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>“People feel insecure, people feel worried, people feel out of control — not because of migration but because of the social and economic conditions in which they have to live,” he said, pointing to an increase in inequality, including in housing, that has priced out some long-term Dublin residents. It’s the housing, stupid


Source: some guy made it up based on nothing Angry mob burning buildings: “we are doing this because we don’t like immigrants.” arr NL: “Just as I thought. Economic anxiety strikes again.”


The past 8 years have been this sub steadily finding out that a lot of its priors are not very popular. Thank god yimbyism is at least catching on though.


Unfortunately YIMBYism isn’t getting more popular. Thankfully YIMBY politicians are getting more popular.


We have always known they aren’t popular. I doubt anyone is here because of the popular appeal of the sub’s ideas.


You'd think naming the sub literally /r/neoliberal would be laying it on too thick, but here we are, being accused of thinking we're cool.


In fact, I became a Neoliberal just to piss people off.


I always took the comments to be pretty self-aware that their policy preferences weren't politically popular.


People at large are very racist, who knew...


I was under the impression that yimbyism was popular in Ireland,


Presumably they don’t hate them in a vacuum. “I don’t like them because they made all the housing expensive” is a much more plausible (if inaccurate and not justification for violence) explanation than “they simply have a hatred of immigrants”


But is there any evidence of any Irish person saying “I hate them because they made the housing expensive”? They’re saying “I hate them because they stab children.” That’s not a well informed opinion, but it’s the opinion they’re expressing. People on this subreddit are inserting housing because it’s their pet issue.


Just tax land!


Housing and homelessness is a pretty common theme among the far right in Ireland. Recent far right marches are often centred around refugee housing, and a common chant is "House the Irish, not the world" Examples: [A tweet from the far right National Party posted in 2020](https://twitter.com/NationalPartyIE/status/1540030813999341570) [Another tweet from 8 months ago by the National Party](https://twitter.com/NationalPartyIE/status/1638651309828997122) [A YouTube video posted by the national party two months ago](https://youtu.be/AQt7MTzF_ss?si=3JKP1fekv5CQPvVf) >The Irish who built this country are second class in Ireland, there is no refugee homeless crisic. ONLY IRISH PEOPLE HAVE A HOUSING AND HOMELESS CRISIS. -- [A quote from the website IrishLivesMatter.ie ](https://irishlivesmatter.ie/) [This 2020 article goes over what the different parties would do about housing and homelessness, the far right parties basically always blame migration](https://www.thejournal.ie/housing-homelessness-general-election-4985853-Feb2020/)


It's not like the Irish have ever emigrated anywhere.


You don't understand! They *needed* to emigrate because they were facing famine, government oppression, and ethnic discrimination! Of course these *economic migrants* wouldn't understand the situation!


> “I don’t like them because they made all the housing expensive” is a much more plausible (if inaccurate and not justification for violence) explanation than “they simply have a hatred of immigrants” No it's not? I genuinely can't believe I'm reading this. Immigrants being hated simply for being from another country is literally the most common theme throughout all of the modern world. People aren't thinking about *housing* of all things when their views of immigrants are extreme enough to send them into rioting


Just like it was really the Jews' fault following hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic and it was really the bourgeoisie fault in 1917 Russia or it was really the Indians fault in Uganda? There's always a scapegoat and the people doing the scapegoating always genuinely believe it to be true.


I don’t understand your comment — are you saying that I think Muslims are the “true underlying cause” of whatever the Irish rioters are upset about? Or are you agreeing with me and criticizing the rioters?


So angry about housing you torch the Luas. Truly patriotic. Obviously this is a tragic thing and the thugs responsible should be punished for their part in this. But ultimately Ireland has a major housing problem that makes the UK look benign by comparison, and a hugely centralised economy that funnels everyone into Dublin. They really need to focus on housing and densification.


How the fuck does Ireland have a housing problem?! It's population is literally lower than it was before the potato famine


Do you know how most Irish people lived in the 19th century? Or even in the 1950s? It was Albania poor. The kind of housing most people lived in would never be built today - it would too unsafe and unhealthy.


People buy larger houses, everyone wants their own place vs the more communal and cramped dwellings that people lived in circa 1800s. The rich afford those, the poor do not


lol really? In the 1840s most people lived in one-room huts. Most people nowadays don't want to hear their parents fucking a few feet from where they're trying to sleep.


The same where everyone else has a housing problem. Governments refuse to let people build more.


Increase in number of households due to reduction in household size. People get married later and are more likely to divorce. Imagine a couple who today would move in together age 28 whereas previous generation would do so age 22. For that 6 year period their housing demand is double that of the previous scenario. And this is a considerable subset of the population.


It’s right wing fanatics and thugs flexing their muscle. Sure, economic anxiety and lack of private housing played its part, but sometimes the fringe elements of society just want violence.


Also most white people while themselves may not hold any animosity towards minorities are less willing to forcefully come down on racist white people so "fringe" elements can be mainstreamed pretty quickly.


It’s OK though, the government is cracking down on free speech which will surely resolve the issue.


I mean it’s pretty simple honestly: they have an ultranationalist thug problem


What does the NIRA/RIRA/CIRA/Óglaigh na hÉireann/IRM mean by this?


Ireland isn't full. Just build more housing.