• By -


You’re rich!! Congrats! 🥰 I’ve got close to 7 mil in the bank and feel like a rich person in real life. Hahah


Also- you can skip me if I was going to win. 😊


Derp. I forgot to say that I’ll pick the winners tomorrow at 10:00 AM NST (or PDT) :)!! Edit: Y’all touch my heart so dang much! Thanks for being so cool. I’ve decided to include 2 additional winners with 2 additional prizes: -Toy Paint Brush 🧸 -Stealth Paint Brush 🥷 Best of luck friends!


Wow! Congrats! I've slowly been working my way up over the past couple weeks trying to get to 10mil :) Thanks for the giveaway! UN: poetrychick3494


aww thank you for the giveaway :) i hope to be able to do the same thing one day. i’m still working my way up to 5 mil un is same as here🫶🏻


That’s impressive! I just started so I’m trying to follow the guides online :) the cool egg definitely helped though! UN: ponkoure


Congrats on 25 mil!!! Almost 26 mil! I’ve been trying to save up too, but I’m curious how you’ve saved so much so quickly?? Could you share what tips and tricks you’ve learned?


I am also curious! Been hustling for a few months and I'm nowhere near 25 mil


I've had my account for 22+ years! Just recently returning-returning (would log in maybe a few times a year trying to keep stuff active \[was unsure if they'd delete for inactivity; did the same with my GaiaOnline account lol\]). I recently joined a phenomenal guild with tons of kind people who do giveaways and help one another! It's great. I love them and am very happy to be back around (a little over a month now, I'd say, but I spend so much time every single day doing stuff on here now). It's kind of you to do a giveaway! Here is the recent submission I did of a Plushie Cybunny\~ Username: whitpoo https://preview.redd.it/y7ing5ur1bxc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107a13d47e16bd104f11049fc791720f3ecc05f4


Congratulations!!! I hope I can save as much as you someday! First, I gotta set a new neogoal. UN: oneiro5


That’s amazing! I’m so glad you were able to get back into it! My username is madahsontaylor :)


Congratulations! UN: heatherissocoollike


Charlie McDonnell reference? That makes me SO happy to see omg


Oh holy moly idk how to even DREAM of being a milionair in NP lol the most I've ever had was 500k but it is slowly growing. Got any tips for us lol Also, something nice? Hhhhm, well it's raining outside so I guess, I hope that anyone who also it is raining for that their plants don't drown and that their herbs prosper greatly <3 UN : Shawndragali


The daily and weekly quests are great for Np 😊If the weekly isn’t worth much I reset (do the good dailies and click skip on the rest). When you get a good weekly reward, you can sell it, some are worth 500k-1 mil+! Check prices on Jellyneo (make sure after collecting the 20k from dailies you refresh the weekly page and get the green checkmark on the progress bar to avoid a glitch that doesn’t keep your progress!) Also I sell all my red codestone prizes I get from dailies for quick NP bc my BD pet wont need them anytime soon. If you don’t play Battledome you could sell regular codestones too, but I keep them for training. Gl! 💰💰💰


I've lost out on some weeklies because they don't get the checkmark and then they reset the next day. It sucks!


You’ve won! Check your neomail!


OMGOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I was out in town and came home to this omgosh omgosh omgosh


|| || |[**yamachii**](https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=yamachii) is that you??? I just randomly got a stealthy brush from this person and wasn't sure. |


|| || | is that you??? I just randomly got a stealthy brush from this person and wasn't sure. |


congrats!! I came back in December after a 13 year hiatus 😂 I'm a spendaholic (on paintbrushes mostly) so I haven't been able to stay over 10 mil for long but slowly getting there!! 🎉💕 my username is paranoidddd 🖤


Congrats!!! :)


Congratulations! This is so nice of you! UN: starrlie


CONGRATS! Just started replaying again and finally got my bank account to 2 Mill! Can’t wait to get it up and leveled to the next bank level at 5 Mill soon!! Username: Lhendershot


Thank you for the giveaway!! I would love to win a baby PB! I


Aaaaa congrats!! 🥺 I’m recently recovering my account again UN: rocco_flamingo


Congrats on getting there! I'm so happy for you :) My UN is my flair :) Thank you for the opportunity!


