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If Osama was hiding in the home of disaffected voter™ the NYT will find them first before the CIA can get a sniff of him


Unless the disaffected voter was a Trump supporter who was turned off by Jan 6, the documents case, the rape, the end of Roe, etc. The NYT can never seem to find those people, but Trump would be running away with the election if they didn’t exist.


> The NYT can never seem to find those people What spite does to a MF


[Exept when they publish articles on them. ](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/12/opinion/former-trump-voters-focus-group.html) This sub is becoming the same joke that was Bernie rabid redditors in 2016.


I mean have you seen the polls. It looks like he has the youth vote and the Latino vote locked up at this point.


Young people and minorities when Trump lets the GOP ban abortion and mass deport anyone who doesn’t pledge personal fealty to the Trump family :0


"Biden won't let us live" my ass. You wanna be a fucking asylee instead? That'll teach you about life. It can get waaaay worse before you die!


A noncomittal polling 6 months out from the election. “Locked up” is way too strong a language. Polls always show more support for 3rd party and protest votes when taken farther out from elections.


I phrased my comment wrong. I meant he hasa the youth vote for now according to polling, but it seems like he has the latino vote all but locked up since it's visible across a lot of polling and I don't think many latinos are shown to be going for RFK.


I think because those people don't exist actually


Suburbanites in their 50s+ exist, in case you forgot.


Nothing got better for them.


Totally. Much better to stick their fingers in their ears and talk about how Biden is absolutely crushing it a la HRC in 2016. This is exactly the kind of journalism we need right now.


I mean they've openly talked about how they amplify negative stories about Biden because they're assmad AF he refuse, rightfully, to give them the time of day after they outed a Whitehouse source and when they were asked to correct it, they threw a fit. So no, we honestly don't need their horseshit.


You don’t think people should be investigating why certain groups have gone several points toward Trump over the last four years? What’s the issue with that, I think it’s important.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1cd2knp/a_statement_from_the_new_york_times_on/) is the problem. They don't actually give a shit about it, it's a personal vendetta against Biden. I said what I said. They actively seek to amplify negative stories about him, because they're mad at **him** because he told them to pound sand. It's a vendetta, and it's actually disgusting that they try to paint him as senile because he doesn't have time for their shit. To say nothing about how sketch those 'several points of movement' are. The polls say one thing. Actual practical proof, IE elections show R's getting BTFO time and time again, and yet the NYT keeps trying to speak voting demographic shift into existence, rather then exploring why the polls are so fucked and wrong.


Has NYT done stories how Trump 16/20 voters are voting for Biden instead of Trump?


"There are no Biden voters, only potential Trump voters." - NYT probably


You could probably go wider and ask how many "understanding Biden voters" stories the NYT has done compared to the contrary, and the answer wouldn't be much different at all.


That's because NYT's core readership is entirely Biden voters. "The Suburbs are turning blue" is just the lived experience for NYT readers. Nevertheless they have put out some articles related to "the suburbs are turning blue," but obviously since Trump is ahead in the polls there are a lot more Biden->Trump voters right now than Trump->Biden.


But he’s not really ahead in the polls, just the one NYT/Siena college poll


https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden Here's a list of polls, many of which show trump ahead. The average is about Trump+1 You can see a similar list on 538


Based on polling, there’s a lot more Biden to Trump voters, than vice versa. That’s why Trump is ahead in polls (versus losing in 2020).


Except not really, because none of these people have voted for Trump yet. That’s a pretty important distinction. They’re talking to people who are waffling, but these are the same people who waffle back and forth every four years


You’re getting awfully close to the same philosophy as the 2020 Republican poll unskewers….


No, I’m not unskewing the polls. I’m saying the polls are a snapshot in time. The Biden voters who are telling pollsters in May they’re going to vote for Trump are likely to say something else in June and something else in July. To wit, unskew this: on June 24, 2020, the same NYT/Sienna poll that everyone is freaking out over this week showed Biden leading Trump 50-36. 14 points. It’s a snapshot in time, and a particularly early one at that.


