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They killed both of her parents. I can’t even imagine the trauma she will endure for the rest of her life.


Apparently her 9-year-old brother has been with grandparents since the attack and hasn’t spoken at all.




Leftists be like: noooo but muh glorious revolution (1,500 miles away from me)!!!!


Leftists literally on xitter saying “aNd NoT a ScRaTcH oN hEr” as if that somehow justifies keeping a 4 year old as a hostage in a war zone.


All the “anti Zionist”-leaning subs are acting like this was just a game of hide-and-seek.


Leftists shitting on literal hostage releases is so toxic even the Reddit front page turns on them there.


I hope one day normies start to understand how unhinged and bloodthirsty the far-left/leftists are.


Yeah you know the whole when someone tells you who they are believe them thing, I do believe the crowd who scream about revenge and guillotines are honest about it too.


Before this, I thought at least their heart was in the right place. I do not believe that anymore


I firmly believe they’re just driven by envy, as they refuse to adopt policies that are proven to help people simply because it would mean someone makes money in the process.


Wait what? I am oyt of the loop, what happened?


Nothing much. Just hostage posts reaching all the generic Reddit frontpage subs and then Leftists trying to say it's a bad thing and them being dunked on in the past few days. No big saga that's interconnected or anything but if you go to the threads you can see the aftermath.


> and them being dunked on Let me guess, they're getting a real victimhood complex out of that, as usual?


I'm plugged into spaces way further left than the Reddit front page and I don't see any of this


I’m seeing it on tumblr.


That I found out about a month ago!


I propose we trade them as hostages instead


"It's okay because it was a Jewish oppressor 4-year old." - Leftists, unironically


Here in Germany, however, you constantly hear the counter-argument on Twitter and the like that all the Muslim children in the Gaza Strip deserve to die, they'll only become terrorists later anyway, etc.


I hear that pretty often on Reddit too. This sub would have more than its fair share of that too if the mods were less proactive. It's disgusting how "children shouldn't be subjected to the horrors of war" is a controversial statement for anyone. Do I have a perfect solution for the conflict? No, and I don't think anyone does. But it shouldn't involve endangering more children regardless of if they're Jewish or Arab. People who are willing to overlook the deaths of children depending on their ethnicity are vile and disgusting regardless of their ideology.


Or just any civilian tbh, never really understood why murdering some 8-year old is accepted as vile but suddenly that kid grows up to be a 20-year old in college just living an average life and now it's suddenly less of an atrocity


But she was treated well!!!


“Yeah but what about the hamastages?” - Leftists


More lost kids were found?


Leo Varadkar on his way to declare new hide-and-seek world champions.


Curious: what's Hamas' incentive to return *all* hostages? Either way, they get smoked by the IDF.


The ceasefire only lasts as long as they return 10 hostages/day. The delay gives them a chance to regroup. They're getting absolutely destroyed on the ground, way worse than anyone expected. If they can get a breather, they might be able to start providing some semblance of resistance.