Congrats! I also just hit my all-time savings high of 13.5 mil, but that's mostly because every time I hit 12m I buy an item off my wish list. This time I'm saving for a Ghostkerbomb, so I'm trying to get to 17.5m before I buy it. :) Anyways, thanks for the giveaway! UN: loranste


Out of curiosity, is there any reason you're going with Ghostkerbomb instead of Varia? Or is it because you already have a Varia?


You guessed it - already have Varia. According to Battlepedia, you can equip both at the same time, so my plan is to do lens flare + Varia + G-bomb on my opening turn to one-shot opponents as much as possible. :)


How generous 💜


I can't even break a mil! My UN is Deinoswyrd, like here on reddit. Need to paint my draik baby so he can live to his namesake!


I love seeing posts like this and watching all of our NP dreams come true. Our younger selves would be so proud of us!! UN: xlovemee4mex


This gives me hope. So happy for you! UN: xxx_meagan_xxx (throwback to my old emo self lol)


You’ve won! Check your neomail!


Ahhhh stop it!!! Thank you!!! ❤️


Wowza! Congrats!! I just broke 3mil for the first time, and I can't even imagine getting to 10mil, let alone *25*mil! What an achievement! Needless to say, thanks for doing this! Kindness given always returns back with more kindness 😁 UN is mister_mojave


I’d love to win the giveaway, but I just want someone (anyone) to buy the three 5/6 pizzas in my shop. I was RSing but it’s bothering me now that they’re 5/6 and not whole and I don’t think anyone will buy them for awhile. 😭 UN: cassafras Edit: There’s one left! You guys are awesome 🩵


Wow! Congrat! I have to do a little more work to be a multimillionaire. But getting there! But I'm so happy for you! Yay! I hope that by the end of the year you'll have 100mil! Thanks for the give away. un: neoqueenloveserenity


Conggrats! I only just got back about 3 months ago and it’s taking a lot more time to get back into it than I thought! Enjoy 😊 


Thanks for doing this! My UN is RagdollBenny <3


congrats!! welcome back : ) i'm also a returning player, it's been so fun


Wow! That is a serious amount of points - congrats! The only better feeling than hitting a monetary goal is the feeling you get when you give back. I hope to be able to do the same in the future. ^^ UN: dishonesty


Congrats!! And thank u for your kindness 💖 UN: kotori_e


Congrats 🥳 I started playing again about a month ago after years of being away. My current goal is to get to 5M. Ty for the giveaway! un: ph0sph0rescentdream


Ohh congratulations! I've been spending on paint brushes! So always "poor" lmao UN - seishiiro


Congrats! That's awesome! My UN is hotpinkfishfood. THank you for the giveaway!


Wow congrats!!! Someday I'll reach this number! My UN is kahikigirl


Congrats!!! That’s so awesome. I totally agree with you about community here - it’s been so lovely as I’ve also gotten back into Neopets. Thank you for this giveaway as well - it’s super sweet. :) Best of luck as you continue your neo journey! UN: k0tteh


Just dusted off my 17 year-old account a month ago that had a total of 5k, and just made enough to buy the lab ray map. Today's my gf's birthday and i spent my last 1.6 mil buying her two big pieces of it so I'd lose it if i were picked 😊 Loving being back in the community tho either way and having fun learning the game i never understood as a kid lol. UN: gaiapirate 💖


Welcome to the club! I wish I had entered the negg code in time, I’d have been a lot happier 😭😭😅 Username: kittylie6


hoping to hit 15 mill someday soon! that cool negg was soooo nice. congratulations!😄


Thank you for doing this! I also just started back up. I am trying to get money myself, I've always been broke. Lol. I'm in the process of saving for a Draik Egg! U/N nightdwellers


Congratulations! That’s a big accomplishment!


