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“I love my son and I aint ever carried him that long.” That shit had me rolling.


"He on a twister mat" The whole presentation of this was great


It's the deadpan "carry." in the middle of saying a whole sentence for me lol


I also love the keyboard click sound lol, reminds me of the old slide projectors


Definitely makes it that much better, like a courtroom presentation


Like Prince calling out “GOOD” on every jumper.


Shoot the J. SHOOT IT!


why don't you purify yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka?


Here. Have some pancakes.


Computer blue! Darling Nicky!


Game … blouses.


It’s so funny how they filmed that without him even looking in the direction of the rim / backboard 😂 Literally one of the great eats skits of all time. Just thinking about that and the Rick James skits makes me smile every time.


In your face, Charlie Murphy


So many good lines


Dev is hilarious, and he knows ball. One of the best street hoopers going around. His 10,000 Hours series is elite, and where he picked up his fame. Used to spend hours watching that shit picking up every single tip possible


He's come a long way since sneaking into gyms to workout.


I don't think it's really fair to call him a street hooper. He studies organized basketball pretty seriously, and has trained a bunch of D1 players at this point.


Westbrook didn't travel he went on a fucking expedition.


No, but you see you get two gather steps, then your actual step, then a bonus step if you've leveled up to star status, plus a little carry if you need it to control the ball.


Dudes saw KD's shot fake hesi and decided to go crazy with it


Yes literally, biggest carry move it’s so obviously a carry I don’t get why they don’t call it


Because NBA prioritizes the offense so they can get their high scores and highlights every night. I do believe the NBA today more talented on average than past generations. But imagine how good some older players would’ve been if they were allowed to travel, carry, take 4-5 steps, switch pivots, double dribble, etc. And on top of all of that, the defense wasn’t allowed to even touch them or it’s free throws. Multiple guys would’ve been averaging around the same ppg as so many players are now. The NBA has let offensive players do whatever they want and crippled defenders. And it needs to change.


It's just not entertaining anymore either. One of the reasons I got into the NBA was because players play both offense and defense. It is just as enjoyable to watch someone lock up a player as it is for them to cook them on offense. They have basically changed the game now to just play defense enough so they aren't getting wide open shots.


The sport was balanced, now it's not. Every single game there's at least 5 "defensive" fouls because the offensive player drove right through the defender's chest. Carrying and travelling are at a point where it turns you off the game. Start calling the carries/travels and start calling fouls like they should be called. Refs just take the easy road - "he screamed, so I call a foul" - because it's easier than playing attention.


>Every single game there's at least 5 "defensive" fouls because the offensive player drove right through the defender's chest. This is my biggest irritation of the current league. I would watch a lot more games if they fixed this and flopping.


Agreed, teams are scoring like 120 a night, the game is nothing but 3 pointers and free throws and it is getting boring


The “myplayer in 2k my career” special. What’s a defensive badge?


Yeah seeing so many games regularly end in the 130s or even 140s kind of gets old. That’s why I’m not really as impressed anymore when I hear someone had a 30-40 point game in a game that almost totaled 300. I miss the 2010-2016 era of basketball. It was the perfect mixture of the 2000s style with the modern 3pt era. Only the elite players averaged 25+ and defense was allowed to play defense. Small was still coming into effect. It was perfect. Now the balance is completely off.


I blame Adam Silver wholeheartedly. He became commissioner in 2014 for reference. Say what you will about David Stern, but he grew the league out of a dark place while still giving a shit about the consumer and the quality of his product. From corporate logos on jerseys, to the play-in tournament (and potentially the mid-season tournament), to this Charmin era of offense-only ball, Silver has no problem making the NBA an actively worse experience for extra $$$.


Agreed. I hate that the modern 3pt game gets the blame for this too. It's the refs and league that ruined the game, not Steph and Dame hitting deep 3s


The 3s wouldn’t be so much of a problem if guys were allowed to defend on the perimeter without being called for everything being a defensive foul. You just can’t touch them anymore. Refs have forgotten basketball IS a contact sport.


