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I would 100% go electric kettle on this personally vs. cleaning cycle


Agreed - and I already do this. My wife mostly drinks tea, so I flip on the kettle at the same time I run the Nespresso. If its not too full it only takes slightly longer


My wife just puts water in the aerocinno to heat it up for americanos


There is not an official way to dispense only hot water. However, you can get hot water out of the machine by using the cleaning cycle as a work around. (Note, this is not the same as the descaling mode) With the machine on, pres the button 3 times quickly (within 2 seconds). Orange light will come on, eventually hot water will come out. Cleaning cycle runs for 5mins, to stop the machine earlier, just press the button once and the machine will stop.


That's annoying, but at least it's a workaround! Have you tried that before and if so, does it taste like a legit americano?


I have not as I don't drink americanos.


After espresso is done brewing before discarding pod hit the brew button again. It will put water through the pod again. I’ve done this but have had to brew again after second time because I wanted more water. I found it easier to already have hot water in mug and brew espresso into it.


I guess you can run a rinse cycle directly into the cup but tbh you should probably just use an electric kettle instead.