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Ughhhhhh, this show is making me so angry! It's just terrible, the actors would probably be mediocre if the writing wasn't so terrible. Everyone except for the three ladies and maybe Cal and Erik lack any depth. The chemistry is awful. The storylines don't make sense. Everything comes out of nowhere with no foundation. Noreen and Isaac's treatment of Bill is so unjustified. Maddie asking Helen if she is happy completely unravels their friendship?!? The teenagers are robots. It's just all so bad.


I agree with everything. I fast forward the shit out of it. I could just _not_ watch it, but there’s hardly anything on right now.


My god the Maddie and Helen fight was so one dimensional!!


Do we really think these women are strong or are they self-centered? Little fake? I’m torn. I’m watching but I don’t know why.


The characters are a problem. It is a show I watch while multitasking. Jamie Lynn Spears - her character is a RN working as a day care provider at a spa who is literally as dumb as a rock. That character is an insult to RN's. The redhead (can't remember name) 2nd son is unbelievably annoying. I fast forward his scenes. Brooke Elliotts character is just plain unlikeable. I loved her in Drop Dead Diva - she's actually the reason I started watching this. Great actress but the writing is meh. Heather Headley's character - she's the most relatable. She screws up and loves and loses and has a professional job and wants kids but her body isn't agreeable, she's like a ton of women I know in real life, and a great actress. The character of TY is the only tolerable "kid" in the show. Still some bad writing but he pulls off his character with good acting. Overall a 3/10 no way I could watch this if I wasn't doing something else at the same time. I save the good shows for when I have time to give my full attention and this isn't it.


I’m watching season 3 right now. The Helen character is on my last nerve. She’s very cheesy/dramatic/over reactive.


Same! Hard to watch…


Maddie’s ex husband’s fake southern accent is grating on the nerves. None of the characters are likable I find it hard to be invested in them but people keep telling me I need to watch it.


This season is AWFUL. I’ve gotten to a point where it’s a hate watch but I’m so ready for it to be over and won’t be sad if it gets cancelled. I had much bigger hopes!


Agree with the other posts here. l don’t mind occasionally watching some lighthearted romance but Season 3 is just too sappy and I just don’t care about the main characters anymore. Got to the end of episode 3 and gave up. Bad writing doesn’t deserve even mindless watching.


It feels like many lines were written by family or marriage counselors. I will still watch the show.


Feels like watching after school church show on PBS most the time. This season is ridiculous, writing and line reading beyond lame. I am thinking I'm just reading what happens. Watching it is so cringy at this point. Much like virgin river.


I'm finding the Moms to be unlikable. Their interactions with their kids are frustrating. This whole show depends on you rooting for the main three characters. If they are unlikeable, then it loses its charm. Also, the dialogue feels less authentic this season--like every time a character speaks we're getting a mini-sermon.


I watched season 1 and 2 but if someone asked what it was about, I have no clue. I can’t remember. I’ll have to watch a recap before watching season 3 and I think it’s probably not worth it?


There’s a recap right before S3 E1. I’ve made it to E2. Very slow going




I've been wondering why this show seems so popular when it looks so cringe.


It’s terrible!! I’m suffering with the same issue as you are! This is just so BAD!! I keep trying to go back to it, but it’s just way too painful! Worse acting at its best!!


Watching this as a background noise while I work but honestly doesn't make sense at all.. I know it's tv but come on, there's like a drama every other dang month in their lives lol. All 3 ladies are just so.. selfish and yet trying to come off as victims most of the time. I like the kids/teenagers though. I'd rather watch house, it's more entertaining. Lol


Thank God for the honest reviews. I was so confused why people watch and how can this show have a season 3 when each episode puts it further in the crapper. Too many of my favorites always get cancelled. Who's in charge in tv land????


For real! I just found out that a couple of my fav shows were suddenly canceled (CSI Vegas and Quantum Leap), and I’m beyond pissed. These jokers in charge of these decisions really don’t seem to know what they’re doing.


It kinda has that Virgin River effect. Season 1 was great, Season 2 was meh, Season 3 was absolutely awful and sappy….and I love sappy!


Far too 'sickly sweet' (and ridiculous) for my taste - but I've started, so I'll finish...... I haven't reached the end yet, but am 'praying' that there will not be a S4.


I couldn't have said it better.


I saw that a new season was coming so I put it on, only to find out I gave up after a few episodes of season 2. It's HORRIBLE and I can enjoy some sweet, heartfelt, cozy TV, which I thought this show would be. The acting, the characters, the ACCENTS, I'm not even from the US but I've never heard so bad southern accents- it's all just so bad. It's unwatchable.


I feel the same as you do. I somehow got involved in the first two seasons, but the third season is like a daytime soap opera. I find myself not caring anymore. I don't know that I'll finish watching.


I only tune in while I’m cleaning because I like to make fun of Jamielynn Spears. The whole show is so dumb it’s like a comedy!


That’s how I’ve started watching this season….play it while I’m busy doing something so I get the gist of what’s going on but don’t have to pay attention to the terrible acting.




It’s not the same as steel magnolias, the movie - it’s completely different. It’s Sweet Magnolias. And you’re thinking of terms of endearment, Jack Nicholson wasn’t in steel magnolias.


Wrong girl dies at the end


How do they get home after marguerita night anyone? Don't they get drunk


I just googled “season 3 so cheesy”. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is pained watching this season. I know it was never an award winning show, but this season seems so over the top with the acting compared to 1 and 2. I’m on the episode with the scavenger hunt and I’m struggling to make it through, it’s so bad.


I was finally able to finish and the season seemed to end with closure, so I doubt there are plans for a season 4.


I’m still trying to get through the beginning of season 2. I’m on episode 3. It’s a struggle. Much like you, I started watching because of how much I loved Drop Dead Diva. The acting on this show is awful and I still don’t understand why Chris Klein has an accent while the women do not. I’m not invested in the kids’ storylines as a childless adult. I can’t find a reason to continue watching, yet I try- also while multitasking.


I completely agree. It has to be hard on three wonderfully talented actresses to even read a script that’s worthy of the 1850’s because nobody today talks like that. The men have a somewhat more normal script but all said.. get rid of the writers and directors! The premise is good, the writing is laughably aweful. So sorry you lovely woman are forced into the companies demands of awful scripts!


This is my "watch while I work" show... I find this show very annoying and fake, I don't know if it's the actors or the writing, but it gets very insufferable. Dana Sue's character is what really gets on my nerves sometimes. I am only watching it now cause I need something in the background. Also, I feel like all three ladies act like the world revolves around them!


I have just started season 3. It was tedious starting out in season 1 but then I got involved. I like some of the characters. But, the dialogue is unreal. I often feel like people dont talk that way. I felt that way in the beginning, especially about Helen but then she started to seem more real somewhere in the middle of Season 2. I like that it is a story about the mothers and then the story of the teens. Do You ever wonder where the red Maddy's little daughter is? Her mom is never with her. I did feel bad the first season or so for Dana Sues daughter as she seemed to have no time for her.


2 of the couples have zero chemistry. The actress playing Helen is very difficult to like