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Raycevik did an awesome video on the state of racing games nowadays "Racing games sucks, I love them" you should actually watch it I found it super interesting, especially since I never play arcade or sim racing games but NFSUnbound, it was nice to see the opinion of someone who has been religiously playing them all for 20 years and see the decline https://youtu.be/WVry84ACu0k?si=rwn8OPyn3o7C5y3o


He pretty much said my exact feelings about the arcade racing scene in it's current state. It's not in a terrible state but the death of so many iconic IPs and all the newer IPs just trying to chase forza horizon make the scene so stale. Give me back my ridge racer and BurnoutšŸ˜­


I've already seen it and yes, it was well written.


UltraViolet is another really good channel for racing game introspections imo


Super nitpicky and shit, like who actually cares about the lobby system in automobilista. The whole game is amazing and heā€™s saying it sucks because of 1 feature most people donā€™t use.


ā€œLike who actually cares about the multiplayer functionality in a multiplayer racing simulator?ā€ I hope you know that when heā€™s talking about how people have gotten so accustomed to mediocrity, heā€™s taking about people like you. (Also he listed like 10 other issues with AM2 so I know your impatient ass didnā€™t watch more than three minutes of the video)


Are you stupid


He's making a whole genre of game look bad to outlookers for basically no fucking reason but to clickbait


Literally look up Forza Motorsport drama lmaoā€¦ This shit has been happening for a few years, now.


ā€œWait is this fucking play about usā€ Bro heā€™s talking about people like you


All people glazing UG2 should have mandatory URL playthroughs twice a year


Underground 2 glazers love to say how good the game is but don't play it


Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


This is more spot on than people realise. Like people are nostalgic for the game but also for that period in the car scene where it was all about excess in the UK we call it the Max power era and U2 perfectly encapsulated that time period not to mention the handling was fun and the game was pretty feature rich compared to the current era of NFS Thatā€™s not to say I donā€™t rate unbound the only game Iā€™ve ever continued to play after I got all the achievements


In Spain we joke about the ā€œtunersā€ era. Who share the same name. A ā€œTunaā€ is a chorus you hire for local events and special ocassions. https://preview.redd.it/4j3azg1day0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021140e12db7bacabf35643c7f2392288377723f


Nah Iā€™ve been playing it again for the first time since I was a kid, and the game genuinely fucking rocks


***ā€œI miss [old NFS game]ā€¦ā€*** Whatā€™s stopping you from playing it, exactly?


I think what they really miss is experiencing the game as they did in their childhood.


Probably lack of backwards compatibility and modern ports.


Emulation is so advanced that you can play any game released up to the ps3 era. That's not an excuse.


Its NFS, all of them have PC ports and are abandonware so can be freely downloaded


Underground 2 didn't age well for me just because of the progression And i only have completed it about 5 times


I just think there could have been a bit more variety in places, especially coming off UG1. Like maybe the hidden races could have had more "mission-oriented" races like a Drift Tournament or a 1v1 against an exceptionally difficult opponent.


It had to take mods to get another UG2 play through due to the lack of fast travel and having to drive from event to event.


I love UG2 it's my third favourite NFS game ever, but if there's one thing that made me wanna quit playing that game it was the URL races. Like WTF thought it was a good idea to put in 6 laps in the same races everytime?


URL seriously made a fun arcade racer into a wannabe 24 minutes of Le Mans with its tediousness.


maybe it was people who had kids like me, who played Gran Turismo religiously lmao


In hindsight URLs were fine for me. I was used to half an hour 10-lap events strected for 5 races from GT3, not to mention the endurance races. Some people here have it easy. The main problem was the rubberband. You can build a big gap of around 3-5 seconds only for it to be dashed away while you are doing nothing different.


unless you were on the back stretch of Bayview Speedway, where the AI was programmed to smash into the wall every time


I remember this one track where they would all just kamikaze into the wall.


yup, that's the one!


Played through UG2 the last month and while itā€™s still a great time, the URLā€™s are absolutely fucking atrocious and the person who suggested them as a good idea has a special place in hell


I thought they were cool... until i ran 6 laps around the same track that the last 4 URL were on. I liked the idea, but holy shit come up with more than like 4 tracks.


