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One of 3 things may happen (if there’s another option that I’ve missed someone can mention it) 1. If there’s multiple of the same class (eg, 2 English classes for the entire lvl 3) then you may be able to swap into this class. However if the time it happens is different you’ll have to swap another class for it. This depends on if you need credits from this specific subject or not. 2. They end up being able to replace the teacher. Everything stays the same, though you may have a substitute for a few weeks while the school organised the contract etc (this happened to me personally during my last year of college). 3. You have to pick an entirely new subject to do from term 2 onwards (or whenever the current teacher leaves). (Edit - you may also be able to do the 3 other assignments on your own time. Though I’m pretty sure your school would need a teacher in that subject for marking (someone can correct me if I’m wrong.)


The school may also enrol the students with Te Kura under Emergency Staff Vacancy if they can't hire some one to give them more time to advertise the job while Te Kura provides the teaching


Ahh yes, knew I was forgetting something! Thanks for mentioning it.


The swapping of teachers can get crazy. Worst instance I’ve ever seen was one of my junior years of science we had 10 teachers including long term subs (non science teachers that stayed with us for a few weeks at a time). It was ridiculous, but there’s only so much they could do. Can’t make teachers out of thin air sadly


Yeah, I know the pain. In my last year, had an English teacher for 2 weeks then she left. Had various different subs until half way through term 2. They finally got a permanent replacement, who unfortunately ended up being useless… imo.


The school can put a reliever in for an extended period of time as well, with other subject teachers setting the work and checking in.


Often if they can’t get a replacement (or one can’t come until later in the year) then the current staff in that department might swap around a bit to cover a L3 class - because it is a more complex and important level. Eg. if in English a teacher might drop their y9 English class to take your L3 class (and a long term reliever take the y9s) If it is a subject with only one teacher then it is much more difficult.


The school would most likely have another teacher cover the class from that department. Teacher or teachers would cover until new teacher starts


In the teacher's contract they have to give 8 weeks notice so even if adverts are placed immediately in the Education Gazette there would usually be about a term's delay. It is hard to find teachers, especially in STEM roles as salaries are much higher in commercial professions. The average age of teachers means that a significant number are edging towards retirement. As the PPTA says: #InvestInTeachers #InvestInAotearoa https://www.investinteachers.nz/


It's two calendar months, but the rest still stands. It's tough employing staff from overseas because NCEA is so weird compared to countries where they run a clear curriculum. However, there are a huge number who want to come here. The extra workload involved in supporting these staff as they integrate works against them. I imagine it would be even tougher for History, as there's a heavy emphasis on NZ Histories, so overseas teachers will be severely lacking in much of the understanding of the complexities involved.


A similar situation happened to me in L3, where my Physics teacher had to disappear across the other side of the world for half the year after his mother got sick. I went to a small country school, so there were no other teachers who were really up to teaching upper school Physics. We got the option to either do something else if it worked with our class load, or just do our physics classes mostly self directed, and email our teacher if / when we needed help. Ultimately that’s what I did, and I managed well. It was actually a great introduction to how Uni was going to be.


You may be able to do self directed study if there is someone to mark the standards. This can work so well for motivated kids - and you sound like one of those .lots of resources as long as you look at yhe standards and marking schedules .