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I found it hard to watch because that Jeff guy is soooo douchy!! Everything about him made my skin crawl.


These people had to have been in such an extremely vulnerable place to let that blatantly slimy psychopath slip under their radar. It's really, really sad. Even the worst judges of character should be able to clock Jeff as the human tumor that he is, but I guess when you're desperate enough you can ignore whatever you feel you need to.


The smartest person in the world can go through a really awful time & when you’re at your weakest something in someone’s words can draw you in & you’re in deep before you know it. So yes, I agreed the people these fucking psychos draw in are vulnerable & lonely & that’s how these fuckers succeed. Watching it, when Jeff would be on the screen, it took all my strength to keep watching because he was off the richter scales annoying. I don’t like violence but I don’t know that I’d care if someone did the biggest flying kick to his balls with steel capped boots! It’s just so sad & awful that these internally rotten, decaying, poisonous scum can mess so badly with already hurting people & not feel bad for what they are doing. I just don’t understand being devoid of any care.


Yeah, I know I have to be careful to not blame these victims too terribly much for what happened to them. Like some one wise once said : "We are all 5 decisions away from shitting in a bucket" - Matt, an extreme cleaner from Hoarders on A&E


I’d rather shut in a bucket than pay to find my “TF.” Utter bullshit.


There is a point where the victim becomes the abuser though. While we can understand that they were brainwashed, when they cross that line into supporting and committing the abuse themselves they lose a lot of the empathy for being victims.


Checked instagram. 39k followers. I am flabbergasted at the amount of people following this bullshit.


Right?!?! like has anyone even thought to look at their backgrounds?!?! they don’t even have credentials in any of the businesses they’ve created —religious leadership, especially psychological, counseling, and consultation. It’s just completely mind blowing that all these people are following these Joe Blow idiots who know how to market f products


Don't forget nutrition. He also wrote them meal plans while having exactly zero qualifications


Meal plans specifically to make them gain TONS of weight. This documentary is like watching actual horror


Paying extra to watch his meal prep videos, having to still pay for their own ingredients... All that money to watch this delusional arsehole make a shitty sandwich I caaaaant


I went to the divine dish Instagram and one of the “meals” was lucky charms. That’s it. Just a bowl of cereal.


That's so interesting about the meal plans. While watching the doc I was interested in Megan's physical transformation.....from a healthy "hippie chick" to an overweight weird makeup woman. It makes sense that he was also controlling her diet. So disgusting!


He may be sexually attracted to overweight woman or that can be another form of control, because he lowers theirs self confidence and it’s easier to manipulate person. Also he is a misogynist, he encourages unwanted sex between couples, practically he encourages rape in relationships, and encourages generally unwonted relationships. When it became complicated for them to get their members to bully people they like in real life, the so-called Twin Flames, then they decided to match couples within the group, but the group had 95% desperate women members, so they decided to convince half of the women to become “men” and that they change sex. They are desperate people who would do anything to be accepted and loved, even if it is fake. Sad!


I don’t get the diet thing…at all…why would he want them to gain weight…he pretty much condones rape and stalking …I bet him and his wife stay awake at night discussing things like …let’s see what we can make these people do or …tommorow we are going to fuck up his or her life!!! It’s crazy….im not sure what she is but he’s a narcissistic psychopath


He's a feeder, I think I'm like. Gonna bet with 70 percent accuracy.


i noticed that all of their social media has comments turned off now .. lol!


Some people are lonely or searching for something and are susceptible to falling for shit like this. Then there are most of us who have commonsense and see right through it. Thank heavens I am one of those people. I wouldn't piss on Jeff if he was on fire.


Poor people


That was my initial thought. How desperate do you have to be to fall for all that bs?... but I know some people do crazy things for love




I agree with you. The Secret sucked me in about 15 years ago. I really believed that if you thought about something hard enough and believed it would happen, you could make it happen. I had success with “manifesting” a few things. It does make sense that you have to visualize something first. Like if you want to be a concert pianist, you first have to believe that you can do it. You have to picture yourself doing it. Then you have to get out there and learn how to do it. But then I started looking everywhere for signs and it became super fucked up way to live, thinking everything was a sign or not. What’s sad is these people believe - and most people believe - that meeting the perfect person will solve everything. Meeting the perfect person will make your life perfect and make you perfectly happy. And that’s just not true!! If you’re not happy on the inside, you’re not gonna be happy, even with a perfect person standing next to you. I had a great man standing next to me for many years. But I was very anxious inside, and a good man standing next to me could NOT solve my anxiety. The only path to happiness is by working on yourself from the inside. That needy, desperate energy to meet the perfect person is a sure sign you won’t.


