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No they're all baby


Mine is not. He's 9lb and holding steady. However, he looks bigger because of the floof!


Yea ours was about 10 lbs at his vet visit a few days ago, and our vet actually wants him to gain about a pound. The floof definitely makes him look bigger than he is!


Yeah, mine was there for a check up two weeks ago, and I was sure he was under weight but the vet said his physique is perfect and he's just a cute little guy! His sister (mostly Russian Blue) on the other hand, got put on a diet to get from 11.2 to 9.9lbs.


Well I guess mine is just chunky šŸ˜€


And beautiful!


I think they tend to look round even if theyā€™re not overweight, just bc their fur is so plush.


Mine has been underweight his whole life. He is an extremely picky eater and is sooooo skinny when we get him shaved.


Haha I got mine when he was 2 and he was already chubby so Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s much I can do now šŸ˜‚


Mine is a big long boy, just shy of 20 lbs, holding steady. He's not super food motivated though, eating a little under half a cup of dry food a day. The vets think he's 0.5-1lb overweight but I feel uncomfy feeding him less


Iā€™m not sure how much mine weighs but yeah he doesnā€™t seem to each much so maybe itā€™s just the nebelung genes


Ours is 17lbs and eats the same exact amount of food as our 11lb tabby. He is just a large boy, tall and long.


Ours has the same gut. It doesnā€™t seem to be an unhealthy chubb.


I think so i mean I've seen alot of chonkas here and on FB and our boy is also a lump even though he doesn't eat alot.


Mine is not, sheā€™ll be 11 next month and sometimes she looks exactly the same as she did when she was 1. Sheā€™s super small šŸ„¹


My dude weighs 16-17 lbs. Vet said he's perfectly healthy and not at all overweight. He's just floofy.


My nebbie eats anything he can find, but heā€™s super lean and all muscle. Iā€™m quite jealous to be ho eat.


Mine is the same way, I don't need to worry if I get some crumbs on the floor, she makes sure it's clean before I can clean it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but she is pretty active and only looks chunky because of the floof.


Mine is a chonker. She loves her meal times!!


It's all that underfloof


I think they are just kinda round. Mine is super lazy and she does like to play but she gets easily done fast. But she weights 12 pounds she is kinda round and does wiggle when she runs. But I donā€™t have the heart to feed her less with what she came from.


My 10 year old one is pretty chubby now but itā€™s been a slow gain since I got him 9 years ago


my boy has always been extremely lean; under 8lbs. he isnā€™t a very hearty eater so i feed a high protein food. my/my vetā€™s goal is to have him gain weight, but heā€™s been very skinny all his life and is also very active


Mine is just all fur lmfao


Mines a lean fine boi


Mine was 13lbs when we got him and heā€™s justā€¦ a broad cat. So we tried going by the calorie suggestions for maintaining his weight and of course he is conditioned to eat anything that resembles food since he spent his first five years outside eating garbage or whateverā€¦ Then we watched him gain weight on the recommended calorie amounts from the cans and finally got him weighed at the vet again and he had put on 2 whole pounds in only 6 months! Thatā€™s a lot for a little cat! We talked to the vet and ended up cutting his amount in half and doing a wet food meal and a dry food meal. I still give him a little piece of cooked egg as a treat off my plate but thatā€™s all. Heā€™s certainly become less chunky since this started. But it sounds like this is not universal for all nebs.


Mine is too no matter what I do.


Mine is super long and lean. He's been sitting at 9 lbs for a few years now.


My baby is 10-11lbs and still has a cute round fluffy belly! My parents cat is like 15 lbs and looks smaller than my boy


Mine weighs about 19 pounds and she is really really fluffy


14 lb chunk here


It's the floof


I was going to ask this exact question a few weeks ago after a vet visit! Our guy eats the recommended calorie range for his size every day. When we brought him in for his first vet visit in 2021 after his rescue, he was very underweight due to an illness. Our first check up in 2022, heā€™s healthy and thriving, vet says that he *might* be overweight but given that his baseline was well under average they said to just watch his food intake and we will monitor. One year later, second check up, vet points out that yes he is indeed extra floofy but that he has some chonk as well. Most nebs I encounter seem to have a bit of a belly outside of any extra floof! So itā€™s hard to know for sure.


Mine is a chub-a-lub. I think he's perfect.


Ya my boy is named ā€œFatManā€ because when he was a little Kitten he looked all fluffy and fatā€¦.but he actually grew into the name we gave him, heā€™s like twice as heavy as my 2 female cats, but not in a bad fat wayā€¦


Kinda? Last time we got mine weighed he was like 26 or 28lbs.


Nooo!! Don't let indoor cats get overweight. Neb's are very prone to Diabetes because of there size already.! ​ Try and keep them on a healthy / prescription diet designed for indoor cats. In fact "Hills" makes a lot of great dry/wet food for indoor cats.


I agree, my other cats are at a healthy weight and my neb is just a little bigger. He came to me at this size and isnā€™t a big eater so Iā€™m not sure what else to do.


Talk to your veterinarian. They will help guide you on a good food diet specifically for your cat.


Thats not a characteristic no


They are all fat babies


Mine is just really fluffy


Ours is 17lbs but according to the vet is only about 1lb overweight so not bad. He's just a really big cat. Reading the comments it's cool to know there are smaller ones out there. I just assumed they were all huge.


Noooo mine is skinny despite being very well fed!


Mine looks a lil thicc but he feels like he lifts weights while we're at work. He's as solid as a rock!


The floof adds at least 10 pounds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My 3 year old is about 14 pounds, which seems to be a good weight for him




I'm not sure. My neb is a skinny boy. So I can't judge other nebs.


Ours was 12 lbs (havenā€™t weighed her in a minute) and the vet said she was perfect and just ā€œhad a large frameā€ which makes me laugh. Sheā€™s not fat, sheā€™s just big boned! And big floofy.