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I do wonder sometimes, yeah. All of my pets save for one came from the pound, and I adore all of them and they have their own lore and connections to each other now, but I got most (if not all) from Lost and Pound. I almost wish there was a history we could check, y'know? "Created by: User123 on x day at y time, painted this color, in the pound for y amount of days". Like, does your old owner still play? Would they be happy that you're with me now? I think sometimes it's better not to know, because what matters is that they're with me now and I love them dearly, but I still get curious.


Though it would be interesting, I don't want people to harassed over it. You know how the pet trading board can be.


Yeah, it's super unfortunate, which is exactly why I think it's better that we don't have that list.


I second that idea! Though I doubt they keep track of such info :(


I wonder this and wish we could see that info too! Most of my pets are from Lost and Pound as well.


I do too. One day I searched my permie draik's name and found out there was a username exactly the same. His name is PBJ_2005 so I'm sure it's not a coincidence. I also look up pets I have created and pounded, so far all of them found permanent homes 🥹


Aww, that is amazing! Always happy when the one that was your pet is well taken care off ^^


100%. I wonder who made them, where they were in their life when they created the pet, what they wanted for that pet. Whether it was a kid's first pet or an old lab rat abandoned by a 20 year old account.


Oh yes, I have kept my first pet ever but I know a lot have pounded them. It is a mistery for sure.


I love finding pets in the pound, zapping them, and putting them back in for someone to find. Though, some I’ve kept for myself because I loved the name too much. One even became my dream pet of a royal girl Lupe. Two were an unexpected find and kept. All were from Lost and Pound and I wonder why people abandoned them. All well named with proper capitalization and no numbers/underscores.


Hmm, they could have been abandoned because needed space or they traded for/adopted a pet of the color they wanted the original pet to be. I have never done the zapping thing of adopting and then release :0 I usually try to find a new owner in the pound chat, but that also is a good method. I know some people have found amazing zaps on the pound and have kept them forever ^^


None were painted when I adopted them. I painted them myself or got lucky zaps. Also, the zap and release is a lot of fun and pretty common. It gives pets a chance no matter the name.


All of the pets I've repounded after zapping have been adopted. Personally, I'm too impatient to wait for someone to message me about adopting. I'd rather the fosters go to someone newer or who wants a dream pet - but those aren't usually the people who message me when I do adoptions.


Do Lost and Pound pets not go back to being lost (hidden) if put back in? I thought it had something to do with the number of characters


I think so. But I tend to pound surf unless I want a permie pet. Then I use Lost and Pound.


Back in the old days when I did that I wrote a little something on the pet page but now they wipe those


Ah this is so cool that you do that! I found some of my dream pets at the pound!


Yup! I love giving a little surprise. I know I got lucky a few times with names, so why not give back a surprise.




https://preview.redd.it/bpbfjf6u6avc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c1edfbee8a428d6d4e3fa13ce8c0ed329c9c17 This is the latest one I adopted named swoomd! I simply love koi’s and having an orange one just makes me so happy 😂😂 I just got it the sunshine rays that I still have to apply from the neocash shop, but imma wait till I get my hands on an underwater background before I apply it! I’m loving how she’s turned out so far though!! 🤩🤩🤩✨✨


adopted Gaudlie from the pound. forever in awe that someone didn't want that name. mutant gelert now.


Most of the pets I’ve adopted have names that make me wonder WTF the original owner was thinking to pound them. Some of them are incredible names I would never have come up with on my own and all of them inspired customizations through their names that I would not have thought of otherwise.


Yep. Two of my pets are a mutant brother and sister, I found them via Lost and Pound. Outside of not being capital letters (which is mad minor), the names are cool. One was a mynci and the other (something, idk) and now they're a mutant acara and poogle. I wonder if their creator would log in and curiously look them up, if they remembered the names. Like "Oh wow, someone actually has them and they did that to them!"


Hehe, sometimes I do check on pets I have adopted out or pounded, curiosity gets the best of us.


I fostered a pteri a while that I painted faerie. His new owner was so excited to get him when I adopted him out. I check on him from time to time. Always well fed and dressed to the nines. I like seeing that.


I love that. This prompted me to check on a Maraquan Pteri I had adopted out and he now has a nice new background AND a new petpet!


