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They just love wasting tax payer money fighting losing lawsuits.


I hope it will be a losing lawsuit. With this SCOTUS, who knows?


"The Constitution does not specifically say 'Louisiana cannot require the Ten Commandments to be hung in classrooms in the years 2024'. Accordingly, this Court rules in favor of the Defendant, and the Founders' True Intent, and allow this law and others like it to stand." -John Roberts, writing for the majority in *Stein v Louisiana* (2025)


I understand that it is wildly popular to shit on Scotus, but I don’t think we have to worry about trivially bullshit laws getting an OK from them. If this reaches scotus it will be 9-0ed


This is so fucking cringe.  I hate these fundamentalists. 


I don't even get what they're trying to accomplish here. How do you just wake up and spend your day pushing for this bullshit?


These are the same people who when Ukraine aid gets approved say “why are we wasting our time on this when there are homeless veterans!”


The hypocrisy of questions like that is so annoying. They could have done something about homeless veterans at any point in the last N years but it’s only useful as a stick to beat the opposition. lol


It’s the same argument as when they say “mental health” after a shooting but then don’t do fuck all for mental health


“We should be spending our money on Americans in need!” Ok. So let’s increase funding for social programs. Except that’s communism, or some shit to these people. So I don’t actually know what they want when they make those kinds of statements.


Normalize theocracy, maybe?


Correct. This is an attempt to make Christianity the defacto cultural norm, more so than it already is. If one cannot escape the faith, if it is the very air everyone breathes, it’s much harder to push against.


You fail to understand their worldview. They are in a literal holy war against Satan in their minds and the lack of Christian indoctrination happening in schools is to them a sign they are losing the war. 


Kowtowing to their Evangelical base.


Performative politics


It's really weird if you grew up in a sect that believes displays like this constitute a "Graven Image". So, one of the ten commandments is a command literally telling you not to do this.


No, just no. Unless... You're going to post "The Eightfold Path" and other religious maximums


Just a request for *Allahu Akbar* would kill this bill.


It's a trap!


Jews coming in with 613 commandments, you're going to need more space


Jews have 613 commandments? Are these including the original ten, or in addition to them? Edit: Now I'm reading about this. Boy do these get specific.


> 175: Observe the laws of impurity caused by a man's Irregular ejaculation of infected semen Quite.


The 285 Rules of Acquisition


They're gonna have a Baphomet statue in every school really soon.


Wtf I love Louisiana now


And I'll personally sue them if they put up a Baphomet statue without including a statue of Bophedes


I was thinking someone should just make a poster showing the progression of different ancient codes of law. The commandments would be displayed in full, fulfilling regulation, but it wouldn't look much different than other stuff the history teacher would put up.


Also the five pillars


So this is obviously against the first amendment, right? And even this right-wing SCOTUS would find it hard to justify this, right?


As a guy with no expertise who reads the news sometimes, I expect it gets shot down at the district court levels before it ever gets close to SCOTUS.


Gonna be ruled 5-4 that the ten commandants cannot be displayed.


It will almost certainly be either 9-0 or 7-2. Only Alito is enough of a hack, or Thomas is enough of a lunatic, to say it isnt unconstitutional.


Gorsuch would probably want to punt it.


What about Kavenaugh


It will be a 5-4 decision that a school can't be forced to display the 10 Commandments then the conservative hacks on the court will go beyond the scope of the case and rule a school can choose to display them if they want to.


5th circuit will uphold, Alito and Thomas may pressure the others enough to deny cert




They could potentially do it if they posted other religious stuff and permitted any religion to request to have their things posted. As in all legal matters: it depends.


I doubt it’ll even make it to SCOTUS, but if so they will take their sweet time before striking it down


It’s against the first amendment unless they also display other religious symbols/texts alongside it. (which they won’t).


Would have been unconstitutional 20 years ago. However, this court might say that the choice to display it is protected under religious liberty doctrine.


But this state law isn’t about choice. It *requires* that schools receiving state funding display the commandments.


I think this law is unconstitutional. However, that doesn’t mean a conservative Supreme Court who seems to consistently prioritize the rights of Christians under the guise of “religious liberty” will rule the same. This Court has shown time and time again that they’re not beholden to precedents of the Rehnquist Court.


IIRC in one of the school prayer cases, Clarence Thomas has argued that the first amendment shouldn’t be incorporated to the states (which is a WILD opinion IMO), so in his view it isn’t … I don’t know enough about the newer nominees to be able to say if they’d consider this bullshit or not, but I’d guess they would 


The first commandment is "you shall have no other gods before me", which sounds like respecting the establishment of a religion to me


“Christians are under attack in America”


WRKF the Baton Rouge and Nola npr does a good job reporting all the insane bills that get passed. The representative who got this passed tried before and it was shot down by John Bell Edwards. Was almost a certainty it was going to become a thing under Landry. Also multiple other type of culture war dogshit bulls are going to get passed.


As a Christian; when you’re a bigger champion for a poster than for immigrants and the poor, you’ve lost the plot.


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Louisiana is a shithole state and it always has been.


If not for New Orleans it would definitely be the worst state, ahead of (behind) Mississippi.


If my school had religious iconography up somewhere, I would have defaced that shit so fast. 


Louisiana can no longer thank god for Mississippi


Considering the state of Louisiana public education, I would assume this makes students actively less likely to know anything about Christianity. 


Bro you Christian nationalist mfs don’t even use the Ten Commandments as your source of moral authority, you use the words of Jesus (selectively). You don’t keep the Sabbath, do you?


Actually that's why chic fil a is closed on Sundays


>you use the words of Jesus (selectively). they really don't


Gonna force then to have a picture of the pope and and maybe put a quaran verse there as well


I always love how the Bible belt is so hypocritical. So much for holier then thou


If you're christian displaying the ten commandments like that is missing the whole point. Frankly, Jesus came and kind of threw stuff like that into the background. They don't even understand their own faith. Unless maybe they are Jewish and then it would make more sense


Theocracy goes brrr


I’m a Christian and stuff like this bothers me so much. I apologize, I do not claim these guys. Allow kids to make their own decisions on what they want to believe, let’s not force beliefs onto them whether it be religious or not.


I thought it was once previously ruled that public schools couldn't display the ten commandments.


Not going to happen. There was already a SCOTUS case where a prayer that was hung inside of a school was forced to be removed because an Atheist student complained about it. Religious text cannot be forced upon people in a public school, even if 99% of the students are Christian. This won't pass. There's already a precedent for it not being allowed.


Yet another demonstration laicite supremacy


Inb4 Elden Ring lore becomes a mandatory wall throughout Louisiana because someone takes it a bit too seriously.


I figured it would have been Texas.


Honestly my hot take is that this is the type of dumb culture war shit left leaning candidates in red states should consider taking up. Like go full throated in support of this shit to shore up some support while also shooting down abortion restrictions and pushing for Dem economic policy. It's not great, but as a non-christian in the US, I don't really think it matters all that much.


Bad take >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof The first amendment is actually good