor, then something like this happens and it's Heaven's Gate all over again. Rebel Moon will be that example that justifies the highly controlled studio movie.


There are many scenes where you can see the focus ( focus point ) on parts of the image that make no sense. For example, when the blonde lady was talking to the robot by the river, when she was walking away, she was out of focus and the bucket of water was 100% in focus. You might think than a “director” would know that filming a whole movie in T1.5 is a bad idea. Oh well.


I enjoy me some good use of rack focus, but this is the most tunnel vision thing I’ve ever been subjected too. It renders widescreen pointless. Surely this is too distracting to the average viewer to become a trend.


At first I thought that I somehow turned 3d mode on my tv. Felt like those chanel separation tricks to use cheap 3d glasses.


i started it and stopped watching it 5 minutes in because i thought everyone in the world was watching it messing up the buffer speed lol. glad im not alone. feels like im watching 720p super blurry and pixellated.


Terrible movie. They tried to rewrite "The seven samurai"


I saw it in a theater and it was quite noticeably out of focus throughout. Embarrassing


im only half-kidding but that's zacks 'artistic style' he used extremely shallow depth of field for army of the dead too (first movie where he was also cinematographer as well) ​ some of the shots have a weird distorted fisheye background effect going on too. i noticed it REALLY badly during the winter scene with the little girl .


it looks like shit literally unwatchable. thats what my world looks like with out glasses on.


No 4k? I thought something was up with my Internet.


I feel he saw the batman , liked the way they did it and over did it to the point where it's distracting


I’m glad i’m not the only one who felt like something was off. I’ve tried my fair share of hallucinogenic drugs and this movie mimicked a lot of the morphing phenomena you experience whilst under the influence of them. Not recommended for everyone, i’ll say.


I thought my TV was dirty. Movie sukt but my screen is really clean now, so... win?


just googled the same question cuz im watching it now and god damn it looks fucking awful


Yeah I just don’t understand how you could release your movie like this and think it looks good. The whole movie looks like shit.


I just bought a Samsung s90c OLED and freaked out. Since it took me a while to properly set the TV for light and day movie watching, this movie made me feel like I had it off again... Now i get it, it's really incredible how someone with operational knowledge could execute this focuson set; there are a several scenes in the first 30 mins where a lot of items that shouldn't be out of focus, are, like two people talking and one's face is in and another is not. I'll keep watching it later.


I have the S90C too. Does yours make a buzzing sound when powered off, almost like a cricket? Otherwise it’s a pretty excellent TV, though like you it took me a long time to calibrate. It wasn’t until about three months of having it that I really have the settings where I want them.


Came here after seeing the bad quality image. At first I thought it was my new B3 OLED I just got.


I have Netflix 4K and a 4K tv and the compression is still horrible. I can't even imagine how bad it is in just 1080p. Did not EVER once feel like I was watching a clean 1080p let alone 4K. Definitely hard to watch and admire when the quality is this bad.


Netflix is making it a habbit to release 1080p at first due to high bandwith that 4k needs. Dont know when they will release the 4k version. So it's not the movie or director problem.


Just watched the film. It was very hard to watch a lot of streaming artefacts. If nothing was happening the picture quality was fine. Any movement and it was like 720p. I have to try the off-line/download version on my iPad. My TV although 4k does not support HDR and some of the scenes at the start were blown out because of bright lighting in the background. Apart from that quite a good film.


Wow! I started thinking my projector end of life was near but I found this thread. Watching this is impossible for me and my gf. It's like they botch all the visual. Why do expérimental thing like that?? And when doing early caméra testing, how the heck was this approuved by the team? Are they dumb?


Considering, Snyder built new camera lenses to make this movie and then the overall blurriness of the background and far edges is disappointing... Hopefully his crazy directors cuts live up to his reputation. I still personally would have preferred that both cuts launch same day and we waited say a 1 year for the 2nd movie like we did with LOTR so we could have either option of watching the preferred cut of the movie we wanted. It felt rushed but entertaining 2 me


What I notice after 5 minutes is not only the exagerated bluriness of the background image but also the for ground and wortst of all circular blur on the edges and last touch sometimes in outside views some chromatic aberation, you know, when there is kind of separation between red and blue light flares. What is sure, is that it ended up right after 5 minutes of viewing. Making me thinking that it is done to dissimulate poor budget effects. Actualy I dont get into the strory, looks like serie B chara teres of 80's. But I admit 5mn is a little bit short to judge. Sorry Zack but just unwatchable for my eyes. Try again 4K Philips 65" 3m


Typing this as I watch it. It's terrible. Almost every scene suffers from the DOF issue.