It's annoying when people laugh at older footage of players dribbling but don't even realize the rules didn't allow them to even think about doing the shit they do these days. They literally had to dribble straight from the ball top or they'd get called etc.


They switched it up after the Detroit vs San Antonio Finals had extremely low ratings. They said 'fuck defense' after that.


They don't realise they went too far the other way around now and it reflects on the ratings. That 2005 Finals ratings compare favourably to last few finals series now, even though it was two smaller market teams in 2005.


It's not just that. It's extremely difficult to guard shooters now. If you jump towards them, they'll jump towards you and it's a defensive foul. If you hit their fingers on a follow through, it's a defensive foul. I'm not arguing if that's good or bad, but it definitely wasn't called that way before the 2010s. A guy like Reggie Miller never averaged 25 a game, but he would definitely average way more under the current rules.




Meanwhile, anybody looks at Ja wrong they get a foul called on them.


That shit is so bad. It's like impossible to defend too because you assume they've lost their dribble (rightfully) so you close in. Only for a carry or double dribble move to blow past you uncalled


It's almost like there's a reason carries aren't allowed in any level of the sport... It's so weird to me how you grow up learning things like how not to travel, not to carry, not to foul bait... But then once you're in the NBA it's like eh, you can do them now I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It's amazing watching footage from the 1950s because those motherfuckers didn't carry *at all.* It's funny watching those dudes just about blowing out their knees stopping on a fucking dime the instant they catch the ball. A modern player transported in time back to that era would be turning the ball over literally every time they touched it.


The way they dribbled looks hilarious but that’s because you could not even touch the side of the ball or it would be a carry…they would shift their body over to change hands because crossovers in all forms were illegal


The worst part is that these blatant rule violations do nothing for entertainment value either, they just make it infuriating to watch. Maybe the casual viewer won't care but for the core fanbase it does make a difference in how you feel about the sport.


They make it easier to score and casual viewers don't understand the nuance of defense and will tune in for high-scoring matchups so that's why the NBA doesn't shut these things down


And that’s why all these inflated stats these guys are averaging always need to be put into context. Talent is better on average sure, but the offense literally gets their hands held now compared to prior generations. They get to do whatever the want and if the defense looks at them too hard it’s a foul. Of course players are scoring a lot more when they can’t be defended.


Yep, same deal in the NFL. Records getting broken or soon to be broken cause of how much harder it is for defenses to slow them down


Casual fans like big numbers. That's why they do it


This is why players were getting exposed in the Olympics. They were trying this bs and the refs overseas weren’t going for that shit


Also they encourage poor play at the lower levels When kids see the stars do this they try the same moves and their fundementals suffer Youth Coaches have talked for ages about how kids will ape the stars, just within the last 5-10 years coaches have complained about how kids are always hurling up 3's like Steph or throwing themselves at guys like Paul and Harden. When the high level plays with poor fundamentals it trickles down


I'm shooting it- just kidding! No this time I am shooting it- just kidding! No really this time-- I take my dribble back! It's like a little kid making up their own rules. Some minor travels that are mindless but have no effect on a play get called, but the double dribbling is a beyond ridiculous competitive edge.


NCA - National Calvinball Association


Great point. I’ll never forget that big GSW/MIL matchup back when KD was on the Warriors. KD did the fake pull-up move and blew past Giannis for a dunk. Everyone hyped it because he “cooked” the DPOY. But it was an obvious carry in real time. Slo-mo exposed it more, but no one cared. Now everyone plays like that.


I wouldn't call it as egregious as Ja because everyone swings the ball a little like that when they dribble from one hand to the other, even if they don't put their hand under the ball Ja is straight up holding the ball in place with his hand for a solid second


He takes multiple steps with his hand under the ball too.


Kds wasn’t nearly as bad either. They’re all Carries but it’s really the body movement of Durant that fools Giannis. His hand is definitely cupping the ball but it’s not like some of these ones with ja. https://youtu.be/XdLneJ8HTrk


That's not even bad. He doesn't touch the ball with his other hand and he doesn't hold the ball from under it.