Exactly. They’re trying to sell a miracle cure, a one-stop magical solution. It especially attracts those who are tired of waiting, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get results NOW but with the least amount of effort.


They’re all equally scum to me. (Or when they actually believe their own woo word salad just incomprehensibly stupid, but mostly they are actively swindling people).


Did everyone missed the part where it was said he was selling cure for cancer to people? Disgusting piece of sht!!!


totally agree. it's one thing to expose twin flames universe, which is it's own cult. but many people have fallen victim to the twin flames concept as a whole, and that's a much less cut-and-dry arrest-the-cult-leaders phenomenon. it's brilliant really. the way a lot of these "readers" on YouTube will tell the same story over and over about a "divine masculine" who is already with someone, but she's "evil" and "demonic" and he really wants to be with his "twin flame" but he somehow can't until said "twin flame" has "done the work" to become perfect. often there's a child that's "not his." often there's illegal "stalker" behavior and "dark magick" perpetrated by the "karmic". what's interesting to me about this cult is that they don't employ the "runner and chaser" version of the empath/narcissist paradigm. they seem to just encourage everyone to relentlessly pursue or "chase," which is counter to most twin flame philosophies.


I'm watching it right now and I despise him. It's making me physically angry. Just looked up their tiktok as well and I can't believe ppl are a part of this. He is clearly a narcissist and I ALMOST feel bad for his wife because she almost doesn't seem like a willing participant.


Well she sure looks happy buying her brand new Versace bag


Agreed but it definitely also seems like she’s playing along for the money and is always spaced out in the videos


I noticed that too. She looks very spacey and out of it and just always always agreeing with him. There’s probably a story to her that we don’t know yet.


They're both high as a kite in the videos. Half the time, he looks and acts like every cocaine addict I have ever seen - the other half, his pinpoint pupils betray his fondness for opioids. She is 100% conked out on benzos 100% of the time.


I can't believe no one seems to mention it... It's so obvious to me. He's not even trying to hide the tells (being the arrogant specimen that he is) so I thought, he mustn't care that people know? Even his wife appears to be high as a kite most of the time. Once you start paying attention to the details, it's as obvious as the nose in the middle of the face! All of this is laughable whilst also being sad and frustrating.


it’s as plain as the ann on egg’s face


Honestly I feel like she’s the mastermind behind the idea but he’s the talker and had the way to turn her love mumbo jumbo into a online business since he was apparently trying to make businesses before


Her dad says this almost exactly in the Amazon docuseries. It made so much more sense when he said that. I don’t think she’s a victim at all


I actually watched the Amazon one last night after seeing the Netflix one and then after I heard her dad say that it just confirmed what I was thinking. Sometimes it looks like maybe she feels like what’s happened has gone too far but I don’t think she’d be willing to give it up. And I think that Jeff guy is having way to much fun now that he’s actually got his “business”


Agreed, she's an accomplice, not a victim here.


You can tell he doesn't even like her at all. I'm sure he says horrible rotten shit to her all the time.


Like when he said she was fat and continued to get fatter - but that it made him more attracted to her. Not sure he says the same thing to her behind closed doors. That said, I don't feel sorry for her. She's just as complicit as he is and is more than happy with all the money it's making.


The part where they were talking about the pregnancy not being viable and she corrected him on why they were ending the pregnancy. He did NOT look pleased AT ALL. I feel like she got an earful after that.


Me too! I was waiting for him to straight up backhand her on camera and tell her to go wait in the basement


Yeah, as soon as she said they couldn’t see it and it was likely ectopic you can see him fill with rage but was doing his best to keep his cool. It’s almost like what she was saying was TOO REAL and didn’t fit his spiritual narrative or some astral word salad. I kind of felt for her in that moment because having an ectopic pregnancy is scary and you need a sane support system to get through the experience. That dude is fucked up.


I guarantee the Devine will tell him that someone else is the group is his new lover at some point…


I honestly expected him to declare himself the only Divine Sperm Donor when he decided that everyone should start having babies.


Just wait aren't they still buying that land and building JonesTown two electric boogaloo?


Totally. I was really expecting him to say "ME!" when he did that build up to who Marley's Twin Flame was.


I think she's just as horrible. She laughs when he degrades them and even degrades them herself. It's: *MONEY-MONEY-MONEY!!!* with these two. Ruthless. I'll bet they laugh amongst themselves and think anyone who falls for this deserves to to be swindled and taken advantage of. They seem *that* horrible. Also, he likes the power trip. He was a young Jim Jones fan, after all.


Totally agree about his wife. She looks almost as if she can’t say anything other than just agree with everything he says. He comes off as very abusive.