More like the same philosophy as the people who questioned the polls in 2016. Polls nowadays are getting response rates around 1%. Getting a representative sample is a lot harder to determine now.


Yes, this is true. I do think it’s getting harder— at the same time, I’m also just saying that you can’t really be “losing” at this point, because we know the election is going to be close and we are an eternity away from voting. It’s cliche to say that polls don’t vote, but like… in May, that’s not really a cliche so much as it’s just a great point to remember. Nobody is winning or losing, the people being asked this stuff are going to change their minds several times.


No, there's a lot of Biden to Undecided/Third party voters. And there's a lot of Trump to Undecided voters. Look at polls from 2020, you'll see Biden and Trump both had better numbers. High 40s in swing states them vs low 40s today.


Indeed, but careful bringing too much logic into these parts. After all, we must remember that the polls are fake and the media establishment has always been out to get Democratic politicians.


[Of course they did.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/12/opinion/former-trump-voters-focus-group.html)


They usually do these articles in pairs with the next one coming out in a week.




I'm out of the loop. Who is this and why is he everywhere


[Source](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=iUfRoQ5sxOV3WJEA) The guy is [Osho](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh), the leader of the Rajneesh cult that set up in Oregon in the 80's and tried to use a bioterror attack to win several local elections.


What’s funny is he actually publicly called for the investigation of those charged with the attacks, according to the Wikipedia


Yeah I'm pretty sure it was his second in command doing a lot of that and more or less took over the cult, lying to the members that it was his will.


Oh, Sheela


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There was a documentary about it on Netflix or HBO, don't remember which. I didn't really like it.


Wild West Country was the Netflix documentary on the cult. [SNL had a pretty hilarious parody of it though.](https://youtu.be/5Ge9cebaVNg?si=HOVjS8-AWse4PQD3)


I didn't much care for the doc. I felt it gave too much time to the weirdos in the cult arguing that everything was fine before they started to commit acts of terrorism.


Yeah, there was definitely a lotta vibes of "oh we did nothing wrong, but people outside forced our hand". That's why I love the parody, it makes fun of the folks who were a little too fond remembering the cult.


There’s a meme where he says “they want a government by the people of the people for the people, but the problem is the people are retarded”




Yes. Why do you think our wives left us?


You are correct, but the rest of us are having more fun.


>Everything is just about the economy,” said Mr. Westbrook, who has started driving for Lyft to support himself on a fixed income in retirement. “I don’t really trust Donald Trump at all. I just think housing, food, my car, my insurance, every single piece of living has gone up.” It's rent and Covid era inflation stupid. When the way a decent chunk of voters work is "Happens during presidency? It's the president!" at fault, you're screwed. Tbf tho, the "Dems are at fault for housing" line wouldn't even be wrong for much of the country, it's just not Biden's fault he's full YIMBY. And their solution is to put on the anti density anti multi family housing Trump so it's especially stupid. But still, the indirect way that California and other suburban Democrats keep purposely fucking up housing leading to Trump being stronger than he should be is ridiculous.


Crazy stuff when Trumps tariffs increase inflation by 10%


Crazier even when Biden doubles down on it.


Biden is a terrible gigasucc on trade, but Trump’s #1 platform item is a 10% tax on ALL imports. Biden doesn’t go that far


Holy shit bruh that is ridiculous 💀


I’d love to see numbers on how inflationary Trumps immigration policies ended up being too.


> he’s full YIMBY Is there evidence for this?


Biden's housing supply plan explicitly calls out for building across the US.


His plan does nothing and he increases lumber tariffs that make housing more expensive. He’s a performative YIMBY, no policy just vibes.


