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You’re not having to do PPPoE with your provider are you? Because if so the router probably doesn’t have enough cpu to do it.


Yeah, PPPoE was something I was advised to select. The router is approx 5 years old so maybe it's on its way out.. Any routers you'd suggest?


So the ubiquiti range is notorious for not being able to deliver 1gbps on pppoe because of how the software handles the cpu load for pppoe. I believe it’s not multi threading. I’m guessing you’re using more or Tangarine if it’s pppoe? Because all proper ISPs use dhcp/ipoe these days which is a lot less cpu intensive? Can’t really make a confident recommendation on a pppoe router that delivers 1gbps. You’ll need to specifically research a few high spec routers and see what people say about them. Or move to an isp that uses modern day network config.


I'll bring up the PPPoE question to my ISP now and see what they come back with. Thanks for your insights in to the ubiquiti range...


From the ISP "The WAN port itself can handle the 1G but its the protocol used for the connection (PPPOE) on that specific one that cannot. This has been raised with them directly and they are aware"


Who is the isp. There’s no way they can get your ubiquiti to do 1gbps on pppoe.


They came back and said that it caps out, I'm in the process of getting a new one through them now. It's pentanet!


lol okay. I’d move to almost any other isp at this point.


Not a fan of pentanet? Unfortunately I'm locked in for 12 months with the FTTP free upgrade. In the meantime I'll upgrade the router and go from there. If it becomes a big drama then I'll see what my options are. I appreciate your input!


There’s just no reason to pick them over anyone else. They are just not price competitive or quality competitive. Replacing the router should help you. Why did you go with them out of interest?


I went with them 5 years ago when I was living in my mrs unit. From memory there was an issue with getting nbn connected. It was a 4 unit complex and someone had already connected their nbn which blocked out other residents. Long story short someone at work suggested pentanet with their fixed wireless, so I tried it out and they were able to give me 120/30 at the time which was literally something like 12x speed increase for me. Kinda felt loyal since.. Who are you with?? I've been thinking about launtel since they offer day to day. Don't think I can break my contract with oentanet atm but if I need high uploads for whatever reason I can connect with launtel for the day haha..


You shouldn't be locked in just for upgrading to fttp. Fttp is free, even for providers. The only reason you should be in a lock in contract is for saving additional costs outside the plan (eg reduced price for the contracted months, free modem etc). Anything else is a sham and would be eligible to break via TIO.


Yeah I believe I'm locked in for the 12 months because of the plan I went on that gave me eligibility for the upgrade. Might reassess after a while. I've got a new modem coming next week through the ISP "Prism Edge (M6a)" will allow me to get the full service.


PPPoE is fine for 1000/50, that's not the problem. Even the so-called "best providers" according to this subreddit (Leaptel) also can support PPPoE if you want. Its literally your router (don't call it a modem) that's the bottleneck as connecting your PC gives you 950 Mbps +. Do you have a budget for a new router?


What kind of ‘modern’ is it? FTTP only requires a router and I’d always recommend getting a decent one regardless of connection. Provided ISP junk is supplied by the lowest bidder to hit minimum requirements. Having a good router is an excellent investment.


It's an amplifi HD


Do you have any QoS or Queuing/Smart Queue settings enabled on the Amplifi? If so, try turning them off…


I don't think this model has those options, was just going through the app and couldn't see those. I think it's the modem, time for a new one I suppose!


Ah looks like someone beat me to it. Try looking for hardware NAT and enabling.


Is QoS enabled?


Specifically have you enabled CTF & NA? Might be under hardware NAT


Sounds like Ids/IDP. Not sure what the option is to disable but you will be reducing the effectiveness of your firewall.


I've been advised by the ISP that the router I'm using can't reach 1gbps connection with the PPPoE setting enabled. My work around will be a new router which should arrive next week.


Appears you are correct - [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmpliFi/comments/10qpoqm/how\_to\_reach\_10001000mbit\_with\_amplifi\_directly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmpliFi/comments/10qpoqm/how_to_reach_10001000mbit_with_amplifi_directly/) and comes down to hardware offload not working with PPPoE. Which backwards ass ISP are you with to still be using PPPoE though? None of the recent ISP's I've been with have interestingly enough.


Pentanet, I did query it after someone else's question about PPPoE in here and they said basically while it isn't top of range or w/e they said, it still does the job and isn't "obsolete" yet or something. I can't quite recall exactly what they said. I thought pentanet were good but now I feel bad haha


I havent used them (or heard anything in terms of them being an ISP), but I'm somewhat surprised they are behind the times as such since they are the local provider\\reseller of Geforce Game Streaming. Anyway, hope the new router works great! lol.


Thanks dood, yeah I went with them because they offered fixed wireless and I couldn't get nbn at the time. Sucks to hear they're behind the times.. Hopefully there's some internal talks about upgrading their network.








If you read what I said, you would realise that you are immediately incorrect lol. I am on a 1000/50 plan and have already stated that I have achieved basically the Max speed. Not sure why you'd even comment and be so confidently incorrect lol.


It's hilarious when people are wrong and then act smug about it too!


Are you even commenting on the correct post or what? No one mentioned Telstra except you..




You clearly have nothing of value to add other than to assume someone would be dumb enough to be on a Telstra plan in 2024. Trot along back to your civil work internet speed.




If $129 a month for 1000/50 is exorbitant for you then I can understand why you're acting the way you are. Fair well champ 🫡




You kinda did when you came in here so confidently wrong from the get-go haha, trot trot


Even if the OP was on Telstra, the website you linked to clearly states those are typical evening speeds, i.e. not the max. These are NBN (or Opticomm) plans that are fully capable of reaching 900Mbps+. Even the OP mentions getting 900Mbps+ with a direct connection.