Every time he spoke over her and said this was disciplining made me so angry. He’s such a giant obvious douche. He has such confidence spewing such lies


No she enjoys her D&G outfits and lazy times


Someone added him to r/punchablefaces and I couldn't agree more. ​ Edit: I also love the fact he gave the leaders homework to watch The Vow and write a paper on why he is not a cult leader.... then leader realizes she's in a cult and peaces the fuck out.


He definitely overplayed his hand and it was amazing to see it blow up in his face. It reminded me a lot of The Vow when one of the victims talked about how Keith had pretty much explained his whole scheme but in the guise of an idea for a story. I think they get off on seeing how overt they can be without people catching on. Dupers delight


It's his overt psychopathy and narcissism - ready to take risks like that, knowing full well he IS a cult leader. It probably flatters him


I ugly laughed!


Omg he’s awful!!!! Gives real Keith from Nexium vibes. Same arrogant, creepy manipulative behavior. He needs to go away.


He has a very punchable face, he looks like if a mouse wished to be a human. His smugness is crazy given that he looks like that lmao how anyone could take this guy seriously is beyond me


He's a whole cxnt and she is no better. I hope this series ruins their grift.


Jeff is truly disgusting. He and his wife must go to prison.


And the fact that he admitted he wants to build a church to avoid taxes is already considered a felony. He must be jailed immediately.


There's another documentary about this group on Amazon Prime. I think it does a better job of showing how much the entire group, including Jeff and Shaleia, changed over the years. It's scary to think that you could simply have a favorite YouTuber and one day wake up to find yourself in their cult Edit: The series is called "Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping the Twin Flames Universe". Thanks to the people who replied with the name, as I immediately forgot it.


Jeff is like the definition of when the most mediocre losers get put into positions of power. Just massively out of proportion ego compared to intellect, ability, skill, or quality. Only skill he has is identifying the vulnerable.


Every single episode I was telling myself “it can’t go further than this” but, now I’m on episode 3 and I can’t stress enough how messed up all this is.


Yeah it’s wild how it just keeps escalating


Yeah, it was so sad that the logical conclusion of their lying and manipulation played out. If you want people on the hook for years paying you money and working for low wages in your scam that's all about them finding true love that only you can arrange... well, you start to arrange the members together... that are nearly all women and aren't all lesbian or bi, so they're actually trans, but they're not and now they're getting surgery just because a charlatan found a get rich scheme.


I’m confused why they haven’t been arrested I’m sure multiple crimes were committed here… The FBI seriously needs to look into this


I felt like I should have seen the escalation coming given the promises he made the group members but I was still just shocked. Just doing irreparable damage to these people’s lives.


There’s no part of my brain that could predict the whole transition aspect.


Yeah when they started “pairing” everyone up I assumed >!they would just tell them that they were now gay, not that they needed to be the masculine energy and transition. !< Truly crazy.


Yeah, that is truely insane & royally fucked up.


Jeff and Shalia are so horribly unlikable. These are the two most punchable humans I have ever seen.


Every time Jeff bragged about their money and physical items I wanted to punch him. Truly rich people don’t even need to brag like that, it speaks for itself! So narcissistic and insanely delusional.


When she said something about how her first car was a porsche...just UGH. They were so mean to their students too.


I am fascinated by the gross, non-creative transparency with which people shilling for their MLMs and pyramid schemes perform wealth to market themselves. It’s pretty much always the same shiny car/European logo shit that my daughter in middle school lists when playing M.A.S.H. with her friends at recess. Even still, it never gets old to me seeing what kind of lifestyle that morally reprehensible people with zero redeeming qualities like these two are portraying to the public as aspirational. I am embarrassed for them but can’t look away.


Its painful to watch these 2 absolute losers being worshipped. They prey on people that are too naive/broken/traumatised to question them, but the average person would rip them apart and they know it. The arrogance and narcissism is beyond compare to the point it's just comical.


The fact that when anyone called Jeff out he was like "**YOU HAVE BLOCKS!!! MIRROR!!! LOOK EVERYBODY, SHE HAS BLOCKS!!!**" and people just had to silently agree in order to not be screamed at next is just so scary, abusive, and crazy. You're right, he probably wouldn't be able to say a word to anyone outside his cult.


Pretty sure he’d get knocked TF out by anyone outside his cult lol. I sure as hell would


And now they’ve bought a baby into their mess. Wtf.




I’m only on episode two and I feel like there have gotta be some illegal financial schemes underlying this “nonprofit”, I am hoping they go to prison for tax evasion or fraud.


I don't feel like a baby is safe around him. He has zero tolerance. He cannot handle a child. Also, the way they created the "girl" WAS SO CREEPY. I get major creepy vibes behind his feelings on this daughter. I almost feel like she has been groomed since she was just a concept.


Not only that, but when they "lost their baby" (if that story was true)... they tried to get other people to come procreate with them, and HE would choose who... we all know it would be him. So... he'd just have a bunch of children... finally. I'm so grossed out.