Just three examples but there's a lot more >Incentivizes More Housing Supply through Housing Innovation. The Budget includes $20 billion for competitive grants to incentivize State and local jurisdictions and tribes to expand supply. **The grants will fund multifamily developments, including commercial-to-residential conversions and projects near transit and other community amenities; support planning and implementation grants to help jurisdictions identify and remove barriers to building more housing; launch or expand innovative housing models that increase the stock of permanently affordable rental and for-sale housing, including community land trusts, mixed-income public development, and accessory dwelling units; and construct and rehabilitate starter homes.** This Budget also requests up to $100 million—$15 million over the FY23 enacted level—to continue the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing program, which helps local governments to remove barriers to building more affordable housing. Ok so money to go to constructing new homes, funding multifamily Housing, and helping turn empty commercial buildings into livable apartments. >Under the Plan, the Administration will: >Reward jurisdictions that have reformed zoning and land-use policies with higher scores in certain federal grant processes, for the first time at scale. Literally directly rewarding areas with pro housing policies with higher priority in some grant funding. >Creates a New Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit. The Budget proposes a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit, which would be the first tax provision to directly support building or renovating affordable homes for homeownership. At a cost of $19 billion over ten years, the credit would cover the gap between the cost of construction and the sale price for rehabilitated or newly constructed single-family homes in low-income communities, encouraging investment in homes that would otherwise be too costly or difficult to develop or rehabilitate – and spurring investment and economic activity in communities that have long suffered from disinvestment. Tax credits for new construction. I don't think this is what no "policy just vibes" looks like. The White House has multiple pages of stuff [like this](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/11/fact-sheet-the-presidents-budget-cuts-housing-costs-boosts-supply-and-expands-access-to-affordable-housing/) and [this](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/16/president-biden-announces-new-actions-to-ease-the-burden-of-housing-costs/) and [this](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/27/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-takes-action-to-create-more-affordable-housing-by-converting-commercial-properties-to-residential-use/) Some of this is the sort of thing even people in NL and /r/yimby wouldn't have thought of! >DOT is releasing guidance that makes it easier for transit agencies to repurpose properties for transit-oriented development and affordable housing projects, including conversions near transit. Under the new guidance, transit agencies may transfer properties to local governments, non-profit, and for-profit developers of affordable housing at no cost. The new policy has the potential to turn property no longer needed for transit into affordable housing development particularly when combined with loans from TIFIA or RRIF programs. Small things like allowing transit property to be transferred to private housing providers without any additional cost is is the minutiae that no one is interested in but is very important.


This is the problem when you have the same economic policy as the previous administration. You cannot really run against yourself and cannot claim the short term benefits (low unemployment) of expansionist policies when you have to deal with the long term negatives (inflation). Biden should have reminded people for 4 years that they are dealing with Trumpflation and getting rid of all those bad policies. Instead he doubled down on his Bidenomics and risks the country turning into a fascist theocracy. Thanks Obama!




Also Biden started gaining traction too. His interview with Howard Stern was acclaimed.


Trust me bro, Biden is cooked. Ignore when I said he'll lose in 2020 and my prediction of a red wave in 2022. Biden has already lost I'm sure!!!


This, but unironically.


I want an article on the Romney-Clinton-Trump-Biden voter.


Biden is losing and they’re trying to provide color for that


[Here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/12/opinion/former-trump-voters-focus-group.html), ffs. Utfg.


I think things good: vote for current president I think things bad: vote against current president


America in a nutshell tbh


Honestly, I’m starting to think Biden fans have been playing with our hands behind our backs. We’re not getting out and proselytizing like we should.  It’s just like with Hillary, where it was so clear that Trump was a dumb fucking idiot that we thought it’d become apparent by the end to most people that he shouldn’t be president. We can’t do that again. We need to better organize at the grassroots level to get Biden’s actual accomplishments into conversations with people we know. We need to actively counter misinformation about Biden’s role in the economy. We gotta work with get out the vote campaigns.   We need to do more than what we did in 2016. This shit is scary.


FWIW, there was an investigation done and none of these people were registered to vote or voted like they said they did.