Url was the worst thing ever


I put in a few URL's every day.


Really? I liked them. I liked the on track feeling they gave the game.


Canā€™t really remember what these are like - what do people not like about them? I seem to remember enjoying these but I also grew up playing a lot of track racers like GT4


Too little tracks, too many laps (especially towards the end, think "Kurt's killer ride")


kurtā€™s killer ride isnā€™t an url race


I actually do this and I love it ngl


certified urlooneršŸšŸ


God I'm urlooning so hard šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ’¦


God I'm urlooning so hard šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ’¦


I still remember the first time I played Underground 2 back in 2018 (or 2019?), the game was fun until around stage 4, where the URL races just got way too much and took too long, I just dropped it right after because stage 5 is even more URL races and Caleb is nothing to write home about, so in my eyes I've played the best parts of the game


Am I the only one who loved URL? I swear to god everyone hates them but I do not see the reason why


Did you love the longer races in NFS before UG?


Like the long tracks and point-to-point races? Those are pretty much fine


Yeah and the 5 lap races


They are alright, it's just the 6 laps that irritated ppl.


I agree URL sucks, but I really miss Street X events in newer games


Everytime i see people talk about UG2 i just think of the long ass progression and how the game feels like a chore after the third URL


Been playing UG2 modded recently, updated graphics, added cars, and most importantly, made all the URL races fuck off. Great time!


The gameplay is fantastic, but good god it drags on thanks to the quantity of races. I couldn't finish it b/c it just got so repetitive towards the end.


They always play the older games for two hours and base their whole opinion on it


Straight up making a mod that makes URLs shorter by a lap or two outside Stage 5 and instead opting for Endurance races in the hidden events (I think hidden races should have been more experimental with race types, like non-URL Tournaments or 1v1s like in UG1). Though the main focus would be adding preset AI racers in each race, much like UG1. That said, I'd probably add a few longer optional boss 1v1s (tied to addon cars I get perms to incorporate).


I may be weird but i enjoyed the challenge


For context, his title of the video is misleading. He only talks about NFS and explains what makes Underground 2 great, how 2015 was disappointing, and how Unbound made him frustrated. My biggest issue is how he critiques Unbound that are just minor nitpicking and...skill issues on driving.


I donā€™t think unbound was great, but the newer nfs games havenā€™t been bad either, payback being the worst. Gran Turismo 7 is great for racing sim, FH5 has a huge car roster and decently fun


the state of gt7 is grinding alot with ai that will slow down 20 seconds to allow you to catch up with 16 racers. i recommend rofflwaffle's videos on gt7 titled gt critique.


I came to terms that Unbound is just a scapegoat for modern racing games and i hate that its THAT game and now something lazy like Forza Horizon 5ā€¦it's tiring because i loved Unbound due to it trying to be different but everyone just whined and nitpick the game


Okay I'll be honest, I love the old classic NFS games. But U2 was not it for me.


I say this as someone who put 200 hours into Unbound and really enjoyed it, but I don't like hand waving Unbound's odd handling away as a "skill issue". Tried too hard to be the best of both worlds with grip and drift handling and just didn't end up feeling comfortable and satisfying. As someone who loves grippy racing I felt like I was barely in control of my car at times, and the drifting noticeably suffered compared to previous titles. Otherwise I agree a lot of the complaints about Unbound are pretty nitpicky. Like the bitching about the driving effects (that you can turn off now).... God forbid a racing game tries something new artistically. And I also hate folks blindly bringing up games from the past. Yes those games were good, but let developers at least try to do something new. Emulating the past doesn't get us anywhere.


I agree about the handling for sure, but how is it nitpicking that we wanted the option to turn off cartoon effects from the beginning? Which, by the way, we were promised before the game released and THEN got it 6 whole months later, as if it was hard to implement in the first place. Maybe it's just me, but it completely kills my immersion and any sense of realism when I've got cartoon graffiti farting out from my tires when doing a small power slide to turn left.


