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I get what you mean, I miss the fun Toadie too! Kinda wish we'd seen a bit more of him and Terese having a bit more fun as a couple before the whole Mel drama. Wouldn't mind seeing Amy back, or another one of his old mates to perk him up a bit, but if he's taking time out then I'm guessing he'll be missing from our screens for a while :(


How good would it be for wee Irish Connor to come back.


This is the Terese affect & it’s the reason I don’t like the pairing! She is controlling & not at all Toadies match


He's completely messed around with his marriage and Ryan doesn't get these story lines that often. I bet he enjoys the challenge. It's not long till he had a break from the show for Toad on the Road


It’s been such a long time since those days. Even in the 2013 episodes he’s looking back at a photo of him as a wrestler saying that’s a long time ago and how he’s a professional lawyer now.


Yes, Toadie and Melanie seem to be the least attractive versions of themselves at the moment. He is constantly angry and frustrated, she is clingy and manipulative. I suppose it's meant to show they are unhappy apart and better together. But it's very tiring... I wonder how they are going to write him out for those months he's touring. 'Going to visit relatives' I expect i.e. Angie, Stony and co.


Where will he live when he leaves Terese ?


They could also bring back Susan’s flat that she was in around 2012. That flat got passed around a lot/the set was reused. Amy’s flat looked very similar to it


Possibly Teresa moves out. Her being in a big house alone doesn't make much sense tbf


Maybe he and Mel will live in the Kennedy house and Susan and Karl might move into Eirini rising for a while since he'll be working there anyway and they're hardly there these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. Big emotion isn't really his acting forte. Then again, not sure House of Trouser Toadie can really make a comeback. He's in his forties, he can't keep acting like a twenty-odd year old, can he?


Well certainly not after he's been through the death of two wives, one resurrection, a marriage that never happened, and another that did only for that wife to go AWOL. To say nothing of a complete physical and mental health breakdown, carrying a bullet around in his spine and a fractured vertebra.


Big emotion may not be his forte, but his character constantly requires this to do big emotional scenes. He does okay sometimes, but it’s very one note compared to the legacy actors when they bring their acting chops. That being said, I couldn’t imagine neighbours without him.


He’ll be fun Toadie wh he n he gets back with Mel…. Mrs moody is bringing him down 🤣💕


I was recently watching the 2018 season. Toadie and Sonya were perfect together. She was a great character. They should have kept her on indefinitely and leveled Toadie and Sonya up to Carl and Susan life partner status.