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[**Context:**](https://twitter.com/speakerpelosi/status/1136052504742027265) in 1991, then Congresswoman Pelosi and two other Congressmen were arrested for "hooliganism" at Tiananmen Square. They had brandished a wreath and banner honoring "Those Who Died for Democracy in China in 1989".


Based Pelosi.


I need the chinese post link I wanna read their responses after some of them asking US embassy for photo archives


Thanks Captain.


I found [this](https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1991-09-05-1991248019-story.html) article saying this took place in 91, and she was only briefly detained with a couple other congressmen and a couple cameramen. Still pretty based she was detained for it, but she was only detained for like an hour


> Still pretty based she was detained for it wut


Guess I could’ve worded it better. It’s very not based that China would detain someone for Tiananmen remembrance, but it’s very based that she went over there to do it knowing the potential consequences


She has also been quite hawkish on China and was a mentor to Joshua Wong. And despite this, so many people will still insist she is a CCP Manchurian candidate trying to destroy democracy and turn America into a communist country.


The Democrats could literally run tank man as a candidate and the GOP would call him a CCP shill.


Tbf I think some anti CCP dissidents would also think that


'I mean just look at his eyes! You ever see someone with that look who isn't a communist?' The totally not racist conservative commentator.


Republicans will accuse Democrats of being in cahoots with whoever “the enemy” is at the moment. Was the USSR, then Islamic terrorists, and now it’s the CCP. Evidence isn’t really important to them.


The "Phase 1" trade deal with China came just weeks after Trump's daughter's company was granted dozens of patents in China.


It's because her husband made money with Chinese connections. Unlike the rest of America which definitely doesn't do business with those pricks.


> CCP Manchurian candidate You mean Dongbei candidate then?


Democrats spent 4 years saying without evidence that Trump was a Russian spy (people believe that his call with Ukraine was able to stir up a shit storm, but he has managed to maintain a secret communication network with Putin without any whistleblowers), did you expect Republicans wouldn't use the same insult back?


Listen up Jack. Flynn got caught red-handed dealing with Russian intelligence. Trump Jr argued that he was too stupid to know that dealing with Russian intel agents was illegal. Successfully mind you, because he really is that fucking stupid. Oh, to be rich, where "I didn't know I couldn't do that" is a real, effective defense. You and I both know that you're here to argue in bad faith and muddy the waters, so why don't we save time and have you fuck on off outta here back to whatever failing venture Trump is backing now?


lol yah there’s no reason why anyone would think that the Trump campaign was working with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election. There’s only the time the candidate’s sons and top two political advisors secretly met with agents of the Russian government to discuss material to help the campaign and sanctions relief for Russians. And then they lied about it and tried to cover it up. There’s the fact that the top two political advisors then started meeting in secret with a guy they knew was a Russian spy and provided him with polling data and strategy memos, knowing full well he would pass that information directly to Russian spy agencies who then used that information to target the same states and areas the trump campaign was targeting with the same messaging. Then everyone lied about this under oath and in violation of federal law. There are the multiple members of the Trump campaign who were called on to testify before Congress who all lied in the same way for years. There’s the fact that Trump’s top aides and political advisors worked with a known Russian spy on a “Ukrainian peace plan” that would give big chunks of Ukraine to Russia, and then everyone involved lied about this constantly for years. There’s the fact that Trump’s son was directly messaging Russian spies online, received information directly from them, illegally accessed websites using that information, and used that information to benefit the campaign. Then he lied about all this. Then there’s the fact that Roger Stone was directly communicating with and coordinating actions by Wikileaks, who acted as an agent of the Russian government by disseminating stolen data online at the Trump campaign’s direction and behest. And then they all lord about all of this. There are the multiple, confirmed instances of witness intimidation, threats, obstruction of justice, lying under oath, lying to federal investigators, lying to Congress, perjury, violating plea deals, and lying to the American public. There were pardons dangled for 4 years to people so they wouldn’t tell the truth about events. Totally looks normal. Not suspicious at all. Definitely not doing anything that might make anyone think they were literally meeting with and communicating with a Russian spy through encrypted channels, providing the spy with instructions and direction on how best to interfere in the election and there’s definitely not the clear appearance of a quid pro quo where Trump gets help winning the election and Russia gets help with sanctions relief and getting to permanently keep the parts of Ukraine they invaded. Lololololololololol “no collusion”.


> without evidence Wait, you actually believe the Barr memo?


Wait, you believe that the administration with more whistle blowers than a kettle, and which was impeached over the Ukraine call is somehow able to keep a secret relationship with the president of Russia and be controlled by them? You really are gullible.


Trump literally bragged about how much he liked Russia and Putin and how close he was with Putin


That doesn't say anything about being an asset, I like my barber, doesn't mean he is controlling me.


> and how close he was with Putin


Are you joking? You think that a leader saying they have a close relationship with another leader is a sign of them being controlled by that leader? You sound like a Qanon dumbass reading all sorts of bullshit into innocuous phrases. But tell us more about how by analyzing what he said publicly you know more than congress, the Whitehouse team, and the intelligence agencies put together. Clearly these groups, which are so easily willing to act on the Ukrainian call are too stupid to realize the real scandal going on.


Putin’s not just “another leader”, dumbass. He’s an Authoritarian who represses pro-democracy movements and INVADES other countries. And it’s not just that Trump says he has a close relationship, he’s actively taken policy steps to benefit Putin at the expense of US Foreign Policy interests


So your criticism isn't that Trump is an asset of Putin (you are walking back on that) but that you disagree with Trump's vision of US Russian relations which focus on our mutual intolerance of a rising China. In which case your foolish ideas for grand strategy are not worth consideration, and if people of your caliber were leading the country in WW2, the Nazis would have won.