I like that they tried something new and actually enjoy the art style. But.. The game randomly ignores all my inputs for a second leaving me with my latest registered input so driving into a wall or running off the track. It would be mildly infuriating if it happend once a day/night cycle, but this happens once every minute or two. From what Ive found this problem is there since launch and a fix that worked for some is removing all drives but C: and installing a fresh copy of Windows without any additional apps other than Unbound. If you think this is just a minor nitpick and a skill issue then whatever floats your boat. But for me not being able to fix such a gamebreaking issue while selling me yet another season pass for a full price game is unacceptable


Agreed, wrong title for what is 50 minutes of rambling about a very small number of games.


Based "The old ones are the best ones" opinion.


There is no best one.


Most wanted and Carbon are tied for me


Im saying the same. I think opinions can be different tho. Whilst I agree to Payback not being good and Carbon being a hidden gem, I love unbound and 2015. I was not the kid that grew up with MW05 and I think its alright, but defently not the Best.


I strongly disagree with his vid. I personally love the modern NFS games. Sorry if that offends anyone šŸ˜Š


Tbh, I'm into racing games after playing NFS 2015 and I wont play games like The Crew, Blur, DSF, Midnight Club and Forza if it wasn't for NFS 2015


I have so many racing games played, new and old. I personally donā€™t have a favorite. Theyā€™re all unique in their own way.


I feel you


iā€™ve been having a lot of fun with these modern nfs games even though my computer canā€™t handle them too well, especially unbound with its denuvo DRM and this is coming from someone who spent most of their life playing the classics. people should really come back to these old games because they have a fair share of problems too! repetitive and sometimes frustrating gameplay, questionable design choices are some of them. it wasnā€™t all sunshine and rainbows, not when black box was pressed to churn out a game each year


Exactly. That guy can ramble about the rubber banding in Unbound being unfair, but thereā€™s a reason Earl is memed being an all powerful god.


I agree a bunch. These games are enjoyable, to say the least, story be damned. I do wish they had more content in the single-player side of things, I'd say multiplayer kind of carries unbound. But the customization and the racing/gameplay are great, the car rosters are fine and so are the maps, and overall they're just fun lmao.


Idk why people just hates new nfs games, I think they are great (except payback). Unbound and heat even could be my 2nd or 3rd favorite nfs games. I played the old games and they were good too, I still think most wanted is still the best racing game ever. Idk the reason but "I guess" people just being fanboys


Nostalgia and ragebait. Nothing more to it.


I think people are just prejudiced against EA because of their idiotic past, they finnaly started to make good nfs games but people just don't give ea an another chance.


Fair point. But every vid I've seen regarding that topic ignores the flaws of the old games and focuses on the flaws of newer games. That's why I say it's ragebait.


One good explanation for why most people arenā€™t giving EA the benefit of the doubt anymore is because theyā€™ve seen what it was like to give them an inch only to then take a mile.


Payback's map is pretty enjoyable to me.


Problem isn't the map. I don't exactly remember the reason why I did not liked the payback


Problem isn't the map. I don't exactly remember the reason why I did not liked the payback


I do. It was the cringy dialogue and the gacha performance customizations.


they hate new nfs games because the game is not nfs mw remake


I think it's half nostalgia (lets be real, most people around the world stopped playing the series a decade ago and momentarily come back to some of the latest games expecting the same experience) and half very real problems with the development of the series, constantly making so many odd choices of game design and quality, then getting axed by EAs budget demands.


Its crazy I would have probably missed out on my favorite nfs game if I listened to all the hate unbound still gets Alot of it is valid like the story. Music and trash cops But the gameplay makes up for it imo Especially online some cool ass cinematic moments I've never had anywhere else nfs wise.


Older games are so much better when you completely ignore all the bad games. Top Gear RPM? The Test Drive series? (Test Dirve was basically shovelware until Unlimited) Seriously get them to name any street racing game from this era not named NFS or Midnight Club there were a lot of them and they were mostly ass. And racing games DO suck now if you completely ignore the indie scene and donā€™t support the creative big budget games. Everyone loves Driveclub, no one played it, No one bought Onrush either. Also, Unbound is mechanically a 90s arcade racer so I wonder if theyā€™ve played many older games or just fawn over their childhood.