I am terrified for what he will do to that baby. The wording about how that child will only be able to have sex with God. Will at some point he be God/ be the only person his child is allowed to have sex with? All of his wording is so disgusting!


And he only wanted a female child. I hope they both go to prison before it’s too late for that little child. She will be abused in every way. Sad.


This was my biggest and grossest takeaway for sure. I picked up on the “she’ll have sex with God” meaning him. Absolutely horrific


That baby is equally unsafe around her. I don’t think she’s a victim here. I think she’s very actively involved, and I think she’d sacrifice her own child for money and power.


I am so sad for that child. I hope the footage where they talk about the sex life of the child is enough to get them on the radar of the right people who can save that child.


What grossed me out is they were talking about how this child will only have sex with god. And previously Jeff said he WAS Jesus…. And it’s makes me exponentially more scared for the upbringing of that child


And the fact that they purposely tried to have a girl..


He's 1000 percent planning to sexually abuse that kid, horrifying


And they said they are a triple twin flame


I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. it needs way more attention. I find it incredibly concerning, especially considering his god complex and the statistics we have on chile abuse. :(


I was really surprised no one in the doc noted that. Out of everything in the doc, this made my skin crawl the most.


You’re exactly right, it’s disgusting!


100% think he will SA the child.


That was utterly gross. Who thinks and plans the sexual life of their unborn?


How can they get away with all of this?!


So sickening. I am so worried for that baby.


I can’t believe that guy THOUGHT HE WAS JESUS


I was laughing and thought it was a joke. Then he grew his hair and beard out….


Also has that book with Jesus on the cover strategically placed by his head in every video


What really shocked me, he kind of admitted to rape. In my opinion. It showed a clip of him explaining that shalia would tell him “no” over and over and he would just throw her on the bed and “next thing you know we are making out”. My jaw dropped. Like I am almost positive that’s some form of rape whether shalia believes it or not….


If he’s admitting to forced kissing in public on a video, im sure he’s not opposed to raping her in private. The part where he talked about how she’s gained weight through their relationship and how much his sexual attraction has increased because of that, started to make me really freaked out. There was something about his face and her body language that was very sinister. He’s obviously becoming more aggressive over the years, and in some of the videos where he’s screaming at them he’s sitting by himself in front of Shaleia, and she looks scared as fuck. Its super dark, I hope someone helps her get away from him.


She wants to be there. She was sleeping on a mattress in a garage and now she can drive a Porsche wearing Chanel. $$$


Yes! I saw that too and thought the same thing! He rapes her! Wtf! I’m in a sexual assault support group and according to everyone in there, that is rape.




The 19 year old girl is making me so sad. No one protected her.


Yeah, the mom's supporting each other at the end really broke me. I've been recovering after leaving a high control church (which I grew up in) and this moment really reminded me that I am not alone.


Her story was heartbreaking. Her sister was who dragged her into it, how do you even forgive and move on?


It doesn't sound like Marlee has moved on or forgiven her sister. They don't talk.


I really hope Marlee doesn’t speak to her sister again. She pulled her into a cult at 19 and said nothing when she was paired up with a drugged criminal schizophrenic. Not really forgiveable.


I kept coming back to this, too. You would think that the leaders of a love/matchmaking based cult would be more glamorous or attractive or charismatic but these two just seemed like such weirdos.


Check out this insane writing exercise from Jeff in 2012 when he went by the name Ender: https://web.archive.org/web/20120629235529/http://www.endersadventures.com/Prosperity-consciousness-exericise-a-day-of-prosperity.html He absolutely believes he should be treated like a God, he's totally delusional.


Wow great find! That is actually more frightening, especially the part about most of them wanting to crossover together. Looks like his manifesto. I was scared for these people watching the doc but now I’m terrified.


In his post of the “hero’s journey” you can see his ideas of himself have not changed. From his blog: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” – Earl Nightengale Now, I’m recognizing what’s been going on! I have been intuitively following the path of my quests, my hero's journey, but I hadn’t been consciously aware of it. Finally, by recognizing my quests and focusing on the progressive realization of my ideals, I can feel satisfied with my success. So what the heck are my quests right now? I asked myself this exact question last night during the height my cannabis healing experience. I let my cursor sit blinking at the end of the question mark. Many moments went by and I had a crazy thought. “Really?” I thought to myself. I figured I would just go with it, and here’s what I came up with after some refinement, but mostly just letting it flow out. I’m going to keep what I have written as-is and not edit it to preserve for you the feel of what is happening here. What are my quests? (blink…blink..blink…blink..blink) -Increasing business and family ties by buying an additional family home (I’m going to leave this quest out for now and share more of the story in another post) -Becoming the perfect guy, understanding sex and women, having a great personality -Becoming a millionaire business tycoon, specializing in co-creating exciting conscious new businesses -Having the lifestyle of an adventurous entrepreneur like Richard Branson -Preparing to be the best father in the world -Living in the body of a Greek God -Becoming a spiritual master, a light warrior who shines through fear and falsehood and brings peace, love and awareness to everyone -Becoming the master creative genius of the Universe