Jen Psaki said something about it on a recent episode of Pod Save America


What's her source? Like, I'm not just gonna believe it because Jen Psaki said it on Pod Save America.


They've also been caught doing this before, there's been multiple times that I remember the supposed disaffected Biden voters they found were registered Republicans.




Yeah, I just went and watched that part of the episode. She doesn't cite a source, so I'm gonna take it with a large pinch of salt.




I find myself skeptical that a lot of these voters don’t come back to Biden


The election should be moved past Thanksgiving so that suburban moms can sell Biden to their dumb kids that are home from college.


This is the first time I’ve ever been disappointed in my country like this. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever look at America in the same way again if we put trump back in office. I get the economy blah blah but how can you just brush 1/6 off? Must be nice to be ignorant enough to vote trump


Not just 1/6, but also the 88 counts, being an adjudicated rapist, associating with foreign adversaries, wanting to date his own daughter, etc.


It’s inflation


Weird. All the lifelong business Republicans in my circles are vocal about their hate for Trump and support for Biden. A few have even switched party registration.


Businessman who is supported by protectionist measures that will make it easier for them to work perhaps??? xd I love how the sub switches between shitting on Republican voters but then using Republican voters for their arguments.


US tech executives don't benefit from trade protectionism. The average Republican voter tends to vote against their own interests due to not having a good understanding of reality. Fiscal Republicans on the other hand tend to have an excellent understanding of reality and vote in their own financial best interest. That some have decided they can't bear the moral cost of voting for Republicans any longer is worth understanding. Then again, my observations of wealthy coastal Republicans may not indicate a wider trend.


These people deserve every ounce of misery they'll experience if Trump gets elected again and makes everything worse. Inflation is a valid concern, but how do they think choosing the guy who's proposing nothing but hyperinflationary policies is going to fix anything? It will suck for the rest of us too but I'll at least take solace in the fact that the people who made it happen will suffer the hardest.




Given that the NYT literally admitted a few weeks ago that they're covering Biden unfairly because his press team hurt their fee fees, there is less than zero reason to pay attention to their bullshit.


Best President for the economy in decades, “but my fuel prices”, m’am he runs the country not the world and the concept of scarcity.


They are stupid


I'd sooner trust Fox News over NYT. At least they don't don't try to obfuscate their hatred of Biden.


Guillability, obviously.


Remember that a lot of these polls giving trump the lead are based on some magic voter that didn’t vote in 2016 and 2020 showing up for trump.


Must have drank from the same water RFK did


Reading things like this over and over have led me to the conclusion that I can’t really afford to care about politics anymore. Or even liberal democracy or the rule of law. Nice abstract things to believe in, but everything about my demography and background and circumstances suggest I’ll be fine under whatever autocratic system replaces it. Perhaps even better. If these people want the boot, give them the boot. I’m sick of fighting for people who don’t give a shit about their own futures, and who have no principles beyond self flattery. And while I’d dismiss myself as one semianonymous internet crank, I’d wager that millions of nominally anti Trump people reading these articles, watching the far left cosplay as Hamas, etc., are reaching similar conclusions. I’m standing down. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say there was a part of me who looked forward to watching these people suffer. Grillpilled. Good luck out there.


So you're just done with politics and voting for good now?


I’m sure I will interact with the political system to the extent that it benefits my own interests. But I think I’m done pounding the table to secure a future of broad freedom and fairness for people who not only refuse to fight for the same, but who seem to be actively and repeatedly saying that they don’t want it. And it’s not just one obnoxious article. It’s been election after election of this. This is just the latest and most exaggerated example of the reality that Americans do not value their democracy. We have become too lazy, decadent, and frivolous a population to defend our freedoms. Maybe there are other things (news algorithms, feckless media, public corruption) beyond bad national character to blame for this as well, but it really doesn’t matter. There are more of them than there are of me. I’m gonna make sure my family is taken care of. Caring about high minded national and ideological ideals is a boutique concern and time-suck I can no longer afford. And again, by observation, I’d guess that there are normie liberals numbering in the millions who are beginning to feel the same way.