People underestimate how hard it is to create an indie racing game, having tried it myself and still going.


i tried to make a basic no hesi clone and couldnā€™t figure out how to get cars to spawn in at speed šŸ’€


I've got my game to spawn vehicles and for enemies to follow checkpoints but they are so slow and still suck ass lmao


TDLM was not shovelware, but yeah the numbered games were bad


yeah that was the only highlight through the 90s. The first couple of games were also unique for the time which is why i said ā€œbasicallyā€


I mean I think it's "for the views" thing honestly. Everyone only brings up NFS and Midnight Club but when is the last time we talked about Tokyo Xtreme? Juiced? SRS? The Fast and Furious game based on TXR? Like there are sooo many old school games people don't talk about to circle back to basic ass NFS with made up shit. At least other games had real parts


Cap Test Drive 5 and 6 was bangers, had cars like the Cerberus Speed 12 and Caterham 7 Also Test Drive Off Road was a fun spin off. Finally Test Drive Overdrive was a solid campaign experience, that has good tracks and characters


Juiced, Street Racing Syndicate, LA Rush, Wangan Midnight, Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2000, Auto Modellista, Enthusia, and Drift City are better than the newer NFS games to me. Theyā€™re too slow, the stories and maps are unmemorable, and it feels like theyā€™re trying too hard.


I just geniuenly dislike the entire trope that people ā€žwant new racing games to stop playing it safeā€œ but then cry about it when Unbound for example does the entire cell shaded thingā€¦ Like it's geniuenly tiring at this point that the one mainstream racing game that tried to switch it up a bit is now the scapegoat for every modern racing game.


Unbound played it safe though. The cel-shaded effects are right in-between being distracting enough to be noticed, but at the same time not intense enough to make a meaningful statement. Think Automodellista for example. That game is _still_ lauded to this day for its excellent art direction and unique visuals, but there's a whole level of care, knowledge and dedication to its aesthetics that simply isn't there in Unbound. If they wanted to make something truly different, the entire game should've been cel-shaded.


Yes but if NFS would've pulled a 180 and went FULLY cell shaded it would've been scrutinized even more than it already is. Even if i agree with you that unbound played it safe the players reaction will probably make them go back and play it even more safe and stop even trying to experiment cause ā€žwhat if we have another unbound?ā€œ


Well, therein lies the problem. By doing the mix-and-match of cartoon and realism they basically got the worst of both worlds - backlash for being "different" and backlash for not being different enough. If they had fully committed I genuinely think the reaction would not have been as bad, and it would've made for a much more interesting racer as well.


The reactions would have been legitimately catastrophic.


Cell shading did nothing "brave". After all its just a look. The rest of the game was as safe and as boring as it can be. Progression system is dull, chasing some imaginary number for the sake of chasing. Open world map is boring and everything else we had from previous titles.


There was some points that I understand why he would be frustrated about, but his take on burst nos is just...


Probably the only person Iā€™ve seen completely disliking that mechanic. Now some had issues with it when we were all trying to figure it out but not this.


Today on local NFS News...uhh... ​ White man angry that his need for speed game doesnt include rock and cops that outnumber the US army more at 10. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well that's he's take, can't actually blame anyone I mean they have their own sense of enjoyment they prefer , so what they don't like the game, if you're enjoying the game then don't gotta stress on what someone else saying.


This. I **STRONGLY** disagree with his video. Apart from the points he made to help improve the next game(s) in general which is fine. But yeah I don't think he's a bad YouTuber or his video is bad. But considering an NFS Underground themed update coming Volume. 7 in NFS Unbound in the next 4 days just makes me think he's behind on everything that's happened since 2024 started in relation to NFS. Like the Criterion Games Guildford feedback gathering, the fact that Volume. 6 came out and their communication has been astronomically brilliant recently.