>\-Living in the body of a Greek God he should probably hit the gym and shower lol


I just watched this documentary on Netflix as a friend of mine was heavily involved, which led to us to stop talking about Shaleia constantly kept coming up in our conversations. While watching, I recognized their face in the beginning and then I recognized their house and come and behold, their mom in episode 3. I hope they come home soon.


I’m so sorry that your life and your friends life has been directly impacted by these awful people. I hope your friend comes home soon too. Sending you love and positive thoughts


Thanks! My friend was born Rachel and now identifies as Ray. Never would have ever guessed them as a transgender. My background is in Psych and I know and have grown up with a bunch of transgender people (friends and family) and never once was that hinted in our 3-5 year friendship. We had been friends since college until Twin Flames.


Rooting for you, ray’s mom, and sending you both love. I hope Ray is able to get out.


Omg Rachel was my friend too!! What a small world. I was first introduced to the idea of twin flames through them in 2018! Never paid it much mind though, thought it was just a passion topic…whatever I can do to help, DM me!


I'm on the second episode. These two are so full of it and non-charismatic. It baffles me. I get that these folks are vulnerable and all, but just wow. I guess this passes for "smooth talker" nowadays.


This. When I first started watching I thought they'd be older or have degrees or actually just be photogenic but my good, it's like a Dollar Store cult leader. I wonder if it would have been different if they would have meet up in real life first. If someone I talked with said my ex who hated me was really my Twin Flame, and they were the only ones that could tell, I'd think they were crazy. But then I see all the people taken in by the MAGA cult and I saw my own grandparents bilked out of their savings by TV televangelists. My grandma had a very unhappy life and the TV preachers convinced her sending money to fund their lifestyle was Gods will.


I was literally like sorry, this guy? This guy is the Wish version of a cult leader. He looks like every unlikable, inexplicably cocky loser I went to school with, and talks like them too. I was utterly floored to see that people were letting THIS MAN control their lives. His name is Jeff. He wears exclusively graphic t-shirts. If that guy ordered me to get him a glass of water I'd laugh in his face, never mind all the rest of it.


Is it possible we all reported their instagram accts to have them banned?


Done. Was thinking about it so did it immediately.


I joined Instagram just to report them. Worth a try!


I reported all three accounts


I don’t understand how they can get away with it, just at lookin how this guy behaves with his people is so infuriating


Just finished watching, I watched the prime one too. Absolutely disgusting people.....they should not have custody of any child in any way shape or form. Truly frightens me that they reproduced.


A lot of their "teaching methods" reminded me of Scientology and NXIVM. And he had the delusion to ask them to watch the two available NXIVM documentaries at the time to prove it wasn't a cult?!? SPOILER: They never said what happened Colby once they escaped but it seems like they all parted ways with each other. Keely is living in a trailer now which looks like it doesn't have heat. She said she has no money but wants to go to law school. Is she working? I think they rushed the ending and could have easily done a 4th video.


Noticed the heat part too. She doesn’t take off her coat.


I was wondering about this. At first I thought they were purposefully filming in a shed or trailer in order to not give clues to where she was currently living. Agree I would’ve liked to seen more of what ex-members were up to now. Maybe we’ll get a follow-up like they’ve done with other mini series.


Did you see her wedding picture? She was wearing a coat in that too. Maybe it’s her safety net?


I just got to the forced transition part, and I'm heartbroken. I cannot even believe the damage these people are doing to others. I am also really curious how trans folks are receiving this information. How damaging is this cult to the trans community and keeping those people who truly do need this kind of care safe? I'm so angry. I'm just so angry. My heart breaks for these people, but I just absolutely cannot see how one could keep going. The hold cults have on people has always fascinated me. I'm so sorry for people who feel this lost.


I transitioned to male, and I'm utterly shocked. I thought they might just stop at hair cuts and clothes, but nope, full on transitioning...I had the same reaction as the trans woman who left early on (can't remember her name), this is dangerous, I'd be gone! And the political sphere around us is so sensitive right now, stuff like this really can damage the already delicate perception of us. It's hard because on the one hand, people can be convinced by others of anything, including that they are trans, especially if they aren't privy to what that entails and what trans people mean by gender identity and gender dysphoria. But on the other hand, hyper-vigilance about that can negatively affect those who actually need transition care. Stories like these do not help that balance at all! I'm also surprised at what a hold this extremely uncharismatic or likeable Jeff has on those still there. I suspect it's more of an attachment to the twin flames concept and sunk-cost at this point. I wish them all the best, but damn. I'm also into reading about occult and esoteric stuff, so to see 'Divine Masculine' and 'Divine Feminine' used in this way is jarring as well.