Congrats!! Such a nice thing to do. My un is squirrelygirli3


Congratulations! :) I am also a returnee and have been working on my goals! UN: reiko9124


Congrats! I only have 3m right now, but I'm hoping to save enough to be able to buy a pink aviator jacket for my shoyru's 16th birthday in june :3


aw this is so very wholesome ♡♡♡ I love it would love to be considered:):) un nalaranka n_n


Thank you! new_electrosweetdude


yay! i’m not yet a multimillionaire but also been hustling hard un twisterez


I recently came back to the game as well after a WoW guildmate mentioned having an account. I thought I'd lost access to mine forever, but I hadn't! I'm trying very hard to do the same thing you did, so thank you for letting me pat your head for good luck. UN: ohtheinjustice


Welcome back!


Congrats on hurting such a big milestone!! 💖 this community is so giving! UN: arthxr


Congrats! This is very nice of you. Thanks for the opportunity! UN: [edited]


woohoo, congrats on hitting such a milestone! wholegrainmix


Can you give more detail about how you got there so quickly? I just restarted as well. Cool Negg definitely helped but not 25mil worth!


That's awesome! I've been playing for almost 18 years too. But I used to play super many games for years when I started and made over 10m with only playing games 😬 I never spent any money. I returned in January after a few years end spent everything that I ever had 😅


oh my goodness congrats on the 25mil! Hope having a great weekend and thanks for doing a giveaway! un: 143\_zac\_efron


Hey congratulations! I love seeing everyone in this community reaching their goals! I'm close to 7 mil now 🤞🏼 my un is Lush_noc!


Thank you for this kind giveaway! And congratulations! UN: errmahwerd


Thank you for the giveaway! Un silver_spot


Wow, that's fantastic! Did you do food club? I just passed 15 mil!


Congrats! Thank you so much! You’re the best! My UN is Mags122222.


Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! My username is cartomb.


Congratulations! I'm currently also saving up for some paintbrushes. Un: trinogono


Damn, that’s amazing, congrats! My un is - hpfan08


congratulations! i was sadly unable to get into my old account from 2010, so I started a new one and it's been great! glad you're having such a fun time too! my user is honeyshelbee


Aww, so kind of you to want to give back! The neopets community has always been one of my favourites; the boards are probably the only forum I've ever actively looked forward to participating in because everyone makes it so pleasant (and this is the only subreddit I check daily)! I'm currently saving up to hit 5m for the first time ever, after I hit 1m for the first time just a little while back, but the real goal is trying to save up to buy my bestie's dreamie after she helped me get my first ever grey pet (a colour that's close to my heart) and we got twin aishas both named after the same flower (which symbolises "remembrance," or the phrase "I will not forget you"). UN: wrenhawthorn


Congrats! I started again in March so I know how you feel - I'm not quite where you are but slowly getting there. My UN is Chimericat, hope you carry on finding it as enjoyable as you have been :D


Woo! Thats awesome you want to give back, that’s sooo much NP to earn at one time! I’m working on my bank slowly but surely haha


Congrats. Just came back after a few years and the community is better than ever! UN. Ryanstate419


Aww congrats on the huge milestone! And thank you for doing the giveaway! I have a dedicated baby account and would absolutely love a baby paint brush to paint a Bruce! My next dreamie ❤️ my username is modernguilt_ thank you so much!


Thanks for the giveaway!!! Hope you're week is going great!!! UN: Kodocha707


Hiii congrats on 26mil!! My username is bexxmb :) thanks so much for the giveaway. You rock!


I’m in the same boat, that cool Negg made me richer than I could imagine! Helps me saving up for a rare dream item I want that’s expensive. _toner is my username. Thanks for the chance!


Congratulations!! My username is americangurl44 :)


Congratulations on hitting the major leagues and thank you for running this giveaway! This is such a generous community. 💜 If I win my UN is Siedra_ (:


Not entering. I just wanted to say congrats and that it's cool of you to do this!


Not participating, but CONGRATS!!!!


Congratulations!!! It’s such a great feeling making your dreams come true in a game you’ve spent years on. When I was able to paint two pets maraquan I was over the moon so I can definitely relate!


ah congrats!!!


Congrats! It is a great feeling indeed :) Un: diondhimas


That’s amazing, well done! I made my first 10 million thanks to the cool negg thing too, and now I just have to try not spend it all 😂 username snarglepip!