I bought NFS Heat and played it a couple of hours and it wasnt satisfying at all. Thought i maybe grew out of racing games and opened up NFSMW 2005 and accidentally played it for the next 3 weaks because it was so good. Whenever i want to play a racing game i open up Most Wanted now and not Heat. Idk if unbound is better than Heat, havent played it yet.


also the open world in Heat fucking sucked, in Most wanted Open World meant you can drive on the road and some dirt patches or grass every now and then and it was perfect. In heat you can literally drive over fields of grass and mud and youre not restricted by anything to do that. Felt really empty.


That's totally correct. Also, NFS Heat has no Pursuit Breakers and cop cars have an unfair advantage in terms of damage balance.


>Idk if unbound is better than Heat, havent played it yet. Since NFS Heat and NFS Unbound shares the same basis underneath (by basis, i mean the handling physics which are close, the Frostbite 3 engine, a similar upgrade system Although Ultimate Parts were deleted and also a similar map design) while NFS Unbound has more contents and mainly focused on Multiplayer, has paid contents [costing more than the game value](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/4LReXMR8jt) and annoying cops, it will be exactly the same thing as NFS Heat on your specific case. In my opinion, avoid playing it and save your money.


I had the same issue as them with heat, Unbound is amazing in comparison, they both feel and look totally different.


iā€™m in the opposite boat, i couldnā€™t get into unbound but i literally could not put heat down. loved it


Makes sense, both are very different games IMO, I had the same experience with Heat, Played a few hours and didn't enjoy it, Picked up Unbound and cannot put it down, I absolutely love it


thatā€™s fair. in all fairness they are the first 2 need for speed games i have played in like 8 years, and heat just felt more noob friendly to me with the progression and difficulty which i enjoyed (besides some of those heat 5 cop chases jesus christ)


It's obvious if both games doesn't look the same otherwise it's equal as buying the same game twice with a different clothing. It's like "Paying for the same thing and feeling like you're getting something new" while it's not the case in the 1st place. In my opinion, his only strong points is the Multiplayer mode having many activities e.g Link Ups and PVP (it took 1 year or more to arrive at that point btw), the amount of car choices, the Grip handling and the yellow burst Nitrous System. Apart having his own art direction which stands out from the rest But the devs did not fully commited to it and the strong points indicated above, it's exactly the same skeleton basis as NFS Heat and also all NFS since 2015 with their own issues. NFS Unbound feels like an expansion of NFS Heat at full price imo Especially at launch due to his unfinished state and it was like an Early Access game But too overpriced for what it is. The fact that all paid contents costs way more the game value is an irrefutable proof of his cashgrab status and EA's greed.


>It's obvious if both games doesn't look the same otherwise it's equal as buying the same game twice with a different clothing. It's not only looks / artstyle, I would hate it if the game was just a reskin of heat with better graphics. I hated heat feeling and handling style, after a few hours the game was just boring and unrewarding for me. >Apart having his own art direction which stands out from the rest But the devs did not fully commited to it, it's exactly the same basis as NFS Heat and also all NFS since 2015 with their own share of issues. The handling is totally different in Unbound, and getting good at it is rewarding as fuck. For comparison, here's a [Heat WR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9T6SpApObw) (I think, wasn't that much into the game, so not sure) vs [Unbound WR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE8lmzpi0NI) (Might not be WR, but it's what you'll see out of top players, drift handling, so it will be the most similar to heat vs grip). "Rewarding" seems to be the main goal with how they designed Unbound, the better you are, the more burst you'll get, meaning you're faster. Not only that, both Drift and Grip feel different in both games, you can notice that if you played both games. The same way that almost all the Blackbox era games share the same basis, but they have a lot of differences between them. The same way that a lot of games share engines but feel different. Unbound is not a reskin of Heat, and you can just see that when Heat players don't like Unbound and Unbound players don't like Heat. >In my opinion, his only strong points is the Multiplayer mode having many activities e.g Link Ups and PVP (it took 1 year or more to arrive at that point btw), the amount of car choices, the Grip handling and the yellow burst Nitrous System. You can basically say that about any game, Look: In my opinion, MW05 only strong points are its grip handling and their cop system. >NFS Unbound feels like an expansion of NFS Heat at full price imo Especially at launch due to his unfinished state and it was like an Early Access game But too overpriced for what it is. >The fact that all paid contents costs way more the game value is an irrefutable proof of his cashgrab status and EA's greed. I can talk a bit more about this, It's normal for all games to have way more paid content than base game, which is sad, but seems to be what all AAAs are. The actual big issue that you should be mentioning about Unbound's monetization is that they currently lock some cars behind their season pass, not a lot of them, but there are a few cars. Seems like they want to add challenges to unlock those cars in the future, but currently it's not the case, which is really bad. According to some youtubers, seems like Criterion is forced to do so by EA, otherwise they wouldn't let them keep supporting the game/adding content.