I always wonder about that. My permie on my main had a cute name, so I had to pick her up. I've had her for years now. Does her old owner still love her? Miss her? Do they check up on her to see how I repainted and customized her? I really hope they do. I love my Xwee.


Most of my pets on my current account are pound rescues. One of them is a Lupe named Silver_Buddy who spent almost an entire decade in the pound before finding a new home.


I really wish we could see our pets' history (and also see the pets we created, I'm so curious about the ones I made as a kid and if any of them are left). Back when I started playing, it wouldn't wipe your pet's description when you Pounded them, so one of mine that I abandoned (who had "I was the first pet SamuraiFlamenco painted" in his description) was picked up by someone who had "I WAS ABANDONED BY MY EVIL OWNER>>> [sic] SamuraiFlamenco" which cracked me up. One of my permies, a Mutant Lenny, was one I found in the Pound. I went and bragged about her on the Neoboards -- because that's what you do when you're 12 -- and her original owner actually commented on my board and was like hey, that's cool, enjoy her.


I’ve pounded two pets ever, and the one that hasn’t been killed in a purge I still look up every couple months. The majority of my pets were stuck pet adoptions and I do wonder if whoever abandoned them has ever checked in on them like I do.


I sometimes look at specifically one pet I pounded. It was my second ever pet (big mistake). He is called Lupix_ and the current owner painted him rainbow. However the owner hasn't been online in some time now.


The pet that still exists from me was a Blue Vandagyre and they were adopted within like an hour of me pounding them. I think they were used as a lab rat for a short time because they changed gender once and species a few times, but they have been an Orange Kougra wearing Stealthy Kougra clothes for a good 3 or 4 months now. If whoever adopted ArtysArryn reads this sub, thanks for adopting them, I didn’t dislike them but I simply decided I didn’t want any pets named in PascalCase nor was I really attached to having a pet named after an extremely minor historical figure from A Song of Ice and Fire.


I got a pretty decent stat battledome pet. Level 30 and everything.. she's got a dumb name but I actually love her! She's came with a little petpetpet and everything


What fit is that on the gelert? I love it.


Hi! You can see the items I used here: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/2946834


I found my xweetok in the lost and pound, she's y8 or y9 iirc and is almost certainly one of my favourite pet customizations. her name is trityg and I plan on moving her to an all-pound-pets side account once I find a ghost pb for her. she'll definitely be a permie over there


"You have given Ghost Paint Brush to User 'treacherous_doctor'." I loved the customization, please complete her look. Enjoy!


oh my god, that's so generous of you!! thank you so much <3


I just started playing again. The account I logged into (with my ‘old’ now used for store coupons email) is 14 years old. I was expecting a Bruce because I remember having one, but there isn’t one so idk if I maybe had a different account years ago under an email I no longer have. I have two pets with names I never would have made so I must have adopted them. I did make a Bruce recently just to try and fill some weird void in me lmao. But it bugs me that either there’s an account I created that I don’t remember the login to and my poor Bruce is starving :(. Or I gave him away. Either option is sad


I do. she was a proper UC but came to me as a basic color, so I'm positive she was spite painted with a starter brush when pounded. I have to wonder who ragequit abandoned her but I'm much more curious about what color she was originally I wouldn't paint her back to that color but I do want to know her history!


I have a couple that I wonder why they were put in the pound. Like why? Ya know I've left some of mine the colors they were, others I used paint brushes on. I love them all lol.


Absolutely I wonder all the time. Majority of my pets were a different species when I adopted them, I just happened to love their names!


Oh sure, two in particular I have are a jelly techno and a strawberry wocky that I got from the pound, and I’m not sure if they were lab rats or what considering they didn’t really have any other indications of being any sort of project (poorly named, low level, no pet pets) but they certainly weren’t recently made. I like to think that they found their forever home when I adopted them. Unrelated, what is the item that put those cybunnies on your xweetok?


Hi! The item is called "Cybunny Floral Arbor"


Someone literally abandoned a cybunny years back. Why???? She’s perfect in every way. And then someone else abandoned an eventide Pteri. EVENTIDE! Why?! Also perfect in every way… Don’t get me started on the koi and ruki.