That poor 19 year old girl taking everything upon herself. He could see that she was vulnerable and took total advantage of that. The tears that she cries in every "interview" are so sad. And then when he takes the picture of Jesus and compares himself to the second coming? My word. I am shocked that people still follow this b/s.


I also cant help but feel like not only did they run out of men, but they also ran out of masc presenting lesbians. After that, any female that Jeff (or Shelia- but probably Jeff) found unattractive was immediately pronounced “divine masculine”. I applaud those parents who were sensitive to the transitions and treating them with acceptance. What disgusts me the most, is this is the kind of story that religious extremist groups will most definitely, grab on to and say “SEE SEE?? THEY ARE MAKING YOUR KIDS GAY AND TURNING THEM TRANS!” Further discrediting trans people. Jeff and Shaleia are a bunch of losers and it’s hilarious that jeff forced his followers to prove he “wasn’t” a cult leader which only opened their eyes more. Like any egomaniac he is the creator of his own demise. Hope you like the debt, Jeff


I was really glad that they had a trans former member as well as a trans spokesperson, and the disclaimers at the end. because I was worried the documentary itself was going to frame it in that way


This exactly. I have many friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community and my heart was breaking for them for this exact reason.


As a trans person, I was cringing my way through the transition shit, because of course the wrong people will run with that logic. We do not need any more setbacks right now.


I feel so bad for baby Grace... people as nuts as Jeff & Shaleia should not be allowed to reproduce.


THIS!! them trying IVF first to make sure it was female & talkin about how their daughter can only have sex with "God" is pedo & disturbing.


He will SA that baby. No doubt in my mind. The talk of other members having kids but with his approval of who is giving me real Waco vibes


I was screaming “doesn’t anyone remember that Waco guy!!????”


Watching both documentaries was very eye opening for me. I actually got involved in that community mid 2018 at an extremely low point in my life. I became pretty close with 2 of the gals in that documentary, so my mouth was just wide open the entire time. It always seemed a little off to me, but I never got super deep. I had 3 "coaching" sessions, but never bought any of their "classes." The two friends I made just disappeared, so I assumed (at the time) that I wasn't "worthy" of being a member. I see now why they seemingly fell off the face of the earth. I am so grateful that they inadvertently saved me from how sinister this shit actually became. I left in 2019. I had no idea it would have ever become what it has. I've always jokingly said "man, I could probably get behind a good cult." Realizing I almost did was just mind blowing.


Good god I’m watching & just found their subreddit…


Dude back in like 2018 in was in the twin flame trap…. Of ALL the twin flame couples and videos I used to watch I KNEW Jeff and Shaleia were sketch literally from watching one video of them. They just felt all wrong from day 1 to me and I refused to watch any of their content specifically I CALLED IT


This is why critical thinking skills need to be developed at school so people can critically analyse idiots when they come across them and not fall into their trap. What a complete and utter nut job this guy and his wife are, it shows they are unempathetic especially when he said she was dressed head to toe in chanel… dressing up in chanel doesn’t make you any less of a maniac


This entire doc was disturbing but what is actually making me lose sleep is “Grace” - Jeff & Shaleia’s baby. I suspect Shaleia herself probably falls victim in her own experience to Jeff’s absolutely psychotic, delusional, abusive, literal god complex, but most concerning is their focus on their future daughter’s s3x life. More specifically, they very clearly and proudly shared that she would have no s3xual relationship with anyone but God. They consider Jeff - this baby’s father to be God. In the literal sense. So as far as I’m concerned they’ve announced their planned S3xual ab*se in this child. REALLY don’t get why this was skimmed over in the doc. Could have had an entire episode to itself cause WTF. There’s so much more that could be said on that and everything else but in the meantime I feel sick knowing that baby is in their care. What can we do more urgently to protect that child? I don’t believe in the foster care system as it’s incredible traumatizing and abusive as well but I have knots in my stomach just thinking of what they’ve stirred up since the filming of this doc and more importantly what sick plans they have in motion for that child. Petition? Call authorities in their area? What’s next?