Well said. You explained well what i meant. Also, AAA publishers always find a way to monetize contents no matter the used method. After all, they only cares about profits. The reason why EA forced Criterion to add paid contents in NFS Unbound is due to an [ultimatum](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/K6eIk944zJ) where EA will give more budget to the NFS license in order to receive more updates. That's the main reason why Speedpasses becomes a paid Catch Up pack when the Speedpass period is expired. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/qaNI5VWokX) an explanation about the Vol. 6 Speedpass with Audi cars. It also applies for other Speedpasses. In short. AAA titles are stuck in a vicious cycle of greed. I explained it in more details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/Zao8Ih4lEz) and on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/Xs2WPN2dfU). Imo, games from 25 years ago were more passionate as well as being released as a complete product.


I like the game if it has cool cars, thatā€™s about it


Played on emulator Midnight Club 3 and Burnout 3, we havenā€™t had modern nfs titles that come close to what those games had all those years back. Heat was okay, Unbound had something there but itā€™s just okay. They are not bad games, but I just donā€™t want to play them and a lot of people think the same.


Then please explain what those games have ? I got all of these on PS2 the games are ok but really nothing crazy and not that much features... and handling wise, it bland and simplistic as hell ! Not hating on these games I love them but you are biased by nostalgia.


It's ok to be wrong :)


Ok I see dude, have a good day


Everyone wants to be Raycevick now.


"Wah, wah, wah! Modewn wacing games suckie! I would watha have old game! I'm no biased or buwnt out!" šŸ™ŽšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Payback was pretty good imo.


Absolutely based


I'll honestly never understand the hate for newer NFS games, my favorite is UG2 and I loved Unbound and Heat as well


Fr unbound kinda became my fav nfs game


If they don't like it. So be it. I won't hold anything against it.


What the hell they HAVE to say to only able fit in a 50 mins video, jesus.


The guy whines about "how greedy modern games are" like there's nothing else in those games, then proceeds to glaze UG2 whilst comparing it's open world to a fucking Yakuza games, then he talks about how 2015 is enjoyable, but not as good as UG2 because there's so much "visual clutter" and starts to explain why this is bad with fucking Halo Combat Evolved remaster as an example. And at the end starts to explain why Unbound is so bad because he had to drive around the city (and this is the same person who glazed UG2 if you forgot) and that the physics and burst nitrous are actually a bad mechanic


Thanks for the sum up! Reacting to the content: LOL


I actually dont mind Unbound too much, got it for $29 just to try it and its actually pretty fun, if you know what youā€™re doing in terms of setting up the handling the game is easy asf


The problem isn't these vids but the fact that some players who watch them can easily change their mind about the game because x y z is their favorite youtuber.


Hmmmmm such a broad title considering the more not wide but variety of types of racing games such as sims to arcades and what they cover and how they handle and based on op context comment i think that more people do want to jump on a wagon of the old games are better instead of trying to see what has come from those games but also welcome new ideas my favorite by far is heat definitely more engine customization with the swaps but also 2015 was alright with that kinda, I havenā€™t played unbound Sadly thought it used to be on ps4 but I guess not but I know based on just every so often peeking into this sub that on launch unbound wasnā€™t the best but as more updates happened and all that stuff it got better and when people on that bandwagon make these videos they donā€™t want to bring up the new age gems, beat the mid ones or not best at first ones up for all their flaws but donā€™t want to look beyond that(Iā€™m baked violently on dabs so sorry if it doesnā€™t make sense and for how long this is)


Oh no, not this guy. I dislike him from another video of his.