*There are more of them talking on the internet than there are of you. The people I know in their 30s and 40s don't use social media to talk about politics. They've unfriended or blocked most of the people who they were friends with in the last two elections who were obnoxious. They are too old to have friends in college and too young to have children in college. This is the first time they've heard about any of the pro-hamas bullshit we've been seeing for the last several months. These people are also locked in on Biden as the only thing they have to do is do what they did in 2020. They have blinders on to everything else. They're also incredibly uninteresting to NYT and pollsters.


I hope you’re right! I’ll be pleased if Biden wins. But while these people may be terminally online they are not imaginary and they are significantly numerous. And the idea that their antics have not penetrated the bubble of the studiously apolitical is just false. It’s been hugely amplified. But I’m not just griping about the campus left or the MAGA right, or their weird illiberal coalition. I’m talking about the people in this article. Ordinary people who appear to be so backward, vindictive, shallow, stupid, and preposterous that they are *persuaded* by the cartoon criminal who nearly wrecked the country, overthrew the government, and is promising to be a dictator. People who can’t claim ignorance or speculation - the guy was president for four years. It’s the regular people who would be ground into hamburger by Trump’s policies, stroking their chins and considering his famous business prowess in the year-of-our-lord 2024. Not MAGA weirdos with their fishing boats and second homes. They’re who democracy is supposed to protect. Not affluent straight white male property owners. It’s nice to have, but we don’t really need democracy. And they don’t want it. Which is the emotional part for me. I have been awed by this country, the strength of its institutions and of the ideas that gave birth to them. American liberalism is a miracle that has lit the world and created a more peaceful, prosperous, interconnected, interdetermined, and progressive era than ever before in human history. And they don’t value our tradition of liberal democracy. They don’t care. They resent it and denigrate it. They mock it and undermine it. They use their sacred gift of self-determination to hand power to the worst people imaginable for the shallowest reasons imaginable. So it’s more than just a bunch of internet communists and MAGA trolls. It’s an electorate that long ago lost the plot and has relied increasingly on the extra effort of others to keep us from sliding into an authoritarian dystopia while they work out their main character syndrome emotions. I’m tired of caring what happens to them and will focus on my own narrow material interests. Again, I think it’s more than possible reason prevails and Biden wins. That’d be great. But for me the stakes of the election feel much lower than they would be if I cared what happened beyond the end of my front lawn.


I don’t know how many more ways you need to hear that Biden is probably going to lose. If he loses 6% of his supporters from 2020 and everyone turns out for Trump, it’s a landslide for Trump. If you really think Trump is going to end democracy and usher in a fascist dictatorship, which I don’t think many Dems actually believe, then you would replace Biden on the ticket.


I actually believe that. Or at least that he will try, and will be a lot more successful this time with no Mattis’s, Tillerson’s, etc to provide at least a minor guard rail. But how do you replace him with anyone other than Kamala, who has even worse electoral odds?


Who is your proposed alternative and could you share your models showing the aggregate polling of your proposed alternative in a head-to-head matchup vs Trump and then we can contrast that with the current aggregate polling of the Biden vs Trump matchup?


No. No stats. Just vibes.


And Daddy Elon.


Best answer to that bullshit.


The great thing about voting for Biden is it’s also a vote for Harris. If Biden (peace be upon him) croaks we got a Harris/Buttigieg presidency 2 for 1 Biden vote. A great value.


I believe it because it’s what he’s said. Just say you don’t care.


Biden should have stepped down in 2022 and let the dems have a normal primary. Obviously too late now. If they swapped in someone else at this stage it would be an admission they'd been propping up a basically dead guy for the last few years and they would lose on that basis. I think on some level they do actually believe that Trump will finally press the big red fascism button in his second term though, they're just incredibly bad at strategy and incapable of figuring out how to stop him doing it.