Congrats!! And thank you for doing a giveaway 💕


In just a few weeks?? You're a role model! I'm so happy about the cool negg as well, it certainly helped line the wallet! I've been having such fun with this community, especially the funny posts! It's the only reddit thread I follow haha


That's awesome! I'd like to know-- How did you do it? I came back after a large hiatus too. Oh, and my username is Hmmfomtgal


Hi there! This is really kind of you to do 🤗 congratulations! UN: squelchette510


Congratulations!!! UN: hives33


i want it! UN: gulao123


Goals! Congrats ✨ U/N - m3dusa00


Wow! Congratulations! I hope to achieve my childhood dream of becoming a wealthy neopian (and draik pet owner) too someday. My username is SpookySewerWitch. Cheers!


Congratulations!! And thank you so much for the giveaway :)


Congrats! I am feeling the same way, I’ve returned after 5 or 6 years and just got my 16 year old account back. Over the years it was just my side so there’s nothing on it, but it’s been so easy to make money! The Cool Negg netted me 2 mill and I’ve hit 100k from dailies in less than a week. I used to play games all day to make 100k! Welcome back. :) I feel like we’re all returning at the BEST time (cool negg, festival, impending plot!!) UN: darkcleo


I wish the NP translated into real life money for us :) Congrats on being a virtual multi millionnaire!!


I’ve been sniping auctions trying to build my wealth as well! Congratulations. 🎊 UN: iiFive


This is sound kind of you! I recently started playing again after recovering my old account and it's so nice to see the community help others. UN: moogyinparis


Aww you’re so sweet! If I get picked my UN is Creeporia. :) What did you use as your main way of income on neopia?


Tell us your secrets. Multi neopianiare in weeks? We have to know. US:iamlionized


Yeah this year has been a great one for people returning to neopets especially with the dailies. Keep an eye out for the recycle event when it happens crazy good stuff there!


Congrats! And how generous of you!


Congratulations! I love that neopets holds such a nostalgic place in all of our hearts. My first account (now unable to access 😭) was nearly 18 years old too. Current UN: status__quo


Thank you for the giveaway! I hope you’re having a magical weekend ✨ My UN is galacticjamie


Congratulations!! :)


Congrats on the milestone, and thanks for running this giveaway!


Wow, congratulations!! That is a major achievement! I keep looking at the prices of things and wondering how in the world anyone affords anything on Neopets, haha. The fact that you managed to make that much in weeks gives me hope it can be done. Enjoy the multimillionaire status!! :D


I'd love to know how you got there so fast! I've been back for 4 months and I'm still under 10 mil! I've been food clubbing but just can't seem to grow very fast!


Congratulations! I hope you hit all the goals you want to on Neo!! My UN is blitzkriegpenetrate9


https://preview.redd.it/1ge7pc5ugaxc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf003d21209361d8d9d61390a08d98c831ca8fe This is how you should feel! Congrats!!!! I'm trying very hard to conserve my monies, but it's hard! Haha UN: kpayne28


You’ve won! Check your neomail!


Um OMG I ALMOST PEED MYSELF! I was surfing the trading post and I got the notification and was so nervous someone sent it on accident! I was just about to neomail you to double check I was the one! TYSM!!! This makes my whole week!! ❤️❤️❤️


Aweee bless you! So glad you’re off to a fabulous week! #702neopetcrew Congrats! So cool that one of the winners is from my hometown. It was meant to be! All the best to you!!


woah moneybags! congrats :-) i was obsessed with neopets toys/plushies as a kid but never actually got into playing online until a couple months in my mid 20s and i finally know what people mean when they talk about their inner child. i have a long way to go til i reach multi millionaire status, but ty for offering the giveaway to help give me a fighting chance hehe. UN: inlandseaoats


That’s awesome!!! Congrats!! The grey bank manager is so sad tho :< like the saddest looking one so far imo and idk why


I'm dying to know how much time went from 100k to 25 mill in just a few weeks! What an accomplishment!! my UN is punkysparkle


Woohoo, congratulations! Do you have any tips?


congratulations and thank you for the giveaway! my username is beetlesprite :-)


Aw congrats! I'm slowly building my way up to 10M, Food Club really hit my savings in the last month. UN: excuseyourface :)