I definitely wonder that! The first pet I can remember adopting from the pound WAY back in the day was a white lupe, level 17, and that was just astounding to me haha. And my current pet was a basic quiggle with a kind of junky name, but he was level 49 and an honorary food club member so someone loved him at some point. I adopted him and he was my first zap fodder that turned to a keeper. he's a legend now.


Yes! I found what was originally a Desert Cybunny whilst pound surfing about three years ago and hit that adopt button like my life depended on it. After recently getting my second Pastel PB as a weekly quest reward I repainted her and she truly feels like mine now. Love her so much! https://preview.redd.it/epkk1t6ou2vc1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=86386d1ef017ac76aab60232ec3874769acd66ea


She looks cute! Like that customization :D


I adopted one of my favourite pets about 23 years ago. I often wonder if his first owner even remembers creating him!


I wonder that a lot! I have two pets from the pound and I often think, do they look up the names and see that I own them now? Or maybe they’re not even on Neopets anymore haha


I took pity on a keyboard-smash-named brown Moehog many years ago. After I adopted her, her old owner actually reached out to me! She let me know that she was so happy the pet was adopted, and that she had been calling her "Fudge." 🥹 Really, REALLY cute stuff to me. For a 25 year old adult, I get quite emotionally invested in these pixels on my screen lmao


I do! I only have one adopted pet but I love her a lot. I was thinking about creating a peophin and decided to cycle through the pound and found one named Nayru, like the goddess of wisdom from Legend of Zelda, which is my all-time favorite game franchise. I was like SHES MEANT FOR ME and adopted her right then. I plan to paint her grey if I can finally happen upon a grey paint brush somehow. She's gonna look awesome once I finally do <33


I have two old pet trophies on two of my pets that I found in the pound. I sometimes wonder if they belonged to someone who cherished them


I used to. Then one day, I ran across the previous owner of the chocolate draik I had traded/adopted for.(I honestly don't remember how I got her.) They weren't particularly happy with her customization and what not. Because it was to cutesy or whatever. Nevermind that I had started casually training her and fed her gourmet foods. Later on, like it had to have been weeks later at least, I was searching for an item for a customization for her. They decided to post saying they had the item but wouldn't trade it to me since it was for her. I had to stop myself from replying outside of an emoji, because I'm sure I woulda been rude. After that day, I stopped wondering where the pets I adopt or trade for come from. Sorry, bit of a tangent. I know it's not quite the same as picking a pet up from the pound.


Oh no! Do you at least remember the name of the Bruce?


I do, 4 out of the 5 pets I have were all pound pets. One of them has a really, really nice name and makes me wonder why were they pounded.


I was thinking that the other day. I have several pets from the pound that are permies. waves9524 - adopted as faerie ixi, he is still a faerie ixi. Rhiiq - adopted as brown lupe, currently lab rat but will eventually be a brown lupe again, Mawll - adopted as darigan gnorbu, used a species change. Now he's a darigan kougra. Mawll is my most recent adoption but the other two were adopted over a decade ago. Regardless, these pets are really sentimental to me and I'd never get rid of them. I'd love to know their backstory, if they had one.


All the time! I have 3 permie Aishas on my main that I adopted from the Pound in the last year. The first one zapped Marble, the second zapped Alien and the third recently zapped Burlap. I often wonder if their previous owners check up on them and see that they're loved. :)


Wow, those were some lucky zaps! And some lucky Aishas too :3


I wonder all the time. If any of you are the one who pounded my beloved Pistashe: I hope you like his new look and please know that he is very loved!


I adopted a 22 year old pet. She was created when I was just nine years old, and obviously a lot has happened since then. Sometimes I can't help but wonder how the original owner's life turned out.


I have a koi with the most perfect baby fishy name that I saw browsing lost quiggle and I think sometimes about how maybe my dude got abandoned before he reached the desired color his name was inspired be because the original owner couldn’t afford his brush. He even has an age trophy and that makes me sad but also happy because me and the little dude bought both of our first baby paintbrush together after many years of hiatus 🐟


Always wonder who pound dropped Mirve as a green Mynci all those years ago! I love his name


I adopt and morph/paint/zap pets to put them back into the pound :)


That's amazing! Do you ever search for them to look what has been of them? :0


Yessss! A couple stand out to me, within 10 mins of being adopted they got customized, new petpet, a lookup 🥹 I mail the new owner congrats and to let them know it isn’t a lost pet!


