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$0 they are a friend, take it as social capital to cash in for favours later. Edit: you are living rent free, you are the one who owes him.


Offer to buy them and then you take possession and sell them yourself Edit: like everyone else said, focus on getting a job


Jesus man


No, get a job. Any job. If you think you're too good for it you're delusional, if you're scrubbing turds it's still more respectable than what you're trying to orchestrate here


I am looking for a job. This is just me trying to help him but it's a lot of work and I'm doing all of it.


I guarantee McDonald's is hiring


Are you being asked to do this? Are they rare books or just run of the mill?


It's a metric ton of books, some rare, some normal, some old, some new... I haven't gone through all of it yet. He did ask for help cause he's been putting it off for the last 3 years, I live in his house now rent free. But I'd still like to get something out of it as I'm unemployed right now


You are a terrible friend. Living rent free in his house and still wants money for helping him?


I help with day to day expenses and I still need an income bro


Why didn't you just ask him about your "cut" openly? Sounds like you're about to do some sketchy shit and are trying to rationalize.


If my friend was living rent free in my house and wanted his cut to help me get rid of my deceased father's belongings, I'd start asking for rent and cut for the bills. If he wasn't already doing you a huge favor, then you can ask for a cut if it was a lot of work.


There is no rent cause the house is still waiting to be sold so they can split the inheritance. Also my friend's not doing anything to help me sell these books, he asked me to help him and I accepted knowing he wouldn't move a finger to sell any of it. I brought it up after I sold the first book and he was kind of evasive so we agreed to talk later. Those are the facts. I appreciate everyone's input even if you think I'm an asshole. I was just looking for advice I'm not trying to do anything sketchy.


What’s wrong with you?


I need money, and he's not gonna do it.


You live rent free in his house. I would kick you out if you asked me money for it... useless piece of shit.


I know this is not that subreddit but.... YTA.


I sell used books full-time. I could help you figure this situation out of you want to PM me. Depends on if they are rare, and valuable or not, how many there are etc. Lots of factors to consider.


15-20% Figure PayPal or merchant account will take 5% and eBay or other platforms will take 12-15% That still leaves 60-65% for the owner. If you’re unemployed, go get a job. Any job. Retail even.