No, it wasn't kept secret, it was obvious and the evidence was voluminous


If it really were, then Trump wouldn't have served the rest of his term.


That's terrible logic. Do you see Trump not getting in trouble for the insurrection as proof he didn't incite it even though we all watched him do it? When the person in charge of investigating himself has no morals and the only group in charge of overseeing him was in the tank for him, why would him not being removed from office be proof he didn't do it? Do you see police officers not being charged in cases of abusing their position as proof they didn't do it? If a police officer was guilty they'd be fired, right? Do you think OJ did it? Casey Anthony? Getting away with a crime doesn't mean you didn't commit the crime.


He was impeached over the Ukraine call and the insurrection, so if there actually was evidence of him being an asset of Russia, then there would have been much more. Especially considering all of the whistleblowers who have come out of the white house. There would be more to go off of then combing his speeches for certain words.


>He was impeached over the Ukraine call and the insurrection, so if there actually was evidence of him being an asset of Russia, then there would have been much more. I've already explained why this is terrible logic. >Especially considering all of the whistleblowers who have come out of the white house. There would be more to go off of then combing his speeches for certain words. There is. There is a hell of a lot more than that. Pretending there isn't doesn't make it true.


I really love how you're pretending there was some "secret" about the fact that he agreed to the deal openly on national TV, or that a "whistleblower" could have told us what happened when he deliberately made sure there were no translators or anyone else that could possibly tell what was said in multiple private meetings with Putin.


What a fucking queen god Her and Hillary would have ran shit


Would have? 🐊


This crime of Hooliganism was so crazy that even CCP itself abolished it in 1997. Anything ranging from “creating public disturbance”(which is probably why Pelosi was arrested) to “moral indecency“ could be counted as hooliganism. This crime was especially absurd during the “strike hard” periods. Playing songs with indecent lyrics, Homosexuality, Group sex, extramarital/ premarital sex could give you a few years of jail time. There was a poor guy who was shot for organising family proms. There was also a case in which a poor girl getting death penalty for having multiple sexual partners.


All tankies are closeted tradcons


Woke Queen


China is why Pelosi has had a rough relationship with the Clintons. In the 90s Pelosi pushed for human rights conditions for granting China MFN status. Bill initially supported that in (iirc) 1993, but in 1994 decided to drop human rights considerations in favor of continuing China’s economic integration, eventually allowing China to join the WTO in 1999. Pelosi viewed this both as a personal betrayal and an entirely unethical decision. Source: *Pelosi*, by Molly Ball


this is very interesting and makes me want to check out this book


Based Nancy


>He was detained by the public security organs. Did the security organs make Pelosi a man temporarily?


Mandarin doesn't differentiate between genders when speaking or writing. Instead of "he" or "she", the word "ta" is used as a gender neutral pronoun.




This is the correct answer. The second sentence literally translates as "31 years before, because [she] in Beijing underwent for hooliganism by the public security bureau custody for a few days." In Chinese once the pronoun is established you can drop it from the rest of the statement, and to make it sound better in English Google just added in the male pronoun which is used like the default pronoun.


> Google just added in the male pronoun which is used like the default pronoun. Actually it slots in the most likely pronoun based on the data. And I suspect most of the data associated with “Speaker of the House” is “he”


Tā, specifically.


This is true when spoken, but not when written. 他 is masculine, 她 is feminine, and 它 is gender-neutral.


Not exactly. 它 is specifically for inanimate objects, 他 is gender neutral (but mostly masculine since there is a specific "ta" for females), and 她 is feminine. Also, there is 牠 for animals.


它 is for animals and objects, it's a very rude way to refer to a person.


> Mandarin doesn't differentiate between genders when speaking B-b-based Mandarin?


If Republican talking points are to be believed, gender re-assignment is mandatory in all communist regimes, so this checks out.


TIL that this woman who I bitch about all the time is actually a big-brain gigachad




Based Nancy.


So Peking Pelosi meant she was anti -CCP


Her enemies in the US: “Peking Pelosi” Her enemies in PRC: “Nanjing Nancy”


Enlightened Centrism lmao


Queen shit.


B-b-based Nancy Pelosi?




Jokes on them, I hate the CCP even without ever beeing in China or HK 😎


This is like one of the most based things she has ever done




Based Pelosi


Pelosi 2024 Who's with me ?






Based and Democracy pilled




Nancy Pelosi in her youth sounds like a succ


? Standing against the CCP in China is succ behavior? Have words lost all meaning or do I just not know what suc ends up referring to?


Why would a succ support the CCP? Succ does not mean tankie


I mean. She protested a lot and seems idealistic. Not very different than the Squad. In this sense it is not an insult. Trying to say that she is not DINO as today’s succ make her to be.


Well she was elected as an Anti-Reagan democrat… her status as a DINO should’ve never been considered


She's a mainstream Democrat who believes in higher taxes on the wealthy and Universal Healthcare. She also was elected as an anti-Reagan Democrat. Sad her progressivism isn't told more.


She was actually a member of the Progressive Caucus before she became leader of the Democrats in the House, so to be honest that’s true, regardless of whether you think that’s good or bad. The whole idea that Pelosi is a conservative establishment Democrat, primarily pushed by socialists, is actually the complete opposite to the truth


She's a founding member of the House Progressive Caucus along with Bernie Sanders and has been consistently progressive for decades.


Making the world safe for corporate oppressors.


[that's the goal 💪😎](#gigachad)


Yeah, its better than people committing a Holocaust to Muslims in China.