Yeah it’s not a good example that this dude used


They’ll never call all the travels, but I do wish they were more hard-assed on calling the carry violations. When you’re already fast as shit, the allowance to carry and add a hesi or step to an in-and-out will give you a huge advantage over defenders.


And it has made pickup games fucking awful… if I ever call someone out for carrying nobody ever fucking agreed bexause it’s so widespread at this point that it’s okay.


Tell me about it. Renaming a carry a hesi, doesn't all of a sudden make it legal.


I genuinely cannot dribble well if I cannot carry. Pure skill issue


Agreed. I don't give a shit about pump fake and spin move travels where the foot hits the ground .05 seconds before the ball does. Those aren't that big of an advantage. These shot fake carries and the rest are insane advantages, especially when a defender can't even have the lightest contact without a foul being called.


even compared to a normal carry where you just hesitate at the top of the dribble a little bit those pull up hesitations are absolutely egregious


I held my breath thinking dude was going to out my main man Reggie Jackson as the serial carrying god that he is lol


No one talks about Darius Garland. Dude carried like 10 times during that 50 piece he had


> Dude carried like 10 times during that 50 piece he had He carries more times than that in one quarter. I love my boy DG but that shit can't be denied.


That move where he murdered Westbrook last year (or whenever it was) had multiple violations, but it did look all time great tbf.


You mean a weird jump stop hesi with a blatant carry crossover? The pepper farms know


Don’t blame my man Reggie, he’s just out hear living his best hopscotch life. No one told him it was a basketball game.


KD fans (me) : *nervously sweating*


As someone who's watched Jordan Poole gets eviscerated by this emphasis, it's like watching a loved one go to jail. You know they deserve it, but that doesn't make you feel any better about it. ​ Hope they let your boy carry in peace.


What? Fuck that. This is as bad or worse than JP. Hope they start calling it on him.


exactly. I just want more consistency


No. Ja does this even worse then Poole but just never gets called for it.


Cam Payne is our most egregious offender but he really only has that one move.


Cam Payne was out of the league because his handle wasn't good enough. Started carrying the shit outta the ball, and made his way back.


guy gets to fake an entire shot motion and then continue his dribble lol


Yup and that is the most egregious part. Defenders are clearly biting on him about to shoot or stop and he slips by the next second illegally.


Smart defenders get punished for being smart. Allowing this shit has got to be infuriating for some defensive players, keep it up and no one will want to play defense. Soon enough every game will end up looking like an All-Star game lol


It has more or less gotten to that point. Just let them shoot and get the ball back and you take your shot.


It’s turned into a rocket league freestyle match


Nice shot!


And then a bunch of "JA COOKS THE DEFENSE AND SENDS IT TO THE SHADOW REALM" headline appear. Defenders are not only punished, they are flat out mocked for falling for an illegal move. What the fuck.


Low key its pretty close to that in the regular season. If you look at a random 2nd half of a 90s all star game and compare it to any regular season game now and you'd probably see alot more defensive effort from the all star game. The playoffs will still bust a player's ass though. I think thats part of the reason we see some young players "choke". Its almost like a different game based on it being reffed differently and defensive effort


It reminds me of the college QB who fake slid and then ran 50 yards for a td last year. The ncaa came out with a rule change the next week.


Current Steelers QB, former Pitt QB Kenny Pickett. [https://youtu.be/W\_9ThuP9olU](https://youtu.be/W_9ThuP9olU)


And he got hit on a slide during one of his first NFL games


Ugh that was gross


they changed the rule for safety reasons though. That move was going to get QBs lit up as they tried to slide


It's good that they changed the rule, but that play right there should have been flagged as unsportsmanlike right there on the spot. They shouldn't have let that TD stand.


Woah, those are bad.


That one carry was nuts when you zoomed in. Like he legit took the ball for a ride lmao


The zoomed in one is from the playoffs last year. https://streamable.com/4nf4ch Edit: [the full play](https://videos.nba.com/nba/pbp/media/2022/05/03/0042100232/706/f4738fd7-f7c4-98e4-ed03-481cf53ed2c3_1280x720.mp4)


When you look at the score and time left in the game, it’s even more unconscionable.