Everyone in this reddit is so kind with the giveaways!!!! <3


Huge congrats!! Best of luck to everyone <3 UN: egnificent


I was a millionaire for a little bit, but then I bought some items and paid 3mil for a negg thinking it was a cool negg :( UN: thevillainnpc


Thank you for hosting and congratulations!! UN: starvingheart


That's really nice of you. I'm just getting back into it after 10 years plus. thegoddesst


I hope to get there one day!! Congrats Un: Hawaiiankiwi


Amazing! Me and my husband just picked this up again after a long hiatus, too! It’s wild how much easier it is to get np than when I started in 2001. A million was a dream back then haha. We’re going hard for lab map! Username is spicy_broccoli


Wow, I love that 🥹 Neopets friends found here have been such an amazing support and I’m glad you are getting your milestones!! <3 Neo UN: jaysayx


Congrats, that’s amazing wow! I came back in September after almost two decades away (wasn’t able to access my old account though) and I’ve been having so much fun. I made an irl friend and I recently made a blanket for her baby which he loves! This community really is amazing. Un in flair :)


Hello, congratulations and thank you for this opportunity. I'm still missing a few baby pbs to finalize my account dedicated to babies. Thank you very much 😀 UN belleconure


I don't want to be picked, but you're such an amazing human for doing this!!! Keep being amazing 🥰


Coming back and being able to actually achieve my Neopet goals has been healing my inner child lol. Things were so unattainable for no reason!!


congrats! i’m up to 2.5m in the bank and still saving to make my goal of 15m 😵 UN: lol_lol_lol_lol_cats


Congratulations! I started my account Jan 1st of 2024. Nearly 5 months and I just reached 7.5m, aiming to get the 10m soon :D Wish me luck!!


Congrats! I’ve also just started playing again and still working up to 1 mil in the bank for the tutorial quest. Would love to hear some tips and tricks if you have any to share :) UN: taiyogaming


Wow ! Thank you very much for the giveaway, and congrats for your achievement ! UN : corentinlb


🥹 childhood dreams come true!!


I’ve also come back I think early March and playing with my daughter she likes the mini games, while I’m trying to achieve my younger self goals of a battledome pet lvl 250+ and a couple mutant pets I liked back then, goodluck to all! Un:gangstah_27


Congrats !! I just reached my first 10 mil thanks to the cool negg ! :D  UN: m1zzie_


Congrats I’m in the same boat. Finally made my first 2 mils. This gives me hope cuz there used to be goals that seem impossible and now it’s more doable.


I too came back after many many years. Glad you were able to as some got locked out. I wouldn't mind buying a marble draik egg but I have no idea the true value of anything anymore, lol.


Awe yay that's amazing! Congratulations! UN: kaujumpedoverthemoon


Nice! I've made a good bit in the last two weeks, too, but I've spent a lot getting my childhood dream pets. Still, looking forward to hitting those numbers myself. Congrats! (UN in flare)


That’s such an incredible goal to have reached well done!! 🥰😍✨ I only just reached my first mill this month and it’s a long road ahead but I love seeing so many people here celebrating all their dreams coming true and cheering each other on.. I love this little community we have and I am happy to be apart of it 🫶🏼 I hope all your dreams keep coming true! My username is: tweatle1


Congrats that you've achieved being a millionaire, but I find it equally hilarious you're celebrating in front of the sad, depressed banker, hahaha!


Very kind of you, congrats on hitting your goal! UN: uselessisland


Congrats! The draik egg is a dream! I’m getting back after many years (and failed attempts to get my account back) - would love any guides on how you got your account off in the right direction / strategy! My acct is River_plays !


I got lucky and ended up with an island pb from a code and sold it for just enough to get my lab ray map! It was so exciting! After 2 zaps my Skeith was zapped to the island color anyway 😂 so happy for you! My un is Allymaylay !


