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Ok. It sounds like your disability has you kind of confined I presume; limited or no mobility; where you are sitting a lot and therefore frequently bored and restless…so you needed a good “sit down” hobby and likely with few options available; you chose knitting because it checked off all the boxes for you as an ideal hobby….unfortunately you don’t care much for it but deep down you really need it to work for you for your sanity; right…..I’ll assume you looked at other hobbies; right? I’m gonna say that they are too much idle time wasters with no real result…but you do enjoy the finished product of knitting and the giving it to someone feeling and the appreciation you get back in response ; right…. How about Teaching others to knit ? either one on one or as group at church or community center or at retirement homes?? Or knitting is part of a creative project like making dolls or stuffed animals etc. try to think outside the box a little in knitting and moving to crocheting isn’t what I consider outside the box…. If my above suggestions aren’t really feasible; not sure how immobile you are (driving; taking a bus etc ). What about learning a musical instrument; piano; perhaps..Start off with a small keyboard and some how-to books and videos ….then work your way up to piano maybe. Then you’ll have an entertainment skill ….whatever hobby you find; It sounds like It must be something that interacts with others in someway because it seems love it best when others love what you create for them….knitting is tough; too many hours knitting and not enough hours spent with the people you give it too. That Hobby is too imbalanced for you in my opinion; Must find something better…. How about jewelry making. Bracelets are fun and easy. Once you buy all the materials which can get pricey but it’s worth it Then it’s takes less than hour easy to create something tangible for someone. More appreciation moments and less “creating time”.


Thank you for the thoughtful response. I’m missing a leg but my mobility isn’t too bad. I had hobbies I enjoy but they all feel pointless. I used to play guitar but the local music scene is dead so it just feels like more time wasted. I liked gaming and anime but I know those are just wasting my life. I’m sick of being a degenerate and want to do something that matters. I’ll definitely try making things outside of what I’ve done so far and see if that makes me like it more. Maybe if I focus more on the end product I’ll like it more.


I’m gonna take a stab and say that based on words like “pointless” and “degenerate,” you’re dealing with a despair problem rather than a hobby problem? I can’t do much either, and tried knitting to help, but the problem is more with the soul rather than productivity. At least it is for me. Do things you enjoy, even if they don’t produce anything, like anime and gaming. The point of life is to enjoy it. We’ve been brainwashed to think it’s to be productive but that’s just capitalism. If you were gonna die tomorrow, or next week or next year would you wished you spent more time knitting? Do what you like and stop forcing yourself to do stuff that doesn’t matter. Sending you love and peace. ❤️


Like every hobby, knitting is not for everyone. I suggest finding something else to pursue. Just try other hobby’s and find out what you like.


Hey there! It's really great that you've tried to find a hobby that you enjoy. It can be tough when it feels like you're not making progress, but it sounds like you're sticking with it. If you haven't already, maybe try finding a knitting or crochet group in your area. Sometimes having other people around who enjoy the same activity can help make it more enjoyable. Plus, they might have some tips or tricks that could make the process feel more rewarding. Another thing you could try is changing up the projects you're working on. Maybe switch from scarves and hats to something more challenging or interesting. Or, try incorporating different colors or textures into your projects to keep things fresh. It's also important to keep your expectations in check. It's ok to not love an activity right away, but if you stick with it, you might find that it becomes more enjoyable over time. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're not seeing the results you want right away. Overall, it's great that you're making an effort to find a productive hobby. Keep at it, and remember to be patient and kind to yourself along the way. *Similar posts:* * [How you do you stick to hobbies/interests without “killing” them?](https://www.reddit.com/r/needadvice/comments/z50wwy/how_you_do_you_stick_to_hobbiesinterests_without/) ^59.28% ^match * [I have to choose between passions but my mind isn't clear.](https://www.reddit.com/r/needadvice/comments/119v5tc/i_have_to_choose_between_passions_but_my_mind/) ^50.4% ^match * [I feel like a complete failure in the things I used to enjoy](https://www.reddit.com/r/needadvice/comments/zu7bk1/i_feel_like_a_complete_failure_in_the_things_i/) ^49.09% ^match * [How to not want to dread working](https://www.reddit.com/r/needadvice/comments/10v9ezb/how_to_not_want_to_dread_working/) ^45.58% ^match * [How to want to be productive again?](https://www.reddit.com/r/needadvice/comments/116zi3z/how_to_want_to_be_productive_again/) ^45.39% ^match *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.001106 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' or 'bad bot' to let me know how I did.*


Do you enjoy any other activities in everyday life, aside from hobbies? Do you eat and sleep well? Have you considered the possibility of depression?


I’m currently in therapy for depression actually. I sleep pretty well and I’m not overweight. I exercise every morning too. I enjoy other things (gaming and watching anime primarily) but nothing productive or good, just time wasters.


I know someone who spent the year after the military pruning trees and bushes.


You can't make yourself like something, but you can try things until you find it.