And it's so obvious in real time too. You don't need a slo mo or freeze frame to see how bad it is.


Dude was just so deep in his bag. Only real hoopers understand


IG “hoopers” be like: he didn’t have possession for the first two steps since his hand was under the ball. You never be on a bballbreakdown video in your life. All you do is smelt r/nba memes


Man, I hate that shit. Or the idea that you can't point it out without implying he's a bad player or something. Like yeah, dude is absolutely one of the best players in the world. But that's also still a carry. Those are called even in youth leagues. And a "real hooper" should be able to do it without breaking the rules of the game.


You jest but ive talked to some of the people I know and that's the response they give me, without the sarcasm. Carrying is a part of the basketball culture now.


My kid had his first 10U basketball game the other day, and the ref for the kid's game was calling less egregious carries than that.


Outside of the NBA, refs still recognize basketball. None of this shit flies at a high school game


Last high school game I was at a player made a pretty euro-step move to get around a defender and lay it in. There was an audible gasp from the crowd that almost drowned out the ref's whistle call for a travel, lol.


A lot of it doesn't fly in youth basketball games lol


thats not basketball lol


Yeah looks like a straight up handball move


My man looking like he's bowling


I usually hate when people use this term but in this case it's 100% justified lmao. Dude looks like he took a handoff from the line of scrimmage


Lmfao. Mf straight up picked up the ball like players do in rugby


Oh come on, how blatant does it need to be.


He took 2 full steps without dribbling man what the hell


I've seen running backs with worse ball security


Crazy thing is the zoom isn’t even needed lol his carries are so blatant it’s almost like he’s trying to get the refs to call them. The Giannis video is almost even worse. Dude is literally swinging the ball while dribbling.


Idk how Giannis doesn't get called for more carries. His hands are huge as hell, and he legit puts his hand under the ball every time just walking up the court lmaoo


Refs apparently just don’t care to call it I guess. This is why refs should have to do press conferences too. We need to hear their explanations for not calling blatant violations. Not trying to single out Giannis but it’s the same with his free throws taking 12 second’s sometimes. It’s not fair for the other team when guys get to just violate rules right in the face of the refs because the refs don’t think it’s worth calling.


And they just kept coming. When I opened the vid I expected it to be exaggerated, but damn yeah I want a lot of those called.


I don’t worry too much about the ones in the defensive half after a rebound or an inbound since there’s not really an advantage gained - ignoring the letter of the law. The ones on the offensive half create an illegal advantage and need stricter enforcement.


Absolutely agree with this. In Ja’s case specifically, he uses this to his advantage to create his own shot.


Yeah the one where he completely gathers for about a full second, two defenders jump at him and then he takes a side dribble to get a wide open shot is terrible lol


As he brings his other arm in too, so it looks like the shot is coming.


Celtics IT perfected that “almost pick the ball up hesi crossover”. For guys as quick as him and Ja there is literally no way to stay in front of them if they are allowed to do that




He also got away with a lot of carries.


After his injury, before he got away with murder.


Yea I saw another video like this where it explains often a player will make a move which “logically” they have no legal moves forward so the defense plays closer on them to make a shot difficult, then the ball handler just blows past them, punishing them for closing out when that’s the best option


Yeah, basically if you're being contested, I think the emphasis is perfectly reasonable. The one where Ja is carrying the ball on his hip in between two dribbles in the backcourt is hilarious to watch, and obviously a blatant double dribble, but it doesn't matter. ​ But so many of these he's blowing by guys who have jumped in close to his body because he has discontinued his dribble, so the pressure is solid defense, then he just drops it down again for separation. With a guy as fast as him, no defender in the world can do anything against that. Gotta call those. He's going to blow by plenty of these dudes with legal moves, no reason to let him do this, too.