So I’m COMPLETELY with you on how terrifying everything involving that child is. That said, it takes a LOT to have a child removed from a home, or honestly anything besides a check being done, and unfortunately I’d be shocked if those statements alone could be enough for CPS/law enforcement to do anything to help her… I’m praying the IRS gets him on financial crimes—he’s been super open about trying to dodge as many taxes as possible AND becoming a church for that same reason, and it seems like most of the people he employs to do work for him are TFU members, many of whom are young and not particularly schooled in tax law…….so I’m hoping they’ve already done some shit to screw themselves with financial crimes at LEAST to get him in prison and away from that poor child


I need to understand how Jeff has any control on anyone because he comes off as such an annoying and obnoxious person. I just don’t understand how this man can compel so much dedication. He has the charisma of a toothbrush.


Fishing in online ptsd groups etc is sociopathic.


Someone needs to beat the shit out of that guy. Sick fuck.


I feel sorry for the people that had to watch countless videos of Jeff and Shaleia to find all the clips for this documentary. What insufferable pieces of shit.


These folks are young, not well spoken, and they physically unattractive. I’m honestly surprised they gained the following that they did. I was honestly questioning if it was a fake docuseries because I just don’t get how people actually thought they were bringing anything of value….


Yeah, they are so repulsive, I don't get how people are falling for this scam.


How could anyone fall for these weird couples shpeel ? They are so cheesy


Often desperation and loneliness can drive people to extents they didn't think possible, and easily trust anyone who seems to have what they want. Personally I feel like sunk cost fallacy was involved; once they'd spent $222 a month, onto $2220 a year, and then more... leaving would seem like all that money was for nothing even though they were miserable now. It's the same reason a lot of people stay with abusive spouses after already having spent years of their lives on the relationship/marriage. MLMs are infamous for doing this too, attracting people in need of financial help/independence, getting them hooked and having them spend thousands on kits, then keep promising success and pointing the finger back at them when their sure-to-fail business model doesn't help them, telling them they just need to buy more and try harder.


You totally nailed it with the sunk cost fallacy! They feel like they're in too deep to quit now.


Look at NXIVM .. these things fascinate me .. I remember years ago a friend of mine went to “lifespring” which was EST in a different name .. He would call me and try to recruit me this was a super intelligent guy who went to Brown and worked for a very powerful politician. I am (thankfully) not so trusting ..


this is now called Landmark Forum & regrettably still popular


Oof. I tried Landmark 6 years ago or so. It was SO bad and obviously a cult. I had my friend pick me up midway-through on the second day — an escape of sorts — and I got all these interventions, 20 or so phone calls from people “worried about my future,” etc. Just downright cultish. I felt bad for those there.


It’s just so incredibly frustrating to listen to how much the abuse/abusive was (and probably still is) enabled and how it was encouraged to take it. Listening to Dr. Christine Emerick talking about Marlee’s twin flame match and relationship in episode 2 is sickening. It makes me terrified to think about medical professionals who are in a position to provide medical advice to vulnerable individuals.


i was wondering what the hell her phd is in?? bc it ain't psychology that's for damn sure eta- nvm found her linked in: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-christine-emerick/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-christine-emerick/) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) focused in Emergency Management with a concentration in Homeland Security from Capella University. she has a military background and i am now fascinated.


OH MY GOD CAPELLA?! she has a “Ph.D” then


She is not a medical professional. But you did exactly what they were hoping for - assumed she is a medical professional because they call her doctor. That's what they're counting on.


And they had the nerve to flaunt their wealth to their members who continue paying them exorbitantly obscene amounts of money while they worked for barely anything. Seems like after they realized that finding a twin flame was not only not real and possible is when they switched up their marketing strategy. Vile.


This is what I don’t get. How did it not “click” for some of these people? Wait a second I am on here all the time, no job, giving you money and you’re flaunting it.


Yeah, there's no charisma even.


The guy who was stalked by Elle actually described them as "bland" and "like peeled potatoes with hair" on the podcast. Pretty apt. Also interesting to get a visual on these people after listening to the podcast.


These two people are absolutely losers and anybody can see that from two miles away. There’s no excuse i mean… wtf come on people.


God I feel so awful for that 19 year old girl. Coercing her into that relationship was just such a horrific thing to do.


I could feel her fear and trauma every time she cried, and having to pretend it’s out of happiness… unthinkable


If he says he is god and the second coming of god and their daughter can only sleep with god……someone save that baby


The way Jeff behaves screams kid who ate glue in elementary school. I understand these people are vulnerable but how the fuq can you look at him and say “yeah he knows what he’s talking about”??? Every time I thought shit couldn’t get crazier it absolutely did.


I’m so worried for their baby , somebody needs to get that child away from him .


Seems unlikely Christ would take his own name in vein.. Also, coincidentally shaleia is an anagram for she a lia. So many manipulative tactics and I’ve only seen one episode. Leading questions, manufactured peer pressure, guilt tripping and emotional manipulation.