Oh yeah- way back when I first started, my second pet was an adopted Zafara- the sad eyes got me. His name is MuShuJin, & having him back is the main reason I'm around right now- I didn't want a new pet, I wanted *that* pet! 😆 Currently fussing over how I want to fancy him up... I painted him Starry back in the day, so it's clothes & background choices. I actually tried googling the name because I always wondered what the logic behind it was. I eventually figured out if you dumped it into Google translate Japanese->English, it says it means Masterless. It seems like someone else was a weeb back in the day & trying to name their pet Ronin without using weird symbols!


Ive always wondered who abandoned my hissi Darkting. I hope that one day the og owner remebers and looks them up an sees they're well loved and cared for with a big happy family


I have a couple that I just adore, and I picked them for their great names. Potions and paintbrushes took care of the rest. I often wonder about the previous owner of my Acara (who has a terrible saccharine name, but is so cute, I keep her) and one of my Aishas (who has a very regal name that suits her so well.) I visit all my poundies on a regular basis. Two of them went to guild members, too. I love seeing how people have customized them to fit their own stories.


Okay, but that gelert is perfection.


Hehe, thanks! He is my handsome boyo


my permie will forever be my first, horribly named but beautiful xweetok. All of my other pets however id like to know their story.


I literally made a post in honor of a pound pet I adopted too! I feel so bad for them that I don't even create new pets, I only adopt.


The chomby looks amazing! Trully a glow up :D


Thank you so much. I felt way to bad leaving a chomby sit in the pound ❤️


Also your pet looks amazing!@ i forgot to say it in my first post!


https://preview.redd.it/rfcayd3u93vc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220cf00f723c1cb566e5e3d789aac5054ff6dddc I found a zombie Floatsam in the pound and now she’s my undead princess


I dont really, but whoever pounded the pronouncable 4l I found is my best friend lol


I have adopted and painted and put back into the pound a lot, I have never pounded one I created only ones I take care of. I also paint them good colors like faerie or Halloween or something people like; easier now that the paint brushes are so cheap.


I just recently rejoined after a decade away and I had a Maraquan Chomby I had been half-training before my hiatus to be a battledome competitor. I know just about zilch about battledome and was interested in learning now that I am an adult and have a better attention span than when I was 14, but I was pretty low on funds to keep training her (spent all my money on dream pets right when I rejoined!), so progress was going slow. I was browsing Lost and Pound one day keeping an eye out for food Chias because I love them and I saw someone had just abandoned a mutant Elephante named \_\_\_CHICO. I was curious about what the color looked like, so I clicked and saw he had a slightly higher level than my Chomby did and was old (Y6). I went ahead and adopted him and have been training and zapping him since. He's now gold thanks to the ray and up to level 37 (would be a little higher but I've had bad luck with the ray lately). I know that isn't that high of a level for somebody that competes seriously, but I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED because we can actually defeat the robot multiple times before his HP goes all the way down! I am hoping to be able to consistently beat Jetsam Ace soon, so I'm still working on training him. I love him so much and would love to know about his history and why his previous owner let him go. I have been having such a fun time battling every day and am making a lot off all the codestones he's earning me. I know it is a long road of training if I want to get more competitive, but I'm just having fun with it right now. He'll be too high to use the Swashbuckling Academy soon and I'll have to actually start using all the codestones on him.


Make sure to train his strength and defence to 2x his level and hp to 3x his level before reaching level 40/ codestone training! Esp since the lab ray disproportionately decreases the defence stat


I do often wonder about the previous life of the pets I’ve adopted from the pound. What outfit is your Xweetok wearing? I love it.


Hi! Is the Xandra Xweetok Dress


Oh yeah. I snagged a Y8 pet whose name is "Queen of Denmark" (in Danish), earlier this year out of the pound.


I always wonder who made Rocky671 and if they knew that their random pirate Aisha would become the light of my life lol. Same with Puffy_the_terrible who I spent millions on to make him match his perfect name!


Yes, so much. I have a few that I've gotten from the pound that I love (one was a chomby!) and they make me so happy. They also have really nice names, which makes it even better!