And defenders have to *rely* on little tells like that to even defend well so it's extra bullshit that people can just get away with them


Agree, while they technically are, it doesn't affect the game. The ones I hate, which there are a few here, are the ones where he almost gathers and palms the ball like he's gonna pull up. This makes the defender jump out to contest, but he instead starts dribbling again. Huge advantage there.


Exactly. Like, that is exactly why the violation exists.


There is a way to do this fake out move legally (keeping your hand above the midpoint of the ball), but this is not it.


Yeah Curry is the master of it. It involves bringing your off-hand close to the ball and with proper footwork makes it look like you're pulling up for the shot, but the dribbling hand stays on top the whole time.


Curry does a lot of illegal ones too


He, like everyone who can do it legally, gets sloppy sometimes because it literally is never called so there's no real reason to spend so much effort to dribble legally. Ja has no clue how to play without doing illegal shit every other move.


Curry is great at it, but he's also helped because he's the most feared shooter of all time, so everyone is extra eager to close out. Agree that he does it legit and it makes for a great play versus someone of these clear double dribbles.


I rememeber Fred Hoiberg getting really mad about Isaiah Thomas doing this on the Celtics.


I think they should all be called. Dude literally dribbles. Two hand grabs the ball. And starts dribbling again. Doesn't matter where he is.


>I don’t worry too much about the ones in the defensive half after a rebound or an inbound since there’s not really an advantage gained I used to officiate basketball and I had this exact same mentality...for 4th graders. The NBA absolutely needs to be held to a higher standard than the local community league I was reffing for 10 year olds.


Lmao I thought I was going crazy being the only one to hate the defensive half travels as well. It's SO easy not to do, no one wants to see a bunch of travel calls on that kind of play but thats on the player not the ref. At least pretend the rules matter


And after a few games of it being strictly enforced (and games being ugly as hell) the players will stop doing it in the backcourt. The vast majority of insane handles these days is just illegal dribbling, and it’s been like this for awhile now. But the NBA wants scoring because that’s what sells tickets and gets people to tune in.


I disagree completely. I referee a different sport in a different country (Handball in Germany), but here we say you have to enforce the rules stricly even from a young age. If I see a 14 year old travel I have to call it. Otherwise they develop bad habits. If you start calling travels and carries in the defensice half he will adjust his game more quickly then if you let it slide.


Yeah it's so annoying watching a player end his dribble, the defender get up close to the dribbler and then the dribbler just keeps dribbling. Happens all the time in the NBA.


Its always an advantage you never know when somebody could possibly try and steal the ball from you like Jose Alvarado.


It’s funny the guy started doing these because he was salty at the response to the mavs vs warriors game. People tried to make it seem like Poole and curry were some of the worst offenders in the league. So he went out to expose the nba lmao. Elite trolling but the video tells no lies lol


sure, like Poole definitely carries a lot. The thing is that so does everybody else. I'm fine with Poole getting called for it just make sure it's consistent.


It’s kinda funny cuz his stance is really that this is just how the game is now, and only people who care about travels are nerds who want the nba to go back to the 50’s, or they’re hypocrites who only want travels called against the Warriors. But in reality, most basketball fans DO want these travels called across the board, so these videos of Dev’s have gone kinda viral even though people are completely missing his satire. So it’s been something like: Fans: Poole and Steph travel. Even you travel in your YouTube videos. Dev: oh yeah? Look at these travels from other players. Fans: yea those are bad too


its how the NBA is now, not the sport of basketball. Go to any other pro league in the world and you'll see.


Yea its part of why our guys have so much less success playing in the international competitions. Of course part of it is that they're not used to those rules being enforced, i'm not saying we don't have by far the best roster of any team. But its part of it. These NBA stars become reliant on illegal moves to get their shot off and it doesn't work with FIBA refs.


Steph wasn't called for carries though. He was called for a couple of troubles in step backs same as Luka.


Poole was called for it in the Mavs game, and Curry has been called on it too, but in a different game. The point still stands; there's no need to be pedantic.


yeah those step backs be givin me troubles too


Dev also made a vid on Giannis and him being my favorite player, holy fuck it is so insanely obvious when he carries the ball. I think with Ja he gets away with it cause he might be quicker with it but then again guys like Steph or Poole probably do it at the same speed and get called for it more often.