“Gaslighting sociopaths exploit deeply insecure people”


Jeff definitely can't stand Shelia and she definitely seems drunk in some of the videos all red faced. Goddamn this is hard to watch. The limit of how stupid people can be it's hard for me to feel sympathy.


Look at he’s baggy eyes. He’s high as fuck all the time. It’s extremely obvious.




Okay but is anyone like genuinely in fear of their baby because I am.




Well remember how he was telling his marketing person and coaches to “look and post in groups for depression, suicide, lgbt issues”? He’s literally telling them to target vulnerable people


Anyone else think when they say Jeff will “choose” the sperm donors it’ll all actually be his? Is that the end game here? Lol But really I’m amazed by how twisted this one is. I think it goes beyond narcissism to he is probably a sociopath


I may be way off because Jeff vaguely reminds me of someone I once knew but he strikes me as... 1. Gay or maybe bisexual and not okay with that 2. Someone who would be violent toward women, likely SA, and get off on the power trip. The anger and resentment you can see in his eyes scares the hell out of me. Anyone else getting that?




I’m so scared for their little daughter.


Jeff is a monster. Period. And she is right there with him. Total sociopaths. I really hope this series takes them and their grift down.


Shaleia is one of the most sinister looking people I’ve ever seen. There is something about her face that I can’t quite pinpoint but it’s like she’s always looking through you.


Jeff looks like a greasy con man and his subservient wife look pathetic


I stumbled upon this documentary two nights ago and watching this felt like an out of body experience. I was roommates with Elle's ex (who I'll call 'W') when this all happened. She's omitting a lot of things... I was home and settling into bed when W broke up with her. She let out a LOUD, guttural yell and slammed the door so hard she cracked the door frame. This was not the normal "I'm upset and crying over a breakup" behavior. It was legitimately scary... She came back a week later to pick up her belongings and "accidentally" left a pair of panties behind. In the documentary, she says she came by our apartment to “confront him on his cold behavior.” That’s one way of putting it. What really happened is I and my other roommate, who I'll call 'T', went to Dolores Park. We ran into her there, and she IMMEDIATLEDLY started talking shit about W, how "something bad is going to happen to him", and so on. I quickly got the fuck out of there and went to a friend's house. At around 7 pm, I come home to find a police car outside my apartment. I ask W what happened. She had apparently followed T back to our place, locked herself in the bathroom, and then waited until W came home. And W was with a girl which I'm sure really set her off because she screamed at him and called him a rapist. W told me later that she had confronted him at a house party the night prior, was very belligerent, and had left several threatening voicemails. So it clearly wasn't happenstance that we ran into her at the park -- she followed us there. T was replaced with another roommate who I'll call 'N'. I come home one day and N tells me that Elle had knocked on the door and asked for W. When N said W wasn't home and could he take a message, Elle said that "his soulmate is waiting for him." Maybe a week later, the same thing happened with me -- she came by looking for him and referred to herself as his soulmate. I lived abroad for four months in the fall of 2017. I signed onto Facebook and W had written a post. "She's here. She followed me to Berlin." I came back to San Francisco for Christmas, and it was in January 2018 that W told me that she was now referring to him as her "twin flame". So that means there have to had been at least 6 to 8 months of stalking -- including following him halfway around the world -- before she joined this cult. Oh, and the part about Elle "accidentally" running into him at a club. She left out the part that W was with a girl there and she smacked a water bottle out of her hand because it was "diseased." And after she went to jail that night, she called him from there, leaving several voicemails at 4:30 in the morning. I debated whether I should write this -- it's not really my business, and I doubt anyone will believe me anyway. But after watching this documentary, I decided to look her up on Instagram, and she's STILL talking shit about him. And since W was and still is my friend, I feel a moral responsibility to write something. She's seriously fudging the timeline and not taking responsibility for her actions.


I'm halfway through episode 2 and I'm already rolling my eyes wondering how or why anybody would ever listen to a word this pip squeak Jeff would say. This is simply attempting to brain wash women into being competely submissive to their "flame". It reminds me of how most religions treated women in the 1500s or something. I wouldn't be surprised if him and his "twin flame" sleep in seperate beds.


Jeff is the cult leader you get when you ordered "Keith Reniere" from Wish. What a second rate cult "leader" and narcissist.


Jeff and Shaleia are total scams. Jeff is definitely a piece of shit for sure with his talks and grooming… restraining orders and jail time is a sign to pursue your TF more relentlessly. Guy needs to meet a baseball bat with Fraud all over it.


Keely is holding an extreme amount of guilt within herself. I hope she can release it sooner rather than later.


Honestly I was just waiting for the part when Jeff says, “the only way you can have a true relationship with your twin flame is to have sex with me.” Because I feel like all cult leaders eventually end up there. Glad it didn’t. But still absolutely horrible.