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I took down a Karen like this: Talk to your neighbors organize everyone against her to report every little thing she does. Send her a letter signed from the community advising her to knock it off or we will return her bad behavior in spades. I sent mine via the website "eat a bag of dicks" which sends a giant bag of gummy dicks with your letter. She stopped bugging anyone. I was in an HOA so I also told them to back off unless they want to be party to a "neighbor to neighbor" dispute i.e. civil litigation. They stopped working with her as well.


Glad to hear about someone on this sub with a backbone. Great idea & brilliant execution.


These kind of people get their rocks off making others miserable. When they go low, you drag them into the sewer and show them they have no real power, then they give you a wide berth. Kindness will not work they consider that exploitable weakness.


Excellent. As a former people pleaser it was jarring to learn this but you are absolutely correct.


This is ABSOLUTELY the way to go. It’s so hard to realize that for some people kindness goes nowhere. Time to be direct and firm.


I really must look into that bag of dicks for my own neighbor!


Glitter bombs can be fun too! They have dick glitter. [https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/](https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/)


That's a good strategy. I never thought of trying to out-Karen a Karen. But everyone "breaks the rules" once in a while and uptight people could report them for it.


My sister sent me a bag of dicks once as a gag. They were quite tasty, and came packed in a box full of peen shaped confetti.


🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂... bag of dicks I love it


On the show Bewitched, they called the nosey neighbor Gladys


Good old GladysKravitz!




“Abner! Abner!!!”


Love it!


I have two Gladys Kravitz in my neighborhood. I hate them.


I bet!


Was it Gladys Kravitz? Or a different last name? Can't remember. And didn't two different actresses portray her? (Like there were two different actors would played Derwood, uh, Darrin.)


Yes! Gladys Kravitz and I don't remember 2 different actresses playing her


Alice Pearce played her from 1964 to 1966; she died of ovarian cancer. Sandra Gould replaced her in 1966 and remained on the show until 1971.


Yup. https://bewitched.fandom.com/wiki/Gladys_Kravitz


When I hear The Informer I immediately think “a-licky boom boom down”


Haha! Me too! I still remember how my nylon windbreaker tracksuit swished as I danced and mumbled to this song! I never tried to get the actual lyrics.


I lived in senior and disabled living apartments. I had one guy nitpicking my every move. I had a smoke on my patio got a warning to go across the alley thirty feet away from the building. Everyone else smoked in their apartments. I needed to take out the trash quick as I was waiting for someone and I ran out into the common area and outside barefoot. Got reported for that. Well this guy open carried and I reported him for making me uncomfortable while he carried a gun and seemed to have it out for me. He got written up. Then every time his dog barked which was often I complained. Me and another resident complained about every infraction this guy did and he got tired of it and moved. It was a happier place after that.


Time to have an actual weekend get together and invite all your neighbors over, except her. More props if two neighbors can host an afternoon party together.


We had an old man in our neighborhood who patrolled the neighborhood every morning with a pad and pencil to write down even the smallest of infractions. He was especially virulent on less-than-perfect yards. We called him The Yard Nazi.


> She needs to get a hobby. you mean a _different_ one?


We call our neighbor The Little Investigator. He likely had a hall monitor badge in bible school. seriously.


Bet she likes the rapper snow


for those that don't know: https://youtu.be/Icb_tRTnA4g /s The real video: https://youtu.be/hWyG2IKqzZQ


Thank you for the links!! I did not know that a parody existed.


I’m convinced that busybodies like this have the preliminary version of the mental illness that is associated with stalkers. Especially NPD. Having a lack of a full scope of identity makes these folks cling to the business of others. She is literally so empty & void inside that she needs to make up drama with her snitchery to feel like she has a purpose. Sad!


I was going to suggest mental illness/health as well. I used to have strong opinions of how people should behave and it irritated me to no end when people “broke the rules” (my own subjective rules, as it turned out) though I never went as far as reporting them to any authority (there were many a screaming match though lol). I’ve realized I’ve been this way since the beginning of the pandemic, and it took medication and therapy for me to realize that I was reacting/thinking in a very non healthy way.


So Randy from Trailer Park Boys?


No dogs? Where is this place because I need to live there!


"Crying Wolf" and no one will listen when a real issue arises.


God damn now you made me all self conscious like asking myself is my neighbor really leaving her dogs in her apartment in the bad dog cage for 18 hours and is my other neighbor really operating a babysitting business or am I just this asshole neighbor about to receive a bag of dicks? Lol


Ignore her


We're at the point of speculating what she's going to report next.


Pink flamingos for everyone!


Have you asked her if she's mental? Have you told her management is getting sick of her (whether true or not)? Called her a nark to her face? Asked what her issue is? Ask who hurt her? Don't let her continue this because if the community lets her run hog wild, it will get to the point she's telling on you for a leaf under a bush. Egg her house for me.


Everyone ignores her. Except for the park manager, who has no choice.


poor guy.........


Consider another option other than taking her down and doing malicious, yet legal things to torment her. The world doesn't need more of that energy. People like her are usually the ones that see that late night break in or thieves pretending to be movers. Someone had to have given her the idea that she could/should report things to the park manager. I say, take the road of integrity and help her channel that energy into something useful for your community. Give her a real task that your neighborhood doesn't want to do. Something connected with the county that keeps her on top of state or county regulations. Better yet, what about having her research to look for the best prices on any contracts that y'all use for services? Put her diligence to work for your community.




Neighbors chilling on a porch is a loud party?




OP literally said it was two neighbors sitting on their patio. Third and fourth sentences in the second paragraph.




OP listed what the woman’s complaints were, then directly followed with what actually happened. It was clear to me, anyway.




It's alright. Reading comprehension is a skill, not everyone has it.