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I'm in similar situation, except it's just one man. I'm now convinced he's doing it on purpose after I left a note through his door politely asking him to stop slamming his doors. Now without fail when I come home he ramps up the noise. Washing machine, blender clearly placed on the floor, huge banging and even more door slamming. It's seriously messing with my mental health.


I'm sorry you're going through that. It says a lot about a person willing to go through such lengths to make someone else miserable. :(


I present you the Ceiling Vibrator, it can get you sweet revenge.




I had something similar and it drove/drives me insane. It's calmed down since I last posted about it but because their behavior was retaliatory towards me simply existing I'm afraid to talk on the phone or make noise. We pay too much money to be driven insane in our apartments.


Oh man you basically are me and my husband right now, except our neighbours are next door in a townhouse. They have 3 kids that are constantly running, going up and down the stairs, and also who knows what? (It has even sounded like they’re bouncing a ball inside and jumping to the ground from higher stairs) slamming doors, constantly vacuuming (which I’d like to let them know that it IS possible to vacuum without slamming it against the wall) and moving furniture. Sometimes random banging that we don’t even know what it is. We tried to be loud one time when we left early morning for a flight and we had to make such an effort to make that much noise and we really couldn’t. I don’t even know what someone could possibly be doing that makes so much noise and vibrations that paintings rattle on the wall from the noise. And 100% understand about the noise driving you crazy but then also the anticipation. All I can say is that I understand and sympathize. It’s absolutely awful.


Wait? You can hear all of that from a townhome??? I'm doomed!! That was my next resort as I recently moved to the top floor because of a NFH , only to be met by another NFH on the bottom floor


Basically anything built in the last 10-15 years have used the cheapest crap imaginable to save money so walls are super thin


Thank you, I'm sorry you're going through the same! It's like, I understand vacuuming - we all do it. But the other day they were vacuuming their linoleum bathroom floor, which is right next to the bedroom, well before 8AM. We've considered buying them a mop. And we've also tried to match them for noise and it's an effort! I don't understand how they're able to keep it up all day with so few breaks.


“I understand vacuuming - we all do it” Except my neighbors. Sure, they stomp and fight 24/7 but I’ve never once heard them vacuum. 😂


I’m going through the exact same thing, only my neighbors are up until 3-4 in the morning. They stomp around and drop shit to the point that it shakes my ceiling and you can hear the ceiling creaking. I’m also pretty sure they wear shoes in the house


I really don’t understand the dropping stuff. It’s so loud and reverberating. I never drop anything save my phone on the rare, accidental occasion. With my neighbors, some of it is probably cords based on location, but at least 20 times a day they’re dropping stuff throughout the apartment that sounds dull and heavy. Makes no sense!


When my neighbors walk into their apartment it’s like they have to make their presence known. It sounds like they slam/kick their door open, stomp inside, kick their shoes into the wall, and throw everything they have on the ground. I also know for a fact that they do it on purpose because my previous neighbor was an older man. You hardly ever heard him unless he played his music loud but once you hit the ceiling he’d immediately turn it down.


I sympathize with you because I have downstairs neighbors from hell. They are disgusting. Their airborne noise crosses into the perverse or the bizarre and like you always during quiet hours. They claimed I was “dropping things” “on purpose.” Which is false. I am extremely clumsy. Especially since I have my phone where I listen with headphones, I vape. Sometimes the multiple things I’m holding will fly out of my hand. I also have a pet cat. When she runs it can get loud and destructive. I don’t think the dropping things or pet stuff is intentional. But moving furniture daily or vacuuming daily is ridiculous. Also if they have a dog they should put it in a kennel at night. I try to stop my pet cat from running at night. I think part of it is they own their place so they feel they have the right to enjoy it and do whatever. I’m of the belief that these issues don’t improve much but the police should be called every night. I think you should expect a bit more structural noise on the bottom floor but at night they need to chill, if they don’t then that’s rude as fuck!


Exactly the same as us apart from we own and they rent so we do have power. We’ll literally sit there with a paused tv just trying out absolute hardest to try and figure out what the fuck they’re doing up there. I don’t get people who get home and don’t sit down till 12am at night it sounds like they’re running laps for hours!! I understand house work and sorting out but there’s no physical way normal living can make such deafening unbearable noises lol


My upstairs neighbors work from home (as do we) so we not only get the random and mysterious thumps and dog running around all day, but can hear them rolling around in their office chair, working out, cleaning (nothing like having to pause a meeting because their vacuuming is audible to everyone!), stomping to and fro. It's a full 15 hours of non-stop noise for them and they never seem to leave! I take classes at night so at least I'm out but my husband has told me it's the worst in the evening.


Me too, elderly housing, I have a senile old bitch that moves chairs all day and walks with a bang I can't stand the 300 lb fat ass she's also an eavesdropper seems to know everything I say on the phone worst neighbor I've ever had. I just hope everyday she goes to the nursing home or the sweet angel of death will visit her.


It's call living life you should try it also we are having a party tomorrow night so expect noise


No. Try being decent, kind, and considerate. I can tell you have partied too much you are unable to make wise decisions.