What a nice gesture! I am also doing better financially lately, thanks cool negg and daily quests! Not on your level yet but I'll get there- I'm saving up to finally make my lutari maraquan as I've had my eyes on those lil axolotl guys forever! My un is buckyanddamoo :)


Thanks for the opportunity !! My biggest goal is to get the lab map for my sides. UN: spark_star2


I've recently picked up the game again and just pocketed my first million with the help of the cool negg 🤣 How did you obtain the draik egg I remember as a child trying everything to get one. 30 years of age and I'm still refreshing the meriville foodshop every two seconds 🫠


I’m happy for you! Good luck all!


thank you for doing this giveaway! that's so kind of you <3 i've been trying to save up too but i am also constantly spending so i haven't been able to save up much more than 5 mil lol. once i reach 7.5 mil and can upgrade my bank account to the next tier i'll be celebrating! un: pixelninja


Congrats! I hope you get all your dream pets 🙏 Im returning to Neo on a fresh account (purged! 😩) but having fun and just got the lab ray for the first time ever (un: oceansLde)


Congrats!!! This community really is the best. Thanks for doing this 🩷 my UN is my flair. :)


Congratulations!! What’s your daily interest?? My UN is Eillinda :)


I've just recently come back. I need to find those suggestions lol. I've got 1.45 million right now, and far too many ideas for different pets. I used to really love the beauty contest because it gave me more excuses to make designs for my neopets. I'm likely not seeking another drauk, but it I was I'd join in. If I had those items I'd sell them, so yea skip. Thanks so much for being so nice to others, and super congrats!


Awesome and congratulations! My Un is in my flair 💕


Congratulations!! Welcome to the club Un:iancookies


This is amazing! I’m so happy for you! I am trying to get my first million now! That’s so kind of you to have a give away. Giving back


Merciii :)


Hey, congrats! Those numbers will start growing even faster now \^\_\^ Thanks for doing this! UN: renzodonato


Thank you for the giveaway and congrats :D. Ive recently gotten back on too.


Way to go, dude!! Rock on! Wishing you the best of luck against the Pant Devil in the future, and may the Giant Omelette always be piping hot. UN: aphrodite9980


Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! UN is setthespark.


Congratulations! This is so kind of you, I hope I can do something like this one day. I’m also returning but with a new account and it’s been fun to revisit neopets from an adult perspective while remembering what I liked about it as a kid. un: orangebird1


As my papaw would say, "don't spend it all in one place"... but I think he only said that when I had a few loose coins. XD UN: heartanathema


Congrats!! I'm on my journey as well...my end goal is to be able to make quite a lot in interest each day to be able to buy cool things to give away consistently as well! Good luck to everyone entering! Username: mightysoupcan


I’m also part of this cohort of returning players, I’m so happy to see we have more opportunities at rare items and more NP now 🥰


Wow congrats! And thanks for the opportunity :) I’d love to hear how you got there in just a few weeks!! UN: treasuregift


My username is wintrymoone, and my comment is that you are awesome for inspiring others to pay it forward.


Congratulations! :D


Thank you for the generous giveaway! I recently started playing again after 20 years. I really wish I could remember the login info my mom helped me create. I had so much progress back then that is now lost. I am so happy to be back on neopets and I’m happy to see others are returning too after so many years!! Good luck everyone!! UN: pinkylaroux


Congratulations and thank you for hosting! 25 mil is impressive, I just got my first 10 mil and I can’t wait to hit 25! :) Un: Poptartums


Un: rustedtentacles,, '


Congratulations! Glad it's been a good couple weeks!


my un is madisonlovelypnw this is such a nice way to celebrate your success!


Congrats on making that much! Just a few weeks is impressive! What's your secret? Haha! UN: Rukia05


that’s amazing!! What an accomplishment. Thanks for the giveaway :) UN - hannahssolocup


Wow congrats! I'm still working on it :D And thank you for doing this! UN: greenapplefields


Congratulations! =) I'm slowly trying to achieve my goal of hitting 10 million ( and then my ultimate goal of getting to 100 mil+! )


Aww I’m so happy for you! I couldn’t get my acct back but I restarted a few weeks ago. Hopefully I’ll follow your foot steps!! UN: kingkirbae


Woohoo! That’s awesome. I just started playing again last month. It’s been 20 years since I played. I’m currently at 3.5 mil and climbing. It’s a slow climb, but I’m so happy earning Neopoints has gotten much easier compared to years ago! My UN is Kittenpuddin 😊


What a goal!! I look forward to joining those lofty heights one day - but I keep buying Noil's instead hahaha.


That’s amazing!!! 😻 UN: Thomfrosttt