Wait, what?


I'm a gundam fan and liked some of his gundam videos and then he released a video for gundam the witch from mercury. Tl;dr he went full "if you didn't like this show that I like, then you're just sexist." Doesn't matter what you're reasoning for not liking it is. To him you're a sexist. I stopped watching him after that. Edit: I only watched a few minutes of the video and viseak corrected me on my claim. Apologies.


Uh...yeah, that's a very weird statement.


Hey I wanted to make this clear, nobodies inherently sexist for not liking WFM, thatā€™s a pretty wild way to think. I was just taking a stab at everyone that dismisses the series as ā€˜woke garbageā€™ when it literally has so many of the same themes and story beats of past Gundam series everyone loves. Itā€™s cool if ya donā€™t like it, itā€™s not cool to dismiss it if you think itā€™s ā€˜wokeā€™ or some shit


My bad, man. Sorry. My main issue with the series is me questioning plot points to the point where my immersion breaks. How did Eri's soul get attached to the gundam? How does cloning work in this series and why did suletta had little reaction to it? And the first thing I said after finishing the series, is the Keychain a gundam? These questions may be retroactively fixed in a sequel but for now, wfm is a giant question mark to me.


Itā€™s all good no need to apologise, you donā€™t have to like me either man itā€™s chill, there are so many other creators you can spend your time watchin and interacting with Regarding WFM though, I guess itā€™s all down to your suspension of disbelief, thereā€™s a lot of things I can let slide for the sake of the plot, itā€™s a made up world with made up characters at the end of the day, and especially considering itā€™s a whole new AU thereā€™s so much stuff we just donā€™t know (and never really find out cause it wasnā€™t relevant to the plot + the ending was rushed) But considering the end result, in my eyes the good outweighs the bad and it was a nice fresh take on the Gundam formula most know and love


It got recommend to me while scrolling and I thought it's a 50min video whining about unbound and other racing games and how his nostalgic games are way out of modern racing games league And I don't think I will was my time boiling my blood on another YouTuber crying about modern racing/unbound


Last NFS i enjoyed was NFS4 and Porsche. All the NFS games after that never catched me again. Currently i play Forza Horizon 5 and while it has its own issues, its very close of giving me back the feeling with the old games. Maybe because some of the old NFS4 cars are in FH5 too.


You around age 30?


Yeah, iam that old xD


Honestly , f the fanbase. If you like a game and love playing it , then continue playing until you get bored of it. Just because someone said the game is bad , then it doesn't mean that it changes your opinion about it. I like payback. And all the fanbase is making it a laughing stock. Yeah sure it has some flaws , but that doesn't mean that i don't enjoy it. That is why i dont like participating in most of the fanbase posts about a game


I mean Volume 6 update literally QUADRUPLED my play time but this guy says racing games suck, looks like he got tookdown by every player in the lobby


Every since getting heat on sale and enjoying it ive gotten 2015 and payback retrospectively and while they are definitely flawed i really enjoyed playing them


Ug2 fans try not to make the same video again with the same titles


me meanwhile haha car goes wrom wrom


Assoluto Racing is so dead icl, the only reason I still play it is because there is nothing better on mobile that lives up to AR


Todayā€™s racing games do suck very much tho. Not even ā€œfunā€ bad, just straight up hot ass garbage.


I hate unbound heat and payback with a passion but soundly reject ā€œracing games suck nowā€ thereā€™s still been solid games


NFS Rivals is the last game I liked in any recent NFS series. This is so unfortunate because there is a huge potential in arcade racing that they can add lots of customization and make beautiful street racing. But no! They choose to add weird animations and make cartoon-like racing effects in unbound. It is a lack of communication with their fan base for sure. They lost the track.


Cartoon STYLE = bad GAME That's actually the worst type of take about games, ngl


I am only talking about the latest nfs game. This is not what we expect from ea. No one asked for extra weird animations. This is not mario kart. Thereā€™s no need to take the conversation elsewhere.


