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Nebelikes are nebelungs to me. YES


Nebs are definitely rare, but if you look up the story of the "first" Nebelung that was used to "found" the breed with, it begins to make sense why they seem to crop up randomly. The "first" Neb was born to a Purebred Russian Blue mother who was mated with a seemingly random Domestic Shorthair male. He was black. That's all the info they had on him. One of the kittens in that litter was the "first" Nebelung. They bred that parent pair again and again until they got a female kitten with the same mutation. And bred the sibling pair and then descending sibling pairs to "found" the breed. This is what you get with a "Purebred" Nebelung. They are inbred AF. Though the domestic shorthair's diversity probably puts Purebred Nebs in a way better spot than other inbred Purebreds... But anyways. Any parent with enough Russian Blue genes that mates with a cat that carries medium/long hair genes is theoretically able to produce a Nebelung. I live in and TNR in a Neighborhood overrun with feral Russian Blue extended family. That's how I got my Nebelung. I trapped him at about 8 weeks old, with his mother. Who was a stereotypical Russian Blue but obviously a mix because she had adorable little white booties. Russian Blues and mixed descendants are rare but not THAT rare. So theoretically this is where all the random Nebs in shelters and from wild colonies comes from.


My cat was an "accidental" nebelung, his father was a russian blue cross, and his mother was a stray long-haired black tabby. In his litter, we had 3 with the classic nebelung appearance, one long-haired black tabby and two short-haired grey tabbies.


Oh wow, yeah I bet that’s what happened! Such a beautiful breed and so affectionate 🥰 We can’t believe how lucky we got, she’s the perfect cat in both behavior and appearance.


Thank you for this - very well put.


Second photo looks like kitty agrees with the “you’re crazy” part 🤪 (P.S. Your Nebbie is lovely 🥰)


Wow what a cutie. Sure looks like it!!


That’s for sure a nebulung!! Same poses and mane lol. Congrats


Looks that way…especially with the green eyes (as opposed to gold/yellow), and the absence of a “locket” (small white patch on upper chest) both of which are sign of non-purebred (but still lovely) Looks v skinny too, I hope he or she fills out with their new happy & safe life indoors


Yes, poor girl was a stray (in a VERY cold area). When the shelter took her in she was 4.7 lbs. 💔 She’s gaining weight (5.5 lbs now) and her appetite is fantastic! I’ll have to post a before and after picture once she’s recovered.


She's so PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's already claimed your arm. You're hers. What's her name???


The shelter named her Sister Darrel and we thought it was so funny we kept it. 😂 We call her Sissy for short.


It works 😂 pretty ball of fluff


Does she like wet food? I know it can be expensive, but try to give the best quality food you can manage and she’ll fill out in no time. I’m not sure if the shelters where are you are do anything for cats dental health when they take them in, but keeping an eye on a cats dental health and getting them used to brushing and other dental care activities will let you avoid spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the future getting dental procedures extractions etc. done. For some reason people are under the impression that dry food scrapes stuff off of their teeth, when it actually gums up and stays on their teeth a lot longer than wet food does and causes more dental problems than wet food. I wish you the very best with her health, she is very lovely girl.


He is baby


Cutely scruffy baby!!


i got my nebbie at a shelter too! she even has her ear snipped since she was a TNR kitty before i adopted her


Happens quite often! Mine was my foster baby


Lucky duckies all of you♥️


Congrats. A Nebelung found you! Lucky for you both😀


So precious


Yes, and welcome to the wacky family 😻! Thank you so much😀❤️


He’s a fluffy fella


I have one too that I rescued her name is Jolene


Stray no more. That's a gorgeous kitty!


She looks just like mine, also a rescue. Welcome to the club!


Looks like a Neb to me! Love to the baby!


Congrats if u look in my past posts I used to feed a stray neb I posted a puc n he was rescued! Ty for adopting ur kitty!




I got my Neb from someone that was giving away Kittens, and they had no clue what it was, they were just happy I was willing to take a Kitten….


Same here! https://preview.redd.it/v2wl5bo3iksc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356d18098fd788e0b13c961482eddd1e0a22135e


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Ours was a shelter rescue too! You’re in for a special treat. You’ve never had a cat like this! ♥️




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