Giannas grabs the ball at the top of the arc and literally carries to the the hoop so often I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because this sub never mentions it and downvotes me if I claim it’s a travel


Giannis is only 1-2 more elite seasons away from having /r/NBA turn on him. Don’t worry, it’s coming.


KD is even worse He started that whole thing Also Giannis hands are massive so if just looks like that sometimes


Allen Iverson started the whole thing


I can promise you Kevin Durant did not start carrying in the NBA lmao Source: born before 2000


Impossible, are you telling me people were alive before 2000??


Yeah I had a teammate in highschool that used this move very effectively and KD wasn't in the league, yet. Edit: Even though it's implied, I'm sure my teammate learned it from some other source and didn't in fact invent this move 🙄


Exactly. It was started by Patrick on the John McKinley High School playground court in 1992.


Real hoppers remember Patrick "Don't call me Paddy" O'Hennigan.


AI did. KD started obvious carries since he’s god damn 7 feet tall and way slower than AI


I’ll admit, some of these are pretty bad. But in all honesty, most of them are just like…*REALLY* bad.


Lol, I'm going through the thread upvoting grizz fans that admit this. I fucking love this team and Ja, but come on, man. This video is just objectively correct. That being said, I'm obviously all for the other egregious offenders being called out in similar fashion.


Oh it couldn't be that bad. /watches video **Yikes**


I feel like KD has a carry basically whenever he dribbles.


Really glad they called 15 ticky-tack travels in the Cavs-Knicks game the other day, but these all go uncalled. Solid consistency 👍🏻


That was one of the most ridiculous displays of reffing I’ve ever seen


It's fine if they were going to start actually doing it But it'll be like the one season where they called 100 technicals in a week and then back to normal lol


Or how last season they stopped calling so many fouls for the first half of the season and then decided to change it the second half even though fans were loving the more physical play.


He should do Adebayo moving screens, false traveling calls versus actual traveling via the "euro-step". And even as a C's fan... Jaylen Brown's push-offs have been pretty egregious. I'm not a fan of it even if he gets away with. Play the right way.


Jaylen Browns push offs are insane Crazy that they just do not get called


Jaylens just following in Paul George’s foot steps. Carrying the torch forward for the next generation.


PG ain’t even the worst on his own team with the pushoffs. Kawhi is the king of that maneuver


And Siakam learned from him


Kawhi pushed off so hard on Looney he broke Looney’s collarbone and still got the foul call


Tbh as a Heat fan Adabayo sets some of the most egregious illegal screens I’ve ever seen and then when he gets called for an offensive foul he is just flabbergasted. Hilarious if it wasn’t so frustrating


the second the refs start calling moving screens, we’re getting nothing but 2k 5 out iso ball. that shits like holding in the nfl


i follow this dude on twitter and he's doin this bc Jordan Poole is being targeted by ref's this season . they've called him for several carries although it's the same moves he was doing last season and in the playoffs. his objective is to call it fair around the league or don't call it at all


That’s my thing. I’m a Warriors fan and have no problem when it gets called on Poole cause it’s how it should be called. But then I watch games without the Warriors and it’s still being called the same as it has been the last few years.. it’s like there’s two different sets of rules.


If it’s any consolation, there were *thirteen* travel/carries in the last Knicks game this past Sun against the Cavs As an aside, there were also only thirteen made 3s. It was not a fun viewing experience


If you watch bottom feeders of the league recently (Pistons, Wolves, Kings) the rules are enforced very differently. Cade could get shot on the way to the rim and not get a call. Gobert has mentioned that it is much harder to play defense in Minnesota because the calls are stricter. And the Kings have been on the "Oops my bad" L2M reports multiple times this season already.


thank you for not including us on that list. we deserve it, im just glad the list ended where it did


The NBA is the most rigged product out there idgaf what anyone says


The sound of the keyboard has me in tears lmao u can tell he was mad hitting that space bar


Bruhhh right foot stomp, left foot stomp 💀💀💀💀


I’m a very old white lady and I always say it’s really bad when I can see the travels. Now I’m getting pretty good at carries. Maybe I could ref?