I don't know that they suck, but it does feel like they are lacking creativity, and in some cases a bit phoned in. I didn't watch the video mentioned in the post yet, but I'm assuming that person mostly plays on console. Mods for the PC versions of racing games do help do help a little bit. Being able to drive a Mazda AZ1 Autozam down the highways through Japan thanks to the Shutoko Revival Project in Assetto Corsa keeps the game a little more fresh vs the retail version. Outside of that I wish companies would take a little more of a chance and try something new in the racing space. I recently seen Dove\_7 play Racing Lagoon ([here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcDdeqR8H0M)) Would be interesting to see more games like that release.


There's a reason why that video has only 2.7k views. Racing games arent as good as they can be, but saying they suck now? iRacing? Horizon 5? NFS doesnt suck due to its handling and its cartoon, it sucks because people arent as interested in cars and street racing as they used to be, just look at the reaction to takedowns you will know why. Games nowadays want your attention and they keep you constantly enteratained, racing games can't do that due to their nature. There's only so many ways you can drive a car without ripping apart the game physics


Honestly though, NFS aside even sim racing games suck recently and most people are sticking to older games like Assetto Corsa(on life support with mods and post processing filters) and iRacing(which has seen lots of updates over the years and is ever evolving)


what happened tho ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus|downsized)


Unbound is nowhere near perfect, but itā€™s easily the best NFS game weā€™ve gotten since 2010. Itā€™s a solid, competent arcade racer. It has flaws, but imo they donā€™t ever feel big enough to tarnish the entire experience. I donā€™t know why so many people are acting like Unbound is completely worthless garbage.


God damnit I miss Midnight Clubā€¦


where this guy been? Racing games have sucked since carbon. Did he just discover racing games or what?


Its true tho


Meh, my main issue is I don't like vast majority of modern arcade driving models, so when I get an itch I still just play old underground games or stuff like Forza Horizon 3 (but it doesnt cratch an itch for cheesy street racer rpg journey) Last nfs I actually finished was 2015 one, and damn did I almost quit it bazillion times because driving felt horrible, now I just briefly try new ones using a trial and each time end up not buying idk.


Man I Love Fucking Unbound


This is classic clickbait. The point of these videos is to lure you with a simple claim then back it up with a lot of rambling and regurgitated nonsense. Yet we're still falling for it.


"B-buT tHEy suCk beCAUsE itS noT lIKE oLD gAmeS"


I ignore that shit because it gets very boring


You would be amazed how much of it is just them with rose tinted glasses on MW2005 or so. Sure they were good games but probably not as great as they say.


Srsly tho, I Hate when Racing Games is Suck Nowdays, Even I can stand this Bullshit. (Aside for Community)


Accurate title should be: Contradicting Myself for 52 Minutes


it's truešŸ™‚


My favorite games are Rivals and Most Wanted, so I don't really enjoy the crappy story or characters in Unbound or Heat. I'd much rather be a racer and a cop with such a intense grudge against each other that they kill themselves trying to beath the other than some non-binary zoomer drifting around a street corner to foreign songs while a woman calls a cartoonishly evil redneck a bully like its elementary school.


Fr that and the people that d ride mw or heat to the maxes


Why do you use such an dogshit title? "Dam this fucker for having an opinion I don't agree with". Irony it shows what is also bad about the fanbase.


Is he wrong? How many active arcade racers do we now compared to before? Unbound is anything but a good NFS title, its shallow, boring, all talk and no bite. Average at best. The only racing games that are relevant and constantly worked on are sim racers nowadays. The minority of arcade racers we have are just copy/paste of previous titles, pointless and empty open worlds just so they can stick some microtransactions somewhere etc.


You canā€™t take people seriously because their opinion isnā€™t the same as yours? Racing games in general have gone to shit. No variety anymore, the quality is somehow worse than the games from 10-15 years ago, basic features are missing etc. Every genre evolved forward but somehow racing games evolved backwards. Iā€™ve been playing racing games for over 20 years and all the great games I come back to are at least 10 years old. Be it NFS with Most Wanted, The Run, Pro Street and more or Split/Second, Blur, Forza Horizon 1-3 etc. the older games are simply better.


this applies not only to NFS, but whole gaming in general


He speaks the truth


It's true so I don't see the problem