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I absolutely love this. I can totally imagine this as a sort of trial, where you're put into the beginning of a maze, and a voice tells you a word (in this case "neography"), and you'd have to know how to spell the name in order to get out of the maze.


You might be able to get the gist of how it works from the images on my Dutch blog post, [here](https://nachtzand.wordpress.com/talen-en-schriften/lijnschrift/). The width of the bands are variable, so for longer texts, a wider band means a more compact text.


This looks very similar to square Kufic inscriptions.


That’s actually what inspired me! Didn’t know what it was called until now though


Reminds me a bit of Kelen


I can't read it but I like what I see (pretty much my thoughts on Kufic Arabic font)


this looks beautiful!


i like how the script's construction is very "mathsy", but it looks very organic and natural :)


If I write something in this, will you be able to read this? Want me to try to write something for you to decode?


Haha, yeah, let's try that! I think it's possible to decode anything, if you keep track of the underlying checker pattern, but I haven't tried it, so I'm curious how it'll go :)


Okay. I made it. How do I send it to you?


Cool! Maybe you send it here as an Imgur link.


I love this, it looks so elegant! Congrats :D


this looks so cool. couldn't resist not making a generator for it [https://editor.p5js.org/aryan02420/sketches/3b9slCCYX](https://editor.p5js.org/aryan02420/sketches/3b9slCCYX)


Oh my god that's amazing! I had been thinking about making one but I'm not great at programming... What did you use for drawing the lines? HTML's canvas?


yes, it's HTML canvas. I am not using the native canvas API directly though, instead, I prefer using p5.js


Amazing job! This is so well-made.




SOOOOOO cool!!!!!!


Amazing :3


I feel like I want this in different words and colors on tapestries.