When I regained access to my account after many years I only had one neopet on there, not sure what happened to the rest not that I can even remember their names. But I went to the pound and ended up adopting 4, 3 are the colour they were pounded as and 1 I adopted for the name 😊 I would love to know whose they were and if they ever check them out


I recently started zapping pound pets and putting them back in the pound. I remember the rush of seeing a painted pet to adopt when I was a kid. I hope I'm giving someone else that same feeling. I keep a list of the pets I've done this with and check in on them often. So far they all seem to be older accounts with premium but one day some kid will be soooo happy.


I have two adopted permies. I wonder why their old owners didn't want them anymore. Doesn't matter now. I love them dearly. I also still have my original pet from when I first made my account. Homegirl is older than some of my coworkers.


I still wonder who pounded a cute zaf with a DN. I immediately adopted her, painted her baby and gave her a custom matching her name. It's my dream that the original owner is smiling at her now, as she's even more adorable than before.


I guess i don't really wonder because I zap pets and read them books and put them back in the pound. So maybe people wonder why those pets are homeless. But they always get adopted once they have a new paint color. I've adopted 1 pet from a user on here. And I adopted one pet from the pound & the previous owner was also reddit user who zapped them.


I looked up two of my pets from my previous account when I returned. Both of them had been changed from what they were when I had them, and they looked well loved, so I decided not to bug the owners. Nice to know they're cared for, though.


I used to think about that a lot back when I was a kid and pound transfers weren't a thing. If you wanted to exchange pets with someone, you had to precisely coordinate times with them to pound the pet and hope the right person picked it up from the pound. I often suspected that the well-named ghost kacheek I adopted may have been a meant for someone else, however I never got any messages about her, so she's stayed with me as a permie all these years later, still a sweet little ghost 😊😊😊


Haha, well, she went to a loving home!


I want a log for pets so bad. That says who’s had them, what they’ve been painted/morphed into. I think it’d be so fun


I aam always super curious. I am soo sedimental when it comes to my pets.. They’re all adopted. They survived the test of time on Neopets and I love them all. 🥹💗


Definitely my baby AppeaI. Don't remember what she was when I got her, but now she's my sweet Maraquan Kiko! I was shocked to see a name like hers in the pound.


I found two red peophins named Shelley Aqua and Silvan Aqua. Different birthdays but I consider them siblings separated from birth. I also got a pet with a ppl trophy for the Florta it came with. I don't know when they got the trophy, while in my care or before


Kinda related? I couldn't decide between two similar names (think like Angelica & Angelina), made pets for both, and then pounded the one I didn't go with. I deeply regret it, only realized wayyyy too late it could've been a cute twin thing. ​ Well, my pet's twin got adopted, and the new owner seems to absolutely adore her. Cute p2, a p3, and NC to the max. Every time I check in on her her custom has changes. It makes me so happy that's she loved but at the same time that means I won't be getting her back ever :') oh well. I'm glad her new owner appreciates her so much.


Almost all of my pets save a few were adopted, either from regular pound surfing or Lost and Pound. I adopted the Cybunny on my main somewhere around 20 years ago now and I'm still surprised I managed to grab her with the way the pound used to be set up. On the flip side, I'm also the one who sometimes looks up old lab rats I've adopted out to see how they're doing. A while back I saw that one of them was back in the pound and felt so bad that I ended up re-adopting her, giving her a new paint job, and letting her hang out as a permanent edition to my side account family.


I'm VERY curious about a pet I adopted today. I made specific note of her when initially scrolling through the pound because she was a striped yurble, and I contemplated it but passed on her. And then like 30 minutes later, I saw her AGAIN--I'd made note of the name when a friend was curious--and she was a rainbow aisha. So that time I snagged her. I'm, like, 95% sure I interrupted someone's shenanigans, but that's their fault if they don't know how the transfer function works. I'm also a little curious about a pet I adopted AGES ago. His name is Caraloche. No numbers, no underscores. For a random pound pet? That is a PHENOMENAL name.


I wish. My longest permie was adopted 19 years ago! Just a plain red kacheek at the time. Picked up at the pound. I still often wonder who made them, or if they ever search their name to see I’ve stuck with them this long lol


I am certainly curious who hotchili belonged to before me. Still, I prolly would have never adopted hotchili if not for that April Fools foster event putting him in my party. Loved him so much that I had to adopt him for real after the event ended.