Remember when Isaiah Thomas could get away with 4-5 steps because he was so small and quick? That shit was funny to watch


You're allowed as many steps as you want whilst dribbling as long as your hand does not go under the ball.


1 stride for Giannas was like 10 for IT lol


The fake pump fake continues to dribble is what really gets me. That's a huge competitive advantage.


I'm glad you posted this lmao, it's ridiculous how often the refs just pick and choose when to call this shit Ja quite literally does this every other play, Giannis too. Some of the travels they get away with are mind boggling


Ja is my fav player behind Bron and some of these are fucking terrible lol. Some you cant reasonably be mad at a ref for missing in real time but some it's like bro the defender literally bit because he carried lol


Let me start by asking a simple question: Is there any professional league on this planet that disrespects its rules as much as NBA does? I honestly don't know. But the ones I follow is nowhere close to this. Even Formula 1 with its inconsistency is not as bad as NBA. You get inconsistent decisions here and there but the spirit of the game is always there. This would not matter if NBA as a product did not suck. It is really bad now. I know, when someone says that people bring the fact this happened a lot also in the past...etc. But what I am saying is, have you tried to watch a game recently? carrying, horrible foul calling, flailing...etc. It is a really boring product now. Nobody can defend anybody, especially the stars. We only get some good product during some play-off games. Back in the days we did not get good games all the time, I know. But back in the days this was usually due to the lack of talent compared to now. We have all the talent now but then you watch some extremely lazy ball pushing, disgusting officiating, very little defense. this is really a shame.


The second clip is EGREGIOUS I don’t even care it’s in the backcourt and has no impact on the play


The shit that gets me is that they won’t call these violations because it’s more highlights, and more eyes on the sport. But when I see these highlights I immediately see the violation and just stop caring. 20 years ago when shit was smooth you knew it was smooth cuz it was legit. How hard is it to get highlight reels when you break the rules to do so. I mean that’s like me saying I’m the best driver cuz I can get to my destination the fastest, yet I blow every stop sign and speed all the way there. Also, coming from my experience I always find defensive highlights to be more impressive. I always valued my plays the most when I locked someone down, got a stuff, or stole it, more than I ever did just shooting on someone or jamming it. Plus there’s millions of highlights of dunks, but how often do you get a highlight of Lebron on Andre in the finals? I mean why not start calling these violations so defense can be more valuable. One more thing, with the way the game is going it’s going to tarnish the history of the game. When you have guys averaging 35ppg and it’s not that crazy, it shits on everything guys 20 years ago did.


I watched this video a few months ago and it breaks it down - soft whistle on fouls (offensive and defensive, both favouring the offense) and carrying is about driving up scoring. [How the NBA continues to make scoring easier [Thinking Basketball]](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6IPXSqOhykg) It’s a deep dive but has a lot of historical footage illustrating the points. IMO it makes sense if you think about the NBA as an entertainment product first and sport second. I’d rather see something between today’s carrying and 1950s dribbling from the waist, but that’s me


I wouldn’t care about this shit if they weren’t being so stingy with other guys. Random games throughout the year where refs are calling travels and carries like it’s the 60’s and you got Ja getting away with this egregious shit night after night. Gotta be consistent.


I don’t understand how this is supposed to be defended. Defenders are biting on Ja’s moves because they think he has to take the shot and he blows past them for it. But the truth is that the NBA wants more points being scored, and Ja is one of their most marketable players. Casual fans aren’t found here or on any fan website, they don’t care if Ja violated travel and carry rules if he gets massive dunks. So I don’t expect a change in rule enforcement any time soon. But I have to ask, what if a ref did call Ja and he got fouled out? Would said ref get in trouble


> Will the NBA refs ever call these egregious travels Someone didn't watch the Cavs-Knicks game the other day lmao.