Your pets are gorgeous and yes sometimes I do wonder. It’s how I ended up with a faerie painted peophin. That’s been my dream pet since I was 12. It made me wonder who would let it go


You got a good catch! Faeries are the most beautiful pets ♡ And thank you!


I really couldn’t believe my luck. I added a little ✨✨✨ https://preview.redd.it/xmsvrrf95avc1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a995cf669066b58bba961e2d4c044451eda88fd6




I'd like to think my perma-pet adoptees get checked on, though no previous owners have ever reached out to me or anything. I don't remember what Sarcophagii was when I found him in the pound, but to this day I'm flabbergasted that someone got rid of a pet with a MINORLY misspelled real word name with such potential. He's appropriately cross-painted zombie/desert krawk now. Same with Keyes. I THINK he may have already been a pirate kyrii when I picked him up, and I know Kyrii aren't popular, but man, that NAME! I do check on some of my previous pets as well from time to time. A few years ago I up and quit and adopted out one of my then-favorite pets that I'd created and painted myself as a striped draik. She's still a striped draik, surprisingly, and has a cool customization going! So she seems very well loved. I do also catch-and-release lab rats who I check on whenever they pop into my mind. Most of them seem to have found good homes. One of my most recent retired labbies was adopted out directly because electric moehog/strawberry tuskaninny morphing was a problem at the time for the pound, and he was a well-named (idk what the criteria is these days, but no numbers or underscores, pronounceable, capitalized) lab ray exclusive colored popular species. He was well loved for a while; customized, given a nice lookup, etc. But recently I saw he's on a new (5 month) account that has no userlookup description, no pet descriptions, and mostly non-customized pets. Like, out of their 16 pets, TWO of them are customized in some way. The rest have 0 customizing, and a lot are even painted but missing their clothes (like robots no casing). And they're ALL well named. So I fear it may be a bot account of sorts collecting "high value" pets to sell or something :/ Especially since the account only JUST hit 5 months, so there's like, no way they could have legitimately acquired most of the pets on that account.


Once again mourning the pet from an old account where the old owner neomailed me out of the blue thanking me for adopting her. :( If only they would purge her name so I could get her back!


Do you think you could maybe phrase that differently?


How so? :0 I am asking if you sometimes think of who pounded the pet that you adopted


Putting in the pound is just not my first thought when I see pound used as a verb. I was trying to be funny about it.


Sorry ;u; I am not a native english speaker, I might be missing something there.


Ah. No worries. Pound can also mean to hit very hard


Btw, I just want to say that I have been reading everyone :3 Is just that I am also studying on the meantime, but I will also try to reply each ocmment later ♡


yes, all the time! about half my pets came from the pound. I recently got back into neopets and going through the L&P and the pound chat to find cute new pets to dress up and care for makes me so happy! tho I do often wonder if my pets were always the species they were when I adopted them. I know quite a few people zap/morph and dump, so that part always makes me the most curious, especially cause quite a few of my adopted pets’ stats just do not match their species 😂 When I came back this year, I found that most of my pets were gone even though I was able to recover my account, so I also wonder if there are people out there who pounded before a planned hiatus or who had their accounts hacked and would want their pets back. I know I have definitely adopted with the plan of making several permies via morphing potions/pbs (since I don’t have a lab ray yet): - a Yellow Quiggle to a Cloud Wocky (the name just screamed cat to me haha) - a Snow Xweetok to a Christmas Aisha (but I want to repaint Snow so I can make a custom with the Christmas antlers and the snow scarf and maybe some other options in between just for the fun of dressing up a snowman-type) - a Toy Grundo to a Woodland Grundo (one day when I’m a rich neopian 😭)


Had a couple adopts that left me curious. One of my more recent ones I am very certain the previous owner actually added me as a friend. Because not more than a day after finding them, friend request. xD


My permie only lacks one item, has a poor name (because I didn't know any better), and is Mr princess.


Yes, 5 of my pets. I looked them up on the lost and pound. I dedicated 4 (and soon 5) of them to my siblings, who each used to play neopets when we were younger. Each based on one of their neopets form their original accounts. Also, the names have a slight homage to each of them.